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Since 1987, Probe Productions

has crusaded against corrupt,
irresponsible and sensationalist
journalism by producing
groundbreaking TV shows of
substance and good production
values. Local and international
award-giving bodies have taken
notice; making Probe the most
recognized and awarded
independent production
company in the Philippines.
Probe was also known for
providing its employees with
excellent skills, discipline and a
professional work ethic that
made them sought after by the
top media agencies in the
Philippines and the world. In the
The Probe Media Foundation, Inc. (PMFI) is a non-stock, non-profit year 2000, Probe Productions
organization dedicated to developing and enhancing the skills of and provide established the Probe Media
opportunities for media practitioners, content creators and media consumers. Foundation as a way of moving
beyond the business of
PMFI believes that powerful stories can shape the nation and contribute to positive producing educational TV
social change. Its programs for journalists and media practitioners, aspiring media programs and into the
(children and youth), content creators and media consumers encourage the education of excellent media
creation of stories that promote social justice and democracy and contribute to practitioners.
healthy dialogue on issues that are often under the radar.


Training and Fellowships Training Aspiring Media Communication for

for Professionals Practitioners Positive Social Change
Media practitioners (journalists, The Mulat Pinoy Kabataan (Youth) PMFI provides technical assistance
reporters, writers, producers, News Network program, PMFI and training for civil society,
photographers, etc.) in the provides young people with the government, non-government
Philippines and Asia are provided discipline and skills in media to help organizations and the private
with workshops, training sessions, them create media content on sector to improve their
fellowship grants and other issues that concern them. The understanding of the media and
opportunities to increase their training activities emphasize communication techniques. The
knowledge and hone their skills to responsible media (and social projects include: Media
tell better and more responsible media) use, professional work ethic engagement training, multimedia
stories on relevant issues that and aims to hone the youth into production for non-media
contribute to an informed public. excellent media practitioners. practitioners, communication for
development programs, and
conference coverage (social
CONTACT US media, newspaper and video
Probe Media Foundation, Inc. documentation.)
Unit 505 Sterten Place Condominium
116 Maginhawa Street, Teachers Village East
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel/Fax (+632) 940-2673 PMFI is a member of the Association of Foundations and the National Committee on Child and Youth
FB: Probe Media Foundation Participation of the Council for the
Twitter: @probefound Welfare of Children.



Respected media practitioners in the Philippines and Asia share their experience and train participants on media techniques,
emphasizing responsible journalism for positive social change. PMFI implements activities, training sessions and fellowship
programs to increase awareness and encourage responsible reportage on specific issues:

q Sexuality and TV: Enlightening the Practitioner and Viewer – a project to improve the quality of reportage in television on issues related to sexuality
and reproductive health. The project entails research, dialogue sessions, the creation of TV segments and a booklet guiding TV practitioners on
sensitive and responsible reportage on sexuality issues. Workshops on the subject are conducted for professional and aspiring media practitioners.
Funded by Ford Foundation, 2004-05.
q Population and Media: Visions for the Present – a project that aims to improve television reportage and awareness on population and development
issues in the Philippines through the training of television news and current affairs practitioners. The project entails two workshops around the
Philippines and production of news reports on population issues. Funded by the Philippine Center for Population and Development, 2006.
q Children and Disaster: Philippine Media Response – a media fellowship for Filipino broadcasters providing them skills and opportunity to create
responsible and effective reports for television and radio on children in disaster and emergency situations. Fellows participate in two workshops, are
provided with support for productions and works are compiled. Funded by Unicef, 2007-2008.
q Mindanao Media Fellowship: Reporting on Children – a training program for print and broadcast media practitioners in the Mindanao region on
reporting on the issue of violence against children in the community. Fellows participate in two workshops, are provided with support for the production
of materials. Funded by UNICEF, 2009.
q Kuwentong Katutubo: Spotlight on Indigenous Peoples Media Fellowship – Filipino media practitioners were provided with skills training on issues on
indigenous people and given the opportunity to create media materials (print, broadcast, photo essays, online features, video reports, etc) on the
issue. Fellows participate in a 5-month program that entails 2 workshops and fieldwork. Funded by the US Embassy in the Philippines, in partnership
with National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, 2010-2011
q Emerging Media: Role of Citizen Journalists, Bloggers, Online and Mainstream Media – a forum held in Metro Manila, Cebu and Davao for
mainstream, online/new media practitioners, citizen journalists on trends, challenges and possible ways to move forward. Supported by the US
Embassy of the Phil, 2012
q Metrobank Foundation Fellowship Program in Journalism – the Metrobank Foundation Journalists of the Year Awardees are brought to various
venues around the Philippines to share their expertise in forums, training workshops and lectures for students, academe and media practitioners,
2014 to 2016.

q Media & PWID: Covering Capabilities and Contributions – a media training workshop and fellowship program that aims to provide media practitioners
with the knowledge and skills to be able to create better reports and stories on issues related to Persons With Disabilities, with special focus on
intellectual disabilities. Supported by the Unilab Foundation, 2016
q Mga Nagbabagang Kuwento (Burning Stories): Reporting on Tobacco and Sin Tax – a media training and fellowship program on the coverage of the
impact of on tobacco control and excise tax in the Philippines. Supported by Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, 2010-2011; 2016 to present
q Truth About Trans Fats: Filipinos at Risk and Why Media Stories Matter – a media training and fellowship program on the various aspects related to
the production and consumption of trans fatty acids (TFA), which is one of the risk factors of coronary heart disease – the leading cause of death in
the Philippines. Supported by ImagineLaw under the Global Health Action Initiative, 2018 to 2019.

q Imaging Our Mekong Media Fellowship Programme ( – Journalists, photojournalists and filmmakers from the Mekong region
(Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Yunnan-China) are selected to participate in a fellowship and training programme focusing on
transboundary issues in the region. The programme includes two regional workshops, intensive training on documentary production (for filmmakers)
and reportage/production on cross-border issues in the region. The cross-border story tackles and analyses a crucial issue involves two or more
countries in the region, such as avian flu, migration, ethnicity, culture, economic development, etc. This is implemented with the Inter Press Service
Asia Pacific. Rockefeller Foundation funds this project, with additional support from partners such as Open Society Institute (Zug), Japan Foundation
and UNICEF. 2002 to 2012.

q Digital Archiving for Asian Public Broadcastings – a workshop for broadcast television archivists from the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Mongolia, Lao
PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam on the digital frontier, orientation on techniques, issues and technology for digitizing and increasing access of their AV
materials, and provide a venue to define or describe issues, obstacles and alternatives regarding digitization in the Asian context. Funded by
UNESCO, 2004

q Reporting ASEAN ( – a media program that provides a venue for in-depth and critical reportage on the ASEAN community and
regionalization. The program includes media forums and a fellowship for journalist stories on the issue. Founded by Journalist Johanna Son in 2012
and hosted by PMFI since 2015. The project is supported by the IPS Asia Pacific, Rockefeller Foundation, ASEAN Foundation, Japan-East Asia
Solidarity Fund (2014-2015); Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (2016), ASEAN Foundation (2014 to 2018), US Dept. of State Lower Mekong Initiative
(2018-2019), Heinrich Boell Stiftung (2019).
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Students and young people are provided with workshops, training and media opportunities.

Kabataan News Network (Youth News Network) - Youth from all over the Philippines are trained in video documentary
production, and their projects air over national television. This is the first time young people are given a chance to write, shoot,
direct and conceptualize their own stories in the television medium. UNICEF and other partners fund this project. This has been implemented
since April 2003.

q You Move: Filipino Youth & Migration – a workshop series for students in universities around the Philippines on how to communicate migration
issues through media and the arts. Supported by the International Organization for Migration, 2007-08.

q Youth Radio Dramas For Peace - a radio drama workshop for the youth and the production of a radio drama series on workshop focused on
Muslim and Christian understanding. Supported by UNESCO, 2008
q Mulat Pinoy-Kabataan News Network ( an online media initiative that provides youth with information on the issues of
population and development and opportunities to create media materials on this. It maintains a website, social networks and has numerous
activities like workshops, youth forums and video contests on the issue. Supported by PCPD, 2010-2016

q Human Rights: For Youth Information – youth reporters of the Mulat Pinoy Kabataan News network create videos on human rights issues for
youth audiences and present them in various youth forums. Supported by the Australian Government, 2015
q Youth Multimedia BootCamps – workshops for the youth on telling responsible, relevant, and compelling stories on a wide range of issues
through various media platforms. Sessions on science communication (IRRI, 2018) and on disaster risk reduction (Plan Intl, 2019)

q Pagkilala sa mga Natatanging Kuwentong Katutubo – Outstanding print, radio and television works on indigenous peoples were
recognized by the National Commission of Indigenous Peoples, Office of the President of the Philippines and members of the
United Nations Agencies. Supported by the International Labour Organization, 2011.

q Parangal sa Kuwentong Kalusugan Pangkalahatan – A recognition of outstanding works on health issues by journalists and media
practitioners from television, radio, print, online media and bloggers. Supported by the Department of Health under the Lakbay Buhay
Kalusugan project, 2012

q Metrobank Foundation Search for Journalists of the Year (JOY): Shaping the Nation Through Powerful Stories – in cooperation with the
Metrobank Foundation, PMFI conducts a bi-annual search to recognize outstanding Filipino journalists whose works have made a positive
impact in nation building, 2012 to 2016.


q “Facing the Media: Art of Media Engagement” seminar/workshops - trains non-media people to understand and conduct
themselves toward media on various issues that concern them. Sessions have been conducted for groups on issues such as
family planning, reproductive health, anti-corruption, avian influenza, energy efficiency, environment protection, etc. These
sessions are conducted in partnership with government agencies, civil society groups and the private sector. (detailed info
provided upon request)

q Lakbay Buhay Kalusugan – An innovative health promotions project that utilizes traditional, new and out-of-home media to project messages
on family health, safe motherhood and child nutrition. The main feature is a bus that travels to various communities all over the Philippines
that brings an exhibit, program and other health- related festivities for the community and local media. The project was supported by USAID
in 2010-2012, supported by the Dept. of Health 2012 to 2014

q Multimedia Production for Development – Training in in writing, video production, photography and social media are provided to organizations
and agencies whose communication officers wish to develop their skills in multimedia production, such as writing articles, creating videos,

q Conference coverage (social media and video) – Multimedia materials (articles, blogs, photos, videos) are produced during conferences or
workshops to provide participants with on-site information on highlights of the sessions. The Mulat Pinoy-Kabataan News Network reporters
cover during youth conferences or events, while media professionals are tapped for other conferences. Some local and international events
covered are: Phil National Children’s Conference, Asia-Pacific Conference on Reproductive Sexual Health and Rights 2014, Mekong Media
Forum 2010, ASEAN Media Forum, JENESYS New Beginnings, Child Protection Network’s “Ako Para Sa Bata” Conference, to name a few.

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