Tugas B.inggris Mam Erni

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Nama: Ahmad Agung Ash Shiddiqy

Kelas: X.MIPA.6

Practise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms.

1. The radio is broken. I shall ask somebody to fix it tomorrow.

2. A : We bought the parts separately. We shall assemble them ourselves.

B : That sounds rather interesting. I am going to come and help you if you like.

3. A: Why do you want all the funiture out of the room?

B : Because I am going to shampoo the carpet. It`s impossible to do it unless you take everything out first.

4. A : Here is the lighter. But, what do you want them for?

B : I shall light the candles. There are many files arround here.

A : Will, be carefull it the candles fall down, it will burn the paper.

5. A : Have you decided on your colour sceme?

B : Oh yes, and I`ve bought the paint. I shall paint this room blue and the sithing room green.

6. I borrowed the book from Tania. I shall have an exam tomorrow.

7. A : I wonder if Berta knows that school is closed because of the flood.

B : Probably not. I am going to look in on my way home and tell her. I`m glad you thought of it.

8. Leave the present on the table and she is going to see it when she comes in.

9. A : Do you have to carry so much stuff on your back?

B : Yes. We will climb the mountain. We will camp out there and will cook our on meals, so we have to carry
a lot.

10. There`s not much bread. I`m afraid. I am going to buy some in the supermarket before they come.

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