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Chiller Plant Manager

Sequence of operation

System Layout

The chilled water system consists of 2 nos. of Carrier air-cooled Chillers with a parallel

The chilled water pumping system consists of 3 nos. primary chilled water constant speed
pumps & 2 nos. variable speed secondary pumps.

Wiring Layout

The 2 nos. of Air-cooled chillers will be connected to DDC for communication with the
Chiller Plant Manager.

Start-up Sequence of Chiller when operating through chiller plant manager.

1. Upon a signal to start, Carrier chiller will send a signal to “OPEN” the corresponding
chilled water butterfly valve of the lead chiller. The drive time of the actuator shall
be approx. 120 secs

2. Upon the receipt of “OPEN” status from the butterfly valve in the lead chiller chilled
water line, DDC controller will send a command signal to “Start” the respective
primary pump. (immediately)

3. Chilled water primary pump gives the feedback to the controller confirming the run
status of the pump. (Feedback waiting time 30 secs)

4. When water flow through the cooler of the lead chiller is established and the other
safety circuits of the chiller are closed, the microprocessor controller of the chiller
shall signal the compressor to run.

5. Chiller loading and unloading shall be controller through the microprocessor

controller of the respective chiller.

6. When the chiller is loaded to the optimum level and upon a call for further cooling,
the next chiller shall run following the sequence as stated above.

Shut down Sequence of Chiller when operating through chiller plant manager.

1. Upon a reduction in load chiller shall be cut off, one at a time in the reverse
2. Chiller will start unloading and stops, this process take approximately 5 mins
3. Once the selected chiller stops, the respective chilled water pumps shall stop.
(within 2 mins)
4. The motorized valves at the cooler outlet of the chiller shall close after (approx. 3

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Chiller Start/Stop sequencing modes (Rotation)

Rotation based on weekly. The chillers rotate to equalize service runtime, once per week
at a configured time and day.

When a chiller will be added.

When the cooling active is ON, the program starts the lead chiller based on the current
start sequence. When the chiller in sequence is enabled by the system, it will allow the
lead chiller to “Pull Down” the chilled water loop temperature for a configured pull down
time. Pull down time (15 mins) allows the lead chiller to cool the building’s water loop and
prevents the starting of unnecessary additional machines. After the pull down time
elapses, the Additional Cooling Required (ACR) Algorithm determines when lag chillers
should be started.

ACR Criteria is as follows:

1. The chilled water supply header temperature sensor reading T1 should be greater than
current chilled water setpoint; the user can change the setpoint through operator
2. The above criteria to be valid for a lag start delay time. (15mins, configurable)

ACR Algorithm Example:

This example assumes the following:

 A configured chiller sequence of 1, 2.

 Chiller 1 is running.
 Chiller 2 is available.

Refer to the underneath table to determine the configured values of the service table’s

Configuration Decision Configure Value

Control Sensor is CHWST 50F
Current CHW Set point 45oF
ACR Set point Delta Temp. 3oF
ACR setpoint 85%
Average Capacity 90%

1. Condition 1 is true because CHWST value is 50 F, which is greater than

45 F + 3 F.

2. Condition 2 is true because the above conditions remain true while the system is
decrementing the lag start timer.

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After ‘Time to Start Chiller’ expires, the system starts chiller 2 (the next chiller available to
start). If it reads back a ‘Running’ status before the ‘Start Fault’ has elapsed, the system
will not try to start another chiller.

Chiller Subtract Logic:

When the load decreases, the system determines when to stop a chiller based on the
Reduced Cooling Required (RCR) Algorithm.

RCR Criteria is as follows:

1. The average chiller load of all running chillers must be less than or equal to the RCR
2. The selected current chilled water temperature value is less than the current chilled
water setpoint value + (setpoint delta T)
3. The above conditions must be true for the Lag stop Delay time.(15mins, configurable)

The specific lag chiller to be stopped is dependent on the current sequence.

RCR Algorithm example:

The example is based on a system where three chillers are running.

 Each chiller capacity is 100 tons (Capacity = 300, Capacity = 200).

 The average chiller load of all running chillers = 45%.
 RCR setpoint is 50%
 Current CHW Setpoint is 45oF; Setpoint Delta T is 2 F.
 Current CHW Temperature value is 46oF.

Evaluation of condition 1:

Condition 1 is true because the Average Chiller Load of all running chillers
(=45%) < RCR setpoint (=50%).

Evaluation of condition 2:

Condition 2 is true because the {Current CHW Temperature (46oF)} < {Control setpoint
(45oF) + Set point Delta T (=2^F)}.

Evaluation of Condition 3:

‘RCR conditions True’ will display ‘Yes’, then RCR will decrement pre configured timer to
Stop Chiller and keep checking to verify that Conditions 1 and 2 are still true. After the
configured Lag Stop Delay Time (15mins )has elapsed, the next chiller will be stopped.

Butterfly valve control logic:

The Butterfly valve will be interlocked with the chiller. When the chiller is enabled by the
system, the chiller will send signal to the Butterfly Valve actuator to open. The actuator
will drive the butterfly valve to open and normally it takes 60 to 120 seconds. The open
feedback will be send from the valve limit switches to the DDC controller and then the
pumps will get enable command to start.

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When the chiller is disabled by the CPM, The Chilled Water pump will be stopped and the
chiller will “Close” the respective butterfly Valve.

CHW Primary Pumps control (2Working+1Standby)

This controller is monitoring the HAND / OFF / AUTO switch (Auto position), the status
and the trip for all primary Pumps(3Nos.)

The number of enabled Chilled water Pumps is equal to the number of enabled chillers.

Pumps Rotation:

A Pumps rotation will be performed on a regular schedule (Time Based (Weekly, monthly -
selectable by user) or if
 A Pumps failed to confirm “ON”
 A Pumps tripped

Chilled water Pumps output will be disabled if…

 The HAND / OFF / AUTO switch is in HAND or OFF position
 The Pumps has tripped
 The Pumps failed to confirm the “ON” status within 30 seconds

The chilled water Pumps is seen as failed if…

 The Pumps has tripped (Electrical Failure)
 There’s no status confirmation of the requested Pumps within 30 seconds
(Mechanical failure)

If one of the running Pumps fails during operation, the next available Pumps will start (Fail

The following procedure has to be performed once an alarm occurred:

A) Analyze the alarm source

 Pumps H-O-A switch not in AUTO position?

Action: Check for the cause, upon analyzing switch the Pumps back to AUTO
 One or more Pumps have tripped?
Action: Search for the cause why this Pumps tripped, rectify the fault & reset the

B) Perform a reset on the PC workstation

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Secondary Pump Control (1Working+1Standby)

This controller is monitoring the HAND / OFF / AUTO switch (Auto position), the status
(4-20mA VFD feedback) and the trip for all secondary pumps. (3 No’s) 1 no. of differential
sensor is connected across the load to control the speed of the secondary pumps.

The pumps will modulate their speed from 30% to 100% so as to maintain the system
differential pressure close to the setpoint. The speed of the pumps are controlled by the
measured differential pressure to active differential pressure setpoint (adjustable by

Periodic Rotation

A pump rotation will be performed on a regular schedule or if …

- A pump failed to confirm “ON”
- A pump tripped

Chilled water Pumps output will be disabled if…

 The HAND / OFF / AUTO switch is in HAND or OFF position
 The Pumps has tripped
 The Pumps failed to confirm the “ON” status within 30 seconds

The chilled water Pumps is seen as failed if…

 The Pumps has tripped (Electrical Failure)
 There’s no status confirmation of the requested Pumps within 30 seconds
(Mechanical failure)

If one of the running Pumps fails during operation, the next available Pumps will start (Fail

The following procedure has to be performed once an alarm occurred:

A) Analyze the alarm source

 Pumps H-O-A switch not in AUTO position?

Action: Check for the cause, upon analyzing switch the Pumps back to AUTO
 One or more Pumps have tripped?
Action: Search for the cause why this Pumps tripped, rectify the fault & reset the

B) Perform a reset on the PC workstation

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