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Improving your Xperia X10 battery life

by X10 on April 14, 2010

in Applications,Problems,Tips & Tricks

Like 27 people like this. 2 14/11/2010
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The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 handset has now been released in
a number of markets and one of the biggest negative points I’m hearing on the handset
(apart from the keyboard) is its battery life.

There’s no denying that the Xperia X10 does drain its battery quickly, even compared
to some other Android handsets, however there are some simple tips to get the most out
of your battery. Each of these should go some way to significantly enhance your X10
battery life. Check them out after the break.

Xperia X10 Battery Tips

1) Charge/discharge battery a few times initially
When you first get the X10, you will need to cycle the battery from full charge to near
empty at least 4-5 x. Many complain when they first use the X10 that it discharges too
quickly. It is only once you’ve properly charged it a few times will you start to see an
improvement in battery life.

2) Use TaskPanel/Startup Auditor to prune start-up apps

There are some applications that start by themselves when you switch on your phone.
One of the biggest culprits on the Xperia X10 is Moxier. I’ve never used this app
before, but it’s always there leeching the battery whenever the phone is switched on.
This is where Taskpanel Lite or Startup Auditor ($0.99) comes in handy. They allow
you to disable any apps from start-up that you don’t use.

3) Lower frequency of Facebook, Picasa, Twitter updates

Go to Settings –> Online service accounts and then click on the drop down arrow next
to the service you want to change (Facebook, Twitter, Picasa). Click on ‘Update
automatically’ and lower the frequency of updates. I have mine set to one hour for
these services.

4) Turn off automatic widget updates

This includes weather updates and any other data-polling widgets. They constantly
seek to download data and do a good job of sapping your battery.

5) Turn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off

An obvious one. Make sure that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is only switched on when needed.
Keeping this on is a big battery drainer.

6) Disable Wireless network usage for location purposes

Another area which leeches the battery is the use of wireless networks. Go to Settings – 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 3 of 40

> Location and make sure ‘Wireless networks’ is not ticked. You should also deselect
‘Assisted GPS’ if you’re being particular frugal. Just keep ‘GPS satellites’ ticked.

7) Turn down screen brightness

Go to Settings –> Sound and display –> Brightness and deselect the ‘Adjust
automatically’ tick box and lower the brightness of the display to save on battery life.
Personally, I’m not a fan of overly bright displays.

8 ) Lower screen timeout time

Go to Settings –> Sound and display –> Screen timeout and lower the time interval
before your display locks out. I have mine timed to 1 minute but often tend to lock my
screen without waiting for the screen to lock itself once I’ve finished with it.

9) Use 2G when a 3G connection is not needed

Click on Settings –> Wireless controls –> Mobile networks and deselect ‘MMS &
data’. This will turn off the 3G connection on your phone and hopefully improve
battery life. You can always switch it back on when you need to browse, use apps etc.

10) Use Advanced Task Killer/ TasKiller to switch off apps not in use
One of the big benefits of Android is the ability to multi-task. However, there is no way
to close apps that you’ve used. Every application that remains open is using processor
power, which in turn is draining your devices battery. This is where task management
apps such as Advanced Task Killer or TasKiller are useful. They should be used to
close apps that you’ve finished with, although make sure you don’t force close any
processes used by Android.

11) Use dedicated power management apps

To monitor your battery usage, your first port of call is Settings –> About Phone –>
Battery use. This shows you what is draining your battery, I have this setup as a
shortcut on the homescreen so I can access it with ease. However, there are several
dedicated power management applications such as JuiceDefender or UltimateJuice
(€2.79) that can save you even further battery life. For the chartists out there have a
look at JuicePlotter that combines a battery usage graph with full at-a-glance
information about your battery consumption.

Tagged as: Applications, Battery, Tips & Tricks, Xperia X10 14/11/2010
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{ 125 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Cheetah April 14, 2010 at 9:45 PM

1. Moxier mail if that’s what you mean is a must for working people.
2. MMS and Data takes away Edge, AFAIK. 3G is called WCDMA and is nearby
in Network Mode

2 HAZ April 15, 2010 at 1:46 AM

Can I use X1 battery with X10 ? is it the same ?

3 X10 April 15, 2010 at 7:27 AM

It is the same as far as I know.

4 Jeroen April 15, 2010 at 11:47 AM

Thanks for the information.

My x10 will be delivered tomorrow and I think some of these tips are very

A little tip from me:

The best way to charge you mobile phone (in my experiences) is to charge it (in
the beginning) after your phone turned off by itself as cause of low power. Then 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 5 of 40

charge it to full with your phone turned off. Not on! If your phone is turned on
while charging, it will charge fast but also lower fast. In the other situation, with
your phone turned off, it will take longer to charge to full power but also take
longer to get low. In the future it doesn’t matter how to charge your phone. Just
make sure you will charge it to full power every now and then.

5 greg April 15, 2010 at 12:28 PM

GREAT POST!! Thank you so much!

What is the difference between taskkiller and advanced taskkiller??

(i did not find the advanced on in the android shop)

6 IgorOzz April 15, 2010 at 12:37 PM

It is the same battery, surely. BST-41, and works on both X1 and X10:

7 X10 April 15, 2010 at 1:06 PM

@Jeroen – The problem is that you can’t seem to charge the phone whilst off.
Each time you connect the charger the phone switches on.

@greg – Search for ‘Advanced’ on Android Market, it should be the first entry.
Both are different apps, I’ve used both and don’t really have a preference – both
are good.

8 Darren April 15, 2010 at 3:41 PM

I have to disable 3g, set the facebook app to refresh never and the facebook online
service account to update no more than once an hour. If I do this I can enable
pretty much everything else and the battery life is then reasonable (around 1-2
days). Without the aforementioned changes I see a drain of about 6% per hour –
giving a battery life of less than a day.

9 HAZ April 15, 2010 at 10:42 PM

Did all that after updating to version 16 and used X1 battery .. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 6 of 40

Went to sleep about 11 pm with 52% battery life, then wake up after 6 am with
50% battery

Thanks mate

10 Janne April 16, 2010 at 2:35 AM

Discharging then recharging a few times definitely helps. Also, I’ve started to use
JuiceDefender and it seems to help a fair bit. But the application has a log where
you can see what’s happening, and to my surprise I found another culprit: the
front buttons.

What seems to happen for me is, I have the phone in my pocket, and the front
buttons keep getting pressed as I walk around, sit down and so on. And of course,
every time they’re pressed, they wake up the phone and turn on the screen. This
seems to account for a not insignificant part of battery drain for me.

Anybody know if there’s a way to disable the wake-up from standby function of
the front buttons?

11 HAZ April 17, 2010 at 3:41 AM


Another tip, I used my X1 to charge my X10′s battery and now it’s a lot better,
because X1 can charge while being switched off.

12 Ycb04 April 22, 2010 at 8:13 PM

I have been charging my phone from dead to full at least 5 times now and still am
only getting 5 hours battery life with all auto syncing off and also it seems to be
getting rather warm on the back too, is this normal or do i have a faulty

13 Daz April 23, 2010 at 11:16 PM

Getting my x10 tomorrow, can’t wait to customise it

14 Janne April 24, 2010 at 7:49 AM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 7 of 40

Update: JuiceDefender does in fact not help. I’ve done a semi-controlled test, and
from the same battery level, and with the phone lying in the same place without
being used, Juicedefender in fact draws slightly more power than leaving it off.

What does seem to help a lot is to not use Wifi at all. Seems there may be a bug,
where, once you start using it, some part of the Wifi circuit keeps being powered
on even after you shut it down. What I do now is that whenever I’ve used Wifi, I
turn it off, then shutdown and restart the phone. That seems to make a major
difference in battery lifetime.

15 Allyagk April 24, 2010 at 11:07 PM

I have had my X10 for 10 days now and the battery was very very poor after the
first charge of 6 hours. it only lasted from 7-30am till 1500pm with 4 text
messages and 2 10min phonecalls. I was for sending it back but it is such a superb
phone. I phoned O2 helpline and they were very helpful. They said they would
change it but try this fix first. run the battery to below 4% then do a full charge of
a minimum of 16 hrs but try and do 20hrs. I did a 21 hr charge and bingo it lasted
for 36 hours and was only down to 36% with very little loss from 8 10min calls. I
did quite a bit of surfing on 3g around 4-5hrs. O2 also told me to reduce the
screen brightness and switch off 3g and wfi when not needed, now I am very very
happy with the X10. I charged it again from 36% to full (6hrs) and used it for
loads of music while out walking the dog. Utube Pink Floyd videos(these are
quite long videos) on wfi, various calls and loads of text. It lasted 2 days and was
only at 30%. I charged it for 8hrs till 8am this morning, it is still reading 92%
13hrs later. It took around 3 hrs to drop from 100% to 99% I used it for 3 calls
and around 20 text messages. 20mins on wifi to download Timescaple thats all so
far today. At the moment I am well pleased with it. I also switch off the screen
with the top button when I am finished and set Timescale to manual download.
Hope this helps.

16 Angela April 27, 2010 at 1:24 PM

After using the X10 for 16 days and having to charge it twice a day (with not a
great deal of use) I have found the 2 biggest gains are:
a) Rebooting the phone after charging it
b) Switching off the automatic brightness level which JuicePlotter detected as
always set to 10, and setting it to 2 (which is still brighter than automatic was)

I last charged the phone at 18:00 on Sunday and now on Tuesday at 13:20 it still
has 50% charge. This is an amazing difference. 14/11/2010
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17 estebantet April 27, 2010 at 7:44 PM

Angela, “b) Switching off the automatic brightness level which JuicePlotter
detected as always set to 10, and setting it to 2 (which is still brighter than
automatic was)”. How could I do it?

18 adam April 27, 2010 at 9:18 PM

ive done at least 90% of the stuff peeps sed. and hope fully me fone will be
better,. .. but while messing with the bloody thing. ive deleted the notifiction sidey
thing from the top, some how…. does any one know how to get it back. ive
looked all over the net and cant find out how

19 Simon April 28, 2010 at 6:38 AM

I got my phone on Saturday and am still amazed at how quickly the battery drains.
It has flattened itself completely twice so far, even with a few charges. I have not
yet tried any of the above changes but will have a bash when the damn thing
finishes charging. Great phone apart from this tho. Now time to figure out how to
change my gmail details on it…….

20 Richard Bannister April 29, 2010 at 9:24 AM

Is it a good idea to just keep the phone charging when at home or in the car even
if the battery doesn’t need a charge? Or would that damage it?

To the anonymous poster who posted this above, I agree and i am having the same
“The problem is that you can’t seem to charge the phone whilst off. Each time
you connect the charger the phone switches on.”

21 Pete April 29, 2010 at 12:37 PM


The phone doesn’t charge if it doesn’t need to.

No damage

22 Richard Bannister April 29, 2010 at 6:37 PM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 9 of 40

Thanks Peter, think I’ll just keep it plugged in at home then. Ridiculous thing to
have to do with a mobile but needs must. Still a pretty incredible phone though.

23 Mick P May 1, 2010 at 3:06 PM

I was really excited about the X10 coming out and I very nearly held off buying a
RIM device for it however I’m glad to say I didn’t (No, I’m not going to launch in
to bashing the X10 before the fan-boys start). I found this blog as my better half is
going crazy with her X10 as she to is having to charge it twice daily just from
“moderate/normal” useage which is pretty poor even by comparison to say an
“iPhone 3G”.

Anyway, digressing: Some good tips here especially tweeking the auto-brightness
& auto-network update settings which have seemed to decrease the consumption
on her battery to make it marginally better though it’s still poor. I’m going to try
the “3G off” option and maybe get her to use the home WiFi more when in range
to see if that has any effect either way also but the main reason people buy the
X10 (along with other handsets) is to use them on the move without the need for a
juice pit-stop every 2 hours and its an area all manufacturers should be investing
heavily in. My 8520, admitedly lacking a 3G data features, lasted 4 days recently
in the Netherlands on a single charge cycle… that’s with “cautious” use of phone
and WiFi features but it shows that it can be done. If a laptop can last 9hours now
on a single charge cycle why can’t a smart phone/device?

24 ne0phyte May 6, 2010 at 9:38 AM

Mugen Power has released a 3600mAh battery for X10, look here:

25 mukesh May 6, 2010 at 12:24 PM

my friend set a pattern to unlock the phone. but i entered the wrong one many
times and now the phone is blocked asking for gmail ID and password. but i
haven’t set any id through phone. even i restated the phone but there is no use it is
showing that you have entered too many patterns. what should i do? plz help me

26 Louis Cook May 9, 2010 at 12:15 PM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 10 of 40

Hi there, a useful guide and nicely laid out thank you. Just one shard of advise
required if anyone can offer it. With reference to point 9 –

“Use 2G when a 3G connection is not needed

Click on Settings –> Wireless controls –> Mobile networks and deselect ‘MMS &
data’. This will turn off the 3G connection on your phone and hopefully improve
battery life. You can always switch it back on when you need to browse, use apps

Whilst I have noticed that turning off 3G is incredibly helpful for the preservation
of battery life, it is also incredibly inconvenient to have to keep switching the
modes manually. (Ok, that sounds a little dramatic but) It would be nice if there
was an application or update that would allow the 3G to be turned back on whilst
you go browsing (or playing Pocket Kingdom!) for it to turn itself back off again

Is anyone aware of such an application?

Regards fellow X10′ers,

Keeping the faith,


27 Gill May 9, 2010 at 10:19 PM

I am on my second X10 – had to take the first one back after 2 days as it was
faulty but the second one is driving me mad! Why can’t I charge the phone while
its switched off? Why can Apps get into the system tools to ‘stop the phone from
sleeping’ but I can’t access system tools to over ride this feature? I charge the
phone overnight and by late afternoon the battery is less than 10% and thats with
text messages and occaisionally checking twitter and facebook? I wish I had gone
for another phone – the iPhone and Blackberry don’t need charged so often – if it
wasn’t for the great camera megapixels I would have gone elsewhere!!

28 Louis Cook May 10, 2010 at 12:46 PM


You’re not alone in having these problems but don’t chuck in the towel on a
phone with so much potential. The main points to follow are those listed, but also
ensure that you have at least one suitable app/task killer that will automatically
stop processes causing battery drain. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 11 of 40

Advanced Task Cleaner Pro is probably the best one. You can customise it to zap
just about everything by simply pressing the standby key. Combine this with 2G-
3G OnOFF and ensure you make use of it when not requiring 3G data and give
the phone a few more full charges and you should have a phone that will gladly
get through a 24 hour period for you as mine does now.

Arguably you shouldn’t have to go to these efforts when you purchase a new
phone, and lots of people will be put off by the poor battery life to start with, but
apply these tweaks and you won’t regret it.

29 Louis Cook May 10, 2010 at 12:49 PM

Oh, and when SE finally take the baton from their derrier’s in Q4 of this year we
shall see an OS upgrade to Android 2.1, which should iron out all the teething
problems and hopefully bring about multi-touch functionality. Just follow the tips
for now!



30 Pete May 10, 2010 at 6:35 PM

I too have been having a battery problem, but do not mind keeping it on charge as
I can plug it into the computer at work. I have tried the fixes on other sites, and
will try al the above advice as it would be good to get a bit more battery life. One
thing I have done which seems to have made a big change is turning off the
“settings>location>wireless networks” option because when it was on my phone
said I only had 2.5 hours remaining, and that is after the phone has been in
standby mode for a while, but after turning it off and leaving it in standby a little
longer the life has gone upto over 5 hrs.

I might turn it back on to drain the battery quicker so I can do a complete charge
from empty

31 Rhyso May 11, 2010 at 12:24 PM

Hey just found this blog, after playing with my x10 for a while. Battery life is
exactly how you all say because all these battery-draining apps seem to be on as a
default from the first switch on. Having done all the things you suggest however,
I’m sure things will get better. One point to Louis Cook, is that the x10 will never 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 12 of 40

have multi-touch (it’s a hardware issue rather than a software one). still amazing

32 Earl May 11, 2010 at 1:45 PM

I’ve had this phone for 3 weeks now, and have never experienced so much
disappointment with a piece of technology. You should not have to be hacking
around with it in order to get enough battery life to be able to make and receive
calls when you need to. I guess this might be my age, but the experience of using
this phone (actually not a phone, more a portable web browser) has made me
hanker after a simpler cellphone experience. Maybe less is more.

33 Louis Cook May 11, 2010 at 7:05 PM

Hey Rhyso,

I’m disappointed to hear that, but until it has actually been confirmed by SE
themselves I optimistically refuse to believe it.

Earl, as I stated myself, it shouldn’t require so much tinkering in order for it to be

fully functional form the outset, but then almost all new platforms have their
teething problems. I sympathise entirely with you, and for the first three or four
days wondered why I had even bothered with this handset. Given a little time
however, and a few adaptations with its software, things are much better. Though,
little consolation for those who simply just want to pick up a new handset and
have it work. Others are more inclined to mess about with them perhaps.

I suppose you could join the elite faddist that are the iPhone owners though

34 Shawn May 14, 2010 at 8:21 PM

This is handy to save battery life but to me what good is this phone if you have to
turn off all the features you want to use, The phone has all these extras but you
have to spend time turning them on and off to conserve power all the time it can
get tedious. I know that the batterys are not very large but they should try to
design a larger battery with room to store it, I love my new X10 but I am tired of
having to constantly monitor what is running and what to turn off.

35 Matt May 19, 2010 at 5:27 AM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 13 of 40

Glad every other x10 user in the world feels the same i only got it at 4 days ago
and at first i thought it was cuz i was playing with it non-stop… but honestly the
battery was lasting the same time no matter what i was doing with it (wifi
excluded). I charged it just before i went to bed, unplugged it, and by morning it
was 50%…

I love her to bits but she doesn’t last anywhere near as long as i’d hoped (story of
my life). Gonna try the discharge / 20-hour charge technique and see if that gets
me anywhere, i’ll keep ya poster

36 Emma May 19, 2010 at 8:53 PM


I am having trouble with battery life, so am going to try all the above tips, thank
you…but one of the main things I am having probs with is charging in the car.

It will charge fine in the house, and from the Laptop/PC, but regardless of
charger, car or cable I can’t get the thing to charge on the move…something my
husbands HTC Desire will do fine with any of the above combinations, so I know
its not the kit. Is it the phone? Or is it my handset? I have just called Orange
(Where I got it from on upgrade) to see if they can shed any light, but they were
LESS than helpful and quite rude!


37 sola May 20, 2010 at 9:21 AM

just make sure when you are on the move that you turn of the wifi,mms and data
reduce the email fetching that that should give you a full day with out running out
of battery. i got a car charger from ebay and it works fine

38 ashton alleyne May 24, 2010 at 6:39 PM

i had the same problem as every se user but have done some research and the
phone is a wonder easily the best phone on the market listen to what everyone has
done and the battery last ages.

39 Steve May 26, 2010 at 10:36 AM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 14 of 40

glad your all happy with getting a £500 (can easily get a computer cheaper) phone
and dissabling everything on it, but im not. I got this phone because of the heavy
advertising of everything it could do. But then I have to do none of what it can do,
and essentially end up with a phone as good as the ones I had 5 years ago, nah.
This isn’t on. It’s Sony-Ericsson’s responsibility to fix this, and they have
seriously f**ked and conned every single one of us.

40 Ashima May 30, 2010 at 9:00 AM

i jus went through all the things provided hre… but i do not understand how to
charge my phone keeping it switched off … n the phone stops charging in 3-4
hours …how can i charge it for like 20 hours…as said by people above ?

41 giorgos16 May 31, 2010 at 11:02 AM

please someone tell me how many hours should i charge my x10 the fisrt time. . .

42 Earl June 2, 2010 at 10:51 AM

On my second X10 after returning the first one to Orange. I have followed all of
the recommendations and got a reasonable 3 day battery life for the first three
weeks. However- last night I charged it, and by the morning it had discharged
completely. I reckon this is a software problem, not hardware.

43 Earl June 3, 2010 at 11:54 AM

An update. Although the graph said that the batter had discharged in 9 hours due
to “50% System Idle, 49% Cell Standby” (or words to that effect), I don’t believe
it. I reckon there was either a zombie process in memory draining the battery, or
the software to monitor battery usage is not working properly.

I restarted the phone, charged it, and I am back to a more normal (though still not
very good) battery life.

I want a phone that will be there for me when I need to make a call. It’s not much
to ask, is it?

44 Viki June 3, 2010 at 5:24 PM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 15 of 40

I have waited for this phone for ages now I finally have it I could gladly throw it
out of the nearest window!! What use is a ‘mobile’ phone (mobile meaning you
can take it out with you!!) if you have to keep it permanently attached to a power
I gave up an iPhone for this but am seriuosly wondering if I had a rush of blood
and should have played safe with a blackberry or waited for new 4G !!
Unfortunately I am on Orange and they won’t change it for a different handset so
the battery better get it’s s**t together or I’m stuck with a semi functional phone
for 2 years !!!
Ps am I the only person who finds navigating round the phone quite
PPs I am posting this via my iPhone!! Guess what my X10 is doing???? No

45 Lion June 3, 2010 at 10:11 PM

As said before, these tips are great but won’t grant you a batterylife that used to
be common on my SE W800 for example (2 days at full capacity at the very least
(!)). Besides, why doesn’t SE/Android, knowing the battery isn’t that great, give
you the option to let the phone handle these tips automaticly? Want to use the
internet? Let the X10 switch on the 3G by itself, start up the browser and when
you close down, so does 3G. This shouldn’t be an app, but common sense!

Surely this is not the purpose of having a X10, or any other (Android) mobiles for
that matter. I do hope SE comes with a solution of some kind or that Android 2.2
gives some relief. If not I’m afraid I’ll have to start looking for something new…
damn shame.

46 Lion June 3, 2010 at 10:23 PM

@ Louis Cook: I’ve tried several 2-3G switches but found APNdroid to be the
best option up until now. It’s as easy as 1 click but which is, in my opinion, still
one to many.

47 gull June 5, 2010 at 6:31 AM

I m having kinda weird thing about battery timing.

One time i charge it , it give me 1 day only with normal use. and then i charge it
again then it lasts for full 3 days with same usage. but next time again 1 day and
then again 3 days like this so on. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 16 of 40

48 akshay June 5, 2010 at 6:44 AM

wot????? guyz….im thinkin to buy x10…is it worth it??? i mean so many

complains???? n is it true that u cant gharge the phn if itz switched off????wot if
the bat is over n it switches off???

49 Ashima June 6, 2010 at 8:45 AM

@ akshay : i think it is worth it … the phone is amazin…leavin the battery

thing… by the way i havent used it for much days cant say if the battery
backup might increase in sometime… bt if the phone switches off…n u plug in
the will automatically switch on…

n i believe that one of the things thats draining my phones battery is the front
buttons… n moreover the phone isnt givin me a constant battery backup… it
lasted almost a day once…n the other day i had to charge it twice… can
somebody help ?

50 Melia June 6, 2010 at 3:07 PM

ive read and been told a couple of times to cycle the battery at initial use but i
dont think ive been consistent enough.. sometimes charging when its a little less
than 30% -which is bout 2 hrs talk time. ive been guilty of just leaving it on
charge overnight often for the sake of conveniece. im afraid im doomed to be
stuck with this issue forever. does anyone know if i can still maximise the battery
life if i do the cycle properly now or its irreversible and the only cjancw i have is
to buy a new battery? have had the phone for about two weeks.

51 sam June 7, 2010 at 10:13 AM

thanks,.. great efforts to put the list of things together for which i bought this

in other words,.. conclusion shall i stop using my phone

to me it does nt make any difference that i can put my phone on charging at the
end of the day as long as i can enjoy it whole day…

but thanks it is good things, i can at least use few. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 17 of 40

52 Earl June 7, 2010 at 10:24 AM

Another update…

Since my last post I have not charged my phone. It’s been active and used (a few
calls, SMS, occasional web surfing on 3g and WiFi) for about 5 days. The battery
is at 41%.

Conclusion: There’s nothing wrong with the battery.

Suspicion: I think there is a software issue either with the battery monitoring or
there is some other bug that forces the phone to consume battery under certain

53 Lion June 7, 2010 at 4:54 PM

I think you guys should ask Sony Ericsson or your provider. If the problems you
mention are common (more people contacted them with the same issue(s)), they
may have found a solution to it. If not, they can work on it so that you and others
can be helped. Asking this on a forum may result in some good advise, but I
would prefer help from the manufacturer over that of a fellow user.

54 simply fengshui June 7, 2010 at 5:50 PM

thanks for your tips, if i followed all your tips is killing the joy of using the
i have to compromise a dark screen? a 2G connection? No Wi-Fi ?
No updates on my social media like facebook?
NO! this NO! that….then we mind as well buy a simple phone???????????????
without having these functions?????? a phone with all these functions but cannot
be utilise ???? so ironic?
why build in the first place. i have the phone fully charged and by use it 9am to
12noon the battery is 22% ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
battery really sucks!

55 SiawQian June 8, 2010 at 7:20 AM

Thanks for your tips on how to minimise the battery life.

I did what you mentioned and of cause the battery life stay longer than the first
week when i was just bring my x10 back.
By the way, now im still charging my phone i think once a day?is it normal? 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 18 of 40

cause those phones i use before normally im charging them once in 2 days.
How long can your X10 battery life stay?

56 Dave H from London June 9, 2010 at 5:32 PM

Do not buy an X10 if you are thinking of getting one. I have nothing but trouble
with mine and lose signal/connection/3g all day long. I live and work in Central
London! Several times friends or colleagues have asked to see it in action and I
say how quick the internet and processor speed is but then errors come up and
connection drops. I am not anti SE and have had 3 or 4 of them in the past. Plus
the texting/key pad could be better. I hate Iphones and hoped this phone lived up
to the hype but it doesn’t. I am now stuck in an 18 month contract with a phone
that does not work. Overal 5/10 mainly because connection drops off 20/30 times
a day and I cannot receive calls etc. So close. Yet so far.

57 Mike June 14, 2010 at 8:32 AM

Works like a charm! Very fast, nice display with good touch and good apps from
android market. Battery is better then my friends iphone and Desire, both on
paper and in real life. And it has… The look!! I got the white, nice looking but a
little bit slippery. The BT headset that comes with the box works very well and
also…. good looking.

58 Budran June 14, 2010 at 12:26 PM

yes shall i not use the phone to preserve a good battery life Guys…it is insane
what these people talking about…switch off everything and it will be ok…ok I
agree with u…I don’t use my phone for calls or sms or gps or…barely use
mediascape…and u know what? it is draining faster everyday…there is something
wrong guys either with soft or hard ware…but it is serious…a wonderful phone
will go down the drain..and i will not use Sony again if it persists…they need do
something either update software or replace battery for us! simple…or give us our
money back since they fooled us…

59 Fi9sh June 17, 2010 at 11:06 AM

I have X10 and use task manager, battery last 5 days without charge and not much
use apart from phonecalls and texts and a few games… I think you guys have
faulty battery. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 19 of 40

60 Asger June 22, 2010 at 9:29 AM

When i have used the camera shortly, it seems it continues to consum battery. I
can’t kill it with taskpanel!

Is it possible to get a battery that can chage the phone?

61 benni June 22, 2010 at 1:16 PM

winge winge winge.^^^^ he never said dont use your phone and turn it all off he
said here is some tips to help so with tips you use the ones that would help you
not follow them like a rule book so like me i have just used the ones that are not
as important to me that i dont use as much. another thing that helped was get rid
of the single live timescale off the homescreen it saves u some life also after all u
just gotta flip to ur timescale any way…… but great phone had it for 2 weeks now
and cant stop playing with it…. the phone that is. and i sell phones and its the
biggest one im recemending and selling with the iphone.

62 Angela June 22, 2010 at 4:49 PM

I just got my phone 6 days ago and i’ve already noticed how shitty the battery life
is… it was plugged in until 630am, it’s 12 and it’s nearly dead! I love sony but
this is pissing me off

63 Brandon Andrews June 23, 2010 at 3:49 PM

I haven’t seen many smartphones that can go more than a couple of days without
charging if you’re using them /heavily/. While some people seem to think that the
battery life issues on the X10 are more severe than that, I find that it’s not. I am
constantly using my phone for Facebook, Twitter, SMS, and gaming, and it will
go a full day (24h) without dying. I could probably stretch it to 2 full days if I was
willing to drop my polling frequency on Timescape and not game quite so much.
Do you really need much more than that? How many times are you going to be
unable to charge your phone for a period longer than 48h? And if you are, try
turning the thing off completely for a while when you won’t need it. A bit of
planning is all you need to mitigate the issue. People complaining about low
battery life are just trying to find something to complain about. People who tell
me that their previous phone could last for a week before they needed to charge it
are most likely using a non-smartphone. Yes, you’re right, a ~250MHz processor
does suck a lot less power. It also does a lot less stuff. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 20 of 40

TL;DR You get what you pay for. Get over it.

64 Stefan Rink June 24, 2010 at 12:29 AM

Battery life was so bad on my phone that forgetting to plug it in at night would
end up with a dead phone in the morning. (3G and WIFI are off when i don’t use

Last things i did was disabling the automatic time sync and location by wifi and
current stats are;

last disconnected: 13h 23m ago

62% battery left!! (that used to be about 15% if i’m lucky)

Used about 32% on calls (1.5h calling) , 6% on wifi, 4% on the display and
29% standby and 27% inactive.

65 Miles June 24, 2010 at 1:50 PM

Am on my third handset in as many weeks , first handset i was lucky to get four
hours standby time after a full charge , second handset was only slightly better
Even with my business tarif , my provider has informed as Sony have not yet
a major production fault , they must request i turn to an Iphone !!

I travel globally constantly and worst still , if i turn my handset prior to a long
haul flight
the battery is empty when i switch it on 10 hours later .

Waited four months for X10 release , utterly utterly dissapointed !!!

Good luck all

66 david June 26, 2010 at 1:05 PM

I nearly sent my X10 back to Vodafone mainly because of the short battery life
but also the difficulty with 2 way sync with outlook calendar and contact list. The
SE support team gave me the same advice listed here and there has been a
dramatic improvement . Not switching on WiFi when you don’t want to use it,
seems no loss. I have not altered screen brightness . The battery is now lasting 2
days with internet use phone calls and SMS. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 21 of 40

67 Daz June 26, 2010 at 4:45 PM

ui upgraded my mobile and decided to get the x10 after some debate! i didn’t
want to be another iphone user (even though i would be one lol ) after receiving
my new mobile my first impression was this is great i like the android software
and the touch is smooth and laggs here and there but nothing major. I was
appauled at the length of the battery life though not lasting even half a day when
playing with this mobile (like you do with a new phone!) but i decided to give it a
chance and let the battery have a couple of charges.. untill today only 2 weeks
after receiving it!.. i was really annoyed with the fact my mobile had been on
charge since 10pm last night and was full when i woke up at 8am today to find
even with not much playing (like not touching it other than getting some texts off
friends) it the battery was on 56% at 13:00!!. I have since been looking on the net
for some web help and found it.. for any users of this mobile please do what i did
and download the task manager/ startup auditor (found this one for free) and get
rid of the apps that you don’t use!. I have also moved the wifi bar to the main
center screen to make sure i don’t have bluetooth,wifi,gps on when i don’t need
them. I hope this helps others with this mobile.

68 Laura June 30, 2010 at 7:07 PM

I got my X10 about 2 and a half months ago. When I first got it, the battery life
was really awful. After a few weeks, I turned the brightness down, and it has done
the trick for me. I always need to charge it at night, but that’s after a day of heavy
use. Also, it only takes around an hour to fully charge. I have installed the Task
Panel Lite after reading this, to see if this helps too thanks.

69 David June 30, 2010 at 7:22 PM

Just root it, and remove the SE crap software, my battery life has increased by
more than 5 times.

70 duncandisorderly June 30, 2010 at 11:20 PM

I switched from Nokia smartphones as they kept crashing so often…..the X10 IS a

great phone, pretty much everything I need…………except….yea, battery life,
this really sucks, everything but bluetooth is turned off (as I need this for car
handsfree kit) but with only a few business calls, few texts and a little internet
browsing, by 2.00pm the batterys getting ready to give up on me, I have just got
off the phone to Orange who are going to send me a new battery……..I’m hoping 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 22 of 40

this will resolve the awful battery life….if it dosen’t, my next move will be to
contact Sony Ericsson to vent my anger.

71 Bob Ranson July 1, 2010 at 12:47 PM

I like most others am appalled at the ridiculous battery life and he fact that the
apps continue to run when you have closed them. I have just downloaded the
“Advanced Task Killer” which is free from the market place app on your X10. I
was amazed to see how much I had running which I did not know about.

I am going to see how this affects my battery life from now on.

On another note, a poster here mentioned that they can charge their phone in an
hour?!?! I certainly cannot by mains or by PC USB. In fact I have mine plugged
into my PC most of the day when at work and it takes all day to get close to full.

I believe an X10 update is due out soon which will help us sufferers with the
battery life. We live in hope.

72 Jaiveer Waghmare July 6, 2010 at 4:22 PM

I have the X10 for just a few days now.

So far i’m enjoying the phone.
However, could someone please tell me, is it normal that the phone has to be on
when charging?
I’m used to switching my phone off to charge, however with the x10, if you
switch the phone off, plug it into your wall socket to charge, the phone switched
Is this normal?

73 gull July 16, 2010 at 5:08 AM

Updated successfully to R2BA023.

Battery timing is improved like hell.

Right now status is

Unplugged since 4days 4hours 6m 21s.
Voice Call time is 1h 40m 29s.
Display on time is 1h 47m 14s.
and still battery remaining is 34%. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 23 of 40

74 p.f. July 16, 2010 at 4:53 PM

best tip:
turn on fly mode.

….there was a time, where standbytime of mobiles was count in days!

75 Sajid Ali July 17, 2010 at 2:31 AM

Hi Guy,
I had my X10 mini and oh God i was so excited the day i got this phone. But
believe or not i sell it after 3 days losing 300 Swedish Kronor and the reason was
shit battery. I will really recommend you people please if you gona buy this
phone, then you will definitly face the battery problem.

76 MAC July 17, 2010 at 4:47 AM

After I rooted my handset I installed setcpu. On standby I’m using about 2% per
hour with 3g and background data sync enabled which is a HUGE improvement.
WiFi and the display are the two big battery drainers I find.

77 saranne July 24, 2010 at 9:49 AM

is anyone else having probs with the phonebook not storing changes or new
contacts? i’ve tried uninstalling the task killer but still not storing changes.
Another prob is that facebook wont update anymore…..any ideas on that one?
i’ve tinkered about with settings on fb and the phone but no luck so far
re battery life, i’ve tried all the above and still have to charge my phone every 24
hours, a serious downside to an otherwise superb phone

78 Katie July 24, 2010 at 8:31 PM

Hi Gull i gust saw you’ve written you’ve had updated your phone with the latest
version of the software – R2BA023. Mine is R1FA014 and when i go through
updates it says it’s the last version. Any idea how i can update it as well to this
Also i set up this Task Killer and it’s “killing apps” but still pressing the middle 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 24 of 40

button it’s easy to see that the apps are running. Any idea how to check if really
those are still on?
Can someone recommend some more useful programs for killing those apps that
are still running?

79 e11world July 24, 2010 at 10:01 PM

I’ve had the Xperia X10a for about 3 months now and my biggest
disappointments with it is:
1.Battery life (using best apps out there to take care of it but still wastes 15%-25%
life in 8 hour sleep)
2. NO FLASH YET TOO (I thought iPhone was stupid for that)
3. Camera flash not great
4. SPEAKERS NOT LOUD.. hellooooooooo, SE is known for good speakers but
what the hell is this??
5. No multi-touch (hoping for that with the 2.1 upgrade in sep here in Vancouver
6. For some reason (I don’t know if it’s just me) but my A, L, P letters on the
keyboard don’t work sometimes unless I press a few times and when searching I
need to press ENTER 2 or 3 times for it work too. Touch is not all that smooth.
iPhone (which I had 3GS) still KING on that.
7. Apps on Android not as good (smooth, design, graphics) when comparing to
apple’s app store but that WILL CHANGE in the next year or 2 for sure. IT’S
EVEN with all this, still I prefer to have this over my previous iPhone 3GS
because it allows me to actually customize the phone without the use of hacks and
what not. BEST OF ALL, IT DOES NOT NEED iTunes or anything to transfer
stuff. Take the card, put stuff, and that’s it. I know you need to use Media Go
BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO. O and one more thing, Bluetooth actually works!!

80 Debtanu Das July 25, 2010 at 8:11 AM

I am using the sony ericsson Xperia X 10 Mini and facing the same battery issues.
Will it help me also if i let my phone run out of charge and charge it full again??
And since I have the Mini version how many hours shall I charge it for??

81 Katie July 25, 2010 at 4:06 PM

I’m trying to charge it at least 24 hours. i left my phone yesterday at 11pm and i’ll
let you know if it’s helpful 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 25 of 40

82 Brian July 26, 2010 at 2:42 AM

I am having a problem leaving my phone on to charge. after it finishes it’s charge

cycle it turns off the charger and then drains the battery before I notice it. I have it
plugged in using google navagator and the phone just shuts off with no charge left
while it is plugged in. is there a problem with my phone. the other thing I noticed
is that sometimes it just won’t charge. most cigerett lighter to usb adapters are
500ma it dosn’t like those so I got a 700ma one like the wall charger rating and it
made it so that it would charge, but it still drains it quickly after charging while
still plugged in.

83 mehtab August 1, 2010 at 11:06 PM

i cant seem to recive files by bluetooth. What shall i do?

84 Vicky August 4, 2010 at 7:43 PM

Hey Guys, I want to know the call hacking manager software in my xperia x10
mobile….. First it is appeared in the market of my mobile….. Now its not…. I
don’t know y? please tell resource website of that software……

85 Pramod Tatti August 9, 2010 at 9:42 AM

I bought xperia x 10 1 month back when i keep the phone for charging im not able
to receive the calls its saying ” your phone is not reachable”.Please let me know if
any of u had faced the same problem.Many of my friends have complained that
my phone is not reachable.

86 Kanishka August 14, 2010 at 7:20 AM

Does the xperia x10 mini pro have the same problem?
Do the new updates sort out the issue? Don’t really want to experiment with
specific apps.

87 Quincy August 16, 2010 at 3:26 AM

Just got this fone last week… really awesome! Just a few tips to optimise battery
life: 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 26 of 40

1. Only charge the fone when the power is less than 5% and stop charging when it
reaches 100%.
2. Turn screen brightness to the lowest level. Its still bright enough to see
everything clearly.
3. Turn off wifi, bluetooth and sattelite when not in use.
4. Use advanced task manager (I heard its better than advanced task killer) to kill
running apps that are not being used.

My fone lasts around 2 days with the above settings. My fone usage is moderate:
calls, txting, surfing using wifi and some youtube.

Hope my post was helpful.

88 Yatin August 18, 2010 at 4:48 PM

Hi. This is kind of annoying but how do I get rid of the red line over the GPS on
quick settings? I have disabled MMS and data, as well as Assisted GPS but the
red line still shows over the GPS. Is there anything I’m not doing correctly?

Thank you in advance.

89 Rod August 19, 2010 at 5:31 AM

Probably the biggest effect on longterm battery wastage between charges is the
unit’s usage when it is in your pocket idle. This happens when you have had the
phone for a while and you find that the time you leave it alone increases. Well it is
just these times that make up the most usage of the battery assuming you arent
clicking the screen or watching the videos constantly during the day.

You simply want the unit to be idle when you are not using it right ?? you would
not like the unit to be frantically buzzing its cpu going nowhere when it is in your
pocket or handbag.

Well surprise surprise, that’s exactly what your stock phone is doing. This is one
of the main drains on battery power.

there is a program called setCPU which requires your phone to have superuser
access…now stay with me here..that just means you would be the administrator of
your own phone and able to change files if you damn well please.

Well this setCPU also works in readonly mode if your phone is straight from your
service provider and not unlocked or whatever. I found that my phone was
running at full cpu speed of 998MHZ even when it was idle. I dont know what it
was doing but for its clockspeed to be maxed out like that must have been using 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 27 of 40

more battery power then necessary when it was in my pocket waiting for the next
call or usage.

I have now changed my phone so that I have ‘superuser’ access or root access as
it is called. This means that the setCPU can now work in write mode and lower
the CPU of the phone right down to 250MHz when say the battery falls below
10% or the screen is turned off or its in your pocket. This dramatically increased
my standby time of the phone. Kinda like your car’s engine being on idle when
you are stationary rather than revving out at 7000rpm and using up all that petrol /
battery life in the process…same analogy with phone battery.

so… whilst the steps above are a good way to help with the battery life, you ought
to realise that your phone generally spends more time idle than being used and so
idle standby is a better way to lower battery usage and increase battery life.

So.. how do you allow your phone to idle nicely … just go to xda developers
website and look for R2BA024 upgrade and follow the instructions of a 3 step

Be warned that this voids the warranty of your phone…. but in return you get full
control over your phone, a battery life that easily extends past one day and the
ability to backup all your data and programs and contacts and call logs and sms
snd emails etc.. for whenever you wish to upgrade to the next software
improvments that come along each 6 months or so.

the xperia X10 in its standard form is limited and you are not nearly getting the
potential of such a sophisticated piece of equipement by leaving it as it is…
otherwise you’d have bought an iPhone wouldn’t you.

good luck then.. Rod

90 Rod August 19, 2010 at 2:12 PM


The redline over the GPS on quick settings simply means its turned off nothing
more…so I presume you want to use quick settings to turn on the gps.

from time to time, the gps gets itself in a twist and wount turn on.

try rebooting your phone but make sure you take your battery out to ensure it
really is starting from full shut down.

I dont thing mms should matter.. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 28 of 40

also try turning the gps on by using the settings menu to see if the quick settings
widget is faulty. I suspect that it is fine and that the gps is playing up through
software glitches rather than the hardware itself.

good luck..

91 Rod August 19, 2010 at 2:20 PM

Charging is also better with a superuser access upgrade. you can charge your
phone with a profile in setCPU application that detecs that you plugged the phone
in and reduces the cpu. so to use my analogy before with the car engine…you are
putting petrol into the tank while the car is idle rather than while the car is reving
at 7000 rpm for no apparent reason.. I hope this analogy is understood, the petrol
is like the electricity the cpu clock speed is like the engine revs and the usage of
the petrol is like the usage of the fuel.

your phone will charge faster…I noticed after a much shorter period the phone
says ‘battery now at 50% with “voice alerts” application.

so control of your cpu can make for faster charge times, longer standby and more
efficient use of the available power which of course in a mobile device of any
kind is best conserved wherever possible.

just an afterthought….


92 Rod August 19, 2010 at 2:27 PM

substitute “usage of battery” for “usage of fuel” in the above text..

sorry my bad

93 erika August 20, 2010 at 6:22 AM

hi! i just installed Advanced Task Killer. I added it to my widget. when i tapped
it, it just had a notification that it closed 6 applications. and then that’s it. how will
i know which applications it closed and how not to force close any processes used
by Android?

thank you! 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 29 of 40

i am using a X10 mini btw.

94 erika August 20, 2010 at 6:23 AM

and does anyone know how to turn on the 3G? i asked my service provider, and
they said that my X10 mini is not compatible to receive this setting. ?? help
please.. thank you

95 erika August 20, 2010 at 6:25 AM

btw, i just want to say that all these information helped me a lot! thanks!

96 Tony August 20, 2010 at 2:48 PM

“If your phone is turned on while charging, it will charge fast” – Yeah,

That’s so dumb an invalid would be considered intelligent by those standards!

97 Rod August 22, 2010 at 2:57 AM

If you are worried about breaking the warranty with rooting the phone, Not with
the Sony E.

whilst the firmware has been hacked.

the bootloader has not.

This simply means that the update to R2BA024 that does not use the bootloader to
achieve its aim will not void your warranty. So, you get root access and still get to
keep your phone warranty… how cool is that.

as for charging, this lets you charge your phone turned on but very very slow cpu,
meaning charging is faster than with unrooted phone.

My Sony E. battery life is currently 24.10 hours estimated by battery life app and
has proven to be correct to within half hour or so.

If i got a Mugen battery of 1800 then I presume that would increase to 30 hours or
more of time till dead…hmm worth considering.

Rod. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 30 of 40

98 Rod August 22, 2010 at 3:09 AM


the advanced task killer has an ignore list. When you see the list of apps it is able
to kill, you can press the line with the app that uses android until a menu appears.
that menu has an ignore option which tells the task killer to ignore that app. you
ought to open the task killer every now and then in the early stages and add the
apps you definitely don’t want to kill to the ignore list.

Also, in the settings of advanced task killer, which is accessed by pressing the
menu button of the phone when in the task killer, you can specify the level of
apps that the task killer deals with. by pressing this to ‘high’ you are telling the
task killer to only kill the apps that are furtherest away from androids lower level

hope this helps.


99 Rod August 22, 2010 at 3:21 AM

Hi Tony,

The reason for charging your phone while turned on is so that you dont miss any
contacts through the phone being turned off.

It sounds obvious, but this trade off for slower charge time has some payback for

by rooting the phone, you get the best of both worlds, you get a charge time
associated with the phone screen of and the cpu virtually parked. and yet if you do
get a call when charging, you are able to answer.

For me this means being contactable as I have by choice not installed a land-line
in my house. yet when I leave the phone to charge from empty, I get a voice alert
after only 10-15 mins saying the battery is up to 25%. this is because the cpu has
been slowed down to a crawl for the purpose of quicker charging.


100 Emma August 22, 2010 at 10:45 PM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 31 of 40

i got the experia x10 yesterday, to find out in the shop, it’s got an 8hour battery
life, soon regretting getting the phone! but i got the APN widget, which makes
turning off 3g so much easier, it was running out of battery really fast, i’ve
charged it up 2 times fully, its been 2pm since last charged and now at 20 to 11, i
have 85% battery left, which isn’t too bad considering about 100texts and some
internet it’s a good phone, and looks amazing it really looks the part, lets just
hope it can live up to it!

101 Gayan August 23, 2010 at 11:45 AM

Hi Rod,

All of your posts here are great, I bought the X10 mini this Saturday and here are
my observations.

From 84% – 74% : within 7 Hours of idling,

Data transfer turned off,
3G turned off,
Just the phone is switched on in GSM mode,
10% battery drop in 7 hours of idling.
It isn’t normal right ? DO you think the x10 mini is also running at full 600MHZ
speed ??
I’m yet to root teh device, Hopefully will do it tomorrow

102 Gayan August 23, 2010 at 12:04 PM


I use Advanced task killer, and before testing I killed all the taks, but when I
checked after 7 hours of idling there were 2 tasks running,

103 Harshal August 30, 2010 at 2:58 PM

Have been using X10 mini pro for a month now. The battery life is pathetic and
strange. At times it lasts just a little more than 24hrs and at times it drains in about
15-16 hrs.
The usage is moderate.

I will try turning off the “wireless location” and post back.
also will give a try rooting and using setcpu.. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 32 of 40

104 guy September 2, 2010 at 4:06 PM

I have downloaded task killer, tried ADW launcher (which did help a bit) stopped
wifi, stopped blue tooth, turned off 3g all to save battery. Hang on a minute……
aren’t all those features the reason I got this phone????

I hate this phone, I might aswell put a rock in my pocket..because that is all its
good for….

105 Abrar September 3, 2010 at 4:39 PM

I got my x10 a few days before from Rogers. I have been using it continuously for
the 24 hours , wifi on , camera , bluetooth , messaging all the time , playing games
4 to 5 hours and still i am able to get 36 hours of battery timing . I started using
wifi only when the battery was at 15 % and it took almost 3 and half hours for the
battery to reach at 5 %..

by the way i kill all those applications which were no in use and no facebook
update and no twitter update during this time

106 Toby September 12, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Re: #32 Earl. You are a man of my own heart. And I’m only 26.

I got one of these phones, hoping it would live up to the hype, and enable me to
save some time by typing up e-mails and arranging the calendar on the go. So far
it has been nothing but a complete waste of time. What is the point of having a
boat load of features, when they are poorly integrated with the phone as a whole,
and rarely can be used anyway (since if you start using them, your battery will be
dead in no time, and you’ll miss that important phone call from a client).

I have also borrowed an iPhone 3G for a while and it suffered from just as bad
battery life. I thought this was a fault with the specific phone or worn out battery.
Reading some forums and blogs has now revealed this was not the case.
Smartphone users are accustomed to 20-hour battery life with moderate use of
their phones and think it’s fully okay.

My old Nokia 6030 lasted for two weeks. With moderate use, that is, some texting
and 15-20 minutes of calls a day.

Is this evolution in technology or has just tightly focused marketing convinced

people to purchase and use products which, in the end, waste a lot of time and
money? I suspect the latter. 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 33 of 40

If the Android 2.1 update does not make this better, it goes into my drawer as a
historical object depicting the utterly tech-hyped-mobile-experience-Facebook-
iGeneration-2010s. I will then get a $30 Nokia and get on with life.


107 john gibson September 20, 2010 at 3:46 AM

hi. have just updated my x10 on computer when switched back on i have lost
163 contacts /photos/ etc my fault or what. (in a panic) can you help thanks john

108 Francisco September 26, 2010 at 12:34 PM

i’ll be greatfull if anyone knows answer how to switch x10 batery ?


109 Mattye September 27, 2010 at 4:40 AM

I got my Xperia X10a 2 days ago.

My battery lasted for about 26hours on first cyclone (IE : Playing around with it
right out of the box for a few hours, pulled it down to 30% battery, full charged it
from there) -> 25hours later I was on 11%.

This is without doing the tips above.

Naturally i disabled auto-update on online services (facebook twitter) like
seriously do you really want it to auto-update? manually update when you
actually log on facebook.

Disabled GPS satelitte and such, Wireless is always off until i feel like/want to
use wireless, there is absolutely no need to keep it on constantly scanning if
you’re walking around cause thats just being ignorant.

Screen Brightness is set to ’3′ and its still pretty damn bright

In the 25hours, i’ve listened to 1 song (4minutes), surfed android market for about
20mins, watched a 3minute video (all set to max volume), sent bout 10 sms (using
timescape the battery drainer mind you) and switching the phone on and off
(unlocking it too) randomly constantly for fun.

I’m doing the drain->full charge cycle now and hopefully it will continue to get
better. I have advanced Task killer killing some apps. Trying to find out how i can 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 34 of 40

remove moxier mail and all the useless apps that came stock with the phone, if
anyone knows how i can totally remove them. Send me a tell here

110 Mattye September 28, 2010 at 2:57 AM

Update :
Its been 22 hours (with 2hours of playing around with the phones brightness,
games, sending sms’s, making a few short ( full recharge (took about 4-5hours to
charge from wall socket)

Atm im hoping after a few more discharges the phone will be able to last a lot
longer idling (not burning 1% per hour but 1% per 5-6hours of idling / standby)
I went to sleep i think with 75% or 71% (I don’t recall) i woke up 8hours later
with the battery at 69%. So I can say the battery is only going to get better from
here, unless it just slumps into a terrible lifespan. I can pretty much have the
phone working for up to 2 days with minimal usage (because lets face it, i’m not
gonna be surfing the net on the phone constantly or using it as an mp3 player if i
already have a stand-alone mp3 player and a computer at home, its only for an
“oh shit i need the net” situation i would use the web.

111 oggi October 2, 2010 at 1:13 PM

There is an update due at thew end of the month which includes a tweak to make
the battery last longer!!

112 Mattye October 5, 2010 at 1:41 AM

New Update : After using my phone battery down to 2% Yesterday and

recharging it, I left it on for 12 hours and it ate 50% of my battery already, I have
no idea whats wrong but i charge it via phone USB this time maybe thats why it
happened, previous times were at the actual wall socket

113 steven October 5, 2010 at 11:05 PM

does any one know what i should do if the screen has broke half way arrrrrrrrrrrr

114 kenny October 7, 2010 at 9:09 AM

Dear Lord! Never have I come across so much written about a battery! It scares
me! Looked at the mini pro yesterday and came home to internet it before I 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 35 of 40

bought today and all I got was complaints! And not just on this Website,

What do I do? I still want this phone BUT, I surf alot, take pictures and then blue-
tooth everything all the time. If these are the VERY things I’m being told that the
mini-pro will not do then should I bother?

And I CERTAINLY don’t wanna be walking around with my charger! I used to

be an SE user a long time ago (T29/T39 were some of the best phones on the
market…) but that was pre-smartphone time.

I shifted to Nokia, am now on 5800, love the battery life, love the millions of
Apps but bored and wanna switch back to SE.

Now I’m afraid if I do, I’m going to regret it. Should I wait for the Nokia c6-01
and it’s Symbian 3 or should I bite the bullet and go with the mini-pro Android?

I’m Kenyan and money doesn’t come easily but I’m a phone freak AND a net
freak and need to be connected all the time.

So. Someone please give me an honest helping hand? To buy or not to buy?


115 rohit October 7, 2010 at 6:22 PM

my xperia x10 mini have problem of battery which was almost empty when i go
to home from jo about to 13 hours later,

will you pls tell me how long battery life we have to aspect.

and another thing i have to put it in charch for whole night as i have to go in
morning for job so it will reduce my battery life?????????

116 scoobz1108 October 18, 2010 at 1:40 AM

hi there my fellow x10 users i want to thank you all for the tips on battery life ive
purchased an x10 in the last 2 days and im hoping the tips work cos im now
thinkin ive made a mistake i took it to work today and the battery only lasted 4
hours then shut down this is an outrage and the service provider did tell me i
would have to charge it every day and they gave me no other tips on battery
saving( you would think they of all ppl would know) many thanks again im now 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 36 of 40

putting these tips into effect and will post news of my


117 scoobz1108 October 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM

the results of my test are as follows………… follow the earlier tips they really do
work my battery went from 4 hours to 24 hours by just putting on advanced task
killer so nice 1 guys and thanks…………………….

118 Jake October 20, 2010 at 6:20 PM

This was an extremely helpful post…thank you for the info!

119 amo October 21, 2010 at 4:26 PM

gyyyyyyyyyz plz tell me shoud i buy this phone or not becauze that i like it but i
m confused about this battery

120 Aner October 27, 2010 at 4:12 PM

I believe the battery problem is strongly related to your service provider and the
services and frecuencies that it uses.
Here in Mexico the X10 lasts up to 36 hrs with 3G enabled and using all the
default settings, and most of the complains I’ve read are from users using the
vodafone network.


121 Paul November 3, 2010 at 7:19 AM

I don’t understand all the complaints with the battery life. I got my X10 yesterday,
had it on charge for 3 hours and then started using it, it is now 11 hours later and
my battery life is still 87% and I have been using timescape, messaging, social
networking programs,Maps and constantly exploring the phones features and it is
on 3G. I have no task killer apps loaded or anything. This is an awesum phone!!

122 amo November 10, 2010 at 11:58 AM 14/11/2010
Improving your Xperia X10 battery life | Xperia X10 Blog Page 37 of 40

hey guyzz , i dont have the android market icon in my menu and i dont know how
to get it can any one help meeeeeeeeeeee thanks in

123 rahhooool November 10, 2010 at 1:35 PM

i m having x10 mini n havin a ridiculous battery life.. its lasting for only 4 hrs.. n
even while charging it doesnt seem to … it will stop aftr sometime… i charged it
for d whole nite wid around 5% battery life initially n den aftr 10 hrs of charging
it still shows me 18% battery… dont know wats wrong.. i m not bein able to use
any of d service… coz of dis battery it gets discharged easily.. guys help
me its been a week n havin still d same problm….pls people help me wid dis

124 amo November 10, 2010 at 7:18 PM

hey rahhooooooooooool , i think that u have to disable the gps/wi-fi/and 3g while

not using it, and adjust the screen brightness to automatic i hope this helps

125 Mark November 11, 2010 at 6:46 AM

Thanks for this brilliant thread. I was going to send my Mini Pro back but now I
think its the best phone I have ever had . I get 2 days moderate use and one day
heavy use without charging. The 2 things that changed it were Advanced Task
Killer which is brilliant and letting the battery go through it’s 5 complete cycles a
tthe start. The 5 cycles didn’t seem to be working but I gave it a 24 hourer as per
the advice above and that seemed to make a big difference. I tried the 3g/2g but it
was useless so I uninstalled and in the end I didn’t need it anyway.

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