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APRIL 2012 77317/PMB3S

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Write short notes on :

1. Sources of Information

2. Organization structure – Types.

3. Process – Types.

4. Transactions Processing Information System –


5. Production Management – importance.

6. CPU – Expand.

7. Types of Softwares used for system operations.

8. CRM – objectives.

9. Information – differed from data – How?

10. System selection – Essentials conditions.

11. Closed system.

12. DBA – Expand.

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

13. Explain the scope of information system and MIS.

14. What are the classifications of system? Discuss in


15. What is SSAD? Explain the mechanics of

structured analysis.

16. Explain the components of production information


17. Write a note on application software.

18. What benefits does database offer to the

information system designer and the information

19. Make a note on computer service centers

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PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Question No 20 is Compulsory.

Answer any THREE questions from 21 to 24.

20. Can you think of an MIS which could be user

independent and business dependent?

21. What is the meaning of System performance? How

do you measure efficiency and effectiveness of the
system? Do you need both or any one for a system?

22. Explain different pitfalls in MIS development.

23. Discuss Interrelationship of Functional

Management Information Systems.

24. What is ERP architecture? What is solution

architecture? What is the difference between the


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