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Assignment No.

Discussion Questions

1. Define the decision-making process. Why should supervisors write problem statements
when defining the problem? What pitfalls should the supervisor avoid at each step of the

Decision making is the process of defining problems and choosing a course of action from
among alternatives. The term decision making often is used together with the term problem
solving because many supervisory decisions focus on solving problems that have occurred or
are anticipated. However, the term problem solving should not be construed as being limited
to decisions about problem areas. Problem solving also includes decisions about realistic
opportunities that are present or available if planned for appropriately. Therefore, throughout
the text, we use these terms interchangeably.

2. Think of a major decision you have made in your life. For example, why did you decide to
go to college? Why did you choose the college you selected? How did you select a major?
Explain how you applied the steps in the decision-making process. What factors might you
have considered to have made a better choice?

Because it is important, I don’t have any alternatives. I didn’t chose it, they did. That’s the
available that I am into. First define the problem, then analyse where to enrol, decision
criteria have met, develop alternatives, evaluate and select the best alternative. Follow-up and
appraise report.

3. “None of us is as smart as all of us.” Think of a situation in which you would prefer to solve
a problem in a group setting rather than by yourself. Why would you rather “not go it alone?”
a. What are the advantages of involving others in the decision- making process? The

Advantages – more information, diversity of views, greater acceptability, expert

in opinions, degree of involvement and encourage people’s participation.
Disadvantages – Time consuming, lack of onus, individual domination,
expensive, and groupism

b. Identify the major elements in the brainstorming approach.

The nominal group technique (NGT) involves having group members first write
down their ideas and their alternatives to the problem. Then, group members share,
discuss, evaluate, and refine their ideas. The group’s final choice(s) may be made by a
series of confidential votes in which a list of ideas is narrowed until consensus is
4. Define and discuss the factors a supervisor should consider when developing and evaluating
alternatives in the decision-making process. To what degree should the ethical tests come into
play in any decision?

Only alternatives that are lawful and ethical within the organization’s guidelines should be
considered. In the process of evaluation and choice, a supervisor can be aided by ethical
guidelines, personal experience, intuition, advice, experimentation, and quantitative methods.
Legal and compliance test.

5. Discuss how a decision to take no action to a problem might be most appropriate?

It is appropriate when you realized that it is not your problem so to take no action is the most
appropriate decision.

6. Consider the following statement, “People don’t resist change; they resist being changed.”
To what extent is this statement true? Discuss strategies for overcoming resistance to change.
Discuss the principles of proposing change to higher-level managers.

It is true, People don’t want to change because of their comfort zones.

To cope with employees’ normal resistance to change, supervisors must understand why
resistance surfaces and what can be done to help employees adjust to and accept changes.
Preparing employees for change by being open and honest, providing information and
training early in the process, and encouraging participation in decision making will help
employees take ownership of changes and make the transition more smoothly to new tasks
and processes. A supervisor also should learn the principles of selling change to higher-level
managers. Sometimes, supervisors may have to subtly convince their managers that changes
were the managers’ ideas. Regardless of the approach, the supervisor must persuade all
affected personnel that accepting proposed change will benefit them and the organization.

7. What are the major ways in which the concepts and principles of organizational renewal
might be incorporated into every supervisor’s job?

Organizational renewal is a continuous process, often resulting from the synergy of

leadership and change. Baptist Health Care serves as an example of how one organization
consistently responds over time to the swiftly changing healthcare environment and
effectively manages the changes necessary to achieve success. Striving for a culture of
continuous improvement where employees understand their role is a critical component. The
process is cyclical, beginning with setting objectives (the five pillars). Then metrics are
established against which to measure progress. Once progress is made and measured, new
objectives are set, based on internal and external changes, and the cycle of improvement
continues. The implications for supervisors are that they need to fix the problems of today
while focusing on where they want to be tomorrow.

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