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Reg. No.


Karunya University
(Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences)

(Declared as Deemed to be University under Sec.3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

End Semester Examination – November/ December - 2013


Time : 3 hours
Subject Code: 13IT202
Maximum Marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART – A (10 x 1 = 10 MARKS)

1. A __________ is someone who stands to gain or lose depending on how a situation is


2. Define whistle-blowing.

3. Who are called as hackers?

4. ___________ occurs when someone steals key pieces of information to impersonate a


5. Write the use of Internet filter.

6. Define plagiarism.

7. What is meant by breach of warranty claim?

8. ___________ is a computer readable record of health-related information on an individual.

9. Define Cyberstalking.

10. Write about direct advertising.

PART – B (5 x 3 = 15 MARKS)

11. Write any three characteristics of a successful ethics program.

12. Write the exploits caused by Trojan horse.

13. What is meant by a patent? What is the use of it?

14. Write few uses of wireless technology in the health care field.

15. What is meant by Green Computing?

PART – C (5 x 15 = 75 MARKS)

16. a. What are Ethics? Why fostering good business ethics is important?

b. Discuss on including ethical considerations in decision making.



17. Explain in detail on the professional relationship that must be managed between employers
clients, suppliers, and other professionals.

18. Explain in detail on the different types of exploits that can harm your computer.


19. Write in detail on the different Key Privacy and Anonymity Issues. How can you protect your
personal data? Give a suitable real-time scenario.

20. a. Explain in detail about controlling access to information on the Internet.


b. Explain in detail about Corporate Blogging and Pornography.



21. a. Discuss in detail on the different aspects of patents and explain its types.

b. Write in detail about Plagiarism and Reverse engineering.


22. a. What is testing? Explain the different types of testing?

(7) b. Explain the strategies for engineering quality software. (8)


23. Describe in detail on the impact of IT on the standard of living and worker productivity.

24. What are some of the key ethical issues associated with the use of social networking web


25. a. What is meant by Outsourcing? Write about Offshore outsourcing, also give the pros

cons of offshore outsourcing.


b. Give the different strategies for successful offshore outsourcing. (5)

End Semester Examination – November/ December - 2014


Time : 3 hours
Subject Code: 13IT202
Maximum Marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART – A (10 x 1 = 10 MARKS)

1. Write about the Code of Ethics.

2. Define the term Breach of Contract.

3. Write about Trojan horse.

4. What is meant by Phishing?

5. Making either an oral or a written statement of an alleged fact that is false and that harms
another person is __________.

6. ___________ is the process of taking something apart in order to understand it, build a
copy of it, or improve it.

7. Expand the term CMMI.

8. __________ is defined as the amount of output produced per unit of input, and it is

in many different ways.

9. What is the aim of Social Shopping websites?

10. ___________ is a long term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services

with an outside organization that has expertise in providing a specific function.

PART – B (5 x 3 = 15 MARKS)

11. Write the concept of Globalization in an ethical perspective.

12. How can you safeguard your data through information privacy?

13. Write about the main aspects of Patents.

14. Write the common use of wireless technology in the health care field.

15. What is meant by Green Computing?

PART – C (5 x 15 = 75 MARKS)

16. Write about the decision making process in an ethical consideration. Explain about the steps to
be taken. Also give their different approaches to deal with moral issues.


17. Write about the common ethical issues for IT users that they face in real time systems. Explain
about the different steps that can be taken to support the ethical practices of IT users.
18. How can different types of perpetrators who launch different kinds of computer attacks harm
the system? Explain in detail about their types of motives.


19. Write in detail on the different key privacy and anonymity issues that harm your personal data.
Give a suitable real-time scenario for safeguarding your data.

20. Explain in detail about the key issues focusing on the freedom of expression. Give a detailed
note on its different aspects.


21. Write a note on:


a. Plagiarism b. Reverse Engineering c.

Trademark Infringement


22. Explain about the software development process and state how different types of testing
phases will be done in each process.


23. Explain in detail on the impact of IT on the health care costs.

24. Write about the key ethical issues in Social Networking. Give reasons to state how this can
influence the real world.


25. Explain in detail about Whistle Blowing. Write the major aspects involved in it.

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