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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

In this section, explain why you must pass the Praxis Core Exam (to be admitted

to the college of education at UNLV, NSC, or UNR and to continue your Bachelor’s

degree in Education). Then give the passing scores for the Praxis Core Exam in Nevada

for Math, Reading, and Writing.

Exam Preparation

Tell how, or if, you prepared before you took the Praxis Core exam. Did you read

about the exam? Did you do the practice questions from ETS? Did you use Praxis Prep

websites? Did you prepare in some other way? This is not the place to give yourself

excuses--be honest with yourself!

Exam Results

Give your results for Reading, Writing, and Math and explain what they mean.

For example: “In Math, I scored in the 92% range, which means that I’m very likely to

pass the Math section when I take the official Praxis Core Exam.”

Future Exam Preparation

Tell what you need to do to further prepare yourself to pass the exam. Will you

purchase a study book or online program to work through? Will you work with a tutor?

Will you use the free Praxis Prep websites that you’ve been provided? Is there any other

preparation you might do for this very important exam? If you plan to take the C-BEST

exam instead of the Praxis Core Exam, address that here and tell why.

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