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Department of Education

Isabela City Schools Division

Begang National High School
2nd Division DiManCom and Division Team Supervision
August 1-2, 2019

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 English


The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and
non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.


The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other

text types serve as means of enhancing the self; alsohow to use processing,
assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies,
appropriate word order,punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to
participate actively in a speech choir.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Summarize information from the text listened to (EN9LC-Ii-3.14: )
2. Drawgeneralizations andconclusions from the material listened to EN9LC-Ig-8.7:
3. Note types of context clue (restatement, definition, synonyms, antonyms)
used for a given word or expression (EN9V-Ii-12.3: )
4. Analyze literature as a means of discovering the self (EN9LT-Ii-14: )


Module 1–Lesson 5
Theme: Literature as a means of Understanding Unchanging Values in a Changing
Sub-Theme: Holding On to a Dream in a Changing World
Listening/Speaking :
1. Materials
a. CD Recording of listening outputs
b. Pictures
c. worksheet
d. graphic organizer
e. MS power point slideshow
2. Equipment
a. Audio/CD Player
b. LCD Computer projector
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings, checking of attendance, setting of classroom standards
b. Cluster grouping for small-group activity) , U-shape sitting format ( for
listening activity)
B. Motivation: Picture Analysis
1. Teacher shows different picture scenarios of father and son relationship.

2. Teacher asks students about their experiences in getting advices.

3. Theachern facilitates students to participate by showing samples of common advice
Advice From a Father to His Son (Leader)

Don't worry about what others think of you. ...

Learn to listen deeply. ...
Be responsible for your own actions, first and always. ...
Always choose to be kind. ...
Honor your word. ...
Be present. ...
Learn to forgive.

Dreams are important. There is not a one size fits all answer to this personal
question about dreams. No one else can dream your dreams.
C. Activities
Task 1. Introduction and Initial Tasks (Strategy: Think-Pair and Share)
-The River of Dreams
a) Post the questions on the board that the students are expected to answer and
discuss them in the listening activity.
Listen attentively to the lyrics of the song, “The River of Dreams.” Be ready to
answer the following questions.
1. What issues about life are confronting the speaker in the song?
2. Among these issues, what do you think he values the most? Why do you say
3. If you were him, how would you resolve the issue?
(students discuss answers with a partner then share them with the class.)
b) Then have the students listen to the song twice. (Strategy: Active listening)
1. First, students will listen to the song independently without answering the
Listen to the song with your eyes closed and try to work out the theme of
the song
from the lyrics and the expression in the singer’s voice (is the song about
love? Has
the singer been hurt? Is the singer happy?
2. Second, students find a partner and asked to listen to a song for the second
Time. This time, each pair must listen attentively and discuss to answer the

c) Elicit the responses of the students based on the questions posted. (Strategy:
Use Song Analysis graphic organizer.
d) Allow students to discuss his/her answer with a partner then share it with the
e) Process the students’ answer.
D. Application
a) Process the activity guided by the given questions.
b) Instruct students to analyze the pictures.

1 2 3 4

First Picture: The fish facing the hand has many colors whereas the rest are only few.
Second Picture: A man could hardly start his journey because of a high and big wall blocking
Third Picture: All men in each row moving forward except in the middle which is hindered and
moving backward
Fourth picture: All the umbrellas are green except for one which is red.
d) Ask students questions 1 and 2, then process their answers.
1. What idea is presented by the pictures?
2. How would you relate the pictures to issues in regards to the social context?
e). Instruct them to accomplish the chart. Have them share their answers before the class for
and clarification.
Accomplish the chart below with forms of social injustice as depicted by the pictures. Be able
to give resolutions for each situation. (use Rubric to process their answers)

Forms of Discrimination/Prejudice Resolutions

f) Link/ relate the activity to the text of the lesson
g) Relate Task 1 to Task 2: (Strategy: Graphic organizer-Venn Diagram)
h) students accomplish the task by group.

React on the lines from the song Ebony and Ivory by Stevie Wonder. What are the
underlying meanings of the lyrics of the song?

“Ebony and Ivory, live together in perfect harmony

Side by side on my piano, keyboard, Oh Lord Why don’t we?”

Your Text
Task 3. Perm Term
a. Have the students accomplish this activity in pairs.
b. Instruct them to read first the words in the word pool. Have them read it aloud with
your guidance
on correct pronunciation

Task 4. Try to Connect

a. Ask the students to read the poem, “Dreams Deferred” by Langston Hughes
b. Ask them to associate the poem to the story (List down their answers)
c. Introduce the text (You can tell something about the author or any back-ground of the
d. Insruct students to read the text silently. (See to it that the text is
pre- assigned or pre-read ahead of time).
Task 5. Grasp it
a. Pose the questions for understanding the text.
b. Instruct students to accomplish the tasks as instructed.
b. You can have the brainstorming by group or by round table.
c. Note the significant responses of the students and process it.

Task 6. Predict a Dream

a. Instruct students to analyze the picture and predict what could be the dream of the
people in the
b. Instruct them to write the answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Task 7. Text Hub

a. Tell students to read on the teaching points.
b. Then ask them to scan and skim on the selection and locate the places indicating the
functions of
Task 8. The Voice
a. Instruct students to read on the teaching points.
b. Allow them to study the examples given.
b. The teacher may have some inputs or give additional examples in case of gray areas
c. Solicit students responses on the differences between active and passive
d. Ask students to give their own examples.

Task 9. On Location
a. Instruct the students to identify in the dialogue the verbs in the active voice which
should be
transformed to the passive voice or vice versa.
Task 10. The Voice in Action
a. Instruct students to write their own sentences in the active voice.
b. Then change these sentences into the passive voice.
c. For in depth analysis, instruct them to note the changes that took place in the
Your Discovery Tasks
Task 11. The Dream Route
a. Instruct the students clearly about this task.
b. See to it that they understand clearly the instructions for this activity.
c. Motivate the students and be able to bring out the creativity that is inherent in all of
Task 12. Play President
a. Instruct students to resolve the issues presented.
b. You may expand on the term for clearer understanding.
c. Direct them to use the active voice of the verb in their sentence construction.
Your Final Tasks
Task 13. Review, Analyze, Reflect
a. Ask students to read the important pointers on how to prepare a report for a play review as
they will be required to submit a report at the end of the third week of the quarter.
b. Instruct them to fill up each blank
Task 14. Tippable Tips!
a. Have the students read and analyze the tips on dramatizing a play.
b. Allow them to take down notes if necessary.
c. Tell them that the tips would be very useful in the final activity.
Task 15. Deliver the Goods!
a. Walk with the students through this final activity.
b. Tell them how they will be assessed by presenting to them the rubrics for performance
My Treasure
a. Have the students reflect on the quotation by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
b. Have them further reflect on their strengths.
c. Then instruct them to complete the statement.

`Prepare by
Rheinjohn A. Sampang

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