Testate and Intestate Succession

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TESTATE Relatives Surviving Legit. Children | Surviving | Ileg. Children | Leg. Parents and Descendants] Spouse and foe a Pare (1) Legitimate Children 1/2 divided by (alone) ‘the number of x x x x children (2) One Leg. Child, survi- ving Spouse te V4 x zx x (3) Two or more leg. children, 2 same as x x x Surviving Spouse, Meg. | (divided by no.) | 1leg.C. x x Children 1 — ofeach 2 Le (4) Surviving Spouse, leg. Children x V3. v3 x x (5) Leg. Parents (or ascend.), Surviving Spouse, Illeg. Children x Vs Va v2 x (6) Leg. Parents (alone) x x x v2 x (7) _Illeg. Children (alone) x x v2 x x (8) Surv. Spouse (alone) x V2, 13, V2 x x x (9) Leg. Parents and Surv. Spouse x v4 x ve x (10) _IlL Parents (alone) = x x v2 (11) Ml. Parents and Surv. Spouse x v4 x x v4 (6) Simpler Table of Legitimes Ill. Children — 1/3 Ill. Parents alone — 1/2 Surv. Spouses — 1/3 Surv. Spouse alone — Il. Children — 1/4 1/2, 1/3, 1/2 Surv. Spouse — 1/8 Teg'Parents — ale Leg. Child Alone — 1/2 Ill. Children — 1/4 1 Leg. Child — 1/2 Leg. Parents — 1/2 Surv. Spouse — 1/4 Leg. Parents — 1/2 Surv. Spouse — 1/4 -—12 Ill. Parents — 1/4 Surv. Spouse — same as Surv. Spouse — 1/4 1 Leg. Child 2 or more Leg. Children Il. Leg. Child alone — 1/2 Parents alone — 1/2 Leg. Child — 1/2 of estate Illeg. Child — 1/2 of each Leg. Child (under the Family Code) INTESTATE SURVIVORS Leg.C. | Hleg.C. } Surviving] Leg.Parents| I. | Brothers} Other | State| and Dese.| and Dese.| Spouse and | Parents| Sisters | Collater- Ascendants Nephews als Nieces ‘Leg. C. and Desc. alone ALL x x x x x Proportion of 10-5 pro- x x x x sa ice a vided legitimes of leg. children are not im- paired Leg. C., Ill. C and SS. ‘Same as Same Same 1Leg.C. x x x x x ILC. alone x ALL x x x x x x Il. C. and. 5. x v2 v2 x x x x x SS, ALONE x x ALL x x im X x TL C., S. S. and Leg. Parents x va uM 12 x x ac Leg. Parents and S. S] x v2 v2 x x x Leg. Parents alone x x ALL x x 'S.S.and Ileg. Parents x x v2 x v2 x x x Il. Parents alone x x x x ALL x x x S.S.,B.,S.,N.,N. x x v2 x x v2 x x B.S, N,N. alone x x x x x ALL x x Other Collaterals x x x x x x ALL x State x x x x x x x ALL SIMPLER TABLE OF INTESTATE SHARES Tl. Children — 12 | Surv. Spouse = Surv. Spouse — 12 Leg. Parents Alone — ALL Tl. Children — 4 Bury Spotice — 1/4 | I Parents Alone — ALL Leg. Parents — 2] surv. Spouse Alone — ALL lL. Children — 12 Leg. Child Alone — ALL Leg. Parents — ve 1 Leg. Child — ww Leg. Parents — V2 1 surv. Child - Surv. Spouse — 12 2 or more Leg. Il. Parents - wl cna } Surv. Spouse — 21 surv. Spouse } Consider Surv. Spouse - iGrouaslestl Brothers, Sisters, Leg. Child and Nephews and divide estate Nieces - Ww by total number]

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