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Literary Response and Analysis: Essay on Theme

Theme: In the Face of Adversity

“What does not destroy me, makes me strong,” by Friedrich Nietzche

Prompt: In the three non-fiction selections you have been studying, each of the authors had to
overcome adversity, or hardship. Write a five-paragraph essay in which you discuss the nature
of the adversity and the effect it had on each author.

Be sure to “frame” your essay with an introduction and a conclusion.

• Your introduction should discuss adversity and its effects, in general. Do not forget to
mention authors & titles.
• Your conclusion should restate (in different words) your thesis, review major points of
your essay, and connect the literature you have studied to the “real world.”

Writer’s Checklist:
*Are my ideas clear?
*Does my essay have a thesis statement?
*Does my essay have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion?
*Does my essay include specific details and examples (include DQ’s w/ PD’s)?
*Do my sentences use interesting and descriptive language?
*Do my sentences use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling?

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