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An Actual treasury department report describing a world wide network of child kidnappers involved in Satanism and sexual exploitation of children. See how the GIA has covered it all up under National Security. YOU MUST READ THIS!! Your Own Children are at stakel! TED L. GUNDERSON, F.B.L SENIOR SPECIAL AGENT-IN-CHARGE, RET. 2118 Wilshire Bivd. Suite 422 * Santa Monica, CA + Ph: (310) 364-2280 + (310) 680-5674 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1979 - Present 1984 1981-1982 1979 1951-1979 TED L. GUNDERSON & ASSOCIATES, Santa Monica, California, Founder, owner and operator of this international security consulting and investigation firm. Hosts the “Ted Gunderson Intelligence Report” radio talk show, weekdays as follows 1, American Freedom Satellite Network, GE 1 103° West (2° to the West of Space Net 4) Channel 7, Sub Audio 5.8 Frequency 10AM to 12PM Central Standard Time (C.S.T.) 2. WWER Short Wave Radio 12.160 Frequency, 1AM to12PM (C.S.T.) LOS ANGELES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE, Security and Anti-Terrorism Consultant CALIFORNIA NARCOTICS AUTHORITY Appointed by Governor of California as ‘Narcotics Consuiting Agent PAN AMERICAN GAMES, San Juan, Puerto Rico Security and Anti-Terrorism Coordinator Special Appointee of United States Attorney General Griffin B. Bell FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1977-79 Senior Special Agent-in-Charge, Los Angeles, California 1973-77 Special Agent-in-Charge of Memphis, Tennessee and Dallas, Texes 1973 Chief Inspector 1965-73 Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, New Haven, Connecticut and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1960-65 Special Agent Supervisor, FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 1981-60 Special Agent Received many other awards, including Law Enforcement Officer of The Year. Author of “How to Locate Anyone Anywhere Without Leaving Home” (Penguin Books 1989) and other publications. Has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows including, “Larry King Live”, “Geraldo”, “48 Hours”, “Hard Copy”, “Inside Edition” among others. Currently forming an organization known as “Current and Former FBI Agents For Honest Government”. MISSING CHILDREN i Reade Doet qe (46a —= MISSING: 100,000 Children a Year The figures are estimaces. But the few known facts are appalling: thousands are murdered annually, the nuinber of missing children is rising and av one is keeping an accurate count Governed fiom Kawanes Magazine any ToKsan nour 330 4. 'on January 7, about 25 miles from the sehocl. She 1980, Katheleen’ Mancid had joned the swelling ranks of Greve her dauyhter Marion children simply labeled missinc. Bacson to schoal in Inverness, Fla, Sheila and Katherine Lyon, stheleen called ty and #1, journeyed to. suburban 2 3 1, Jason Manuel Toray W. Va. Missing © 1U6I79 Age: 1: 2. David Marcus Tums WV Satan 1016179 ages 2°, Rene Dawn Will, Ps, Mining: SBUTE age 4. Nuitew Lawrence Laver Cola, isting: S/ITHM1 Ages 6 5. sun Van Titer, Rd Maing: 327181 Ages Fe as the petite, blue-eyed 16-year-old shopping center an March 25; 1975, stepped (rom the car. = “and were never seen again. In early But she did noc see Marian that Oczober roa, ewa-year-old Brandy night. Or the next. Or the next, Barlow vanished from her front No one remembers seeing Mar- yard. The list yoet on, lan after she left her mother's car. Prubably the must publicized ‘The day after her disappezrance, missiny-child case of late has been her purte was found im 3 trash can hat of six-year-old Etan Patz, On ome May a5, 1979, Stan walked alone for the frst time to his Maniiattan school-bus stop and has not been seen since. Methodical searches ‘with bloodhound, helicopters, psy chics, and phalanxes of police have failed to cura up any clues, ‘These ate not isolated cases. Ev- eryone close to the missing-child problem agrees that it is a large ‘bne—and growing, Statist, how- ‘ever, are tough to come by. Bound= aries between runaways, parensal kidnap victims and children stolen by strangers tend to blur ‘The best estimates are that abour a million American youngsters eave home each year, with 90 per- cent returning in wo weeks. AD- proximately 100,000 children are thus unaccounted for. Add another Yee no single U.S. agency or cers itself exclusively with missing Children on a national scale. Auto- mobiles, handgvas and silverware an be registered, raced and recov ered more easily than children, “Our priorities are mixed up.” says Ken Wooden, director of the Na- tional Coalition for Childrea’s Jus- tice. “Ifsomeone stealsa car, he can be traced and caught because we have a computer system for tracing stolen cars. But children apparently Brent that importane 10 Us." Each missing-child case has ics ‘own poignant drama and irony. In fuly 1976, 12-year-old Dee Scomield Uisappeared while running an er- rand a¢ 2 Florida shopping center. ‘Two days later, a classmate report- edly saw Dee looking ove a van 6 7 3 3 4, Tamara Farow Buck, Minn. Missing: 2091 Age: 5: 7. Jamie Marie Dake Miusing: 222087 Agee 3: 8. Ryn Nicole Huston. Tes, Missig: O18! Age: 3 8 Rrlie Malle lor, la Mastag: SIZSIST Age: 5; 10. Rebeca Ruth Chips, WJ. ‘ising: SUIS Age: 35,000 0 100,000 stolen by divorced fof teparated parents, and the total becomes significant, “Kids who jus disappear resent 2 ig prob lem, that people had beter start opening their eyes to," says-Det. Sgt. Dick Ruffino of the, Bergen County, New lersey, Sheriff's Office. window, desperately forming the word “help” over and over with her lips. Dee Scofield has never been found. . On October 18, 1981, Jimmy Rogers, 14 lelt his Hanson, Mass. home for 3 friend’s house. He may have hicched a ride. He has not ra READERS DiGaST July been seen or heard foom i “Chill snatching, Kidnapping and che ugly things that happen to these kids are so: horrendous tht ople refuse 10 deal with them. Erplaint Stn Dace ake of ae ing Etan. “Trying to handle cases like ourson a locsi level iss tremens ous impediment. We need 9 cone alized. national clearinghouse with information about which chile deen are missing and how they can be identified. Butmost cases fll 0 lost police, against whom some parentsof mis ing childcen raise a licany of com. plaints, Because so many children do cun away from home, police label most missing kids runaways ‘And unless the child is very young or evidence of foul play exist, police 14, Shaunon €, Zeher. N.Y. Slising: HENS Ace 1121 Age commonly wil otact ona missing.” «child report for 24 hours. The reas son: sheet work volume. A surfeitor violent crimes—most wich injured victims and plenty of evidence takes priority over the “maybe” stime of a missing youngs ‘The heartrending tragedy, of 6 - 30 - course, occurs when the child is aor a runaway and could possibly have been helped if immediste action had been taken. On the morning after Christmas, 1974, t-year-old Janna Hanson Went co a friend's house. A short time later, Doreen Hanson drove by to pick’ up her daughter: Janna Wasn't there. Doreen tinimedliately went to the police, but they would’ search Jar 34 hours, When police did finally begin an investigation, it was too late: fare a's body was found after several months, and evidence indicated she haubeen murdered on December 6 Parents also complain bitterly about the Fis refusal to help find ‘missing childcen. The FB! becomes involved in 3 missing child case il, We, Mose only when there's proo! of a kid- napping —such as 2 ransom note— or evidene that he chit was chen 5 state lines. he fist-time disappearance of a minor should be prima facie cis dence thata kidnapping has tsken pluce," sys [ohn Clinkscaies, whose a aN toh MISSING. 1wnov0 cH son Kyle disappeared six years ago. school, grow up and lead a morear | “The Fil could then become imme- less normal life diately volved,and there mightbe When steanger steals a child, a chance of finding some of these anything can happen. Parents of | | children, We ne missing children hope that their child will end up ina loving, caring, family, perhaps through black: someone seal x child? Why my child? reatket adoption, The cruel truth is There are many answers, yet no that a missing child stands a fie answers ‘of beiny murdered. Each ‘A million couples 2 year divorce year an estimated 2500 children in in the United States, and many of the United States disappear and these eases result in child snaich- luter ase found murdered. ! ings. For love, hate, spite or re- While the abduction and murder vyenye, one parent steals 2 child of a child is a senseless, psychotic From the other. act, many children are used for Ja December 1974, Gloria Yer~ much more ealeulated ccasons Says kovich said yood-by vo her four- ids are constantly year-old Joanina as the girl left to being sougit for the lucrative child. Spend the weekend with her fie prostcution business. Most police Wier. She didn't want co go, but departments and public officials . aren't doing anything abou It fear about what tay be hap- pening to 3 missing chile 18 zo 1s ag i# the parents 16, Sainina Roynell Date, Oka, Miasng: 8115120 age: 6; primary emo- 17. Tommy (Lindau) Periein, NY, ising: 122681 Age: 9; ony Frus- 1B. Manan Wieie Ban, Pa, Missing: 1180 Age: 16; testion is the 1S. James Rogers, Nas asing: TOLLSIS1 ges 1 seam OE 2 court order had said she must. ten, litle more is done once loeal Joanna never returned. The sep- police exhaust all leads, Teleprint- aration that was to last a weekend ed missing-child reports from one has stretched to 7% years. city do not ezery 2 high prioricy in Despicable as parental kidnap- another. Verbal descriptions alone ping is these children may be more are often useless. Forwnate than others. At least Out of desperation, parents turn there's a chance they will go to to posting Aiers and driving by 4 —39 = + Gpregoos) to be used by children daugi READER'S DIGEST parks and other 2rcas fequensad But sac ffs ase 4 Heel oe Breiten: sivs 2 soul hele solve the problem vcnight At feeling,” says Stan Patz preseag, hope is 2 parents mest at thing more we ean do." sustaining weapon, aha pear few years, however, For some families, thas hope an Bape have beer formed — docs not ceuse ever afer» ets waaay By parents or rcves of bou is found. Says Dovesa Fan: wreath fren-—io. advise and son: “Alter our daughers cml aE sean parent One were, discovered, we sill Kept ey vewrot isChildFind, Ine, searching. at eat n gar minds Foe Sebo ee pata NY. sash. Ie weeks after, { would se girl on Box 27 Ne telifree number (Boor the strect_who cesemblec! my and [ would hope in my $B S25 for theieporentor parents heart that i¢ was Jenna saree denuty missing ehldren. "No onc on the outside on 06- ne te tonizagon. i SEARCH, derstand the trauma aking place i9 SRE Gubtisnes The Nevonal Riera family that has 2 child missing, ceelNlizing Persone Repor. a ray- The frustration, the, nae knee azine containing phot. descrip the agony are beyond explanation.” ‘dons and personal data that can help ——— Hone oe Pings The report Ifyou have information resrding ideal ocrmerytheee montis children Nor. 1-17, comact Child iheeegencies and incvidualsin Find, Inc. (Boonsp-soosi: No 18 {0 20 eer county, medicine consact Dee Scofield Awareness Pre tow cretrsernice SEARCH address gram, Inc. (813-839-5025 B13 we eetSyivan Ave, Englewood 681-4357! No. 19. Hanon, Mase Guha N ep6s2, (All eorrespon- Police Dep, (617-204-b08i) ence should includes stamped, self we misma on woinls ‘addressed envelope) Phone: 20t- | + ofthis aice, see 9260 138 $5704 The following organizations are also interested in the missing-child problem: Find Me Ine, BO. Box 1612. LaGrange, Gs. 30241 National Coalition Fin Medals Junie, ty Evergreen Rd, Yardley, Ps ton67s, Des eae eiiteneas Programs Ine 4418 Hay Court Aves Tamp2, Els gets Fama, Free of Midting Persons and Violent Crime Hua BO. Bor 21444. Seatle, Wash. 98150 ayo — KIDNAPPINGS/DISAPPEARANCE_OF CHILDREN BY_MONTHS Source: NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED ‘CHILDREN. TOTAL 94 CASES: TOTAL 94 CASES: MONTH __NUMBER OF CHILDREN JANUARY 4 FEBRUARY 6 MARCH 3 APRIL 3 MAY 4 ‘JUNE 1 JULY AUGUST 9 SEPTEMBER 3 OCTOBER 15 7 4 8 8 NOVEMBER DECEMBER = 1 his is a small fraction of the missing children in the U.S.A. The statistics illustrate the high percentage of mistAng Ti iaren in June, October and December, the months when three Of the major Satanic Holidays occur. MAJOR SATANIC HOLIDAYS ebruary 2 CANDLEMASS ‘The Catholic Festival of the Virgin Mary- March 21 EQUINOX The sun crosses the celestial equator and the length of day and night are approximately equal. April 30 BELTANE Major Celtic festival celebrated with bonfires and fertility rites ceremonies. One of the most Smportant dates in Satanism. gune 22 SOLSTICE ‘Two times a year the sun has no apparent Northward or Southward motion. august 1 LANMAS Feast of the Sun God. september 21 EQUINOX When the sun crosses the equator~ october 31 ALLOWEEN Witches celebrate the dead. December 22 CHRISTMAS Individuals personal BIRTHDAY THE ‘FINDERS’ Dear Ted, 1 was listening to Part 2 of the Ted Gunderson telephone Interview, and when you mentioned the US Customs report about The Finders, | entered US ‘Customs Report and Finders into the Google Search Engine and that Is how | found the web page about The Finders. I then sent an e-mail to: and asked him/her if heishe had any more information on the Finders. In a few minutes, I received a reply which stated that heishe didn't have any more info, David Parsons. Denver, CO Ted Gunderson interview! Part 1 [2233k] Part 2 [3115k]! Parts http www.ts-gevernment-torture.comiCavifaremblaze.htm! Part 4 tpi! Pans http;,html ‘The Finders Geminiwaiker. k (€}2002 all rights reserved On February 7th of 1987, the Washington Post ran an interesting story that did not at first seem to have any particularly national significance, The article concerned a case of possible kidnapping and child abuse, and material discovered in the Washington area that they say points to a 1960s style commune called the Finders, described in a court document as a “cull that conducted “brainwashing” and used children “in rituals.” DC police who searched the Northeast Washington warehouse linked to the group removed large plastic bays filled with color slides, photographs and photographic contact sheets. ‘Some showed naked children Involved In what appeared to be “cult rituals,” bloodletting ceremonies of animals and one photograph of a child in chains. Customs officials sald their links to the DC area led authorities into a far- reaching investigation that includes The Finders ~ a group of about 40 people that court documents allege is led by a man named Marion Pettie ~ and their various homes, including the duplex apartment in Glover Park, the Northeast Washington warehouse and 2 90 acre farm in rural Madison County, VA. it was the US News and World Report that would ultimately provide the follow- up to the Finders story, noting that there is a certain Customs Service memorandum that was written at the tlme of the original investigation, written by Ramen J. Martinez, Special Agent, United States Customs Service, describing two adult white males and six minor children ages 7 years to 2 years. The adult males were Michae! Houlihan and Douglas Ammerman, both of Washington, XC who had been arrested the previous day on charges of child abuse.The children were covered with Insect bites, were very dirty, most of the children were not wearing underpants and all of the children had not been bathed in many days. The men were somewhat evasive under questioning and stated only that they were the children’s teachers and were ‘en route to Mexico to establish a schoo! for brilliant children, The children were unaware of the functions of telephones, television and tollets, and stated that they wer a reward. not allowed to live Indoors and were only given food as A Detective Bradiey had initiated an investigation on the two addresses provided by the Tallahassee Police Department during December of 1986. An informant had given him Information regarding the cult, known as the “Finders,” operating various businesses aut of a warehouse located at 1307 Ath Street, N.E., and were supposed to be housing children at 3918/3920 W St, NAW. ‘The information was specific in describing “blood rituals” and sexual orgies involving children, and an as yet unsolved murder in which the Finders might be Involved. Cursory examination of documents revealed detalled instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The Instructions Included the Impregnation of female members of the community, purchasing children, trading and kidnapping, There were telex messages using MCI account numbers between a computer terminal belleved to be in the same room, and others located :cross the country and in foreign locations, There were pictures of nude children and aault Finders, as well as evidence of high-tech money transfers. ‘There was 2 file called "Pentagon Break-In,” and references to activities in Moscow, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, North Vietnam, North Korea, Africa, London, Germany, “Europe” and the Bahama: There was alse a file labeled “Palestinian.” ‘one such telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there. Other documents identified interests In high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Finders, a keen interest In terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement, ‘There was also a set of instructions that appeared to broadcast via computer ‘an advisory to the participants to keep the children moving through different jurisdictions and instructions on how to avoid police detection. {A photo album contained a series of photos of adults and children dressed In white sheets participating In a blood ritual. The ritual centered around the ‘execution of at least two goats. The photes portrayed the execution, disembowelment, skinning and dismemberment of the goats at the hands of the children. This Included the removal of the testes of a male goat, the discovery of 2 female goat's “womb” and the “baby goats” Inside the womb, and the presentation of the goat's head to one of the children. ‘There was also 3 large amount of data collected on various child care ‘organizations. ‘The warehouse contained a large Ilbrary, two kitchens, a sauna, hot tub and a “video room.’ The video room seemed to be set up as an indoctrination center. ‘The organization had the ability te produce Its own videos. There appeared to be training areas for the children and what appeared to be an altar set up Ino residential area of the warehouse. Many jars of urine and feces were located in this area. Group teader Merion Pettie spoke in an Interview in Steamshovel Press in 1998, noting that in World War Il he kept house mainly for intelligence people In Washington and OSS people passing through. Official US Customs investigation reports which have been completely authenticated by the investigating officers who wrote them and by a well respected Investigator who personally knows these Customs officials are irrefutable evidence that 4. case of obvious child neglectiabuse involving child pedophile sexual abuseschild pornegraphy’Satanic cult ritualistic abuse wherein the perpetrators were caught directly in the act by law enforcement, arrested on ‘the basis of irrefutable evidance at the scene, and faced serlous charges whieh typicalty ring sentences of decades In prison. 2.Search warrants were obtained for the “Finders” cult office in Washington, DC and a complete search was enacted by law enforcement which provided irrefutable pictures, movies and documents of such abuseineglect evidence and access to the confidential arrest reports on the “Finders” cult from the arrests In Tallahassee which occurred only a day earlier {suggesting very high level connections to US intelligence in and of itself.) 3.All Investigation of the “Finders” cult by the FBI, US Customs and local law ‘enforcement wes ordered stopped by the US Justice Department on the grounds of “national security” and the matter of the “Finders” eult was turned over to the Central Intelligence Agency as an “internal security matter,” since the “Finders” is and has been a domestic and International covert operation of the Central Intelligence Agency. 4.Any and all investigation of the "Finders" was immediately stopped, all evidence was suppressed and denied, and the abused children were released back to the adult perpetrators who had been arrested “in the act” and the ClA resumed its ongoing covert operation of the “Finders” cult which Is used to procure and product ‘The story of the Finders cult is the story of the development of child/assets to be used to entrap politicians, diplomats; corporate and law enforcement officials; to sell childivietims to wealthy perverts to ralse money for covert operations, to train some of the childivictims to be professional operatives. and assassins of a totally cold, multiple personality, mind control nature. To date only one media outlet has dared publish anything about this (US News). In the tast few years there have been more “smoking guns” proving that US Intelligence agencies traffic in children, sell them and abuse them, Some of these covert oparations have been tied to long term and massive Importation, and distribution of nareoties into the US by the same intelligence agencies. 4. Why Johnny Can't Come Home...Noreen Gosch, The Johnny Gosch Ww Foundation, West Des Moines, (¢)2000 httpiwww.amaza! ncomiexec/obidos/ASIN/0970519508/geminiwalkerinki002- 0987448-1865669 2, The Pedophecracy, Dave MeGowan Return to Home Page Return to Table of Contents Next page http/ Return to Home Fage,nevindex.htmi Retum to Table of Contents httpiiwww.geminiwalkerink,netHellContents-html ‘email ..geminiwalker “THE FINDERS’ he Finders" is a CIA Front established in the 1960's- Manbers are specially trained Government Kidnappers with ‘op eSBarance and protection in their assigned task of stealing Shitdren, torturing and sexual abusing them, sometimes Geioiwing them in satanic orgies, bloody rituals and marder of Seher children with the slaughter of animals. the Finders are known sexual degenerates who use a fleet of nmarked cars to grab targeted children from parks and Snoolyards Many times using their own child members as senovs. they lure the innocent children away from the crowd seeek to their vans. The adults inside grab the children, drug Res and transport then to a series of safe houses where they ehete their ii] fated end. they are then used in ceremonies. aeetEnildren are either murdered and sacrificed for body parts, Ge they are sold as sex slaves, auctioned off at various SScatinns in the northern hemisphere. in the past they have eee actioned off near Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada, Lincoln, Nebraska, Michigan and Houston, Texas. saesen bavia Pectie, the leader of the cult is an identified pedophile, homosexual and CIA officer, Bis son was a forter Enployee of a CIA proprietary firm, Mir America, which woe eeparious for smaggling drugs, destined for the United States eet of the Golden Triangle into Saigon during the Viet Nam War- Ney The Treasury Department Report on the ‘FINDERS’ OFFICIAL USE ONLY ences or REPORT OF INVESTIGATION 1 Donn Geren [he To BD Oss seta ¢ Dunne = (seen teoe a Oieree ew tesistance This office was contacted by the Tallahassee Police Departnent on February 5, 987, who requested assistance in attempting to identity tee aduit males and six minor children, all taken into custody the previews éay. The men, arrested end charged with multiple counts of, Phild abuse, were being very evasive with police in the questions ting asked of them pursvant the children and their condition. This agent contacted SS/A, Bob Harrold, RAC/Reston, Virginia, “and requested telephone numbers and names of police persons in area polica cepartments in an attenpt to follcv-up on two leads which Gere a Virginia license number and that the children had commented about Living in a Washington, D.C., commune. Subsequently, this office received a telephone call from the Washington, D.C. Metropoiiten Police Department inguiring abovt the men and chilézen. This office put the HPD and the 17D in contact with each other. wd Tae aaa ae Special Agent gia PaaS —— a = Resient Agent in Charge 26. S0:61P SE : Ot copy Original Office of Enforcement S57 Eeananeh ce Rm GOES OF REPORT OF INVESTIGATION CONTINUATION n Thursday, February 5 by sergeant, JoAnn VanMETER of the Tallehassee Police Department, “Zveniie Division. Sgt. VanMETER requested assistance in identifying wo adult males and six minor chiléren ages 7 years-to 2 years. 1587, this office was contacted via telephone, che adult males were tentatively identified by TPD as:Michael HOULIHAN ne Douglas AMMERMAN, both of Washington, D.C., who were arrested the previous day on charges of child ebuse. : . he police had received an anonymous telephone’ call relative two wéll- seed white men wearing suite and ties in Myers Park,. (Tallahassee), grently watching six dirty and unkempt children’ in the playground Fea. HOULIHAN and AMMERMAN were near a 1980. Blue Dodge van. bearing izginia license number XHW-557, the inside of which was later described as foul-smelling filled with maps, books, letters, with a mattress <{euated to the rear of the van which appeared as if it were used as a led, and the overall appearance of the van gave the impression that all eight persons were living in it. . : she children were covered with insect bites, were very dirty, most of ye children were not wearing underwear and all the children had not - ~ veen bathed in many days: the men were arrested and charged with multiple counts of child ebuse znd leéges in the Leon County Jail. Once in custody the men were somewhat ivasive in their answers to the police regarding the children and Stated only that they both were the children's teachers and that all were Enroute to Mexico to establish a school for brilliant children. the children tentatively were identified as Mary HOULIHAN, white female, © 7; Mex LIVINGSTON, white male, age 6; Benjamin FRANKLIN, white male, fee 4; HoneyBee EVANS, white female, age 3; 3.B., white male, age 27 ang Enn Paul HOULIBAN, white male, age 2. The children initially indicated Nat they lived in'tents in a commune in the Washington, D.C., area ind were going to Mexico to go to a school for smart kids. s office contacted the Office of the RAC/DC and spoke with SS/A, Bob Harrold. This agent requested telephone numbers and names of police persons in area departments that might be, aware ‘of said activities Seseribed by the children and to follow-up on the leads which were, the Virginia license nunber and a check on the men's names with local lew enforcement. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION CONTINUATION 040190,24% aes aeons one A short time leter this office was contacted by Detective, Jim Bradley be the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department. Bradley saieated that the case here in Tellahassee eppeared tobe strong]; cojated to a case he was currently working in the Washifgten, D.C.’ area. He stated thet the actions of the two men in custody in ‘TalTahassee relative the children just might give his case enovghiprobable cause for search warrants to search premises occupied by a cult, ee called This agent directed Bradley to telephone TPD and-éisc! iagppatice directly any activities forthcoming relative the instant ces: yO this time it was determined that there was no Customs: violations Suna to exist and therefore, this case is being closed pending receipt of additional information. ar ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY LESD/TECS: Create a permanent DRR/TECS record: IDENTIFYING DATA/TECS-FIN QUERIES: AMMERMAN, Douglas Edward, SUBSTANTIATED, Negative “p-233 attached). ego ya . noe : Negative . . SU RATRS! Negative HOWELL, James Michael ° SUBSTANTIATED “ere: Negative (CF-238 attached) vecs: * - . SHIR: |” CIR : Negative | Negative “FINDERS” ALLEGED NCIC: NEGATIVE (CF-238 attached) . TECS: NEGATIVE curr: =" CIR: 7 FEA: PAIRS: " ib. go {/¢ : NEMO TO FILE ro : Resident Agent in charge Date: 02/07/87 From: Special agent subject: Customs cooperation/interest ia Tallahassee/#ashington M2D child abuse investigation. on Thursday, 2/5/87, the dvty agent, SS/A Bob Harrold, received a call fron SS/d Walter Krietiow, USCS, Tallahassee, Plocida. SS/A Krietlow vas seeking assitance in contacting an appropiate local police agency to. coordinate a chilé abuse favestigation in with the Tallahassee Police Department, §S/A rietlow further cequested assistance in checking sone names, addresses and a vehicle through the Customs child Pornography Unit data base, and stated there was some suspicion of the subjects being involved in supplying children for. the production of child pornography. Further, he vas informed by the Tallahassee Police Department that the children may have been encoute to Mexico from the Washington, D.c. area, The possibility of Customs interest. in the investigation Possible violations of the child Protection Act of 1984, and the alleged nexus with the U.S-/Mexican Border were discussed and agreed upon. SS/a Krietiow related the following : peckgrouné information, SS/A Krietlow was contacted by the’ Tallahassee Police Department for assistance in identifying six chilécen and two adults taken into custody in the Tallahassee area. U.S. Customs vas contacted because the police officers {nvoiveé suspected the adults of being involved in child pornography and knew the Customs Service to have a network of enilé pornogtaphy investigators, and of the existance of the Chile Pornography and Protection Unit. SS/A Krietlow stated ° the two aduls were well dressed white males. They had custody of siz white chilécen (boys and girls), ages three to six years. The children were observed to be poorly aressed, bruised, dirty, and behaving like enimal’s in.2 public park in Tallahassee. the police vere notified by 2 concerned citizen and all eight persons were taken into custo¢y. The subjects Mere living ovt of @ white 1979 Dodge van, Virginia license no. y8W 557. Upon being taken into custody, the adult white males refused to cooperate, one of whom produced a “business* card cith a name on one sige and a statement on the other. . The Statement indicated thet the bearer knew his constitutional fights to cemain sileat and tnat he intended to do so. Upon interviewing the childcen, the police officers found that they could not adequately ‘identify themselves of their custodians. Forther, they stated they vere enroute to Wexico to attend a Schoo) for ‘smart kids.” SS/A Krietlow was further advised the chiléren were unaware of the function and purpose of telephones, televisions and toilets, and that the children had Stated they were not allowed to live indoors and were only Given food as a cevare. ¢ “oT a éb toon After receiving the request from Tallahassee, SS/a Rarrolé Gontacted ne waile I wae on official business at customs Seadquacters. Be requested that I conduct computer checks on che Customs child Pornography Unit'éata base The checks were to be conducted on the names, addresses, and a vehicle provided by £5/A Rrictio¥. After conducting the computer checks, 1 made Qirect contact with SS/x Krietlow to inform him thet all: the checks Were negative. At that tine I was informed by §5/X Kristlow that the Tallahassee police hed discovered large quantities of records, to include computer discs and a U.S. Basspoct in the van. Prom some of these records the police had Sbeained tentative identification of the two adults, and partial identification of the chiléren. Furthenore, the two Washington, D.C. addresses had been aiscovered through these documents, one of which was verified tyroush the vehicle registration, I advised SS/A Krietlow I was leaving = . fe headquarters and he would be receiving a. response to the Tenainder of his request from SS/a Harrold, I then left as Stoted and proceeded to conduct other business in the District. A short time later, at approximately 11:30 a-m., SS/A Barrold contacted me by radio, and advised me that a Detective Jim Bradley of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Was interested in the information provided by SS/X Krietlow, was in contact with Tallahassee, and would very probably be conducting search warrants in the area later in the day. He also informed me that U.S, Customs was invited to participate due to the continuing: possibility of violations of law enforced by the Customs Service. As I was already in. Washington, I terminated my other business and proceeded .to cake contact with Detective Bradley, Intelligence Division, HPD. pon contacting Detective Bradley, I learned that he had initiated an‘ investigation on the two addresses provided by the Tallahassee Police Dept. during December of 1986. An informant had given bim information regarding a cult, known as the *pinders' operating various businesses out of a warehouse located at 1307 4th St., N.B,, and were supposed to be housing , . children at 3918/3920 W St., N.W. The information was ‘specific {| {n describing "blocd rituals" and sexual orgies involving children, and an 2s yet unsolved murder in which the Pindérs ay be involved. With the information provided by the informant, Detective Bradley was able to match some of the chiléren in Tallahassee with names of children known alleged to be in the custody of the Finders. Purthermore, Bradley was able to match the tentative 1D of the advits with known members Gf the Finders. I stood by vhile Bradley consulted with AUSA Harry Benner and obtained. search warrants for the two premises, 1 advised acting RAC SS/A Tim wolloran of my atention to accompany MPD on the execution of the warrants, received his permission, and was joined by SS/A Barrold.: SS/A 65 Eogfe1e accompanied the team which went to 1307 4th St, and Z Went we 2919/20 W St. : c 4s puring the execution of. the warrant at 3918/20 W St., I was 6 : . a able to observe and access the entire building: 1 saw large quantities of children's clothing an@ toys. the clothing consisting cf diapers and clothes in the toddler to pre-school range. No chilérea vere found on the premises. “there were several subjects on the premises. Only one vas deened to be connected vith the finders. The rest were renting living space fron this individual. ge was identified as Stuart Miles SILVERSTONS, D0B/061941, U.S. Passport No. 010958991. + SILVERSTONE was located in a room’ equipped with several computers, printers, and numerous documents, cursory exeminetion of the documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for’ unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community known as Pinders, purchasing children, trading; and kidnapping. There were telex messages using Hci account numbers between a computer terminal believed to beclocated in, the same room, and others located across the country and’ in foreign locations. One such telex specifically ordered: the. purchase of tvo children in Bong Kong to be-arranged-through @ contact in the Chinese Embassy thece. Another. telex expressed an interest in ‘benk secrecy" situations. other documents identified interests in high-tech trensfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Pinders, a keen interest in terrocism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement. Also found in the ‘computer roon* was a Getailed summary of the events surrounding the arrest and taking into custody of the two adults and six children in Tallahassee, Plorida on the previous night. here were also, a set of instructions which appeared to be broadcast via & computer netuork which a@vised participants to move ‘the children* and keep them moving through different jurisdictions, and instructions on how to avoid police attention: One of the residents was identified as a chinese National. Due to the telex discovered referencing the Chinese Embassy in Hong Rong, he was fully identified for future reference: WANG/Genexin, DOB/092747, POB/Tianjin, People's Republic of China Passport No: 324999, entered the U.S. on Janvary 22, i9e7, aémitted until December 31, 1987. He is in the U. graduate student in the Anatomy Department of Georgetown University. Bis Visa was issued on November 10, 1986, in Leadon, England, number 00143, asa During the course of the evening, I contacted Sector 4 to. initiate a TECS check on SILVERSTONE, and initiate an archives check on him for the last four years. I also contacted SS/A Holloran to keep him aévised of the proceedings and asked for and received permission to contact SS/A John Sullivan of the cepu to guecy some names through the CPPU data base. SS/A elloran told me he would call Southeast Region eadquarters to keep then posted on the proceedings as well. 1 later contacted sé $8/m Sullivan for the stated pucpose, and in the discussion that followed, T gave him sone background on the purpose of the request. 1 advised him that the information vas not for 46 Ssemination at geedquarters, that Region was being notified, 14 i? . ane and that Region would probably contact Headquarters later if Seemed necessary. SS/A Sullivan assured me that the information vould go no fucther until official notification vas made by Region, No positive matches were obtained from the CPPU deta base. I ves later joined at the W Street address by §S/A Berrold. SS/A Barrold a@vised me that there were extremely large quantities of documents and computer equipment at the varehouse, and that MPD was posting officers inside the building there and sealing the building until morning, in which 2 second warrant for that premises would be obtained and execat) SS/A Bacrold also advised me that the news media had i been notified and had been waiting for the execution of the warrant at the 4th Street addcess,. Detective Bradley later stated that the MPD Public Information Officer had been contacted by a Tallahassee reporter. When it became apparent the P10 had no information on the search warrants, the reporter contacted local media representatives and a check of public *- records containing the affidavits for the search warrants © Giselosed the locations and purpose of the warrants. Detective pragley surmised that someone on the Tallahassee Police Department was the original source of information for the press. 1 advised SS/A Holloran of the involvement of the press, and he stated that he would, in turn, relay the information to Region. SS/A Herrold and I assisted in the transport of the.evidencd seized pursuant to the warrant’ and cleaced MPD after. the. press left the area, on Friday, 2/6/87,-1 met Detective Bradley at the warehouse on Sth Street, N.2, I auly advised my acting group supervisor, S5/A Don Bluévorth: I was-again granted unlimited access to the premises. I was able to observe numerous documents which described explicit sexual conduct between the members of the Community known as finders. I also saw a large collection of photographs of unidentified persons. Some of the photographs gere nudes, bélieved to be of members’of Finders. There were Iumerous photos of children, some nude, at least one of which Was a photo of a child ‘on displey* and appearing to accent the child's genitals. I was only able to examine a very small mount of the photos at this time. However, one of the Gericecs presented me with a photo album for my review eibun contained a series ‘of phetos of adults ahd children the Gressed in white sheets participating in a "blood ritual. cituel centered around the execution of at least two goats. The photos portrayed the execution, disembovelment, skinning ang dismemberment of the goats at the hands of the children. this included the removal of the testes of # male goat, the discovery of a female goat's ‘womb and the ‘baby goats" inside the wom, and the presentation of a goats head to one of the children. ¥ rurthec inspection of the premises Sisclosed numerous £hles 5 releting te activities of the organization in different parts cf the vorid. Locations 1 observed are as follows: London, Ceemsny, the Bahamas, Japan, Bong Kong, Malaysia, Africa, costa | SEE ha teurope.* There was aiso a file identified as 72 20 1% - 400 ipatestinion.t other {Lies were identifies by member name oe fl seresetet neae. The peodects eppeacing to be operated for eee2eet ar purposes uncer front memes for the Fingers. There RITTELE Eine eneitied ‘Pentagon Break-rn,* and others which Tiherted to mensecs cperating in foreign countries. Wot ctiicved by me Due related by an KPD officer, vece intelligence {lise on geivate families not related to the Fingers. The siocess undertaken eppencs to have been a systmatic response to cSt hevpager advertivenents for babysitters, tutors, ete. A cee ee eRe pindecs would respond and gathec as much) Meroe ation as possible about the habits, igentity, occupation, cleo, oF tne amily. The vse to which this information was to sec oke is still unknown. There vas also a large amount of date csijected on various enilé cace ccganizations. ghe warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens, .a sauna, see eeeepeng a tides room." Tha video room seemed to be set nototupy Uigececinacion center. Tt also appeared thet the +. weglasiation nad Ene capapility to produce its oxm-videos” Chase teil oUnge appeaced to be training areas. for chiléren and ett abeiecea to be an altar set op in a residential area of se eee ise. Many Jars of urine and feces ware located in ry should also mention that both premis: re equipped with satellite dish antennas. * : 1 Giscussed the course .of action taken by HPD with Setective Bradley. #e stated he-was.only interested in making che child abuse case(s). I was assured that all of the gvigence would be available to U.S: Customs-in furtherance of any investigative/eciminal action pursued. MPD personnel were to begin around the clock review and sorting of the evidence sti completed. Customs will have eccess after this is Recomplished. Zhis will include several U.S. Passports discovered during the search. upon leaving the 4th Street premises, T, encountered a news wegta cepresentacive and was asked the reason behing Urs. weeio ah Eavoivenent in the investigation. 1 advised the ceeeeeee tuse T could not discuss anything and referred. nat to * tee’nac/pe. y left inmediately thereafter. ghece is a0 further information available ar this tines 20 Tet cake three to five cays for all the informesion Fe be seep reviewed, logged by the MPD. 1 vill maintain contact, seth pevective Bradley until the evidence is again accessible. Respectfully submitted, * “a Ramon J. Matinee Special agent, USCS at v w . amir OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ra ar REPORT OF INVESTIGATION. 1 oF 2 FINDERS wine CJ mmtmer Jewry Pesos 02/05/87 etre Dennen - 1 [Foo 1 | Kone Cm foe monet swe ar Oe Gas Ovni me Or XEaaee On Thursday, February 5,.1987, Senior Special Agent Harrold and I degusted ,the Washington, ‘D.C. Metropolitan Police Déperteent (upp) with two search warrants’ involving the poseitis ‘sexual exploitation of children. During the course’ of the cessch varrante, nuperous documents were discovered vhich appeared to be goncerned with international trafficking in children, high tech transfer to the United Kingdom, an. @ international transfer of currency. . scyva beach Conca Meda, © RAC/Taliahessee eftiner, Shebiar Agent 64 ame Fe E0:S0:6 SE te ar ine < 2 of2 REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Wat Js CONTINUATION —_ DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: On March 31, 1987, I contected Detective Jewes Bradley of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). I.was to meet with Detective Bradley to review the documents seized ,. pursuant to two search warrants executed in February. 1987." ‘The neeting was to take plece on April 2 or 3, 1987. oe on Apr 1967, I errived at NPD. at approximately 9:00 a.m. Detective Bradley was not available. I spoke to.a third party who was willing to discuss the case with me on 2 strictly "off the record" basis. I wes advised that all the passport data had been turned over to the State Department for their investigation. The State Department in turn, advised NPD that all travel and use of the pessports by the holders of the passports was within the lew and no action would be taken. This included travel to Moscow, North “Morea, and North Vietnam from the late 1950's to mid 1970's. e individual further advised pe of circumstances which indicated that the investigation into the activity of the PINDERS hed decone a.CIA internal catter. The MPD report has been, classified secret end.vas not available for review. 1 was aévised thet the PBI had withérevn from the investigation several weeks prior and that.the PBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. ° ther information will be evailable. Wo further action will ACTION 10 BE TAKEN BY LESD/TECS No action to be taken on the basis of this, report. THEODORE L. GUNDERSON FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.) P.O. Box 18000-259 Las Vegas, NV 89114 Phone: (702)791-5195, Voice: (310)364~-2280, Faxt (702)791-2906 + filed formal complaints on siz occasions with the FBI denanding an investigation of the FINDERS and the international eatricking of children who have been kidnapped or obtained through subterfuge (orphanages; and on occasion the agency Jnown as the Child Protective Services) but the FBI refused to contact me. 1 have received two complaints from airline employees that dirplanes containing several hundred children were flown to paris . France from Denver Colorado and Los Angeles, Ciigofnia. ‘Two hundred and ten children were reportedly on Che manifest of the Denver plane. In addition Paul Bonacci quSa"me about children who were auctioned off in the early {ono's outeide Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada. These dhiiaren were auctioned off in their underwear with a number on heard around their necks, some for $50,000. each (see the Franklin Cover up Investigation). one hundred and ninety one children assigned to the Child Gretective Services in Florida are missing with no indication ee tncir whereabouts. One hundred thousand children disappear Gach year in America (Readers Digest, July 1982). News Articles on the ‘FINDERS’ Through a glass, very darkly @ very odd i S.NEWS their backs of what all the ev 2 seccee! 10 62” ira ina loon park, the cult sd. Te ‘er the ease ike aloodho) lifes as members : were chargee wich da. dg, Washi US, Customs idents of Culp Va. 90 minutes from Wasningtor say ine Finders have aperuied sn jorandure ob: one photo ape seemed: Ther abuse, Sotaaism, desing in pornography slitie animal slasgh: Nene of t= al vias ver proved, however, the snild ab two mes in Tala x af the chile The group's Questions. shave enanged 9 panment has oe don’t abovt vou. ceRevaep 7 (982 ES Members'of satanic cult Se tigen the Fale ete es ple Tved-in ibe Dass cf Columbia | Been ren ewny bs © Colum partala satanic od al prea: the hater sag oat wee tying today 12 arm, te cidenes cof ete Goldie, dete thai parents s it an. vosdestfied” ‘rou dowel ges of wer abuse, based "Ta child. —You boyy ahd Sigs ah bie two pire ranging in age fom 2 bile to wien BS 1 Jreput instate custody.“ Gad therselves at Michael Hocll? Tap and Deeg Arona os Baines police believe are pions. regain held nies ot oma fe Ried police sbourtaeesel Serie te ene Fake, and that Ge aE] lithia erpanization ean do that they § swank to with your children spokesman Scott Hunt said Fr “I believe what you're £9 ecto gia ee Gg ‘Alas the kids! parents belong ereanieation’s Bi (Eountilive' eat agure aching: Houlihan te wditwect:name, Host everything ia: we! cant eay-a whole? 2 thei’ pee 3 Tos" said: Walt, Ferguson, -pefosed to anawet further Questions. circ ‘The children told police they bad spokesoan Wek : gt seen Ber mother sine before ‘Tie. Washington ‘Post Feported 1 ea One gid eaid. the me today tat the US, Casas Sere Caine on nl ead all of ice halo ith dhe veal teen ee ‘esa Withington, D.Gd owaschoazes erinatent teked BS au ne two. chidien engaped in wba fobecatatae os TPN to cult accused of abuse Justice probes | links to Finders ra eiaersn: see CIA, page Ut SPECIAL REPORT Stolen Children Thousands of youngsters areabducted by strangers—and only a fewarcever found 4s anyone sen Kevin Collins? Kevin 10 yearsald and 4 fect @ inches tail, with browe hair, srcen eyes and cheerful dispo- Sion, When he vanished without a trace after basketball practice at St Agnes School aan Francieco.on Feb. 10, theassumption Swasthat he had been abducted, and the city esponded with all the shocked, if usually Shorv-lved.aitenivenessruchovteagespro- woke, While San Francisco police conducted 2D massive, round-the-clock search for the raishing boy. volunteers disinibuied more than 100,000 Miers earrying his picture, the school offered $2,000 far information lead: um and Mayor Dianne Fein- Stain postew an adaitional reward of 55,000, ‘Kevia’s parents, meanwhile, offered the only thing they could, public appeal to his abductor that seemed allthe more wrench quired. “We ave not in justice or puniha ‘ana Collins on local TV.” interestedin tissafe return, Welove our son, and we need him.” A month has passed Srtnous a hing ofthe boy's whereabouts Prntatacy Cruelty: OF the approximately [LB milion children who are eeported miss ing exch year, 90 1095 percent are bkely to beruntways of youngsters abducted by = pareat involve! in custody fight. By wide Fy earying eximates, anywhere from 6,000 16 30.000 mussiog children ate, ike Kevin Coitins, presumed tobe victiens of "stranger sedvciion.” + enime of predniory ervelty usually committed by pedophiles, porno graghers, blackomarket baby peddlers oF {hhiglesspryehoties bidding desperately for parenthood. Only a few eases are solved, Even fewer stranger abdveted children are recovered alive “Though they constitute the smallest por tion of the missing children phenomenon, hey can be weighicd at 10 times thele number for the emotional havor they leave in theit wake, Noreen Gosch, of West Deo Moines, lows, whose 12-year-old som. John Davie, vanished from hie paper route ‘on the morning of Sept. 8, 1982, tecalls the sheer “physical pain” of the: wig ‘Our hearts hur, our stomachs hurt We thovght of him being tortured oF mur Jered.” she saye. Eightcen months Tater creen ll Roles whispered. converse Wee auth hot son's picture 4 Heel Bet Niitor pusioe talbs about har “Johnny. Wat Cabo krow yung aight be alive and I'm doing something sbout this” ‘Until recent years it wa8 one of the sec ondary shocks or pacentscfatolen children that they were slone in their crisis—and often nightmarishly thwarted by footage ging police departments, jurisdictional tan- glesendan FBl unable enters case valess there was clear evidence of an abduction, But things began ( change sbout five years 0, when the disappearance of six-year od Euan Patz from Manhattan's Scho ncigh= othood brought the considerable force of the New York media into play. Since then, interestin the subject haz news =d, Flagerpriae To counteract what they re- gard as lave-cnforoement dawdling. elf help orgenizations—some ef them founded by parents of vietims—have tprung up to Provide information and educational pro- grime and lobby for aiff lay agninst abductors, some communities have begun {0 ngerprint children and teack them how to protect themselves ngainst potential ab- ductors (page 80). On the nationallevel. the ease of Adam Walth added to the growing public awareness. Adam six, daappeated rom a Sears sore tn Hollywood, Fla, on July 27, 1981; two weeks later his severed herd was found ina canal 100 miles away. (Laat October, aller NBC sited “Adam, Ineorhour dramatization ofthe tragic case, ‘he network showed pictures and data on 55 dren. Aa a fezult, (4 of the Dave since been found, (The pro {ram will be rebrondeaat neat month, with 41 new eases appended.) Ie was te anguished testimeny of Ad W's father. Jahn Waleh, before (wo Senale subcammitices that helped lea tothe Mis ing Children's Act of 1982, whieh lows Tocal police and parents sprealing to the PDI to ing foral cates into toe bur teas National Crime laformation Center (NCIC) computer. (Publi. presture has EWSWEEK/MARCIE IS, 1944 Gosch'spavents im his bedroom: Johnny, I know the percentages but sow might be alive” also forced the FBI to change its policies — they now enter eases after 24 hour on the has.been trans cross siate lines) Last month Senate rubcommittes began hearing tx ‘mony on «bill to strengthen the ‘82 act by [providing funds for a national resource cen {eron missing children, buteessed by atoll {ree hotline. “Milions of children remain at ble 10 expleitation, abuse and ‘Sen. Atten Specter the bill's cospontor, as the hearings opened. “It is imperative that the federal government as ve rele ‘Butin spite of increased lpislative activ= ity, the law-enforceroeat efor remains er- riticandconfused. Because the overwhelra- “Our iiearts hurt, our | Stomachs hurt," says Nor- | een Gosek. “We thought | of Volinny] being tor- | tured or inurdered.” ing number of the missing turn out co b sinawey, police ellen avoud taking vgs us action until 24 to 48h havecscaped to another jurtadiction, where thesearch is aptto get low peionty, Richard Ruffino, supervisor of the mssing-persons Dureawofthe Bergen County (NJ )onenie Department (and kimselfs kidnapping vice tim when he ws rine), says thal overbar Sencd police departraents “will play the centages ifthey have to, Up toage nine | can't conceive ef any agency that moulds gorllovt, ioumediately, fora missing chil, ‘But whenit getsinto the age ofthe so-called Runaway zone, perbaps moreofanindividu- Aldetermination comes into play.” Fale Leads On the whole, police dread such cases. Kidnappings of children are distresingly easy comet and noxorious- ly dificul to selves stranger ora vaguely, farilar seighborhood figure talks » child {nto accompanying bim on some rise, with= (ut attracting the suspicions of passers-by, ‘The trail, if'thee is one, soon goes cold and the police investigation sinks under » crushing sumber of fale leads. Saye Jay Howell, a consultant to Use Justice Depart ment of mising- and exploited chiktren cases: “The abduction ofa child is often x fiendly encounter leaving no evidence ber Ihind to euggest the aature ofthe dzappear- The Mort, where their son disappeered: ‘The nighimare Bins with chilling wuddennest’ ” The Simple Rules of Safety Dr, Spock's bible on child-rearing docen't mention it, and parents usally tyoid it entirely or never venture beyond the eld axiom: "Don't tlk ta strangers.” Infact, child psychologists agree thal ceat toca the moat eificult subject for paren odiscuse with children it kideapping. Bot the reed for a mote sophisticated 9 proach to the possibilty of child abdve- tion seems cleat. Experts believe thatthe best way to talk fo youngsters about the problem without instilling undve fear isto give them "sie\~ ple, direct messages™ delivered siraight. forwardly and geared (0 incividual age levels. “This should be like telling your bil to fish all his vegetablen’ De. C. Tomlinson Keasey, developmental peyehology at the Univer- ance. It ig unique in law enforcement.” The nightmare can begin with chilling suddenness: Adam Walsh vanished during the eight minutes in which his mother #495 she eft nim tlone ia thetoy department of Sears store while ahe thopped for lam A tecurity. guard temembered wirga rowdy group of cider boysout of the ware aud semitied tin-year-old Adam might heve been among them. Deyond the! here wasothing but vague recalicuonsel lading 4 [O-vear-old who une tity of California, Riverside, To demons rate what can be done in a potent dangerous situation, parents can engage children io tole playing or makes game of ‘exercises in precaution. But adults should avoid giving children postabuction de- tails, "Tee the fredeil eyndrome,” says Nancy MeBride, aa instructor at the ‘Adam Walsh Child Resource Center in Plantation, Fa, "You teach bigs what to do but nat what would happen to them if ‘hey are caught ina fre” ‘Righee Most important, childven need to know that they have Fights where sults ae concerned, Chat the stranger who towers over thea dosn't necessary have the authority to tll them what £0 do, Ken Lanning ofthe FBI's Behaviocal Science Unit ells this “assertiveness Uuaining for Kids—teachiclg children that they have the Fight to say ‘no! Many Ups provided by jssing-childeen organiza. tions and las-enforeement agencies teem obvious, Bat ‘thorities stress that par ‘ents will often convey in complete informauion. 1s ‘common, for example, for children’ to know their hhome-phone number but not their area code: they may have their strect 4+ Grasdownceld, butifasked Where that is, they might Justas easily say Minnespo- Tis, Maseachuseuts of Mile ‘waukee. To help increase a Child's awarenets of poten: lial danger, parents should consider these general rues: Mike sure your child Knows his full name, ad

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