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Integrated Reservoir Management

Abdus Satter, SPE, James E. Varnon, SPE, and Muu T. Hoang, SPE, Texaco Inc.

Summary incentives and challenges should provide the motivation to prac-

The modem reservoir management process involves goal setting, tice sound reservoir management.
planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and revising This paper provides management, engineers, geologists, geo-
plans. Setting a reservoir management strategy requires knowl- physicists, and field operations staff a better understanding of the
edge of the reservoir, technology, and an understanding of the practical approach to reservoir management involving multidisci-
business, political, and environmental climates. Formulating a plinary, integrated team efforts.
comprehensive management plan involves depletion and devel-
opment strategies, data acquisition and analyses, geological and Reservoir Management Concepts
numerical model studies, production and reserves forecasts, Sound reservoir management requires use of both human and
knowledge of facilities requirements, economic optimization, and technological resources for maximizing profits. Reservoirs have
management approval. Implementing the plan requires manage- been managed every day for more than 100 years; the task of man-
ment support; field personnel commitment; and multidisciplinary, agement is not in question. However, the quality of management
integrated teamwork. Project success depends on careful monitor- is at stake. A number of windows of opportunity for improving
ing/surveillance and thorough ongoing evaluation of its perfor- reservoir management practices exist.
mance. If the actual performance of the project does not agree with The Crisman Inst. for Petroleum Reservoir Management at Tex-
the expected performance, the original plan should be revised and as A&M U. published a manual for petroleum reservoir manage-
the c~cle (implementing, monitoring, and evaluating) reactivated. ment proposing an integrated approach to reservoir manage-
This paper presents sound reservoir management concepts and ment. 12 This manual, which is the first of its kind, tried to present
methods including a team approach based on integration of geosci- from a nontechnical standpoint a thorough understanding of the
ence and engineering professionals, tools, technology, and data. various aspects of reservoir management.
The first treatment of integrated reservoir management in book
Introduction form was recently published.13 It focuses on reservoir manage-
The newest industry buzz word, reservoir management, has re- ment as a whole by integrating the technologies and activities of
ceived significant attention in recent years. Various panel, forum, the many disciplines involved.
Haldorsen and Van Golf-Raacht l4 presented a philosophy of
seminar, and technical sessions l -6 provided the framework for in-
managing reservoirs from exploration to abandonment. The pro-
formation sharing and exchanging ideas on many practical aspects
cess of designing economically optimum field developments was
of integrated, sound reservoir management. The needs to enhance
discussed at great length, with emphasis on reservoir description
recovery from the vast amount of remaining oil and gas in place
and the interaction of disciplines.
around the world and to compete globally require better reservoir
The panel talks given by Wiggins and Startzman,15 Joumel,16
management practices.
Raza,17 Thakur,18 Stiles,19 and Satter20 provide in-depth discus-
A reservoir's life begins with exploration, which leads to dis-
sions of many aspects of reservoir management.
covery; reservoir delineation; field development; production by
primary, secondary and tertiary means; and abandonment (Fig. 1).
Definition of Reservoir Management. A number of authors
Sound reservoir management is the key to successful operation of
have defined reservoir management recently. 10,12.14.20,21 Basical-
the reservoir throughout its entire life. It is a continuous process,
ly, sound reservoir management practice relies on the use of avail-
unli~e h?w the baton is passed in traditional E&P organizations.
Hlstoncally, some form of reservoir management has been prac- able resources (human, technological, and financial) to maximize
ticed only when a major expenditure is planned, such as original profits from a reservoir by optimizing recovery while minimizing
field development or waterflood installation. The reservoir manage- capital investments and operating expenses (Fig. 3).
Reservoir management involves making certain choices: let it
ment studies at these specific times were not integrated; i.e., differ-
happen or make it happen. We can leave it to chance to generate
ent disciplines did their part separately. During the last 20 years,
however, greater emphasis has been put on synergism between en- some profit from a reservoir operation without ongoing deliberate
gineering and geosciences.7- 11 Halbouty7 stated in 1977: "It is the planning, or we can enhance recovery and maximize profit from
duty and responsibility of industry managers to encourage full coor- the same reservoir through sound management practices.
dination of geologists, geophysicists, and petroleum engineers to
Reservoir Management Approach. Timing. The ideal time to
advance petroleum exploration, development, and production." De-
start managing a reservoir is at discovery. 10 However, it is never
spite the emphasis, progress in integration has been slow.
Many leading-edge technological advances have been achieved too late to initiate a well-thought-out, coordinated reservoir man-
in geophysics, geology, petrophysics, production, and reservoir agement program. An early start not only provides better overall
engineering. Mainframe supercomputers, more powerful personal project planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation but
computers, and workstations are providing ever-increasing com- also saves money in the long run, maximizing the profits.
puting power and more efficient database management systems. Integration of Geoscience and Engineering. Synergy and
The technological advances and computer tools (i.e., 3D seismic team concepts are the essential elements for integration of geosci-
surveys, cross-well seismology, horizontal wells, geostatistics, ence and engineering. Integration involves people, technology,
EOR processes, and facilities automation) can facilitate better res- tools, and data (Fig. 4). Its success depends on the following.
I. An overall understanding of the reservoir management pro-
ervoir management, enhancing economic recovery of hydrocar-
cess, technology, and tools through integrated training 20 and inte-
bons (Fig. 2). Even a small percent increase in recovery efficiency
grated job assignments.
could amount to significant additional recovery and profit. These
2. Openness, flexibility, communication, and coordination.
3. Working as a team.
Copyright 1992. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Inc.
4. Persistence.
Original SPE manuscript. Reservoir Management: A Technical Perspective, received It is becoming more recognized that reservoir management is not
for review Oct. 19. 1992. Revised manuscript received Aug. 1. 1994. Paper accepted for synonymous with reservoir engineering and/or reservoir geology.
publicatIon Aug. 16. 1994. Paper (SPE 22350) first presented atthe 1992 SPE IntI. Meeting
on Petroleum Engineering held in Beijing. China. March 24-27.
Success requires multidisciplinary, integrated team efforts. The
players are everyone who has anything to do with the reservoir

JPT • December 1994 1057

Discovery .Geophysical Tools
.Engineering .Seismic Interpretation
Basin " - .Financial • Tomography

• Geologic _
• Data Acquisition
.Completions &
Prospect • Geostatistics
• Engineering
.Drilling & Completions
.Geologic Modeling

.Management • Pressure Transient

.Enhanced Oil Recovery
.Geoscientists .Fracturing
• Environmental
.Engineers .Reservoir Simulators
.landILegal .Enhanced Oil Recovery

.Field .• Computer Software &

Secondary .Financial Hardware

Fig. 4-Reservoir management.

Fig. 1-Reservoir life process.

Sound Management
- -
Technological Advances

'" --- Secondary


Reservoir Life Computing Power

Fig. 2-Why sound reservoir management?

• Maximize Profits
Fig. 5-Reservoir management team.

(Fig. 5). The team members must work together as a well-coordi-

ft , nated "basketball team" rather than a "relay team" I 8 to ensure de-

velopment and execution of the reservoir management plan. By
crossing traditional boundaries and integrating functions, corpo-

~ rate resources are utilized better to achieve the common goal.

Nowadays, it is becoming common for large reservoir studies
to be integrated through a team approach. However, reservoir
management teams are being set up only at key investment times
Capital Investments of major expenditure!>. Although this is a step in the right direction,
what is missing today is ongoing multidisciplinary reservoir man-
agement efforts for all significant reservoirs.
Mere creation of a team does not guarantee integration and thus
• Make Choices success. Team skills, team authority, team compatibility with the
line management structure, and overall understanding of the reser-
Production - Let It Happen voir management process by all team members are essential for
Rate project success. In reality, the solution to our reservoir manage-
- Make It Happen ment problem is not just forming a team. It is not that easy. The
team members face many questions and concerns.
I. Who should set goals and make reservoir management deci-
sions? Is it still the division production manager? Does the team
have that authority?
2. Who is the team's boss? Who is responsible for allocation of
time and career development?
Teams need a company organization and culture to be effective.
A key question arises as to the management of the integrated
teams that usually consist of geoscientists and engineers. Accord-
ing to the prevalent old system, team members are still responsible
to their own functional heads. New systems are now evolving to
Time provide better working environments for teams through organiza-
tion by assets, wherein a given department is responsible for all
Fig. 3-What is Reservoir Management? E&P activities of specific company properties. This organization

1058 December 1994 • JPT

brings mUltidisciplinary professionals together to work on proj- Geology Recovery Mechanisms
ects in the department. However, asset-based organization is not
a cure-all for integration. Professional development and adminis-
trative management of team members are key issues that must be
solved. Engineers and geoscientists on the same organizational
team can segregate and do their parts separately.
Sessions and Lehman22 advocated increased interaction be-
tween geologists and reservoir engineers through multifunctional
teams and cross-training between the disciplines. Texaco's inte-
grated reservoir management training for !eoscientists and engi-
neers is designed to address exactly this. 2
Persistence will be required for true integration. Geoscientists Rock Fluid
and engineers do not communicate well with each other. Recog-
nizing that integration is beneficial is not sufficient. True integra-
tion will require persistent boosting by cross-training, mission
statements, organizational changes, team skill training, etc. Even
with all this, integration will still be difficult.

Reservoir Management Process

The modern reservoir management process involves establishing
a purpose or strategy; developing, implementing, and monitoring
the plan, and evaluating the results (Fig. 6). No component of res-
ervoir management is independent of the others. Integration of all
is essential for successful reservoir management. It is dynamic and
ongoing. As additional data become available, the reservoir man- Fluid Flow Past Performance
agement plan is refined and implemented with appropriate
changes. Evaluation or revision is often ignored today. Reservoir
management strategies should be written and updated periodical-
ly. Through persistency, we can ensure ongoing attention to all the
steps of the reservoir management process.
While a comprehensive program for reservoir management is
highly desirable, every reservoir may not warrant such a detailed

Reservoir Management
Fig. 7-Reservoir knowledge.
program because of cost-effectiveness. However, the keys to suc-
cess are to have a management program (comprehensive or not)
and implement it from the start.

Establishing Purpose or Strategy

Recognizing the specific need and setting a realistic and achiev-
able purpose are the first steps in reservoir management. The key
elements for setting reservoir management strategy are reservoir
characteristics, the total environment, and available technology.
Understanding these elements is a prerequisite to establishing
short- and long-term strategies for managing reservoirs.

Reservoir Characteristics. The nature of the reservoir being

managed is of vital importance in setting its management strategy.
Understanding the nature of the reservoir requires knowledge of
the geology, rock and fluid properties, fluid flow and recovery
Revising mechanisms, drilling and well completions, and past production
performance (Fig. 7).

Total Environment. Understanding the following environments

is essential in developing management strategy and effectiveness.
1. Corporate-goals, financial strength, culture, and attitude.
2. Political-stability, legal, and regulatory environment.
3. Economic-business climate, oiVgas prices, inflation, capi-
tal, and personnel availability.
4. Social--conservation, safety, and environmental regula-
5. Political--climate.
Completing ] Technology and Technological Toolbox. The success of reser-
voir management depends on the reliability and proper use of the
technology being applied in exploration, drilling and completions,
Fig. 6-Reservoir management process. recovery processes, and production. Many technological ad-

JPT • December 1994 1059


Geophysics Geology Production Engineering Reservoir Engineering

20 seismic Core description Economics Portfolio management
3D seismic Thin-sections Data acquisition and Log analysis
Cross-hole tomography Microscopes management Transient well tests
Vertical seismic profile Image analysis Well simulation Log analysis
Multicomponent seismic X-ray Pipeflow simulation Conventional core analysis
Shear-wave logging Stable isotope analysis Wellbore simulation Computed tomography scan,
Depositional models Nodal analysis nuclear magnetic
Geochemistry Diagenetic models Subsea pumping and resonance
Fingerprinting Structural modeling metering Fluid analysis
Maps, cross sections Decline-curve analysis
Database Management Remote sensing Drilling/Completion Material balance
Horizontal drilling Waterflood
Industry standard Streamtube Models
Petrotechnical open software Subsea completion
Reservoir simulation
system Geostatistics
EOR screening
EOR technology
Expert systems
Neural networks

vances have been made in these areas (Table I), offering opportu-
nitie)l that mayor may not be appropriate for every reservoir.
[ Developing Plan 1
Developing a Plan
Fonnulating a comprehensive plan, the next step in reservoir man-
agement, is essential for project success. A multidisciplinary, inte-
grated team consisting of the following professionals can be in
charge of developing an economically viable plan for the reser- Development & Depletion Strategies
1. Geologists responsible for geological and petrophysical
2. Reservoir engineers responsible for providing production
and reserves forecasts and economic evaluations.
3. Drilling and completion engineers responsible for drilling,
( Environmental Considerations )
and completing wells.
4. Equipment engineers responsible for designing surface, sub-
sea, and subsurface facilities.
5. Structural engineers responsible for designing platfonns and
production decks for offshore projects. Data Acquisition & Analyses
6. Other professionals, if needed (production and pipeline engi-
neers, land managers, etc.).
The makeup of the team and the number of professionals on it
will depend on the size ofthe project. The professional with over-
all knowledge of reservoir management would be the logical team Geological & Numerical
leader. Model Studies
The plan should be carefully worked out, which involves many
time-consuming development steps (Fig. 8).

Development and Depletion Strategy. The most important as-

pect of reservoir management deals with the operational strategies ( Production & Reserves Forecasts )
for depleting the reservoir to recover petroleum by primary and

applicable secondary and tertiary methods.
Development and depletion strategies depend on the lifecycle
stage of the reservoir. In a new discovery, we need to address the
question of how best to develop the field-well spacing, well con-
figuration, and recovery schemes. If the reservoir has been de-
( Facilities ReqUirements)
pleted by primary means, secondary and even tertiary recovery
schemes need to be investigated.

Environmental Considerations. In developing and subsequent-

ly operating a field, environmental and ecological considerations
Economic Optimization
have to be included. Regulatory agency constraints must be also
satisfied. These are very sensitive and important aspects ofthe res-
ervoir management process.

Data Acquisition and Analysis. An enonnous amount of data is

( Management Approval )
collected and analyzed during the life of a reservoir. Fig. 9 shows
the data needed before and during production. Reservoir manage-
Fig. 8-Developing plan.
ment requires a thorough knowledge of the reservoir, which can be

1060 December 1994 • JPI'

Plan, Justify
Time, Prioritize

Before During
Production Production
Collect and

Data Base



Logging Well Pressure FIg.1O-Production & reserves forecasts.

Coring Production Reservoir simulators play a very important role in providing

production and reserves forecasts needed for developing a reser-
RFT,DST Injection voir management plan and monitoring, evaluating, and operating
the reservoir. The simulators can simulate many lives for the reser-
voir under different scenarios and thus provide a very powerful
Fluid Special tool to optimize reservoir operations. 23
Historically, reservoir simulators have been used for studying
large fields and fields undergoing complex recovery processes.
Fig. 9-Data acquisition & analysis. They have not been suitable for small reservoirs because the simula-
tion studies are costly, require highly trained professionals, and are
gained through an integrated, efficient data management program too time-consuming for an operating department environment. This
involving all functions from the beginning. The program should es- is changing. Satter et at. 24 discuss the role of a minisimulation tech-
tablish the need for the data requirement with a costibenefit analy- nique using personal computers in managing small reservoirs.
sis. Raza 17 suggests a data acquisition program consisting of plan-
ning, collection/methodology, timeliness, and flexibility. Data Facilities Requirements. Production performance results are
analysis requires a great deal of effort, scrutiny, and innovation. The used to estimate facilities requirements. Facilities are the actual
key steps are (I) to plan, justify, time, and prioritize; (2) to collect physical link to the reservoir. Everything we do to the reservoir, we
and analyze; and (3) to validate/store the information. The data do through the facilities including drilling, completion, pumping,
should be stored in a common computer database for future use injecting, processing, and storing. Proper design and maintenance
and should be accessible to all interdisciplinary end users. of facilities has a profound effect on profitability. The facilities
must be capable of carrying out the reservoir management plan,
Geological and Numerical Model Studies. The reservoir model but they cannot be wastefully designed. Estimates of the capital
is an integrated geoscience and engineering model to be built and operating costs based on the facilities requirements are used
jointly by geoscientists and engineers. The accuracy of the reser- for economic analyses.
voir production performance analysis is dictated by the quality of
the reservoir model. The geological model is derived by extending Economic Optimization. Economic optimization is the ultimate
localized core and log measurements to the full reservoir using goal of reservoir management. With estimated production, capital,
such technologies as geophysics, mineralogy, depositional envi- operating expenses, and financial data, project economics are eva-
ronment, and diagenesis. The geological model, particularly the luated. Fig. 11 presents key steps involved in economic optimiza-
definition of geological units and their continuity and compart- tion.
mentalization, is an integral part of geostatistical and thus reser-
voir simulation models. The engineering model is concerned with Management Approval. The final step in developing a reservoir
rock and fluid properties, fluid flow and recovery mechanisms, management plan requires management approval and support.
drilling, completions, production, and injection. Example Development Plan. To illustrate how to develop a res-
ervoir management plan, the original version of this paper25 gives
Production and Reserves Forecasts. The economic viability of a an example of an optimum development plan for a newly discov-
petroleum recovery project is greatly influenced by the reservoir ered offshore field, analogous to U.S. gulf coast reservoirs. Well
production performance under the current and future operating spacing (the number of wells and platforms) and recovery scheme
conditions. Therefore, evaluation of the past and present reservoir (primary depletion or primary augmented waterflood) were con-
performance and forecast of its future behavior are essential in the sidered. A full-field reservoir simulator was constructed to predict
reservoir management process (Fig. 10). Classical volumetric, ma- reservoir performance under both primary and waterflood opera-
terial-balance, and decline-curve analysis methods and high- tions. Also, economic analyses of primary and waterflood opera-
technology black-oil, compositional, and EOR numerical simula- tions under various scenarios were made. Table 2 shows the evalu-
tors are used for analyzing reservoir performance and estimating ation results for the cases considered. The 160-acre-spacing case
reserves. with the lowest capital investment, development cost, and payout

JPI' • December 1994 1061

Primary Followed
Parameters Primary Development by Waterflood

40-Acre SO-Acre 120-Acre 160-Acre SO-Acre

Investment, $ million 325 222 202 162 220

Oil reserves, MMSTB 40.3 40.3 3S.7 3S.0 81.3
Economic life, years 9 11 15 15 22
Payout, years 5.1 4.S 4.7 4.7 4.9
DCFROI,% 29.0 3S.S 35.S 40.4 42.7
NPV, $ million 112 161 144 157 309
PWI 1.63 2.31 2.15 2.49 3.64
Development costs, $/bbl oil 5.95 3.91 3.62 2.S7 2.1S

time and the highest present worth index (PWI), discounted-cash- water, and gas production by wells; gas and water injection by
flow return on investment (DCFROI), and next-highest net pre- wells; systematic and periodic static and flowing bottomhole pres-
sent value (NPV) offered the economically optimum primary de- sure testing of selected wells; production and injection tests; injec-
velopment plan. Even though the 80-acre case yielded the highest tion and production profiles; recording of workovers and results;
NPV ($161 million), the additional capital investment of $65 mil- and anything else that aids surveillance.
lion over the 160-acre case only gave an incremental NPV return For EOR projects, the monitoring and surveillance program is
of $4 million. particularly critical because of the inherent uncertainties.
A case with an initial 160-acre primary development followed
by 80-acre, five-spot infill waterflooding after 2 years was consid- Evaluating
ered. Results of the economic analysis of the waterflood case show
The plan must be reviewed periodically to ensure that it is being
the highest oil reserves, DCFROI, NPV, and PWI and the lowest
followed, that it is working, and that it is still the best possible plan.
development costs per barrel of oil. Therefore, the early water-
Its success should be evaluated by comparing actual and antici-
flood offers the most profitable means to exploit this field.
pated reservoir performance.
It would be unrealistic to expect the actual project performance
to match the planned behavior exactly. Therefore, the functional
After management approval of the project development plan, the groups should establish certain technical and economic criteria to
next major assignment is to implement it to get production on determine project success. The criteria will depend on the nature
stream as soon as possible (Fig. 6). A project manager with full au- ofthe project. A project may be a technical success but an econom-
thority is needed to manage the various activities as follows.
ic failure.
1. Design, fabricate, and install surface and subsurface facili-
How is the reservoir management plan working? The answer
ties. This critical path for the whole project requires tremendous
lies in a careful evaluation of project performance. Using the crite-
efforts and experience to preplan, monitor, and complete the proj-
ria set, the functional groups should routinely compare the actual
ect on time.
2. Develop a drilling/completion program. performance (e.g., reservoir pressure, GOR, WOR, and produc-
3. Acquire and analyze necessary logging, coring, and initial tion) with the expected (Fig. 12). In the final analysis, the econom-
well-test data from the development wells to define reservoir char- ic yardsticks will determine the success or failure of the project.
acterization better.
4. Upgrade the reservoir database and revise production and re- Revision of Plans and Strategies
serves forecasts. Plans and strategies should be revised when reservoir perfor-
Thakur 18 suggests some key ingredients for successfully imple- mance does not conform to the management plan or when condi-
menting a plan: (1) make a flexible plan of action, (2) have man- tions change. Questions that evaluate performance must be asked
agement support, (3) get field personnel commitment, and finally
and answered on an ongoing basis for sound reservoir manage-
(4) start the plan of action involving all functions. It is critical to
have periodic review meetings with all team members, mostly in
the field offices.
The important reasons for unsuccessfully implementing a plan
are (1) lack of overall knowledge of the project on the part of all The reservoir management plan should include the final task of
team members, (2) failure to interact and coordinate the various reservoir abandonment when all the depletion plans have been im-
functional groups, and (3) a delay in initiating the management plemented.
Monitoring and Surveillance 1. Technological advances and computer power are providing
Sound reservoir management requires constant monitoring and the tools to manage reservoirs better to maximize economic hy-
surveillance of reservoir performance as a whole to determine drocarbon recovery.
whether the performance is conforming to the management plan. 2. A team approach based on integration of geoscience and en-
For the monitoring and surveillance program to be successful, gineering personnel, tools, technology, and data is essential for
coordinated efforts of the various functional groups are needed at sound reservoir management practice.
the start of production from the field. The engineers, geologists, 3. The reservoir management practice involving goal setting,
and operations personnel should work together on the program planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and revising ini-
with management support and field personnel commitment. Dedi- tial plans holds the key to successful operation of the reservoir
cated and coordinated efforts of the various functional groups are throughout its entire life-from exploration to abandonment.
essential. How extensive the program is will depend on the nature 4. A better understanding of sound reservoir management prac-
of the project. Ordinarily, the major areas of monitoring and sur- tices can be beneficial to geoscientists, engineers, field operations
veillance involving data acquisition and management include oil, staff, and managers.

1062 December 1994 • JPl'

Set Economic PWI
Objective ~



Collect Data ~ Operating
, Oil/Gas Price

Make Economic

Make Risk

Choose Optimum

Fig. 11-Economic optimization. Fig. 12-Evaluatlon.

Acknowledgment 4. Application of Reservoir Characterization to Numerical Modeling

and Reservoir Management, SPE Forum Series III: Crested Butte, CO,
We acknowledge the support and pennission of Texaco Inc. to July 28-Aug. 2, 1991.
publish this paper. 5. Reservoir Management Panel Discussion, 1991 SPE Annual Techni-
cal Conference and Exhibition, Dallas. Oct. 6-9.
References 6. Reservoir Management Sessions, 1991 SPE IntI. Meeting on Petrole-
um Engineering, Beijing, March 24-27.
I. Advances in Reservoir Management and Field Applications, SPE Fo- 7. Halbouty, M.T.: "Synergy Is Essential to Maximum Recovery." JPT
rum Series V, Crested Butte, CO, Aug. 13-18, 1989. (July 1977) 750.
2. Reservoir Management Panel Discussion, 1990 SPE Annual Techni- 8. Craig, EE Jr. et al.: "Optimized Recovery Through Continuing Inter-
cal Conference and Exhibition, Sept. 23-26, New Orleans. disciplinary Cooperation," JPT (July 1977) 755.
3. Reservoir Management Practices Seminar, SPE Gulf Coast Section, 9. Harris, D.G. and Hewitt, C.H.: "Synergism in Reservoir Manage-
April 26, 1991, Houston. ment-The Geologic Perspective," JPT (July 1977) 761.

JPf • December 1994 1063

10. Thakur, G.C.: "Reservoir Management-A Synergistic Approach," 51 Metric Conversion Factors
paper SPE 20138 presented at the 1990 SPE Permian Basin Oil and
acre X 4.046 873 E-Ol =ha
Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, March 8-9.
II. Sneider, R.M.: 'The Economic Value of a Synergistic Organization,"
bbl X 1.589 873 E-Ol =m3
paper presented at the 1990 Archie Conference, Houston, Oct. 22-25.
12. Wiggins, M.L.: A Manual for Petroleum Reservoir Management, 'Conversion factor is exact.
Crisman Inst. for Petroleum Reservoir Management, Dept. of Petro-
leum Engineering, Texas A&M U., College Station (May 1989).
13. Satter, A. and Thakur, G.c.: Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Manage-
ment, PennWell Books, Tulsa, OK (1994). Abdus ScHer is a research consultant at Texaco E&P Technolo-
14. Haldorsen, H.H. and Van Golf-Racht, T.: "Reservoir Management gy Center in Houston. He previously worked for Amoco, Frank
into the Next Century," paper NMT 890023 presented at the 1989 W. Cole Engineering, the U. of Westem Ontario, and Dacca
Centennial Symposium at New Mexico Tech., Socorro, Oct. 16-19. Engineering C. His current interests are reservoir studies, reser-
15. Wiggins, M.L. and Startzman, R.A.: "An Approach to Reservoir Man- voir management, and technology transfer. He is a coinstruc-
agement," paper SPE 20747 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Tech- tor of the SPE Short Course on Integrated Reservoir Manage-
nical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept 23-26. ment and a coauthor of a new book on this subject. He has
16. Joumel. A.G.: "Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization," paper- served on the SPE Editorial Review, Annual Technical Meeting,
SPE 20750 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Technical Conference Forum Series, and Continuing Education committees. Satter
and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept 23-26. holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the U. of
17. Raza, S.H.: "Data Acquisition and Analysis for Efficient Reservoir Dacca, PE and MS degrees in petroleum engineering from the
Management," JPT (April 1992) 466. C~lorado School of Mines, and a PhD degree in engineering
18. Thakur, G.C.: "Implementation of Reservoir Management Program," sCience from the U. of Oklahoma. James E. Varnon is the port-
paper SPE 20748 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Technical Con- folio manager of reservoir performance modeling at Texaco
ference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept 23-26. E&PTechnology Center in Houston. He is responsible for devel-
19. Stiles, L.H.: "Reservoir Management in the Means San Andres Unit," oping and coordinating high-technology reservoir engineer-
JPT (April 1992) 469. ing personnel to serve on reservoir management teams and
20. Satter, A.: "Reservoir Management Training-An Integrated Ap- to provide technical training for operating departments
proach," paper SPE 20752 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Techni- around the world. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineer-
cal Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept 23-26. ing from Lamar U. and a PhD degree in chemical engineering
21. Robertson, J.D.: "Reservoir Management Using 3D Seismic Data," from Purdue U. Muu T. Hoang is a senior petroleum engineer
JPT(July 1989) 663. with Texaco Angola in Luanda. His expertise is in reservoir
22. Sessions, K.P. and Lehman, D.H.: "Nurturing the Geology-Reservoir engil")eering, production operations, facility design and instal-
Engineering Team: Vital for Efficient Oil and Gas Recovery,"paper
lation, reservoir simulation, reservoir management, and tech-
nical training. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering
SPE 19780 presented at the 1989 SPE Annual Technical Conference
from the U. of Pittsburgh.
and Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct. 8-11.
23. Satter, A. et al.: 'The Role Of Simulators In Reservoir Management,"
paper SPE 25605 presented at the 1993 SPE Permian Basin Oil and
Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, March 16-18.
24. Satter, A., Frizzell, D.P., and Varnon, J .E.: 'The Role of Mini-Simula-
tion In Reservoir Management," paper presented at the 1991 IPA Con-
vention, Jakarta, Oct. 8-10.
25. Satter, A., Varnon, J.E. and Hoang, M.T.: "Reservoir Management:
Technical Perspective," paper SPE 22350 presented at the 1992 SPE
IntI. Meeting on Petroleum Engineering, Beijing, March 24-27. Satter Varnon Hoang

1064 December 1994 • JPT

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