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Managing Your Career in the Digital Age:

Founder and executive director of Viventis: Yu Ming Chin

Career Pivot for the Future: The Strategic Imperiative

1. Skill gap – retrain their workforce
a. 3 things HR look for (AI are taking this)
i. Career fit
ii. Career trajectory
iii. Career potential
b. The Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers (2002)
i. Understand the Value of You
1. Promise Stage: Perceived value (start of career)
a. Aptitude
b. leadership
2. Momentum Stage: Experiential Value
a. Big money, experienced
3. Harvest Stage: Potential Value
ii. Practice Benevolent Leadership
1. 3 leaders
a. Pirate
i. Does job of others
b. Slogger
c. Benevolent
i. Carried by the people
ii. Take care of the career of the people within them
2. How to get data science job if ME grad
iii. Overcome the Permission Paradox
1. Cannot get the job w/o experience, cannot get experience
without job
2. Never play politics, karma gets back at you
iv. Differentiate using the 20/80 Rule of Performance
1. Stretch assignment/
v. Find the Right Fit
c. Achieving Career Pivot
i. Keep your development
ii. New opportunities
iii. Find a mentor and career coach
iv. Create personal career growth and strive excellence
1. Know your path, you’ll be fast
v. Establish your network, expand marketability
1. Measure your net worth with your value
d. Pivotal Skills of the future
i. Maker instinct
1. Be creative in work
ii. Sense of charity
1. Know what to be done
iii. Dilemma Filliping
1. Reconcile opposing views
2. Making it a advantage
iv. Immersive learning ability
1. Helicopeter perspective
v. Bioempathy
vi. Constructive depolarizing
1. Multiculturalism
vii. Quiet transparency
1. Authentic
viii. Rapid prototyping
1. What do I need to do to advance my career
2. Design thinking
ix. Smart mob organizing
1. Tech has created a leaders spread
2. Social media collective action
x. Common creating
1. Crowd sourcing
e. Vital Pivotal Move
i. Get there early
1. Build skill and organizational capacity to know when to move
2. Ecommerce company guy (
ii. Physical and mental discipline
f. Thriving the new career frontier
i. Big picture is everything
ii. Sacrifice to win
iii. Motivate yourself and Family (Team)
iv. Smalll victory has value
v. Take calculative risks
vi. Know yourself
vii. Power of communication

Minette Navarette (1996 batch that did not take finals)- President of KickStart
Marketing Unilever, l’oreal, shangrila mall, levi strauss Phils and Guam, FMCG person, Levelup
Don’t deal with physical inventory
Largest venture capital
Paolo Borromeo- Ceo President ayala health care holdings ME 1999
Interned at Shell
Worked at Filipino Company, nationalistic
Management training program
Australia (3 years), represented Philippines exported Filipino batteries
Los Angeles- closed a factory
First pivot- Penn State Business School
Took electives (pretend to want to do with life)
Didn’t know what to with life
Management Consulting 2006 - McKinzie
2012 group head for corporate strategy

Guidance for pivoting and career:

1. Surround yourself with people you enjoy working with
a. Individual cultures
b. A place you fit and learn a lot from
c. Met CEOs and McKinzie guys
2. Find a place that you’re stimulated in an intellectual perspective
a. Won’t get bored
b. Be quick on your feet, learn fast
c. Makes you love going to work
d. Learn to diversify issues and topics
3. Continue to find a Sense of fulfillment with what you do
a. Find inspired and work
b. Learning new skills
c. Learn different industries and skills very quickly

Pivoting never stops, find something that keeps your awake and going

Digs Dimadiga- Chief Marketing Office of MetroBank 1998

Have Courage and Be Kind
Anderson consulting
Facebook office in manila
A person: be authentic
Outstanding Boy Scout 1993

1. If a Disney character summarized your life, how would it be?

2. On your Honor, I promise to do my best
a. Hate mediocrity
b. Always come prepared
3. Lord, grant me the grace of failing early
a. Failed math 18, stayed in ME
b. It changes you
4. Find your Purpose, live it everyday
a. 16 years in Unilever (hair and skin)
b. Teaches you leadership
c. Make do with what you have
d. Go abroad, you learn things
5. Always remember who the Boss is
a. Boss is your team, employee
b. Boss is the person who depends on you
6. Aim to go to sleep smarter than when you woke up
a. At facebook, learned a lot digital
b. Aim to go to sleep 100x smarter
c. If your job lets you do that, it’s worth it
7. If it works, you are not crazy
a. Siam sukh jai thai restaurants
b. No experience
c. Make sure it works
8. Make a difference everyday
a. Chief marketing officer
b. Change doesn’t come from consultants
c. Comes from people who want to join, and make a difference
d. Banks are going to be disrupted unless they change
e. Meaningful banking

Nico Malilin Chief People Officer ME 2012

Globe intern
Mgmt. training program at Globe 2012

1. It pays to know what you want

a. It takes a lot of self-discovery
i. Read a lot of books
ii. Get feedback from coaches and mentors
2. Experience is not an excuse
a. You need to level up
b. Get certifications
3. Know what you want to do
a. Helps your motivation
b. Where you want to bring the team

1. How important is further education in your careers
a. If it helps you why not
2. Keep your data, numbers, but creativity and imagination will make you different
3. What would you have done differently?
a. Paolo: no regrets, make do with what you have
i. Not just career
ii. Remember how family contributed to your career
iii. Strive for work place balance
b. Digs: Flashpoint Paradox
i. Hesitating
ii. Have courage and be kind
c. Minette: Phoenix (Jean Grey)
i. Give everything, go all in
ii. Find a way to pick yourself up
d. Nico
i. Mindset on taking classes: how you develop your thinking
1. Systems thinking
2. Don’t take it literally
3. Work ethic
ii. Creating order out of chaos
iii. ‘keep moving forward’
1. There will be failures, but there will be a point that success will
2. Now how will you apply those skills

Don’t take certifications to be where you are now?

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