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- CHARLIE PARKER OMNIBOOK Charlie Parker There have been three books written about Charlie Parker which cover his lif thoroughly and these cre recommended to learn about the hard life he led and the way he influenced Jaz in America. The books are BIRD by Robert George Reisner, CHARLIE PARKER by Mox Harrison (British) ond BIRD LIVES! by Ross Russell. He was born, brought up and educated in Kansas City, Kansas of a poor family, with his mother heading the family, the father long gone for other pastures. His mother managed to 7¢ that he learned the rudiments of his instrument, the alto saxophone and it was ‘even a struggle to buy him o horn and get him lessons In some ways, he was like Picasso, ever searching for new ways of expres sion, bored with the stereotyped changes in ad-libbing (impressions), he experi- rented until he discovered he could produce his ideas associated with personal exper- nce by using devices related to the higher intervals of a chord as a melody line. And like Picasso, once arrived at his ultimate style, he stayed there since imitators could not comfortably or naturally follow his direction. Just as you can look at @ mod- ern Picasso, work, you can hear a Parker solo and identify them easly. Unfortunately, Parker-lived-35-years, Picasso-almost-9: Because he preferred to work with small groups, he was able to develop his unique characteristics; mobility of attack, freedom of accentuation, imagination and fluency of his inventive faculty and rhythms. His “bop” adventure’ brought about a fresh harmonic complexity with richer melodic language, employing a greater range of intervals, This creative area was not accepted immediately by his peers or public because it dared to be different and it took years before his “sound” became popular. U have followed Parker's career through the years and when scouting the Har- lan Leonard band in Philadelphia about 1938 or '39, he might have been still with the sax section. Definitely in 1947 while with Leeds Music, now MCA, | brought the Jay ‘MeShann catalogue into the firm along with come works by Charlie Porker and heard ‘this bond live. Living in New York and frequenting the 52nd Street clubs, if was always possible to hear him with his own or all-star groups. An old friend Billy Shaw, his manager, was-kind.enough-to entrust my company with his copyrights and this began @ lonig association with his music that resulted in the acquisition of his compositions which comprise this book a A. great deal of preparation went into the production of this book. The actual solos were transcribed by Jamey Aebersold and Ken Slone, a monumental task. We are very proud to be the publisher of the most important collection ever made of the works of Charlie Parker. Michael H. Goldsen Publisher -HARLIE PARKER OMNIBOOK 1d From His Recorded Solos « Transposed Ts Concert Key 1oUNG ‘ CHLCHT CONEIRMVEION CONSTELLATION COSMIC RAYS DEWEY SQUAR 1 DIVERSE DONNA LEE KC RLCES RIM No KIM No, t KEAUN STANCE so DATED) 13 ae MARMADUKE MERRY GO.ROUND MOHAWK © Noo} MOHAWK «No. 2 Moos THE Moot ‘ MY LITTLE SUEDE SHOES Be NOWS THE TIME No. 1 ‘ NOWS THE TIME | No 7% ORNF PHOLOGY AN OSCAR FOR TREADWE “2 PARKERS MouD, ie PASSPORT m3 PERHAPS 3 RED CROSS be TANING WITH LEE 122 FROM THE APPLE 15 AWNCFF SHE ROTE No. SHE ROTE. S. Sts PPLECHASE THRIVING FROM A RI Vist WARMING UP 4 RIEL YARDRIRD SUT INTRODUCTION The solos in this book represent ¢ In presenting these solos, we hope to bring music! Hon of the music of Charlie Parker. ns closer to the true genius of “Bird! These solos are in C concert key, trebl book was originally published in Eb key and this new concert version should allow many more explore the won derful world of music that Charlie Parker gave us. Most Jozz musicians have learned to icy by listening to records and imitating the notes, articulations, vibrato, ate. of the masters. We encourage you to play these with the actual recording, Listen to the record first, then alay through the sola slowly, groduaily increasing the speed until you cre at the recorded tempo Bird played it. | don't feel the idea is to try to play the solos exactly as Bird did, but rather to find phrases, articulations, scoops, turns, ele, thet you feel you would like to incorpora inte your own playing. By being able to see ond play I notes, it should help speed up the learning process, Many players ploy but retain their own personality. Practice with a metronome, Each day try #9 increase the tempo a litle, all the while retaining the inflections, articulations, ele. that you would use at the slower tempo. Try practicing some of these solos with the Aebersold Play A Long zecords, Take 9 slow blues solo in F and play it with one of the racords in the series that has a slow F blues, then move to a record that hos « faster F blues. It is fun to work towards play- ing the solos with Bird along with the cctucl Parker recorded version. Biues make up the largest portion of this book. Rhythm changes come next. Some compositions have the two versions cacorded by Parker in separate solos. When a measure occurs withaut @ chord symbol cbove it, the chord is the same os the meas- ure preceeding it Most players like to anclyze solos ia order to find out what the musician is do. ing. Our ears cannot always HEAR what is happening so we slow the music down, transcribe it, cnalyze it, practice the licks, patterns and phrases we like best, and ‘end up playing them in our own way on our instruments, We hove put chord symbols, over most all bars to enable you to analyze the notes in relation to the chord. Remem- ber, each chord symbol represents @ series of tones called a scale. Older musicians used to improvise mainly on chord tones; Charlie Parker was one of the first to broaden that to include scales and substitute scales, For information on scale substitution refer jo the Scale Syliabus chart." Bird loved to use the b9 over the Dom. 7th:chord/scale. The Blues scale and its accompanying licks was an important part of his music, even when playing songs other than blues! When you find licks or patterns that you enjoy, practice them in several keys so the melodic ohrase becomes a art of you. It should becose avtometic in order #0 really be useable in c playing situation: Only a minimum of articulations have been out in this book. We fee! tha! being on aural art form, is often times best imitoted by listening over ond over, and ther playing the notes the way you hear it on the record. This might seem like the long way 10 do it, but experience hes proven reliable. After all, who would object to listening anyway? Listening is what music is all ebout, ‘The records from which these soles are taken ore listed at the top of each solo poge. They are contained in approximately eight recards {some cre two record sets) ‘and most all are still cvailable. The two record sets are a bargain! We hope you have as much enjoyment with this book os we hove had putting it together. Jamey Aebersold + For SC. LE SYLLABUS see paze 143 : Confirmation Too gg et gd Hg ig ag a a att G e reer Eas ers bese Bane eee ee er] E 3 b De a Coy FT raat Ae - Sa EL ee Sa R - br c cr F 2 Confirmation - cont. PEE OEE EEE EEE EE EEE EE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE ERE EEE ED Moose The Mooche By Charlie Parker = Bb + + iF” AbT —4-— —— WTF = Eb °F 47 B> ae abs fn - = ae ee a c c Fr Rb = ee = t+ Ox: —t Mh GO Sage ge Ornithology y Charlie Parker and Benny Harris wo sons FP : Bb7 Eb7 Ad DT Ge DI+9 B CEE EEE OEE EER EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EER EE EEE ECE E EEE CREE EEE EEE EEE EER Ss + lage Fair? === i tig aaa +t + et oF y Charlie Parker Fan eee Fs} Yardbird Suite CEO OEE EE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEC EEE ELE OE ES eee $3 Ss aah! | —_ Sy ae IGF FR: => 73 = Anthropology sy Charlie Parker and John ‘Dizzy’ Gillespie a Aen ) ne 4 —— eR aS ae ert tir? pire ; PEC EE EE EEE EET EELS Cee eee eee een enn Anthropology - cont. EERE EEE EO EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ERE EEE EEE REDE EEE EEE ECE OS Dewey Square y Charlie Parker eat | ss __— : ae “ Aang wesc cc CECE EEE EEE EEE Scrapple From The Apple y Charlie Parker fee oe see nomen eee ee o = 200 cone. cone PEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE OES CEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ECE EES F prb9 S “ss a Blues For Alice y Charlie Parker veave a veve a pb Eb7 A abe CECE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EG Peer eenas ALSO AVAILABLE - CHARLIE PARKER OMNIBOOK : CH ee IE PARKER OMNIBOOK iy etlng nrumants « Transcribed Exectly From His Recorded Solos and Soprano Sax, Trumpet and Cla K.C. Blues y Charlie Parker erate ee ere POOR EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EELS T i THE PROFESSIONAL ARRANGER COMPOSER ——— [BOOK ONE} i By Russell Garcia PROFESSIONAL ARRANGER COMPOSER © Basis for course in Practical Arranging and Composing BOOK ONE in the professional field. For the advanced arranger, © Best selling text book used by leading universities. © Endorsed by leading music educators and composers ond arrangers. ELL GARCIA AND NOW! a THE PROFESSIONAL ARRANGER COMPOSER (BOOK TWO} By Russell Garcia © Discusses contemporary trends in Jazz, Pos and ‘Modern Classical” Techniques. New scales, chords, progressions, free improvisation, vocal effects, using tone rows in pi music, etc, © Contains a recard af many of the 169 examples and the recording af complete score of an exciting contemporary composition by Garcia. (Musicians used are the top, instrumentalists on the West Coast) GARCIA ausselt The both books complement each other! You need bo o0ks for a complete course! CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION 5124 Seima Avenue, Hollywood, 90028 Calif y Charlie Parker Celerity ee ete Or cee at er teeter eee ae eat te eet ee ee at er be G7 By c (By (D>-) c. FT y Charlie Parker Au Privave (No. 1) CEO EE EEE EEO E EEE EE EE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE OER EERE EES = STAGE DANCE BAND = Au Privave (No. 2) 3y Charlie Parker o = 220 3lues Fr F Solo. - Any Musician Can 12 Important Elementor) \ First | Chart | FIRST rect * CHART |: | ay VAN ALEXANDER Contains two records of charts in the book and | “-Mooniight in Vermont” for fll orch and 4 examples of contemporary Styles by 2 leading university orch BARNEY KESSEL says: “This book ‘pens the door fo an arranging ca ‘eer for musicians. Van's first Book ia this for ma.” Chi Chi ere 7 Charlie Parker VERVE 8005 MOM 4949 VERVE @409 PETER E EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE CEE EE EES bec eens Chi Chi - cont. E57 AbT Bo- £57 oT Cosmic Rays 3y Charlie Parker eave sto vee soe J = 132 PEO OEE EEE EE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEO EE EE CER EEE EC ECE EE ELE EROS G7, cr Aq D- Gr ct RPORATION PUBLICATIONS - SAXOPHONE > TRUMPET » Charlie Parker = 162 “Piano Intro ~ Laird Baird PEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EES PEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE GUITAR eC Ott Coed terrae te ecard aT She Rote (No. 1) y Charlie Parker ew eee tee ee ee 3 = 270 Pedal Concert A> 156 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORE. eLTs ATEANT SIC CORP eee ee cee eee eter Ce et ce emer eet Ue cece eee ee een et ec ect Bb sy Charlie Parker 2 = 265, Pedal Concert Ab She Rote (No. 2) PEELE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EERE EEE EEE ECE EEE EEE EE Mohawk (No. 1) y Charlie Parker eer eee eer «= 168 BbT EbT Boma F- BT 3 > LAY BACK 36 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, Ivy UE ANTIC MUSIC CORE AML Rights Reserve w CEO EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE CEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE REELS Bb (D>-) Mohawk (No. 2) yCharlieParker et partes = 14 tues Bb7 BbT EbT EST oan on, me SS ES eae *ngi9g FF ange are 7g 3bT BbT EbT EbT 55aF a * Iris FS wav CeCe eee EE EEL ES ECE EEE EEE EEC EE GEL Cee eet ee eee EEE Cc rT Bho BbT Eb7 Bovis Bb7 Bova 3 it ol 3 A q An Oscar For Treadwell y Charlie Parker 2 = 0 PLANO INTRO Jc D- bis VTEANEE MSIE CO MI Rights Reser COE OEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EOE EEE EERE EE HELE F BbT c c ET ted te et ee eevee tert er ea An Oscar For Treadwell - cont. 5 te sean cutie ree soya PIANO & VOICE nano souot semi fee Roo ACCORDION cH eS Hen Pe RT LEAR co be a aa wee Acme A eae CEO EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEC EE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE OOS eco eeertceve Constellation By Charlie Parker vor m1 MUSIC COKE: k veal GIT@ ATLANTIC MUSIC. CORP. SIC COI MUR (turn page) Consreilation - conr. oe cz IT cr a c7 G C7 FT BbT cr c7 DT Dy D- cL titerian’s ook HAWAIIAN SONG BOOK Citeion’s toon? ISLAND SONG BOOK Polynesian HAWAIIAN BOOK FOR ALL ORGANS EXOTIC BOOK FOR ALL ORGANS HAWAIIAN SING.A-SONG LYRIC 800K Donna Lee y Charlie Parker at J = 230 Ab eb FT Brg Bor Bb- EbT Ab E: AbT ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. id anal assigned ES ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. 'S ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. Al Rights Reserved, rd Chorus ab 3 FT BbT BbT abr Donna Lee - cont. a Bb- FT EDT ab BT Eo7 ORGAN —— EXOTIC BOOK HAWAIIAN BOOK FOR ALL ORGANS Kim (No. 1) 3y Charlie Parker vet soos vee ato BbT FT D- Gr c FT F- BbT EDT (ch) cor FT BbT cy Bb7 BbT > + “Sa be see cc FT BbT EST BbT Gr (turn page) 38 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP DotS ATEANTIC: MUSIC CORE. AM Rights Reser WW Kim (No. 1) - cont. FT F- Bb7 Eb? Eb- D or FT - BT EbT (chy Bb7 BbT DT DT or ce FT BoT EST ch Bot BY Bb Cc FT D- 7 Bb7 Eb7 ! > ig ORCHESTRATIONS (UANDD LL UNA Sma 28) Kim (No. 2) y Charlie Parker var os non os 4 = 920 Bb cor > a c FT r BbT. Eb7 Eb- Bb Bb 21956 ATLANTIC MH 19Fy ATEANTIO UUs! AUR wie Te cee Oe ee ee eet ee eee ret F- BbT7 EbT D GT c- FT Bb ce FI+ D athe (turn page) Kim (No. 2) - cont. (PIANO) GQ (DRUMS) FD Bb c Frog (pb-) G7 c- FT F- BbT Eb Bb Eb7 Bb A GUITAR METHOD THAT TEACHES READING & PLAYING INSTANTLY! rb csinplited aire) arent BARNEY KESSEL JK MARSHALL GEORGE RUSSELL Bite CY A SHORT CUT— —NOT A GIMMICK AN APPROVED MUSICAL METHOD YOU HAVE TO SEE TO BELIEVE! For: THE BEGINNER THE SLOW READER THE “PLAY BY EAR" MUSICIAN Contains these solos— FOR WALKIN “HOUSTON, hits THESE BOOTS ARE MADE LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL TINY BUBBLES,” ond 15. other Cheryl y Charlie Parker or MUsie CONP ned! 1973 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP MUSIC CORP, AIl Rights Reserved. currar Fouos GUITAR ‘ourtan sooKs. f Thriving From A Riff y Charlie Parker eee F- BbT Eb Eo Bb - Bb7 Eb Eb- BS Bb ct cr FT FT Ko Ko By Charlie Parker ee et @ = 308 fy o— f we =i +t eS Bb AbT. (turn paged Ko Ko - cont. Cc FT Bb BS ab7 ab7 Bb B> Bb7 Eb Eb abt AbT Bb Bb cr Bb B> Fr BbT rere cenenr Red Cross 3y Charlie Parker savoy 2201 «= 210 (Head) Solo ‘BT Eb Eb he FS One, TLANTIC MUSIC CORP iC CORP. SOE OER EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEC EEE EEE EEC EEE Bb c FT Bb co Fr JACKSON BROWNE FOLIO Six Songs From His Hit LP My Eyes + My Opening ee itt hid In These ls = Fram Siverake For Piano, Voice & Guitar ica Soy ig For Séam * Marmaduke - y Charlie Parker savor 2201 2 = 208 - ct G cr F = Bb ar cr co IIS ATLANTIC MUSIC CORD > Rew Wl 178 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. PIGS ATLANTIS MUSIC CORP = AM Rights Reserved AS DT Ge TRT. 3 a (BRIDGE) PLANO 16 Drums 2, B BH cam puser Marmaduke - cont. Bb Gr cr co a Barbados ty Charlie Parker savor Woe o> 168 lues FT BbT BbT c7b3 FE G cr Dios P Renewed snl assigns ©1978 ATLANTIC MI AMI Rights fe awe: Music Conr. LMG ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP 7 FT D7 e cr SHAPING FORCES IN MUSIC By Ernst Toch An inquiry into harmony, melody, counterpoint and form. A complete advanced music course now being used by many leading colleges as their text book, Perhaps by Charlie Parker — J = 200 tues (Head) cr cr cr cr Solo ae FT cr ct 769 rr Fr c1g arb ©1948 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. ® Renewed aintaysiguedd 1976 ATLANTIC MSIC CORP PISS ATLANTIC MUSIC CORE. All Rights Reserved CRITERION'S BOOKS & JAZZ PUBLICATIONS FIRST CHART by Van Alexander (Edited and Contributed to by Jimmy Haskell) ‘An important elementary arranging book. Fea tures step-by-step instruction to help musicians through that "rst chart” Includes all he modern styles, Jazz-Rock, Blues-Flock, Conte ovary Latin, ete. Includes a record of two of the harts including Jona C. Fogerty hit for Credence Clearwater Revival, “Lookin’ Out My Back Door” 112 pp Price $14.35 THE PROFESSIONAL ARRANGER COMPOSER (Book One) by Russ Garcia Text book used by leading schools. Basis for ccaurse for practical arranging and composing in the commercial field, For the advanced and pro- Tessional arranger. 172 pp., 1951 Price $14.95 THE PROFESSIONAL ARRANGER COMPOSER (Book Two) by Russ Garcia Discusses contemporary trends in Jazz, Pop and "Modern Classical” Techniques. New scales, chords ete. using tone rows in practical music. Contains a record of many of the 169 examples and the recording of a complete score of a comp- Osition by Garcia. 91 pp, 1978” Price $14.95 \sEW¥ 01 DISCOGRAPHY oy Charlas Delaunay ‘The standard directory of recorded jazz. Titles, personnel, dates and numbers of 20,000 records 608 pp. Price $24.95 THE STECHESON CLASSIFIED SONG DIRECTORY by Anne & Anthony Stacheson A classified dicactory of aver 100,000 song tities, 395 different categories. Used by every major record company. 503 pp, incl. 68 pg. supplement, Price $40.00 CHARLIE PARKER OMNIBOOK 60 Recorded Solos ~ 4 Books ED...C...Bb...Bass Clef (New!) Price $11.95 Now! CHARLIE PARKER FOR PIANO 15 Piano Solos Based on His Recordings ‘Arranged by Paul Smith and Morris Feldman Price $7.95 CHARLIE PARKER FOR PIANO Recorded by The Paul Smith Trio Cassettes available $8.98 by mall CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION (6124 Selma Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90028 Now’s The Time (No. 1) y Charlie Parker co For Melody see Now's The Time (No. 2) - page 76 192 ues Cie a FT FT FT BbT BbT F 3 2145 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, 2 Renewed sal assigned [73 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, ©1978 ATLANTIC MUSIC COMP, AM ish UNDERSCORE By Frank Skinner ‘A complete course in scoring far motion pictures and television, featuring an actual score that was writtern, arranged and recorded for a motion picture, with timing sheets, orchestra sketches and orchestrations Now’s The Time (No. 2) y Charlie Parker een ues (Head) Law FT Fv FT Fr Bb7 BbT BO Fr FT Bb7 Bb7 ATLANTIC MUSIC. CORP. Reueweal sd assigued) 1973. ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP AMIS ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. AU Rights Reserved 8 Buzzy By Charlte Parker — 30 Blue , a BbT BbT Bb7 Eb? BT or c- FT BbT c FT EDT Eb7 BbT or Cr 1947 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. Renewed sind sssigued (975 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP PASTS ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. Ail Rights Reserved, BT FT Eb7 Bb? CHARLIE PARKER OMNIBOOK For Fat Instruments BT Bb BST Billie’s Bounce (also known as BILL'S BOUNCE) sy Charlie Parker savoy met Y "1045 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. Renewed and assigned! 1973 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. 1978 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. All Rights Reserved FF DELAYED FT FT Bb7 BbT Chasing The Bird y Charlie Parker a d= 210 F DT cr FT Bb Be P1U7S ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. All Rights Reserves AT Bb cr go cr F cr Cc go rr F Es = 3 Dr cr cr F G cr Cc FT cz F By Charlie Parker Blue Bird ane a * 1948 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP § ATLANTIC MUSIC Cone, coRP ets ATLANTIC MU AI Righe COCO CECE EOE CEE EEE EEL EEE EE Cee ees hoes Eb7 Bb7 7 E Ah-Leu-Cha (also known as AH LEV CHA) y Charlie Parker savor 2201 «= 190 Melody— Miles Davis om Ge oe i Bird Miles Davis G 4 cT Ge Bird Solo © 1948 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, © Renewer! suid assigned! 1956 ATLANTIC MUSIC. CORP. ©1978 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. AIL Rights Reserved. COE EE TEE CEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE Peete eetreen PLANo (turn page) Kiaun. - cont. A> : FT (a°) Bo- c FT Bb Bb- (E57) (cr) F A ab- co (Gb) 3 : trer.sowo 67 prano soo Of EOE E EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ELE EEE EEE ES Card Board y Charlie Parker veave a0: 210 c EbO D> D. > fo c EbO er F BbT+4 c Eb° ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. ATEANTIC MUSIC CORP. All Rights Reserved. wav AbT 4 G Ge Bird Gets The Worm y Charlie Parker savor 2201 J = 340 Ab AD Ab Bb- EbT ab AbT Db Db- Ab EbT 2194S ATLANTIC MUSIC. CORP. Renewed snd assigued 1976 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP “1978 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. All Rights Reserved. honed F- F7b9 bree eetae a> Ab TRPT. 62 : PIANO 64 BASS & DRUMS 1G (turn page? Bird Gets The Worm - cont. Bb Bb- Bb Eb7 BARNEY KESSEL PUBLICATIONS THE GUITAR ‘Amathad by Barney Kessel (spiral bound) BARNEY KESSEL — PERSONAL MANUSCRIPT SERIES. 101—LONELY MOMENTS 102—ETUDE =11N A MINOR 103--LEFT HAND GYMNASTIC = 104—THE VERY FIRST STUDY IN ‘SYNCOPATED RHYTHM PATTERNS = 105—THE VERY FIRST WARM UPS 2 108_-BLUE BOY Segment By Charlie Parker I +9 Bb- F7b9 Bb FI Bb- c FT Bb- c FT F- 4 Bb7 Eb- Eb- Be FTO9 Bb- FTb9 (turn page) ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, "17S ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP AI Rights Reserved ww Segment - cont. Bb c FT Bb- c FT treeeed ete ean et cat eee Bb- FTbo Bb- Bb- Bb- F7b9 Bb FT Bb Visa y Charlie Parker ‘veRve aoca VERVE 2009 200 FT cr cr FT ye Ye 833 ATLANTIC ALUSIC: CORP ITS ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. AE fights fe Gr cg FT c7 ar cr cr AT Passport y Charlie Parker eave soon env enon 3 = 220 Bb c FT Bb c FT FBT Eb BD cr cc FT Bb c- FT Bb c Fv — = =a =a engt tg age as Tia ae F BbT Eb Bb er io Solo begins z ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. All Rights Reserved. ww eeecune CEE OEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EERE EEC EEE Bb Bb7+ B> Bb Another Hairdo Charlie Parker savor 2201 «= 184 BbT By BT BbT > FT Bb7 BbT &) te Bby br Bir CEE EE EEE EEE OEE EEE OEE EEE EES ANTIC MUSIC CORP. , [78 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, SIC CORP. All Rights Reserved Pee EEE EEE EERE EEC EEE ELE E EE Peer ceneens 7 Charlie Parker Back Home Blues cr cr 21956 ATLANT P1978 ATLANT CECE EEE EE EE ECE EE EE CEE LEE CECE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE eon ' =e : fa : é Nena = —— 4 Ss ae ood gi? ct I? P7 c reece Eas — z= ae aS *F ae fa 7 orbs) Fea Cee eee eee et ee een ee een FT c E> ATb9 D Q ? cr 3 & a e ATS 2 cr c D, Gr ct Cre eenene Bloomdido y Charlie Parker oes scea cea cee nin cee ven J = 240 ae Bb Bb7 Bb? BbT at Bbr+ Eb7 Eb7 Bb7 GTb9 Cc FT BbT F- BbT ELT EbT t+) ATLANTIC: MUSIC CORP EANTIC MUSIC. CORP. All Rights Reserved ww reeeeen Bb? Bb7 FT Bb7 BT Eb7 3 7 3 4-3 = —= at c 3y Charlie Parker ao c Dé Gr c cro cTb9 cr cTb9 F- re ic bs ar oie eice ons 21986 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. VTS ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, All Rights Reserved wa reeetenene Pee eet eee ee eee enter c Dé oe S, (cr) ce Gr Steeplechase y Charlie Parker saver 200 J = 176 Bb c F7 Br crow 7 DT 3 pr cr ar BbT = FT BbT ao. Fv BbT EbT D- GT Cc FT } 1948 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. 2 Reveswed anal aiigned 1976. ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, BITS ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP. Rights Reserved. CTReT. SOLOS Diverse 3y Charlie Parker ‘verve 9009 d = 260 Bb- Bb- F7b9 Bb- Fre Bb c FT Bb- c F759 Bb- FIb9 Bb- Bb-J Eb- AbT 3 Db g Bb FTb9 Bb- FTb9 F ATLANTIC MUSIC PINTS NPLANTIC MUSIC All Rights Reserved ww Bb F759 Diverse - cont. Bb F759 Bb- Bb: Fe BbT Eb- Eb- Eb- Ab7 ‘Db Bb- FTb9 Bb- F7b9 Bb- Merry-Go-Round By Charlie Parker savor 2201 J = 300 a Bb (C-) (F7) Bb Gr c FT FE Bb? Eb Ee Bb 1048 ATLANTIC MUSIC COnP (turn page) Reseaved anid asst 1978 VELANTIC. MUSIC CORP, PES ATLANTIC. MUSIC. CORP. MU Rights Reserved Merry-Go-Round - cont. - FT Bb c F7 Bb Cc. FT F- BT Eb E° D- ar Bb F- Bb7 Eb c- 3 FT F- BbT Eb EO Bb GT eT, ieee = “agg tag » FT Bb “Fapr sous By eeence Peer ee eee ‘ ve eee ees eee rr eee tou cect ae ere tee tern ae ee eect one et cd ee ett ett “FIANO 32 BRUMS > 46 My Little Suede Shoes By Charlie Parker J = 148 (Head) eb Pe BbT G cr F- BbT base VTLAN TH bits AThANTH F BbT BbT Eb 3 Bb7 Relaxing With Lee y Charlie Parker ‘VERVE 9840 VERVE 2009 VERVE 2501 ee PEEL OEE EEE EE EEE EE OEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EC EEE EEE EE EEE EEE ECE ECE EE EES rete ee eee eet tenes Pee EEE EEE EEE Eee EEE EEE EE , Ey MOVES uP VE STEP - (TRPT) “KEY Moves uP ¥2 STEP BbT Blues (Fast) y Charlie Parker eave ano veave soos veave 2501 4 «= 265 BbT GT c v FT BbT c FT Bb7 rg BbT 7 GT Cc ET BbT Fe BOT Eb7 EbT BbT 3 P1OFT ATLANTIC: MUSIC: CORP. PAGS ATLANTIC MUSIC: CORP. AI Rights Reserved. ww COE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE CELE BT (Db-) FT Bb? “Piano ~ NO (turn page? 2% Blues (Fast) - cont. 44 FT Bb7 BY 2 jo Bbr Eby Bb Bbr f = = a pia? = ae = Bb7 ar Cc F7 BbT CEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE REE EEE EEE EEE EEE OEE EEE EE EG veer eus Shawnuff sy Charlie Parker and John ‘Dizzy’ Gillespie 8 @ = 326 NTI MUSIC CORP. ‘nl assignedd 1978 ATLANTIC MUSIC CORP, LANTIC MUSIC. COKE, AN lights Reserved Cee ELLE EEL Ceeeence cece CEE EE EE ECE EEE EEC EEE GS heures Bb7 Eb7 £0 BbT turn page) Shawnuff - cont. Cc FT D- or c FT BbT Leap Frog y Charlie Parker eave anso/vEevesoo/veeves00/venve 280 2 = 330 F F Fr A DT CEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE ES eee ere te ee eee at ee reeeeereerre nt Sepia a TRPT. SOLO ~ $ Eee 34 tage ar Leap Frog - cont. GL TR CECE CEC EEEEEE CECE CEE EES COO EE EE EEE EE EE EEE EEE ; “Brus Geer prune 4 by Charlie Parker Parker’s Mood CECEEE EEE CEEEEEEE CECE EEE C LOSE COE EE EEE EEE EE EEE EE CEE EE EEE EELS BbT eb7 Eb? © CHARLIE PARKER FOR PIANO Recorded by The Paul Smith Trio Cassettes available $8.98 by mail CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION 6124 Seima Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90028 Warming Up A Riff 3y Charlie Parker savor ss12201 3 = 236 F Cc Gr ce FT by: 3 TLANTIC MUSIC. CORP, inal assiguest G7 ATLANTIC MUSIC. FORD, WTS ATLANTIC. MUSIC. CORE AH Rights Revere ECE EEE EEE EEE ELE EE 7) 16 c pb- Bb eye Bb Bb 2 Bb Bb B 4 B ‘ 6 G G c FT 2 BE BbT Eb eed 4 ab Bb Bp Warming Up A Riff - cont. cr ct c- # AbT Si Si y Charlie Parker verve veaasia as pr e Fr FT G cr FT q - FT \TLANTIE ESIC CORE, FS ATEANTIC MUSIC CORP AM) Rights Reverse ww 141 CHARLIE PARKER FOR PIANO Recorded by The Paul Smith Trio Cassettes available $8.98 by mail CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION Ballade ie Parker eave aov9002 m iA a a Ml m im mi mi i mi mM | mi ial mi rm mi "i

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