Cyanotypes and Chemigrams

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Cyanotypes and chemigrams

The last couple lessons we have been experimenting with cyanotypes and
chemigrams, we have learnt that they both share some similarities in the
process. Both cyanotypes and chemigrams require light for them to work. The
difference is that chemigrams develop by using chemicals while cyanotypes
have to be left out In the sun to develop.

Cyanotype edits

To make these two edits, I

selected and applied the invert
tool on photoshop

For this edit I changed the colour balance, exposure

and vibrance.
Chemigram edits

For this edit I inverted the photo of the chemigram and

then used the selection tool to select two parts of the
print, I then changed the selected parts’ hue and
brightness so they stand out.

In this edit I changed the brightness, then changed the

hue and saturation which made this two-tone look.

To make this edit I inverted the

photograph then changed the hue, saturation, exposure
and then brightness

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