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Student’s Portfolio

Submitted to the Senior High School Department

Easter Mindanao College of Technology

Pagadian City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Work Immersion, TVL Tract

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)


Clint T. Batiquin

June 2019



…………………………………………………………………………………………. i


………………………………………………………………………………………...... ii


………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

Objectives of the Work Immersion ……………………………………………………. 2

Duration and Place of Work Immersion ………………………………………………..2


Mission ………………………………………………………………………………….3

Vision ……………………………………………………………………………………3


Journal ………………………………………………………………………………….4

Overall and Self-appraisal ……………………………………………………………..5

Gallery …………………………………………………………………………………6



Resume of the Trainee

Daily Time Record

Evaluation Sheet

Letter to the readers


This book contains the compilation during our ten days’ work immersion in Eastern

Mindanao College of Technology. Were we have enlightening experience on sharpening our skills

on the training area. Which help us to grow more in our own specialization.

This documents would testify what we have undergone during our work immersion day.

Where you can read some of our articles related to our job assigned experiences. Those photos of

what we have undertaken in the working area. You can also read some information that tells were

we deployed.

We’ve learned the that having a good moral in implying yourself in job on a certain

establishment would have a counterpart exchange at the end of the work and also helps you to

recognized by your superior. Most of all, when you love the things you have done no matter how

hard or tired it is, you would be remained grateful on doing those task being assigned to you since

this is a kind of passion you wanted to have. So, love

Work immersion is not all about to expose ourselves in a certain establishment according

to your specialization but to experience the things that is related to our course and to have an

enough knowledge aside from the learnings we have gained in the school. Which is allied to our

chosen field. This is why exposing ourselves in real world of our career and to develop more about

our skills that we can also apply in the near future.



I would like to thank to the people who help me, this immersion material would not have

come to light. I would like to thank also my family for their encouragement, support and love.

I would like to express my gratitude to the instructor in this subject, Mr. Alex Olivar. Who

give his all-out support and guidance during the duration of my work immersion. Where, spares

his time to deploy and visit us in our work place.

My sincerer thanks to Mr. Prexy Jade Bucol to allow me to have my immersion in the

laboratory of SMAW and his very warm welcome of me.

I remain grateful to all, who have inspire us to pursue this immersion book.

Above all, our whole praise and thanks to our almighty God.

Batiquin,Clint T.


The word “immersion” as it applies to the K to 12 curriculum is defined in the Department

of Education (DepEd) order no. 40, series of 2015.

“Work immersion refers to the part of the Senior High School curriculum consisting of 80 hours

of hands-on experience or work simulation which the grade 12 students will undergo to expose

them to the actual workplace setting and enrich the competencies provided by the school under the

supervision of the school head and the designated personnel of the partner. “

Immersion is done outside the school campus in a “Workplace Immersion Venue,” defined

as “the place where to work immersion of the students done. Example of work immersion venue

include offices, factories, shops and project sites.”

This aimed to enhance the students to gain relevant and practical and industrial skills under

the guidance of industry experts and workers. Through this the students are expose to become

familiar with work-related environment of their field of specialization in order to enhance their

competence and to prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment.

Objectives of the Work Immersion

Work immersion will help to develop among the learners’ life and career skills and will

prepare the to make decisions on post-secondary education or employment it aims to make


1. Enhance the technical knowledge and skills.

2. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories learned in school.

3. Enrich the skill in communication and human relations.

4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

Duration and Place of Work Immersion

The senior high, grade 12 students only required to have an 80 hour’ work immersion in

10 days depending on their specialization, as what the Department of Education (DepEd)


Since I SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) strand, I deployed in EMCOTECH SMAW

LABORATORY. I started on March 10 ended on April 17. I just have a duty in the laboratory

every Thursday and Friday, since it is the schedule given of us.


The Training Area

Eastern Mindanao College of Technology



EMCOTECH is a leading higher education institution in the development of new breed

globally competitive Filipino leaders and workers with positive work values through market-

driven quality instruction.


EMCOTECH is omitted to:

1. Provide high quality and relevant education supportive to the needs of communities (local,

national and international);

2. Develop institutional capability through resource generation, research, community

extension services and production;

3. Produce moral upright professionals equipped with the 21st Century global skills; and

4. Establish partnership and linkages with government and non-government

agencies/industry in pursuance to sociocultural and economic goals of the country.

The Training Experiences


Week 1

It is a big privilege to be employed in Easter Mindanao College of Technology.

At my first day, I was terrified for the reason that I never see myself as an employee and I have no

idea where to begin. According in my expertise I engaged in the laboratory of SMAW by the

instructor of Mr. Prexy Jade Bucol.

In our first day of duty we constructed a table positioner for the laboratory of SMAW. Sir

Bucol instructed us how to make it and he show us a layout. We separated by partners so I chose

Glenn Canete. At first it is difficult to fabricate but soon it’s simple because you know already the

techniques. As the day goes on we finish it with all our effort and hardworking.

Last Week

In the last week of our work immersion I’ve given a special task of sir Bucol to clean the

whole laboratory of SMAW. For me it is so tired but I peruse to do this task for the sake of my


In the morning I swiped the floor and map it and arrange all equipment’s and tools properly.

After I’ve done I relax and wait for the time to log out.

In the afternoon I clean again the laboratory in this time I have a friend we fix all hazardous

things and we segregate the garbage properly. After we done we relax and buy snacks and wait

for the time.



After the training, I learned that work immersion is not just a requirement but is an

opportunity to show what skills, knowledge and talents that I have and also opportunity to

experience the feelings of being professional already.

This training gave me an inspiration to be more serious and focused in studying. I was

encourage to do more efforts in my studies.

The training made realized that it is really good to know what you’re doing and to love it

as a student, what I can do for now is to learn whatever I can in school.

Nothing beats experience as the perfect learning tool. This work immersion training serve

as my stepping stone to pursue my dream.



Working Area


Resume of trainee

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