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Fakultas : Fakultas Pendidikan

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Nama Mata Kuliah : English for Young Learners

Kode Mata Kuliah : MKK 62601

Beban Kredit : 2 SKS

Dosen pengampu : Dyah Mukaromah S.Pd M.Pd

1. Tujuan

This subject is aimed to:

1. Teach students about the essence of teaching English for young learners.

2. Reassure students to recognize and design a teaching learning process

apropriate for young learners..

3. Lead students to get used to independently practise and then develop the
theory into real-life teaching.

2. Deskripsi

This course is preparing students to get ready, teaching English for kids who still intheir
very first step learning English. As children has their own learning characteristic and
habits, teacher should consider classification of young learners within their learning
characteristic for each classification, consider the fun activity that can be involved in the
learning, the class management and so on.

3. Kompetensi

3.1. Kompetensidari Proses Pembelajaran (Learning Outcomes)

Kelompok Kompetensi Rincian

Kompetensi Utama By the end of the course, students are expected to

possess abilities to:

1. Recognize young learners classification

and their learning.
2. Understanding theories in teaching
English for young learners and the
classroom management deals with that.

3. Apply the theory and understanding into

teaching plan.

Kompetensi Pendukung Enhance students critical thinking deals with teaching Y.L
on designing teaching administration: syllabus, learning
medias and so on.

Kompetensi Lainnya Students get another soft skills which are

communicative skill, cognitive skill and socialization skill.

3.2. KompetensiProfesional (Professional Skills Outcomes)

Kelompok Kompetensi Rincian

Kompetensi Utama Understand then apply the theory of teaching English to


Kompetensi Pendukung Posses a good competence in communication especially

through expressing ideas in planning lesson to teach
English for Y.L.

Kompetensi Lainnya Logical thinking

Communicative competence

4. Materi


1. Young learners classification and the learning characteristic.

2. Theories deals with teaching English to Y.L and to apply those theories.

5. Penilaian

No. ElemenPenilaian Bobot (%)

1. Ujian Tengah Semester 25

2. UjianAkhir Semester 30

3. Tugasrumahmingguan 20

4. Class participation 25
Total 100

6. Sumber Bahan

6.1. Utama

1. Skecthley, Martin. 2011. How to Teach English to Young Learners. LTC Eastbourne. USA

2. Cameron Lynne, 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Leaners, Cambridge, United Kingdom

3. Teaching English to Children, Longman


Fakultas : Pendidikan

Program Studi : Pendidikan BahasaInggris

Nama Mata Kuliah : English for Young Learners

Kode Mata Kuliah : MKK 62601

Beban Kredit : 2 SKS

Dosen pengampu : Dyah Mukaromah S.Pd. M.Pd

Ming Materi/PokokBahasa MetodaPemb KriteriaPenilaian Pusta

Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan Latihan yang dilakukan Bobot
gu n elajaran (Indikator) ka

HARD SKILL: English for Y.L course  Discovery  Case analysis.  Performance in   U1
 Understanding the course contract Learning  Discussion class
contract of English for young a) Scoring  Tutorial  Discussion result
1 learners procedure  Discussion
SOFT SKILL: b) Rules of the
 Communicative skills in subject
expressing ideas in the c) Outline of
discussion. the material
HARD SKILL: Y.L classification,  Discovery  Students explain what do  Performance in   U1
 Recognizing young learners and their age range and Learning they know about Y.L class
2. their classification their English level.  Tutorial  Discecognize each  Discussion result
(Kindergarten, Primary, Junior,  Discussion classification’s knowledge
Adolesence, Young Adult) in English
Ming Materi/PokokBahasa MetodaPemb KriteriaPenilaian Pusta
Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan Latihan yang dilakukan Bobot
gu n elajaran (Indikator) ka

 Communicative skills in
expressing ideas in the
discussion about Y.L
HARD SKILL: 3. Learning  Discovery  Students explain their  Performance in   U1
 Recognizing young learners characteristic Learning experience deals with class
classification (Kindergarten, ofKindergarten,  Tutorial teaching Y.L (younger  Discussion result
3. Primary, Junior, Adolesence, Primary and Junior.  Discussion brother/sister and course  Real life
Young Adult) and their learning 4. Learning students, etc) experience
characteristic. characteristic of  Discussing theory about description
4. SOFT SKILL: Adolescent and Y.L’s learning
 Communicative skills in Young Adult. characteristic then
expressing ideas in the describe their Y.L’s
discussion about Y.L learning characteristic.
classification. (based on experience)
HARD SKILL: 5. Discussing and  Discovery 5. Students discuss and  Performance in   U1
 Understanding kinds of fun practicing Learning practice communication gap class
activity which can be interated communication gap  Tutorial activity. (growing competition  Discussion result
in Y.L’s English class. activity. (growing  Direct sense in class)  Real life practice
5 SOFT SKILL: competition sense in practice. 6. Students discuss and
and  Communicative skills in class) practice several games for Y.L
6 expressing ideas in the 6. Discussing and and which Y.L classification
discussion about Y.L and ability practising games for appropriate with the games.
to modify the provided fun Y.L and which Y.L
activity. classification
appropriate with the
Ming Materi/PokokBahasa MetodaPemb KriteriaPenilaian Pusta
Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan Latihan yang dilakukan Bobot
gu n elajaran (Indikator) ka

HARD SKILL: Class management in  Discovery Students discuss about  Performance in   U1

 Understanding class Y.L English class Learning theories of classroom class  U3
management in Y.L English class a) Y.L’s classroom  Tutorial management for Y.L then  Discussion result (p.1
SOFT SKILL: managents  Discussion linking it to the real life 5)
 Communicative skills in elements. practice in the classroom.
expressing ideas in the b) Rules and
discussion about classroom environtment
management in Y.L English c) Teachers’s
class. profile for YL’s
d) Everydays
e) Handling
HARD SKILL: Learning words:  Discovery Students discuss about  Performance in   U2
 Understanding stages in 1. Introduction Learning theories about the stages of class
teaching English FOR Y.L. (How 2. Vocabulary  Tutorial learning words for Y.L then  Discussion result
Y.L learn words) development in  Discussion linking it to the real life
9 SOFT SKILL: children’s language practice in the classroom.
 Critical and creative skills in learning
planning learning stages for Y.L 3. Organization of
10 words in a language
4. Learning and
teaching vocabulary
5. Children’s
vocabulary learning
Ming Materi/PokokBahasa MetodaPemb KriteriaPenilaian Pusta
Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan Latihan yang dilakukan Bobot
gu n elajaran (Indikator) ka

HARD SKILL: Learning grammar:  Discovery Students discuss about  Performance in   U2

 Understanding stages in 1. Different Learning theories about the stages of class
teaching English FOR Y.L. (How meanings of  Tutorial learning grammar for Y.L then  Discussion result
Y.L learn grammar) grammar  Discussion linking it to the real life
SOFT SKILL: 3. Development of practice in the classroom.
 Critical and creative skills in the internal
planning learning stages for Y.L grammar
11 4. A learning
and centred approach to
12 teaching grammar:
5. Principles for
grammar teaching
6. Teaching
techniques for
supporting grammar
HARD SKILL: Learning through  Discovery Students discuss about  Performance in   U2
 Understanding stages in stories: Learning theories about the stages of class
teaching English FOR Y.L. (How 1. Stories and  Tutorial learning through stories for Y.L  Discussion result
Y.L learn through stories) themes as  Discussion then linking it to the real life
13 SOFT SKILL: holistic practice in the classroom.
and  Critical and creative skills in approaches to
14 planning learning stages for Y.L language
teaching and
2. The discourse
organization of
Ming Materi/PokokBahasa MetodaPemb KriteriaPenilaian Pusta
Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan Latihan yang dilakukan Bobot
gu n elajaran (Indikator) ka

3. Language use in
4. Quality in stories
5. Choosing stories
to promote language
6. Ways of using a
7. Developing tasks
around a tory

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(Dr. Mustaqim Pabbajah, M.A) (Sayit Abdul Karim, S.Pd, M.Pd) (Dyah Mukaromah, S.Pd, M.Pd )
Dekan Fakultas Pendidikan Kaprodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Dosen Pengampu

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