Title Here, Up To 12 Words, On One To Two Lines

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[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]

What risks or concerns do you find with serving the elderly population inside of a prison

setting ?

There are many risk that comes with the elderly population inside of prison such as health

issues, disability issues and mental illness. Also it cost more to house elderly inmates than

general inmates.

Parole faces a large increase in elderly clients under supervision, what are the risk and

needs the supervising officer may face when working with this population in the


They need to be aware that their clients are old and can be facing various health issues and

mental issues and need to be aware of how to handle such amenities.

After examining the various case stories in the documentary, do you find

compassionate release programming an appropriate response to any of this? Why or Why

not ?.

Honestly, yes and no… I say yes because these people are old and tired it's not really

much they can do now, they paid their dues letting them rot in prison is overboard also some

inmates are suffering from illnesses that will soon kill them and they should live their last days

with family, HOWEVER, having the knowledge that an elderly man was once released because

they felt as he was to old to

commit a crime and the man actually did go back out and strike again, I would say it would have

to be a lot of but fair restrictions with compassionate release programs.

What are the benefits to such a program and what are the concerns or consequences of

it?( Be sure to review the North Carolina report to help you with this one) .
Many concerns and consequences that come with the benefits is that they might not know

how to handle rehabilitation, some might argue that them being released early is not serving

justice, them being released might trigger their victims

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