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Triaxial Compression Test

Triaxial Compression test is used where more precise values of the cohesion and angle of internal
friction of a soil are required than determined from a shear box test. The specimen of the soil is
subjected to three compressive stresses at tight angles to one another, and one of these stresses is
increased until the specimen fails in shear. The test differs from the shear box test in that the stresses
determine the plane of shear failure which is not predetermined.

Triaxial Compression Test

In this test a cylindrical specimen usually 40 mm dia. and 75 mm long is enclosed in a thin rubber
membrane and is subjected to radial fluid (water or glycerine) pressure. Increasing axial stress is applied
at the top until failure occurs. The test is repeated with different pressures and the results are plotted in
the form of Mohr’s circles. The triaxial apparatus is probably the most useful for research into the
fundamental properties covering the strength of soils but is elaborate.

The undrained triaxial test is, in general, used as a basis for estimating bearing capacity, earth pressure
and slope stability of cohesive soils. Unconfined compression test is used for predominantly clayey soils
which are saturated or nearly saturated.
Triaxial Shear Test
Triaxle shear strength test on soil measures the mechanical properties of the soil. In this test, soil sample
is subjected to stress, such that the stress resulted in one direction will be different in perpendicular
direction. The material properties of the soil like shear resistance, cohesion and the dilatancy stress is
determined from this test. The test is most widely used and is suitable for all types of soils.

Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus

The important apparatus for triaxial shear test are:

1. Triaxial testing machine complete with triaxial cell : This unit have the provision to insert a cylindrical soil
specimen that is sealed by means of rubber membrane to restrict the entry of lateral fluid. Radial fluid
pressure and the vertical stress is applied by means of a piston arrangement. The unit also have the
provision to prevent the drainage of specimen. The fluid pressure in the cell can be measured by means
of a pressure gauge.

2. Equipment for loading

3. Equipment to measure load and Deformation : Proving is used to measure the load application by the
piston. A dial guage is used to measure the deformation of the specimen

Triaxial Shear Test Principle

A cylindrical specimen, generally having a length to diameter ratio of 2, is used in the test
and is stressed under conditions of axial symmetry in the manner shown in figure below.
Fig.1:Schematic Diagram of stress system at soil during triaxial test
Fig.2: Triaxial Test Apparatus

The normal size of the sample will be 76mm x 38mm & 100mm x 50mm. The sample is
subjected to three principal stresses. Among this three stresses, two are stress due to
water pressure that is within the confining cell. The two values are equal.

The application of a load on the top of the cell by means of a ram as shown above, is the
applied third stress. This stress is different from other two stresses.

The sample tested has its ends sealed by top cap and bottom pedestal by rubber O-rings.
If these involves pore pressure measurement, porous stones can be placed at the bottom
and the top of the specimen.

Pressure transducers are used to measure the pressure that is developed inside the

The triaxial shear testing can be conducted by two steps:

Step 1: The soil sample is prepared and set in the triaxial cell. Then the confining
pressure is applied.

Step 2: Here, deviator stress is applied, which is an additional axial stress. This induces
shear stresses within the sample. The axial stress applied is increased till the soil sample

The applied stresses, axial strain and the pore water pressure is measured for both the
above steps.

Triaxial Shear Test Procedure

The specimen can be prepared either remoulded or undisturbed. Undisturbed soil can be
tested on soils that have sufficient cohesion. In order to make remoulded soils, cohesive
soil is collected and compacted properly. Care is taken while preparing the cohesion less

The triaxial shear test can be conducted in different variations. The most commonly
employed types are:

1. Unconsolidated Undrained Test (UU)

2. Consolidated Undrained Test (CU)

3. Consolidated Drained Test (CD)

Advantages of Triaxial Test

1. The stress distribution on the failure plane is uniform.

2. The specimen is free to fail on the weakest plane

3. There is complete control over the drainage.

4. Pore pressure changes and the volumetric changes can be measured directly.

5. The state of stress at all intermediate stages upto failure is known. The Mohr circle can be drawn at any
stage of shear.

6. This test is suitable for accurate research work and the apparatus adaptable to special requirements
such as extension test and tests for different stress paths.

Disadvantages of Triaxial Test

1. The apparatus is elaborate, bulky and costly.

2. The drained test takes place a longer period in comparison with a direct shear test.

3. It is not possible to determine the cross sectional area of the specimen at larger strains, as the
assumption that the specimen remains cylindrical does not hold good.

4. The strain conditions in the specimen are not uniform due to frictional restraint produced by the loading
cap and the pedestal disc. This leads to the formation of the dead zones at each end of the specimen.

5. The consolidation of the specimen in the test is isotropic, whereas in the field, the consolidation is
generally anisotropic.

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