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Comparing Assignments | Page 1

P2: Use one complex piece of work as an example to describe the use
of resources within own studies.

For three of my assignments, Sociological Perspectives, About Playgrounds,

and Sexual Health Leaflet; I had to use the internet and books to get
information from.

When researching Marxism for my sociological perspectives assignment, I

came across the phrases October Revolution or the Soviet Resolution several
times and I had to find out what it meant to ensure that I knew exactly what I
was researching. Reading my assignment, it was because Karl Marx wrote a
book called he Communist Manifesto so I had to look into it. I used Wikipedia
which has doubtable credibility as it's an encyclopaedia which anyone can edit
unlike the Oxford Encyclopaedia. The language of the wikipedia page was easy
to understand and subheadings were used to make the article easier to read.
The language is very factual and retells events in chronological order.

The other references were used so I could find out why Karl Marx was against
capitalism. Some of these references came from wiki answers, a website where
unlike wikipedia, people who answer questions do not have to state their
sources. I checked four questions for what Marxism is and they all said the
same thing along the same lines so I found the information given on the site to
have credibility. The language of the website attempts to explain something to
a person who has no idea what the thing is, which makes it way easier to
understand than wikipedia as a basic knowledge of the subject may be
required for someone to learn something off wikipedia successfully. The layout
of the wiki answers website displayed the question in big print, and has a
larger line spacing and readable font compared to other websites. The website
wants to make answers and knowledge as accessible and as easy to
understand as possible.

When researching about a playground round my area which has been

renovated for my about playgrounds assignment, I used photos and local
knowledge of what it was like before and compared it to what it was now. I
didn't once have to doubt the integrity of my information.

Before I started the presentation, I had to research information to go into it. I

used a webpage about the health and fences for my presentation to highlight
how each thing in a playground has to be safe. The information listed is
informative designed to inform that not all fences are suitable for play areas. A
checklist is used so people can know the various problems which can occur due
to fences, and the considerations people can use for fences. Information like
this was incorporated into my presentation.
Comparing Assignments | Page 2

I am going to compare three of my previous Health and Social Care essays

with each other. I am going to start with an assignment which about
sociological perspectives.

Sociological Perspectives Essay

P3: Justify the format and presentation of the complex piece of work.

The assignment has a contents page for easy reference to the topics and
includes a full set of references at the back. This document is a text only

It was an advantage to have a text only document as it meant that loads of

information could be shown on the page. To make the text readable, I used an
easy to understand sentence structure, a readable font and font size, with
short paragraphs.

Why had I chosen this format?

I felt that writing the essay the way I did was the best means of capturing my
target audience rather than bewildering them with stuff they don’t understand.

I had chosen an essay format for this work, as it was an effective method for
displaying loads of text on one page. As the assignment is designed to educate
people on something that they would know little or nothing about, I used
concise, easy to understand language, as shown in the extract above.
Comparing Assignments | Page 3

About Playgrounds Presentation

The design of a playground What was the result?

What sets playgrounds apart from others is how they are
designed. Over recent years there has been more
though and care into how they are designed health and
safety wise.

The following playground equipment

is not recommended for
public playgrounds

_Trapeze bars
_Monkey bars

Special flooring is used to reduce the impact of falls

and trips. Sometimes this is made of rubber.
In this specific case of Musgrave Road Park
The work was carried out by Tomlinson as part of an SRB6 regener

P3: Justify the format and presentation of the complex piece of work.


As it’s a presentation, I used big headings to grab people’s attention so that

they would know exactly what each slide was about. As I can’t go into great
detail in a presentation, it was important that I made everything clear and
outlined the key things. My slides were titled, Intro page, The Problem, The
design of a playground, hazards in play areas, the risk to the management,
how can the risk be reduced, what was the result, and references. This is so
people who don’t read the presentation get a clear idea of what it’s about.

The presentation uses lots of images to express what the park looks like now,
and what certain features of a park look like.

Why had I chosen this format?

I had chosen this format because it allowed me to summarise an existing 10-
page essay about the safety of playgrounds to a summarised and concise form
to be able to be expressed to as many people at once. I also needed to use an
existing park to get images of to show how a playground can be improved.

It also allowed people to let the audience think about the issues raised in the
presentation as it provides a starting point for health and safety and does not
really go into depth like my sociological perspectives essay.
Comparing Assignments | Page 4

Sexual Health Leaflet

P3: Justify the format and presentation of the complex piece of work.


As the leaflet was the part of a health campaign, it was important for there to
be a slogan, which was Awareness Is The Key To Protection. There also had to
be an image next to the slogan to make it have an impact. It was felt that
shocking images of people infected should be on the leaflet to make people
realise that STI's are not to be taken lightly. And supporters of a similar
campaign were shown with an armband.

Because leaflets are things that are usually handed out to people, it requires
colour and pictures on it to make people read it. It's not like a leaflet is a
catalogue or a magazine in which the reader wants to read it before they have

Below I am going to compare the current format of the essays to another


Why had I chosen this format?

Before I started the work I decided that a leaflet would be way better than an
essay as teenagers do not need another person telling them what to do. So if
they do, it better not be a long essay that the person will only read the first
page before throwing it away. Having a leaflet, which is a handout would
ensure that people would show others the leaflet as they read it. Having a
leaflet means that the teenagers can distribute the leaflets to others, especially
with the images on it.

Leaflets are also easier to read, and a great way of motivating people to read.

I had chosen this format for being “down with the kids” so that the
testimonials would somehow relate or be familiar to them. If it had been an
essay, it would have lost its flashiness.
Comparing Assignments | Page 5

M1: Use examples to explain why resources are presented differently

due to the type of media.

For a presentation, like my About Playgrounds presentation, I presented the

information to be easy to read, and most of all concise, this meant that it was
a small amount of text which means a lot.

For an essay, like the reference, I had for fences; the webpage basically has
information on safety regarding fences. The information given is a lot given the
case that ROSPA could be accused of exaggerating and scaremongering in the
process. To make the information less daunting to the reader, subheadings and
bullet points are used. This makes the information easier to digest, and more
motivating to read. The bullet points also act as a checklist someone can tick
off if the consideration raised has been done in the park.

An essay format helps make the information easier to be referenced and

straight to the point. The reason why this works is because there is a lot of
information ROSPA needs to address and an essay is the only way that can be
done without making the information an extract; as that would be an
infringement. Also, the article has no images in it, this looks like an attempt to
increase the credibility of ROSPA, it calls itself the Royal Society for the
Prevention of Accidents so they are using no images to enforce their corporate

For my essay, like my Sociological Perspectives essay, I had the difficult

task of making something daunting and difficult such as making something
that was mostly theory blending fact and opinion, and present it onto an essay
which clued in for someone who knew nothing about the subjects.

One of my references was a book called Sociology and the school, which is a
book all about interactionism. However I was only interested in reading the
parts, which had the word interactionism in the paragraph.

In this book, there are images and just text. To make the text easy to read, it
is in a big print size.

For a leaflet, like my Sexual Health leaflet, I took an approach of emphasising

the harsh reality of sexually transmitted infections rather than to go through
each illness and its symptoms and consequences.

I needed something to inspire me on how to get the message out to teenagers,

rather than use as a reference for copying into my leaflet.

I found that teenagers all had similar views regarding safe sex, and that they
want to be aware of the consequences of this taboo subject. Brook used a
video, and bullet points to give teenagers “the facts”. Brook really helped the
Comparing Assignments | Page 6
marketing side of my leaflet by showing me what approach to use. The straight
talking adult approach.
M2: Explain the value of three different resources in the preparation of
the complex piece of work.

The resources I chose were valuable as you might guess. I am going to tell you
why they are right now and where I would be without the references described
in M1.

For my About Playgrounds presentation, I needed something to outline

safety measures and procedures. I needed it from a respectable source, when
I saw the ROSPA page; it was just what I was looking for.

I used the information to highlight what can be done to make fences much
safer. Such information made my presentation more professional, despite the
use of too many images.

For my Sociological Perspectives essay, I used 40 references as the

assignment covered 7 perspectives.

The book, Sociology and the School helped me somewhat but it was too
specific to school life and was not broad enough to help me get a sufficient

This is where a reference about interactionism for sixth form students came
useful. For just a mere 120 words, I finally knew what interactionism was, so I
could therefore continue with my assignment.

After explaining that interactionism is people studying how interaction is done

on a micro scale. I could easily explain what interactionism is.

For my Sexual Health Presentation I used Brook to get some inspiration for
a health promotion campaign. What it showed is that people like factual
information to be used.

There are also shocking images on the presentation to make the prospect of
not using protection a harsh reality. This is a good use of social marketing as
the images are designed to alter people’s behaviours.

Also the case study on the leaflet was copied and pasted, from another
website. Minor edits were made to this to make the case study relate to a
teenager. Use of a case study for something aimed at teenagers reaches out to
the target audience, and makes the content more engaging.
Comparing Assignments | Page 7

M3: Analyse the format and presentation of the complex piece of work.

Advantages (+) Disadvantages (-)

Essay Essays are in-depth

and allow the author to
As essays are designed
to output a lot of
explain everything information, the reader
needed without having to can be put off by it and
cut out information to will not be motivated to
make it fit on the page or pass the information onto
slide. a friend as they will lose
Using an essay allows
there to be an in depth
report so that people can Young children do not
get a full understanding. read essays.

Using essays allows

authors to reach more
people at once, when
they have the time, and
they can read the
material when it suits
Comparing Assignments | Page 8

Presentation Presentations are easy

to read as they have
Presentations cannot
particularly be handed
little text and are out to people as they are
designed to draw displayed on a screen.
If someone misses a
 Using a presentation presentation, a repeat
to explain something session will be needed.
which requires a lot of
text to be understand Information which
and an sufficient level of cannot fit on the
understanding will be presentation will be
difficult as presentations spoken. This information
are not designed to hold will eventually be
loads of text. forgotten and cannot be
retained for future
 The usage of colours reference.
and images ensures that
people words can be There is less space for
illustrated and people will text as presentations
be enticed and enjoy have to be able to read
reading the material at a distance from the
more. screen. So big text it is.

Leaflet Leaflets are relatively

quick to read as leaflets
As leaflets are
handouts designed for
are handouts. people who don’t like
reading, they are not so
Leaflets also have in-depth, also images
images on them which take up the space.
support and add to the
content. The leaflet was 2 sides
of A4 so there was no
A leaflet is quick to space to list information
read as people don't about STIs even though
really have to scan large that wasn’t my intention.
piles of text.
A leaflet is not the
 The usage of colours correct format to fully
and images ensures that explain sociological
people words can be perspectives in depth.
illustrated and people will
be enticed and enjoy Facts and opinions are
reading the material difficult to divide as
more. people word opinions can
be written to be biased.
Comparing Assignments | Page 9

Poster  The usage of colours

and images ensures that
Posters are designed to
be read at a distance to
people words can be some extent so the
illustrated and people will amount of text which
be enticed and enjoy goes on the poster will
reading the material be cut short.

Posters are quick to

read which saves time.

Discussion A discussion is a great

way to increase
A discussion gives
people no material they
understanding for the can take away from the
people who have discussion for future
difficulty grasping reference.
Anything raised in the
Discussions allow discussion will be
people to get involved in spoken. This information
the debate so they can will eventually be
get across their forgotten and cannot be
contrasting views and retained for future
doubts. reference.
Evaluate the role of factors that contribute to the current patterns of ill
health and inequality in the UK

There are various factors which contribute to the current patterns of ill health.
The main factors are income, housing, gender, age, social class and
employment status.

A long time ago the government learnt that there are still huge health
inequalities in the country despite the technological advances in healthcare and
the freely available healthcare and treatments available. There was some
reason why this country was not performing as well as it should do. The
country learnt that it was the people who were in poverty who had significantly
more health problems.

People with higher social classes are more likely to live longer. Based on
figures in the 1970s, men and women in the V (lowest class) had two and a
half greater chance of dying before the retirement age than their professional
counterparts (class I). These differences can be traced down to environmental
factors. Boys in class V have a greater chance of dying from fire, falls, or
drowning from those in class I. This may be because children in the higher
classes get a better upbringing and are better looked after. Their deaths from
vehicles outweigh class by 7 to 1.
Comparing Assignments | Page 10

The social class you are really does affect the outcome of your life. The
quickest and easiest way to change your social class is to get an education.
And that takes seventeen years! Social class is what defines people in the
pyramid, with royalty at the top, and lower class people in the bottom.
Homeless people do not have a social class as they have no place in society.

If you have a high income, you then have the ability to buy healthier more
expensive foods, and pay for your own healthcare. Such options make richer
people have more health. You can also use your income to give your kids a
good start in life. Having a better job will give you a higher income.

If you are unable to get a job, or a good enough job, your health will be
affected for the reasons above. People who have a job also are less likely to
drink or smoke.

Young children can get asthma in bad housing due to the dust and dirt. A bad
house is a accident waiting to happen.

People with a better education have a higher social class. People with a
higher social class live for longer and are less likely to become ill.

For gender, Women live longer than men and the reason for that is unknown
as there are many factors which influence life expectancy. There is no clear cut
answer as the factors are biological and sociological.

As people get older, their body starts to deprecate and they are prone to more
diseases and illnesses. Which is why people over 50 should get the flu jab.

Evaluate the effectiveness of methods of promoting and protecting
public health for the two named diseases.

One way for an illness like tuberculosis to be protected is immunisation.

Promoting immunisation ensures that parents will take their children to be

Immunisation is what the government does to make its citizens immune to

various diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, polio, typhoid, and
tuberculosis. Vaccinations save the NHS millions of pounds. Prevention is
better than cure, for health and financial reasons. When it comes to
immunisation, there are no health inequalities as everyone is entitled to free

Coronary Heart Disease is also known as heart disease and is caused by a

gradual build-up of fatty deposits around the arteries. This causes the artery to
Comparing Assignments | Page 11
become narrow making it harder for that artery to supply the heart with blood
and oxygen. This leads to pain whilst breathing which should be checked out,
and eventually a heart attack once a blood clot has formed. Coronary Heart
Disease can also cause strokes if there is a lack of blood circulation in the

Promoting a healthy lifestyle insures that people will take their health into their
own hands by making healthy decisions and changing their lives.

Lots of people put themselves at risk of getting heart disease by the lifestyle
choices they make.

Things like smoking, obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol

increase the risk of getting heart disease. Eating a healthy diet and being
physically active reduces the risk of getting heart disease.

People do not always choose to make healthy choices despite being told how
important it is for their health. There are some people who will get immunised
as it’s simple, and only has to be done once, but will not have regular exercise.

Whitehead, M. (1992). The Pattern of Present Health Inequalities. Inequalities in Health (43-56).
London: Penguin.

• Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

• Immunizations are not only for children. Each year the CDC posts recommended adult
immunizations on their website. Go there to learn about tetanus booster shots, the flu shot,
hepatitis A and B vaccines, the pneumococcal vaccine, MMR, and immunizations for
chickenpox and meningitis.
The CDC website ( gives travelers detailed information on immunizations and
other precautions. Many immunizations should be obtained at least a month before travel.
* Immunization - diphtheria
* Immunization - pertussis
* Immunization - polio
* Immunization - tetanus
• Source(s):
Comparing Assignments | Page 12
• 2 months ago
• 100% 2 Votes
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