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Health History-Interview Section (part2)

Nurse : Can you good more

Patient : 25 and i heard that turn to 26 insurance or my parents insurance. It’s

a good that aren’t the insurance them anymore.

Nurse : Are you for aforble character was fast in 2010 ? Ok.

Patient : I heard that.

Nurse : Ok

Well under the obama care plans now we have national health care

insurance plans evalibality. You can sign up the other web and all the

plans or now. Demanded to have woman check’s up like if you to need

to in the future so that’s something enough for you to located ? is that

answer the questions ? any other questions ?

Are you takin any proseeption medication ?

Patient : No.

Nurse : Alright.

Any over caunt medication that you’re take recordeclly ?

Patient : Just the mothlimon

Nurse : How long do you take that ?

Patient : Once a day.

Nurse : Oke.
Now we’re gonna going to alergic have you ever had the alergic

reaction medication ?

Patient : No.

Nurse : Any medication that alergic that you no want ?

Patient : No.

Nurse : No. I’m gonna list up the view thing you may though are you alergic to

lytax, eggs, crash, salt fish, any other type of food.

Patient : No.

Nurse : Ok great.

So the net section is your emunication your vaxine.

What you some times insuming are you preciate you taking the time


Bringing your emunication . they all seem all of today you lasted. In

your not everything here. You got that. In 2011 you are got flueshort

earlier is verygood and all you other emunication got up today. So

thank you for that.

Let’s move on. Now, your family historyany medical problems in your

family, your mother, your father, sister brothers ?

Patient : My Dad has high blood preasure.

Nurse : Oh, yeah.

I go a head approve that.

And are you mother father both alive still ?

Patient : Eh hem.

Nurse : Oh great.

Deadly brothers and sisters ?

Patient : No .

Nurse : Any disarllative with any types of cancer ? like horan, brust or

operation cancer. Ok .

Now, moving along

Your education what is thee highest grade that you finished the

school or currently.

Patient : In my 30 collage.

Nurse : what do you mayor may I ask ?

Patient : Computer science.

Nurse : Ok, awesomw that’s very up coming field so good.

What languenge do you prefers to speak ? english, spanish both ?

Patient : English.

Nurse : Ok, how long to you read ?

What do you say well , very well, not well ?

Patient : Very well.

Nurse : Hhm , oke.

Do you take care of any pets at home ?

Patient : No.

Nurse : Ok, no pets.

What do you to drink the day before ?

Like besides you go to school, do you work ?

Patient : yes, I work.

Nurse : Ok, do you work partime and your tens school what’s your


Patient : I’m barista of starbucks

Nurse : Now you said your computer science ?

So that mean you are working on computer for school how many

hours a week that you can say that you are ?

Patient : 3 day in a week, 21 hours.

Nurse : Ok, it’s a lot usually.

That’s for a lot of people.

Are you currently in the militery ?

Patient : No.

Nurse : Oke. The next section is exsersice. Do you excersice ?

Patient : eh hem.

Nurse : what kind of excersice do you do ?

Patient : I run.

Nurse : you run and how many day per weeks do you excersice ?

Patient : ehmm 2-3 days a weeks.

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