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Engineering Dynamics Lab Report

Roll No:

 Experiment No.1:

Crank And Slotted Lever Quick Return Motion.

This experiment is performed to know about the relationship of
motion of crank and slotted liver so that the motion of objects and their
revolution per second can be controlled.

 Apparatus:

The only apparatus required is crank and slotted link lever.

 Figure:

 Explaination:

The slider crank mechanism is well known as a basis of a reciprocating of sliding

and rolling and are called higher pairs.
It finds application in shaping machine, slotting machine, rotary internal
combustion engine.
In this mechanism link corresponding to the connecting rod is fixed. The crank (in
the fig below) revolves about the fixed center . A slider attached to the crank pin
at B slides along the slotted lever . This makes the slotted lever oscillate about the
pivoted point .

 Procedure:

Move the knob which is in between the connecting rod.This action will rotate the
knob .
First rotate knob clockwise and note the reading of angle on the dial under the
knob….and the same time when move the knob note the displacement covered
by the crank on scale.
Repeat the same procedure by moving knob anticlockwise

 Observation and Calculations:

Angle Displacement Angle Displacement
60 101.1 270 8.0
90 112.6 300 19.2
120 111.6 330 37.8
150 93.3 360 60.0
180 60.0
0 60.0 210 26.8
30 82.2 240 9.0

 Graph:







0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

 Experiment No. 2:

Slotted link mechanism

 Apparatus:

Slotted link assembly is the apparatus to perform that experiment.

 Theory:

Simple Harmonic Motion is defined as when a mass or point moves in such a way
that its .accelerations is proportional to its displacement from a fixed point
in its path and is directed to that point, the motion is said to be simple
harmonic. The Simple Harmonic Circle enables us to establish a relationship
between displacement and accelerations.

 Figure:

Set the crank at zero degrees. Record the piston displacement.
Move the crank by 10° and record the displacement.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for one complete revolution of the crank.
Tabulate your results in the table given.
Calculate the theoretical piston rod displacement in the t

 Observations and calculations:

Angle Displacement Angle Displacement

0 0 210 65
30 4 240 53
60 16.5 270 35.5
90 34 300 17
120 52 330 5
150 64 360 0
180 70

 Graph:

70 70
64 65
52 53

34 35.5

16.5 17
4 5
0 0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

 Experiment no. 3:

Oscillating cylinder mechanism

 Apparatus:
Oscilating cylinder assembly is the apparatus to perform that experiment.

 Figure:
 Theory:
The coupling between the unsteady wake of a circular cylinder in
a cross-flow and motion of the cylinder is important in structural,
offshore and thermal power engineering applications. A
significant feature of the cylinder–wake interaction problem for
simple harmonic cross-flow oscillation is that the point in the
motion cycle at which vortices are formed and released is
sensitive to the frequency of cylinder oscillation. Experimental
flow visualization studies, such as those of Ongoren & Rockwell
(1988), demonstrate this sensitivity for flows where the frequency
of cylinder cross-flow oscillation (fo) is close to the natural
shedding frequency of the fixed cylinder (fv); the timing of vortex
formation (measured with respect to cylinder motion) switches
phase by approximately 180◦ over a very narrow range of forced
oscillation frequencies. The evidence suggests that on each side of
the switch the vortex shedding mode corresponds to the usual
K´arm´an-street wake, at least for low motion amplitudes
 Observations and Calculations:

Angle Piston Cylinder Angle Piston Cylinder

Displace Angle Displace Angle
ment ment
0 0 0 210 66.4 -7.4
30 6.7 13.2 240 56.2 -13.9
60 22.6 19.1 270 40.7 -18.4
90 40.7 18.4 300 22.6 -19.1
120 56.2 13.9 330 6.7 -13.2
150 66.4 7.4 360 0 0
180 70 0

 Graph:
-10 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

Piston Displacement Cylinder Angle

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