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We always talk about how important is education and how education is necessary.Today, the

world is changing, the population is growing rapidly, interests and needs are diversifying with

each passing day.We need to think about different learning methods.The tools and methods to

reflect context of education is very important.Technology is one of the most significant

instrument for education.We need to use technology in all part of life in this information

age.Especially education is one of the most needed areas to use in technology.Because

technology used in education,makes something easy to understand,embodies many issues,offers

the fastest way to reach information and increases the effect of education. Various researches

shows that the use of technology in education,facilitate learning and increases retention.

In this study,we look at the positive and negative impacts of technology in education.


Background of the study

As we all may know in today’s world, technology is advancing in a different kind of

level. A lot of students actually benefits from this since internet is very accessible for almost

everyone in the world but of course, there are down sides to this particular situation. Some

students prefer to rely on technology to do everything for them without learning from what

they’re given to by their instructors. This problem is not limited to the students but is also

evident within the staffs, institutes, universities and colleges. The vastness of its scope has been

topics for many researchers in a particular study of educational philosophies.

One of the large effects that I have seen in a classroom, in terms of writing, is the decline

in a student’s ability to write using a phrase or a complete sentence. Using abbreviations that’s

normally used for mobile phones instead shows up in a student’s seatwork and it’s saddening.

It’s as if many of these kids believe that the use of mobile phones is the only method to

communicate with each other and is the only method that’ll be used in the future in terms of

sharing information. These students will use phrases such as “What u doing?” or “OMW now”,

which is fine if you’re only using it if you’re chatting with someone but when you’re at school?

It’s not acceptable.

I am actually awe at how students see no point in using a dictionary, doing math by hand

or learning how to spell words correctly. If, however, their technologies are taken away from

them, when there is no phone to help them calculate, no correction for a spelling error, or when a

student use words like a lot and other proper words? Writing actually becomes much more

interesting since they think about the words they’re going to use, which could be powerful and

colorful. Technology offers immediate actions and solutions, leading to a student being

incompetent and mediocre at times since they rely on the machine to do most of the work.

On the other hand, technology can open the gateway or path to the mind of a student or a

kid who wants to learn and engage with questions such as who’s the first man to be at space? Or

who is the president of the Philippines at the year 1890? In terms of educating, computers or the

internet make information available to students for areas that could never afford the number of

books their students might need. Instant access to information can deepen a student’s desire to

learn. It could actually benefit the instructors too as mentioned before since they get to use

HDMI cables to present a PowerPoint presentation that they made in their laptops or computer,

making it easier for the instructor to teach students since there are factors such as not being able

to write properly in a blackboard or a board and students might not see it very well or understand

it, so it’s benefitting a lot of people as well as students.

Therefore, this study purports to probe the impact of the use of technology in terms of

education. This ascertains the reason on how can technologies affect students or instructors in a

positive and negative way.

Statement of the Problem

The study probed into the struggle and gains of students and the implications of

technology within the classroom.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following:

1. How will it be a benefit to the people at school, be it as it may be a student or


2. Positive effects; and

3. Negative effects

4. What are the factors of technoogy that affect students and instructors?

5. What implications may be drawn from the study?

Purpose of the study

In an effort to embrace the potential of the digital classroom

(The George Lucas Foundation,2002) while using technology tools

And information-distribution techniques “to reach and excite young minds”(McHugh,2005,p.

33),school personnel at the research site have continued to use and implement the use of variety

of educstional technology applications intended to engage students and enhance teaching and


While much is understood about best practices for integrating technology into the

curriculum,greater understanding of its impact on the interactions of learners of all ages is yet to

be fully explored.

The purpose of this study, therefore, was to observe,descibe, and analyze the positive and

negative impact of educational technology on learner interactions in a selected school.

Significance of the study

The research intends to know the impact of technology in terms of educating.

Additionally, the study will be able to benefit the following people:

Students, The research may give the students substantial information in terms of using gadgets

for their own personal use and at an education level and will be more knowledgeable on how

differences can affect the interpersonal relationship of every individual or peers within school.

Readers, The research may influence the readers in terms of the positive and negative effect of

technology to education and will give them empowerment to step up if they are in an inequitable

situation in the society.

Future Researchers, This research may serve as a basis for future studies on the impact of

education and modern technology with its positive and negative effects to the students,

instructors and other qualified personnel.

Literature Review

In 2011 survey by CompTIA a trade association in the IT field,found that 78 percent of

educators they questioned felt technology had a positive effect on classrooms, 65 percent of the

educators said technology made their students more productive. Educators also recognize the

importance of developing these technological skills in students so they will be prepared to enter

the workforce once they complete their schooling.Students prefer technology because they

believe that it makes learning more interesting and fun.

They especially like laptops and tablets.Subjects that seem challenging or boring can become

more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when using a tablet.

Roxanne Loque (an educator)

(Modern Technology and education,2010)

-Childrens should be limited on what they use technology for.The benefits are it helps

them learn and explore new things,however it can also be bad or negative because there are

many sites not appropriate for them.

It can also make them less social beause they will prefer talking online instead of In person.It is

up to the parents,guardians and other family adults to watch over their online use and it can result

to less active as they will prefer to using technology over physical activities.The children of

today’s society have become obese and less active because of modern technology.


Research Design

The researcher will use a qualitative research method wherein it will focus on the impact

of the modern technology to education.

Specifically, the researcher will study the students and instructors with the use of the

internet to know the impact of techs to education and on how it affects the life of everyone in an

institute at the school.

Population and Sample

The set of participants of the study were students from The Fisher Valley College that

include elementary and senior high-school.


To determine the impact of technolgy to education among students of The Fisher Valley

College the researcher will conduct a survey and interviews for the participants to further know

the impact of technology to education for students who are in a classroom environment.

After the data were finalized, the researcher will start to formulate the conclusions and

recommendations of the study.

Validation Procedure

The researcher intends to validate the facts and opinions with the help of past researches

who conducted the same study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will follow certain procedures in conducting the study. The researcher

contacted students from schools over The Fisher Valley College and asked the current class

standing, materials and how students are coping with the modern technology inside the

classroom. The researcher then collects the data that’s gathered and form the necessary paper


For the purpose of this research, it’s to educate and inform other people with how

technology is affecting our education in a positive and negative way.

Positive Effects Of Technology in Education

Facts at Your Fingertips

As long as the school has a computer lab, students are able to use the internet and digital

encyclopedias to obtain the research they need. While students should be wary of the legitimacy

of some of the content they read online, many schools use software like the Encyclopedia

Britannica to help students do research.

Local Learning, Global Reach

When schools in different parts of the state, country or world connect, students can "meet" their

counterparts through video conferencing without leaving the classroom. Some sites, such as

Glovico, are used to help students learn foreign languages online by pairing a group of students

with a teacher from another country.

Educational Games and Simulations

In younger grades, teachers expose children to computers through educational games. Instead of

playing board games that focus on education, students can learn the basics of spelling, counting

and other early educational lessons through computer games that make learning fun. Web-based

science and math simulations allow students to learn important concepts with virtual labs.

Because many schools have at least one computer in each classroom, the teacher can make that

computer a vital part of learning for young students.

Distance Learning Made Modern

In the past, students could take distance or continuing education classes, also called

"correspondence courses," at community colleges and universities. After enrolling in a course of

this style, a student would receive course documents in the mail and would be required to mail

assignments to his teacher at the educational institution. The process could be long and

complicated. Thanks to technology, continuing education students can take courses over the

Internet at their convenience.

Students are able to check themselves

Modern multimedia computer programs allow students to visualize the result of their actions. We

should not forget about the importance of technology in education. The use of computers makes

the lesson attractive and truly modern. During this occasion an individualization of the training

appears, control and summarizing are provided exactly in time and students have no need in

looking for the answers by themselves.

Negative Effects Of Technology in Education

Changing Learning Priorities

The main effect from technology may be that the children of the future are not concerned with

details. However, it is hard to say if this is a good thing or a bad thing in the future especially

with the universal availability of the internet. The students of the future prioritize where the

information can be found rather than what the information actually is. The constant stimulation

that comes from the internet has also taken away the ability of students to generally focus in the

classroom. A New York Times article showed how constant stimulation by email, text messages,

and online video games created a profound obstacle to the focus and productivity of both young

people and adults, all of which can also be used for E-learning purposes. This stimulation causes

a short attention span, and even without the internet as a distraction,

Technology Overload

Technology can easily be overused within the classroom, and this can cause negative effects on

the entire learning experience. Some of these effects are already seen from student texting and

internet usage (school-related and trivial) during class. There are also increased incidences of

plagiarism for assignments and an overall lack of respect for correct language usage within

essays. This indicates the effect that technology may have had on the current generation's

thinking abilities and the overall power of the internet.

Changing Learning Priorities

The main effect from technology may be that the children of the future are not concerned with

details. However, it is hard to say if this is a good thing or a bad thing in the future especially

with the universal availability of the internet. The students of the future prioritize where the

information can be found (i.e. via Google) rather than what the information actually is. The

constant stimulation that comes from the internet has also taken away the ability of students to

generally focus in the classroom. A New York Times article showed how constant stimulation by

email, text messages, and online video games created a profound obstacle to the focus and

productivity of both young people and adults, all of which can also be used for E-learning

purposes. This stimulation causes a short attention span, and even without the internet as a

distraction, many young people struggle as is to manage time wisely and resist impulsive



Equipping a classroom with computers or supplying the entire student body with laptops is a

significant cost for any school. In addition to the initial purchase costs, there are costs for

maintaining networks, maintaining the computers and routinely upgrading the hardware and

software. Though "bring your own device" policies may relieve the school of some of these

costs, the policies shift to students and their families, who may not be able to afford the hardware

and software.

Diversion of Resources

Money is a significant resource used for technology, and a school may try to absorb the costs by

eliminating other proven beneficial programs such as music or arts. Additionally, setting up

computer labs or dedicated classrooms requires space which must be taken from other programs.

Furthermore, the time taken for training teachers to keep their computer skills up to date takes

time away from teachers being able to train in their subject area

Limited Learning

Students may be more enthusiastic about studying a subject if they are preparing a PowerPoint

presentation or a video clip instead of a written essay. However, they might spend more time and

effort on the presentation than researching the subject, and complete the project knowing very

little about the subject. Participation and enthusiasm do not necessary lead to learning.

Student Distraction

The technology-enabled classroom offers access to information, but it also offers many more

distractions. Games on devices, text messaging, email and websites all compete for students'

attention, taking that attention away from the subject on which they are supposed to be focusing.

The technology can also lead to dangerous situations as students can be exposed to inappropriate

online materials or predators in online places such as chat rooms.

Scope and Delimitations

The extent of the study mainly focuses on the students and instructors The Fisher Valley

College currently enrolled in the second semester of Academic Year 2018-2019.


Technology is like a coin which has both positive and negative sides. We are the deciders and we

have to choose how to use it. The usage of technology for over exploitation of resources should

be always avoided. If we use it for positive things, it will have positive effect of our lives and

vice versa. Nobody would oppose the developments should be in a positive way and they should

not have any negative impact on present or future generations.


The recommendations of the study will apply to the following beneficiaries:

Students, This research will help the students understand more about the current

conditions regarding the impact of modern technology to education that is happening today. The

experiences as stated in the data that is gathered will give the students substantial information

that may help them to make better use of technology at certain class situations and their current

endeavors most especially if the reader is a student taking class who can barely see and couldn’t

afford an eye-glass to be able to check what’s written at the blackboard. Also, they may be able

to apply the lesson that’s formulated in regards to the use of techs.

Readers, This research may create awareness and may develop “social responsibility,”

with others that apart from the knowledge that they gain by knowing the current conditions of

modern techs within the school. Thus improving one-self-awareness in terms of using gadgets in

a classroom with people having different situations.

Future Researchers, this research may be used as a guide for those who will take the

same topic for their thesis writing course.


A. Sources



Survey question(s)

1. How well can you cope up with the technology as a student yourself?

2. Do you prefer the old ways, in which the instructors get to write in the

board? Or do you prefer having power point slides presented to you?

3. What problems have you encountered while using technology in a

classroom? If there is, please be specific.


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