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Social Studies 8

Crusades and Feudalism


Write CORRECT if the statement is true and WRONG if it is false.

__________1. Crusades lasted for about 200 years due to the angered Christians in Western Europe.

__________2. Some joined the crusade to be free from debts, taxes and sins.

__________3. Wearing a red symbol of obedience to God, they joined adapting the war cry “Deus Vult”
which means “We will be free.”

__________4. During the fourth crusade, crusaders stayed in Constantinople which caused the loss of
respect for the ideals of the crusade.

__________5. During the Children’s crusade, the Muslim lost and wer sold as slaves.

__________6. Christians and Muslims did a scandalous carnage in the name of religion.

__________7. Crusades helped break down Feudalism.

__________8. The experience of crusaders expanded European horizons.

__________9. Feudalism brought order out of chaos during the Middle ages but it also brought new

__________10. The stirrup allowed the knight to wear a heavy protective armor and carry heavier

__________11. Due to lack of money to pay his knights, Charles Martelgave them land.

__________12. Everyone in the feudal system had a lord including the king.

__________13. FEudal kings had limited power but they can collect taxes and enforce laws and
summon vassals to fight.

__________14. Warfare is common in feudalism.

__________15. Trial by ordeal is a physical test, if blood is found on the iron, the accused is guilty.

Match the following to crusade to the events. Write the letter before each number.
___1. Fourth Crusade a. Crusade of Kings

___2. Children’s Crusade b. Edessa was reconquered by the Turks

___3. First Crusade c. It attracted poor people of many ages.

___4. Third Crusade d. Crusaders won a narrow strip of land.

___5. Second Crusade e. The crusaders captured and plundered


Identify the following terms.

_____________1. Large tract of lands which they divided among lesser lords.

_____________2. It is based on an exchange of rights and duties between nobles.

_____________3. A piece of land ranging in size from a few acres to hundreds of square miles.

_____________4. An annual fee paid by a vassal to his lord.

_____________5. This ceremony took place whenever a new fief was granted or when a son inherited
his father’s fief.

_____________6. A combination of Christian values and the virtues of being a warrior.

_____________7. A classic poem in the Medieval period.

_____________8. a reserved portion of land for the lord.

_____________9. A small self-sufficient community where almost everything you needed were
produced by the peasants.

_____________10. A three field system used in agriculture.

_____________11. These inventions provided additional sources of energy.

_____________12. A trial for knights where he will be judged of guilty if he lost and innocent if he wins.

_____________13. A low marshland unsuitable for farming but is good for raising sheep for wool.
_____________14. An annual gathering for a few weeks at a chosen place hosted by nobles and joined
by merchants for trade.

_____________15. A diseases carried by fleas and rats.

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Flanders is famous for what product? __________________

2. What animal helps merchants carry their goods in wagons? _________________

3. Where did the English word ‘bank’ originate? ________________________________________

4. Merchants and artisans are also called ______________________________

5. How can you say that burghers are indepedent and are agents of change?

6. What did the burghers’ guilds do? ________________________________________________

7. Enumerate the pattern of how a person becomes a member of the guild.

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