Ona - RA - Chapter 1

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The Problem and Its Background

1.1 Introduction

In Bulakan, Bulacan, children’s homes are striving to meet the needs of orphans who

are struggling to care for themselves independently. Structures of orphanages vary from

institutional care, to homes with more family-based style of care. Without the nurturing,

guidance, and resources that parents provide, orphan children have significant needs and

are faced with the challenge of providing for themselves. There is a great need for

organizations to support these children in order to prepare them for a successful adult life.

Individuals and private groups, including corporations, cooperatives, and similar collective

organizations, shall have the right to own, establish, and operate economic enterprises to

promote distributive justice and the common good. The state shall promote the preferential

use of Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally produced goods, and adopt measures

that help make them competitive.

An approach was used to look at common practices in terms of education, health,

finances, and staffing structures in orphanages.

Research studies over years in a wide range of cultures and contexts have

consistently demonstrated the positive impact family care has on children’s growth and

development. It has also illustrated the harmful effects that living outside family care can

have on children. This resource highlights the importance of effective interventions to

strengthen families, preventing separation. When children are separated from their parents

due to death or other causes, priority can still be placed on ensuring within families. Family-

based interventions include placement in extended family care, foster care, or adoption.

The purpose of this document is not to argue that residential care for orphans and

children is never needed. Churches have established orphanages as a way to serve

children in need. For children in emergency situations and with no other means of support,

high-quality residential care can provide transitional, rehabilitative, or interim special-needs

care. As a primary or long-term solution, orphanages cannot replace the loving care of

family and too often fail to meet the social, emotional, cognitive, and developmental needs

of children and youth. Formal residential care varies in type and quality, from higher quality

smaller orphanages based on a “family-style” model, offering more individualized care. The

detrimental effects of orphanages are increased when children are placed at an early age

and for long period of time, and especially within institutions with large numbers of children

and few caregivers. Discussions, research, the benefits of family care must be widely

recognized and supported. The buildings that will be featured in the development are House

Orphanage, Training Center Facilities, Recreational Park and Chapel in Bulakan, Bulacan.

1.2 Background of the Study

Due to less economic opportunities in the Philippines, there have been many Filipino

family dilemmas that lead to the inability to give the care that their children need. These

children end up being vulnerable due to lack of adequate care and protection. These

children are being exposed to danger physically, mentally and emotionally. Most victims are

orphaned or abandoned children since they have no family or means to support them.

According to the Philippine Orphanage Foundation (POF), there are approximately 2

million orphans in the Philippines and there are roughly 15 orphans per square mile in the

Philippines. UNICEF estimated that there are 1.8 million orphans in the Philippines. Most

orphaned or abandoned Filipino children who are put up for adoption remain in social

welfare institutions. Yearly, around hundreds of children were declared legally available for

adoption but with only a low rate of adoption by Filipino families, according to the

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). In situations like this, it is

important to provide more than basic amenities and proper environment and education and

more for the development of the child when the institutional care will become their temporary


Architectural problems that can be encountered in orphanages are congested

spaces, inappropriate design such as the interior and exterior, dull environment, and

unsuitable space planning and circulation. The exterior of a building that gives an important

first impression to the public remain simple and stiff that give an uncomfortable feeling to the

public and this will indirectly affect their desire to visit the facility.

An orphan can be defined as a child who lost one or both parents. Orphans who

have suffered the loss of both their mother and father, account for 13 million of the 132

million orphans worldwide. Asia has the largest number of orphans. A child who was

orphaned by only one parent can continue living with their other parent but may need

additional support and resources (UNICEF, 2008). The children’s homes in this report focus

on orphans who are now living in institutions.

Common problems faced by orphans include extreme hunger, infectious diseases,

emotional problems, and disability among other things. These problems can be social,

psychological, economic, or developmental. In addition to the trauma of losing their parents,

orphans are faced with a lack of basic needs, schooling, personal care, and attention.

Globally, these problems usually occurred due to less concern or attention from

being funded by the government and are more focused on buildings that are able to

stimulate the country's economics such as shopping malls, tourist attraction, entertainment

center and high rise buildings that are well designed for the people.

1.3 Significance of the Study

More than half a million children in the government–supported child welfare system

will be harmed by itself, given that all the children in the system will have to cope with the

insecurity that comes from being transferred from one set of foster parents to another.

The significance of the study is to give social awareness about social welfare

institutions that need attention. It will also give benefits to the built environment of the

orphans and develop the cognitive, social and emotional growth of the children users in the

facility. It is also significant as future reference for the design of social welfares that needs

space for improvement in the design towards providing comfort and ease for the

beneficiaries and their need of architectural design services for their lifestyle benefit.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study is divided into two, the project objectives and the

design objectives. It states that the objectives should be visualized by the readers for them

to learn what will be the study all about and why the study was conducted.

1.4.1 Project Objectives

The objective is to apply a community design by providing spaces for social

interaction for social growth. This can also lead to children being able to learn how to take

initiative and react positively to the challenges they will face, and learning to take

responsibilities. The study objectives include: To boost the cognitive development of the child and the ability to explore

and learn new skills. To make a secure place where street children can play and enjoy their


4|Page To provide basic literacy and facilities for those who wish to study

further. To select and prepare for a vocation in order to live on their own legs. To accomplish physical, intellectual and aesthetic development of the


1.4.2 Design Objectives

The study is to provide an approach in implementing design applications that will result

to a stable and beneficial orphanage. The following objectives include provident

considerations and goals to be accomplished: To build a beneficial shelter for the children. To consider the climate of the site by using an appropriate materials. To apply the beauty of its own landscape and to provide adjustments. To produce a functional design that will serve both human and

environment. To consider the safety of the future occupants. To form a stable and feasible structure using the elements of

architecture through considering the site and the flow of every individual. To provide something new in the field of house orphanage that will be

remarkable to anyone.

1.5 Statement of the Problem

The conditions of most existing institutional cares are designed as a purpose of a

temporary facility therefore focusing only on basic necessities and less on their


1.5.1 Major Problems What is the best design for the proposed house orphanage that will

promote care and safety for children in Bulakan, Bulacan. What would be the factors that can affect the children’s growth and

development of their skills when they step up to the adult stage? What will be the effect of the proposal to the community? How will the project works with the nearby cities and developments?

1.5.2 Minor Problems What will be the highlights of the proposed project that other

orphanage doesn’t have? How the proposed project affects other developments? What approach of the proposed project should be performed to

achieve better orphanage activities?

1.6 Theoretical Framework

“We shape our buildings, therefore they shape us.”

– Winston Churchill

“Make big plans, aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical

diagram one recorded will not die, but long after we are gone be a living thing, asserting

itself with ever-growing insistence.”

– Daniel Burnham

In design field, architects are those who have a big scope to study. They solve such

problems to fit the need of human being. Architecture is the key for us to recreate the beauty

of life from the history. It simply symbolizes our life. We plan, analyze and apply its art just

like in our daily living. Architecture gives color to our lives, in how we value every single

structure that surrounds us. It explains how man and environment works with each other.

We let structures protect and guide us in the future by taking care of it in present. Simply

means that every structure reflects our lives and whatever good things we build end up

building us.

1.7 Conceptual Framework

Problems Encountered Design Considerations

Major Problems: 1. National Building Code

1. Innovative Design 2. Material Efficiency
2. Safety and 3. Security
Development 4. Space Relationship
3. Effect to the
4. Relation to nearby
Cities and

Minor Problems:
1. Highlights of the
Proposed Design Concept: \Proposed House
Orphanage with
2. Attraction and Regenerative
Competitiveness Recreational Park
Architecture and Training Center
3. Fundamental
Approach in Bulakan,Bulacan

Input Process Output

Figure 1.0 Conceptual Paradigm

The paradigm in figure 1.0 shows dependent and independent variables in

conceptualizing the design of the proposed house orphanage with recreational park and

training center. The dependent variables are the Design Concept as process and the

Proposed House Orphanage with Recreational Park and Training Center as the output. The

independent variables are the Design Considerations and the Major and Minor Concerns for

the site on which the design and plans of the proposed house orphanage and training center

will be based in this framework.

1.8 Scope and Limitation

The study focuses on the proposed house orphanage with recreational park and

training center which includes physical, environmental, social, spiritual and economical

aspect of the project.

This study comprises the following:

1. Feasibility Study

2. Architectural Planning and Design

3. Site Planning

4. Security and Safety

The scopes of the development of the project are the following:

1. House Orphanage

2. Chapel

3. Recreational Park

4. Training Center Facilities

5. Learning Center

6. Gymnasium

7. Parking Areas


The proponent focused his study on the architectural aspects, but utilized vital facts

so that it supported the concept or as required. This study was limited on details regarding

engineering works such as detailed mechanical, electrical, structural, seismic analysis on

the reaction of the structure to earthquake, plumbing, sanitary designs, and specifications

writing of materials used unless supporting details were provided to support the design


1.9 Definition of Terms

The findings of this study were applied in a practical manner as a guide for

designing the proposed house orphanage with recreational park and training center.

Prior to a review of the literature relevant to the research and design project,

definitions are provided for several key terms that are used throughout this thesis.

The following terms are conceptually or operationally defined to enhance the

understanding of the readers of this study.

Adoption. Is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child,

from that person’s biological or legal parents or parent, in so doing, permanently

transfers all rights and responsibilities, along filiation, from the biological parent or


Amenities. Are any tangible or intangible benefits of a property, especially those that

increase its attractiveness or value or that contribute to its comfort or convenience.

The things that make you comfortable and at ease; "all the comforts of home".

Congested. So crowded with traffic or people as to hinder or prevent freedom of movement.

Cognitive. Relating to or involving the processes of thinking and reasoning.

Detrimental. Causing detriment, as loss or injury, damaging, harmful.

Development. Is the process or result of making a basic design gradually better and more


Domestic. Relating to the running of a home or to family relations.

Education. The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school

or university.

Feasibility. If something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieve, faire, to do, capable of

being done, possible.

Foster. Encourage or promote the development of something, typically something regarded

as good.

Framework. Is a particular set of rules, ideas, or beliefs which you use in order to deal with

problems or to decide what to do. Is a structure that forms a support of frame for


Harmful. Causing or capable of causing harm, injurious.

Highlights. An outstanding part of an event or period of time.

Iconic Religious Architecture. Is the use of symbols, including archetypes, acts, artwork or

events. It invests objects or actions with an inner meaning expressing Christian

ideas. The symbolism of the early Church was characterized by being understood by

initiates only.

Independently. In a way that is free from outside control or influence.

Innovative. The introduction of something new.

Institutional. Relating to organized establishments, foundations, societies, or the like, or to

the buildings devoted to their work.

Intervention. The action or process of intervening. A proceeding that permits a person to

enter into a lawsuit already in progress, admission of person not an original party to

the suit so that person can protect some right or interest that is allegedly affected by

the proceedings.

Nurturing. Is the act of encouraging, nourishing and caring for someone or something.

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Orphans. An orphan is someone whose parents are dead, unknown, or have permanently

abandoned him or her.

Preferential. Involving preference or partiality, constituting a favor or privilege.

Residential. Is one where people live while they are studying there or being cared for there.

Vulnerable. In need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk

of abuse or neglect.

1.10 Acronyms

DSWD – Department of Social Welfare and Development

POF – Philippine Orphanage Foundation

UNICEF – United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

POF – Philippine Orphanage Foundation

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