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DOING Li Serbia sPLone EconMY BxTA Bolowis a detalled summary of the procedures, time and costs to build a warchouse in Serbia. This inchades objaining necessary bcenses and permits, completing tequired notifications and inspections __—EstimatedWarenouse Vale: KS ‘and obtaining uty comections.. sosrzee iy: Bad ‘This information was collected as part ofthe Doing Business project, which meastres and compares raguationsrelevart othe life cyte ofa small to mediun-sized domestic business in 185 economies. “The most recent round of data collection vas completed in June 2012, Read the methodology More Information » Compare Serbia to 184 other economies, ead te rc tele 1 Requestand obtain proot of ownership ofthe constiton land Prat atonnetstips vied eine by he petra unit out (a and eis net) fe Repu aodesy remus (nosso De nent ostlshedaaasve, les on average ue 10 ayeteresuarce elon agate wat by he aproptte mung sure cate RSD 12000) The cadonte ect can be cbs ay romthe Repu Gey tea tom RSD 1,900.00 REO 1.80000 tho pc dnends on te nunter of pges. 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