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Assembly Instructions

By Gary N.
I am not professional at card stock model-making, I just enjoy it as a hobby. This model was created
based on typical medieval buildings I’ve seen in internet photos. The scale is 1” = 4’ which is a bit off
from the tabletop gaming standard, but still works well with 28mm figures.

Some minor changes to the model were made after these instructions were completed. The model is
not a complex one, so construction should go well.


These instructions assume you’ve had experience with constructing card stock models before. You know
what supplies you need to build it (among them, 120lb card stock paper (my personal preference)), and
all the parts need to be cut out, of course. Don’t forget to edge the pieces before attaching them!

Step 1: FRONT WALLS 1st and 2nd flr

The 2nd floor front wall extends out beyond the 1st floor, so fold the two dashed lines accordingly and
bend all the white tabs back. Note that the red long
dash line is folded forward. There are 5
Beams/Supports that will be glued to the front
overhang later.

Step 2: RIGHT WALLS 1st and 2nd flr

There is a large blank section where the Large Chimney

will be glued to later. Now attach the Right Wall to the
Front Wall by gluing the two larger white tabs to the
inner side. Allow a few moments for the glue to set
before attaching the tiny white tab on the overhang to The Front and Right Walls glued together
the inside Right Wall.

I outlined the tabs for this photo to show how the tabs
should look from inside the Front and Right Walls
Step 3: BACK WALLS 1st and 2nd flr

Bend back the white tabs and glue the Back Wall to the
Right Wall.

Step 4: LEFT WALLS 1st and 2nd flr

Glue the Left Wall to the Front Wall first, and then to the
Back Wall, making sure everything is lined up.

This is a view after the Back Wall has been attached

Here the Left Wall has been attached to the Front Wall with
connection to the Back Wall coming up next


Assemble both Chimneys. Glue the large one to the Right

Wall (make sure the bottom of it lines up with the bottom
of the model). Set aside the small chimney for the time
being. Above: The Large Chimney has found its way onto the model

Step 6: ROOF

Fold the red dashed center line and then fold over & glue those “wooded” sections to the underside of
the Roof. Cut out the two spots marked so. Don’t forget to edge! Set the roof aside. The Roof will go on
after the next step.


The Foundation gets attached now in order to keep the model squared during installation of the Roof.
Gluing the model to the Foundation is straight-forward, but good luck, anyway.
After the model has had a minute to dry,
insert the small Chimney through the Roof
opening until the black lines on it align with
the Roof “shingles.” Now glue the Chimney in
place from the underside.

Now attach the Roof.


Glue the 5 Beams/Supports together

separately and then attach them to the

This picture shows the model after the small Chimney, Foundation, underside of the overhang on the Front
and the Roof have been installed Wall. Place them evenly.

Below is a close look at the Beams/Supports under

the overhang


Both of these items are easy to assemble. Assemble and then attach
them at the back of the house. There are light markings in the
Foundation showing their locations.

Fold the yellow dashed lines

forward on the Horse Trough.
Assemble it by gluing the wood
parts (those ones that surround
the water) to the upper edges of
the Trough. Now glue the two
ends shut.

Demonstrating how the wood sides of the water need

to be attached inside the Trough Here's the finished Horse Trough in place

The Hitching Post is somewhat difficult to assemble due to

the smallness of the parts, but you can choose to leave it
out, if you want to. Fold the tabs and the red dashed lines
on the three pieces, then glue them together separately
and then assemble the post and attach it to the model.

The assembled Hitching Post installed

Congratulations on concluding a successful build!

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