Lab 2 - Turbidity and Solids Updated

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PETE 3100 Section ( )

Lab Report






Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Objective of Experiment:..................................................................................................................... 4
Principle of Operation: ........................................................................................................................ 5
Procedure of Experiment ..................................................................................................................... 7
Calculation of Gas Permeability: ......................................................................................................... 9
Results and Observations................................................................................................................... 10
Discussion & Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 11
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 12
References ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Permeability of a solid structure is defined as the ease to which a rock or specimen allow the
passage of liquid or gas through it porous structure. It is quite important to note that
permeability of the rock with single phase of fluid is different from the permeability of rock with
multiple phases of fluid flowing through it. When there is the case of more than one immiscible
fluid flowing through a rock medium, we use the term relative permeability. Bu when only one
fluid is flowing through a rock medium we called it absolute permeability.

The fundamanetal law that illustrates the motion of fluid through a porous media is called the
Darcy Law. Darcy Law provides a mathematical expression which states that in a porous medium
the velocity of homogenous fluid is directly proportional to the pressure gradient, and inversely
proportional to viscosity of fluid, this relation is given as,

𝑞 𝑘 𝑑𝑝
𝑣= =−
𝐴 𝜇 𝑑𝑥


v= apparent velocity, cm/s

q =volumetric flow rate, cm3 /s
A=total cross-sectional area of the rock, cm2

However there are several limitations of Darcy law,

 steady-state flow
 laminar (viscous) flow
 homogeneous formation.
 incompressible fluids

Permeability measurements includes chronological recordings of pressure or flow

response under or after the pressure application of signals across the core while
assuming the conditions that there is one-dimensional flow applied to internal and
external boundaries of the core with constant pressure, the amount of time required
to achieve the steady state condition of flow is proportional to the squared of sample
length along the flow direction and inversely to the intrinsic permeability.

Objective of the Experiment

The objective of this experiment is to determine the permeability of core samples using TKA-209
gas permeameter.

 To understand the determination of permeability by flowing gas through the core samples
 Acquire core samples from native formations.
 Study and observe the behavior of Gas on core sample.
 Analyze pressure measurement and plot characteristics.
 Understand significance of early-time and late-time pressure decay.
 Propose development and implementation of characteristic concept for core samples.

The main aim of conducting such an experiment is to determine the permeability of core sample
using the TKA-209 permeameter. This report presents a common and accurate method for the
measurement and estimation of permeability as this technology is manufactured by Coretest
Systems, Incorporation. The technology is employed on cylindrical core samples, prepared with
the help of hollow diamond cut bit.

The material and tools required for such experiment are,

1. A TKA-209 gas permeameter

2. Barometers
3. Vernier calipers
4. Core samples

The measurement methods of permeability are divided into two categories based on the
prevailing gas flow regime for pressure flow rate analysis: steady-state and unsteady-state.
Steady-state methods demands sufficient time to obtain a steady flow across the core-plug
whereas in unsteady-state methods requires more attention in post-processing because of the
fact that accurate solutions for the transient state flow equations is required, and a reliable
method and mathematical model are required for the estimation of permeability.

Apart from that unsteady-state permeability measurement methods have advantages. Therefore,
unsteady-state measurement methods are considered to be technically sound and economically
feasible methods as compared to steady-state methods.

Principle of the Operation
The TKA-209 Gas Permeamter gives you accurate and fast measurements of permeability through
a porous, hollow, and cylindrical core samples. It is used to measure gas permeability. It provides
fast results and non destructive testing. A gas permeameter is useful for both quality control &
research and development work.

The GasPermeameter is used worldwide for performing different experiments, research and
development work, and to maintain quality control. The industries where Gas Permeamter is
utilized is as follows,

1. Automotive
2. Battery
3. Ceramics
4. Biotechnology separator
5. Filtration
6. Nonwovens
7. Fuel cells
8. Geo-textiles
9. Paper
10. Textiles work

Coretest Systems, TKA-209 Gas Permeameter

The Gas Permeameter is utilized in order to determine the ability of porous solids to transmit gas
through its medium. Gas such as nitrogen, or air is forced through the core sample to measure
permeability. By measuring the corresponding pressure drop along with a steady state flow rate
helps in measuring the permeability of the core sample by applying Darcy law.

The Gas Permeameter however has other unique capabilities as well these includes,

1. Measuring permeability of core samples under high compressive forces

2. Using a large variety of gases for experiments
3. Performing experiments at high temperatures
4. Measurement of permeability involving high flow rates.

The permeability measurement experiments should be time and cost efficient. Permeability
measurement typically involves chronological recordings of pressure and/or flow response under
or after the application of a pressure perturbation signal across or around a core sample.

Matrix permeability is one of the most defining and intrinsic characteristics of the reservoir. In
context of core samples from reservoirs, matrix permeability is required for various decisions such
as hydraulic fracturing plans, where fracture length, width and orientation, the amount of injected
slickwater, and the proppant characteristics all depend on the matrix permeability. Also, in
quantifying reserves for gas bearing unconventional reservoirs, permeability is a necessary input
for reserve estimation and quantifying gas-in place. In case of shale sample, which has typical
tendency to adsorb gas due to its clay content’s affinity for gas, there is a huge amount of gas that
tends to remain adsorb on to the clay surface, forming a condensed monolayer.

After inducing fracture, the fracture introduces the free gas pore pressure to this adsorbed phase,
granting the monolayer gas content adequate energy to liberate and produce by pressure relief.
This adsorbed phase is not accounted for in conventional means of reserve estimation. Lu et al.
(1995) postulated that as much as 50 % of the total actual gas reserve remains as adsorbed phase.

When performing the experiment it is important tokeep in mind the following assumptions to
avoid any sort of errors,

1. The core plug, in all terms of characteristics like porosity, permeability and adsorption
properties, is homogeneous.

2. Length of the core plug, L, be greater than its diameter, that is, L>> 2R, with R being the Radius
of core plug.

3. The flow of gas is characterized as single phase radial flow at constant temperature and
equilibrium pressure. Gas properties like gas permeability, compressibility and viscosity are
constant, which is possible at high pressure.

4. The free molecules within the available pore space, at any given point, are at thermodynamic

There are certain features of Gas Permeameter these includes,

1. Non-destructive testing
2. Provides permeability measurements in various units like Darcy, Frazier, Gurley and
3. Accepts a large range of core samples with different range of sizes.
4. Involves multiple chambers for core samples
5. Requires minimum maintemanace
6. Provide fast and accurate results within 10 minutes
7. Have user-friendly software, that controls, data collection, measurements, and report
8. Also provides manual control
9. Compatible with Windows 95 or higher versions.

Procedure of the Experiment:

The Gas Permeameter is basically used to measure gas permeability of the dried oil free core
samples. The permeability data obtained from the experiment is utilized to obtain the
fundamental flow characteristics of the core sample used in the experiment, to visualize the
productivity of the reservoir. To measure the economic feasibility of the production interval, it is
quite important for the reservoir engineers and geologist to determine the basic permeability

The TKA-209 Gas Permeameter basically operates on steady-state conditions, for which it is
important to perform any calculation, once the steady-state condition is reached.

When placing the core sample in core holder it is important to inspect for necessary cleaning, or
any sort of damage to the rubber sleeves. Damage may occur to the apparatus if any confining
pressure is applied on core holder when it is empty, the core sample must be placed before
applying the confining pressure. A maximum of 500psi of confining pressure can be withstand by
the core holder of the Gas Permeameter.

When performing experiment following procedure must be followed

1. Measure the lab temperature from the thermometer
2. Obtain the barometric pressure.
3. Using vernier caliper obtained the core dimensions
4. Place the core sample into the core holder
5. Place the downstream end piece in the core holder secured with end cap, the cap must be
screwed o avoid any leakages
6. Avoid any gaps between end piece and the core sample.
7. To apply confining pressure move the knob from vaccum/vent to PRESSURE.
8. Set the confining valve ON
9. With the help of pressure regulator adjust the confining pressure, until the pressure
reaches 300 psi.
10. Set the High and Low bypass line valve to INLINE.
11. Now record the digital reading
12. Connect the gas supply on the top of the core holder.
13. Connect short piece of tubing at the bottom of the core holder
14. ON the pore pressure valve
15. Allow the gas stream to flow by turning the flow regulator valve clockwise
16. Now remove the short piece of tubing and connect the short line from the bottom of he
core holder with the console.
17. Increase the upstream pressure if the low ΔP is below 3 psi
18. Read the low ΔP reading when the high flow rate reaches 900 cm3/min
19. If both low ΔP and high ΔP reaches 3 psi read both high and low flow readings
20. Set the LOW BYPASS differential pressure valve to BYPASS.
21. Increase the upstream pressure until 2 cm3/min is reached.
22. If the high ΔP reaches 50 psi and the low flow still reads below 2 cm3/min, than the
sample has very low permeability, which cannot be measured by the instrument. The test
should be immediately aborted.
23. Once the readings are recorded from the high flow or low flow and high ΔP or low ΔP, take
two more sets of readings. By following the same procedure.
24. Depressurize the system and confining pressure once the experiments is completed.

Summary of procedures for pressure and flow readings

No. Set Read Record Gas

Flow to 900 @ High Flow < 0.5 psi @ Low ΔP > 5 D; too
1 Flow to 900 @ High Flow 0.5-3 psi @ Low ΔP 700-5000 mD
2 P to 3psi @ Low ΔP 50-900cc/min @ High Flow 40-700 mD
3 P to 3psi @ Low ΔP 2-50 cc/min @ Low Flow 1.6-40 mD
4 Flow to 2 @ Low Flow 3-12 psi @ Low ΔP 0.3-1.6 mD
5 Flow to 2 @ Low Flow 12-50 psi @ High ΔP 0.05-0.3 mD
Set to 50 @ High ΔP < 2 cc/min @ Low Flow < 0.05 mD;
too low

Calculations of Gas Permeability

Following formula is used

2. 𝜇𝑔 . 𝑞𝑔 . 𝑃𝑏 . 𝐿 273.15 + 𝑇
𝑘𝑔 = 𝑥 𝑥1000
𝐴(𝑃12 − 𝑃22 ) 273.15

Kg= Gas Permeability in mD

µg= Gas Viscosity, cp
qg= Gas Flow rate in cc/sec
Pb= Atmospheric pressure, atm
P1= Inlet Pressure, atm
P2= Outlet pressure, atm
L= length, cm
A= Sample Area, cm2
T= Room temperature in ‘C

To calculate gas viscosity

The viscosity of gases increases with pressure. While it also increases with the increase of
temperature, at higher pressures the gas viscosity behaves as the viscosity of liquids. It is
represented as 𝜇𝑔 .

For air: Viscosity cP = 0.0000493477 * (Temperature ‘C)+0.0171204

For nitrogen: Viscosity cP = 0.0000420067 * (Temperature ‘C)+0.016539

For helium: Viscosity cP = 0.0000489855 * (Temperature ‘C)+0.018259

Klinkenberg Effect

 Gas permeability dependent on the mean pressure of the gas existing at the time of
 At low mean gas pressure, gas permeability exceeds liquid permeability.
 At high mean gas pressure, gas permeability approaches liquid permeability.
 Slippage effect is a laboratory phenomenon due to low flowing gas pressure, but negligible
for gas flow at reservoir conditions.
 Plot of kg versus the inverse of mean flow pressure (1/Pm) yields a straight line with slope
k(infinity), “b” and an intercept of k(infinity). “b” is klinkenberg slippage function.
 Slope is a function of molecular weight and molecular size.

Results & Observations

Room Temperature 21 ‘C

Barometric Pressure 101.4 KPa

For Sandstone Sample:

Core Sample ID: 1

Core Sample Diameter: 1.483 in

Core Sample Length: 2.836 in


1stdata 2nd data 3rd data
Low flow cc/min 0.9 15.6
Low ΔP psi 0.01 3 8
High Flow cc/min -008 51 138

High ΔP psi 0.1 13.2

Pore Pressure psi 0 3

Discussions and conclusions
Dealing with pressures involve several hazards that pose serious risk to the health and safety of all
the participating group members and the lab personnel involved. This concern is of prime
concern, keeping in view numerous tragedies involved in pressure-carrying operations and
procedures. A large number of hazards, with variable risk levels, are identified. The safety
measures that were taken are also listed as well.

• Gas Leaks and Spill Control:

The chief concern to health was the enormous gas pressure that the system was carrying. Any lose
end would be detrimental. Thus, a leak check was performed on each vessel and each part of the
vessel was carefully examined. No magnetic equipment or flammable source should be allowed
near the workplace. Water usage and spillage was strictly prohibited.

 Confined space within workplace: Since the workplace employed is itself a laboratory, extreme
care was involved in transport and exchange of various equipment.
 Choice of Workplace: Petroleum Department’s drilling lab was selected because of larger
space, proximity to water showers, fire extinguishers and vacuum pump.
 Equipment Maintenance: All vessels and components were carefully cleaned and checked for
damage before use.
 Flowlines Entanglement Precaution: The gas transport flowlines are capillary tubes and pose a
tripping hazard for human work and entanglement hazard for both individuals and other
facilities. Thus, the flowlines were kept as separate and far apart.
 Use of PPEs: Goggles were involved to prevent contamination and other risks to minimize. Lab
coats were worn.

1. The isothermal implementation of the experiment is important for both liquids and gases
(Jones 1997). Therefore, the apparatus should have a high thermal mass to minimize the
temperature gradients in the core chamber. The apparatus temperature may be increased up to
the reservoir temperature if the apparatus is equipped with accurate thermal heater. In addition,
all valves should exhibit no change in their internal volume when they are opened or closed

2. The open space in the permeameter annulus (between the core and internal cylinder)
should be small to improve the accuracy of the gas volume measurements.

3. The gas syringe volume should be greater than the estimated pore volume of the sample
and less than the apparatus volume.

4. A drill core of 1–4-inch diameter and 4–6-inch length must be obtained from the reservoir
or the formation outcrops. The size of the core depends on the coring apparatus and the
apparatus design. Long (greater than 4 inches in length) and relatively thick (between 2 and 4
inches in diameter) samples are preferred. The core may be cleaned before the experiment, but
the core exposure to the external fluids should be minimized. Cleaning the core, even cutting the
core with excessive amounts of cooling water will considerably alter the properties of shale core
sample. The core may be dried after cleaning.

5. Care must be taken in placing the core in the chamber. The upper and lower faces of the
drill core sample (volume Vp and radius Ra) must be sealed to ideally allow for a radial flow.

6. The top and bottom of the cylindrical core sample should be covered with rubber
cushions to hold the sample vertical and stable through the experiment. The rubber cushions will
not completely seal the bottom and top sides of the core; however, their presence will partially
prevent the open flow from the top and bottom of the core which favorably honors the one-
dimensional radial flow condition. The cushions should not apply any excessive pressure on the
core as it will induce microfractures and alter the pore network structure of the matrix.

7. To further minimize the non-radial flow effects, the removable cap area and the top and
bottom surfaces of the core should be cleaned of sample particles before the canister is closed.

8. This practice is confined to the direct method using core, or sidewall core obtained from
drilling. The practice can be applied to drill cuttings samples; however, the use of cuttings is not
recommended because the results may be misleading and are difficult to compare to the results
obtained from core desorption. The interpretation of the results does not fall within the scope of
the practice.

9. Units—The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded
separately as the standard. The values of each system are not equivalent and thus are
independently used of the other system. The standards are not confirmed if values from two
systems are combined. The user should develop appropriate health and safety practices and the
regulatory limitations before its use.


1. X. Cui, A. M. M. Bustin And R. M. Bustin (2009). Measurements of gas permeability and

diffusivity of tight reservoir rocks: different approaches and their applications. Geofluids 9,
2. Kenneth Sing (2001). The use of nitrogen adsorption for the characterization of porous
materials. A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 187–188, 3–9
3. N. A. Seaton, J. P. R. B. Walton, And N. Qljirke (1989). A New Analysis Method for The
Determination of The Pore Size Distribution of Porous Carbons from Nitrogen Adsorption
Measurements. Carbon Vol. 27. No. 6. Pp. 853-X61.


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