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Nationalists believe their shared interests supersede all other individual or

group interests. They oppose globalism and empires. They also rally
against any philosophy, such as religion, that supersedes national loyalties.
They are not necessarily militaristic but quickly become so if threatened.
Nationalists' feeling of superiority differentiates their nationalism from
patriotism. The latter equates to pride in one's country and a willingness to
defend it. Nationalism extends that to arrogance and potential military
aggression. Nationalists believe they have a right to dominate another
nation because of their superiority. They feel they are doing the conquered
a favor. This encourages militarism.

The History of Nationalism

Nationalism didn't arise until the seventeenth century. Before that, people
focused on their local town, kingdom, or even religion. The nation-state
began in 1658 with the Treaty of Westphalia. It ended the 30 Years War
between the Holy Roman Empire and various German groups.
Industrialization and capitalism strengthened the need for a self-governing
nation to protect business rights, and merchants partnered with national
governments to help them beat foreign competitors. The government
supported this mercantilism because the merchants paid them in gold. The
steam-powered printing press helped enable nations to promote unity
within and prejudice against outsiders.
In the late 18th century, the American and French revolutions formalized
large nations that were free of a monarchy. They ruled by democracy and
endorsed capitalism. In 1871, Otto von Bismarck created the nation
of Germany from different tribes. By the 20th century, the entire American
and European continents were governed by sovereign nations.

The Great Depression created economic conditions so harsh that most

countries adopted nationalism as a defense.

Fascist leaders like Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy
used nationalism to override individual self-interest, subjugating the
welfare of the general population to achieve social goals.
Nationalism under fascism works within existing social structures, instead
of destroying them. It focuses on "internal cleansing and external
expansion," according to Professor Robert Paxton in "The Anatomy of
Fascism." The thinking justifies violence as a way to rid society of
minorities and opponents.
World War II convinced the Allied nations to endorse global cooperation.
The World Bank, the United Nations, and the World Trade
Organization were just three of many global groups. In the 1990s, Europe's
nations formed the European Union. Nationalism became dangerous, and
globalism became salvation.


- is a system created by people who believe their nation is superior to all

others. Most often, this sense of superiority has its roots in a shared
Other countries build nationalism around a shared language, religion,
culture, or set of social values. The nation emphasizes shared symbols,
folklore, and mythology. Shared music, literature, and sports may further
strengthen nationalism.

Nationalism Explained

How does nationalism work? Nationalists demand to be independent of

other countries. They don't join global organizations or collaborate with
other countries on joint efforts. If the people are part of another nation,
then they will want freedom and their own state.
Because they believe in the superiority of their shared attribute,
nationalists often stereotype different ethnic, religious, or cultural groups.
The resultant prejudice keeps their nation unified. Intolerance can lead to a
desire to rid the country of those deemed as "different." In an extreme
form, it can lead to ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Nationalists work toward a self-governing state. Their government controls

aspects of the economy to promote the nation’s self-interest.

-Excerpt from the book “ The Indolence of the Filipino “

The reasons that originate in the lack of national sentiment are still more
lamentable and more transcendal…. The lack of nation sentiment brings another
evil,moreover, which is the absence of all opposition to measures prejudicial to the
people and the absence of any initiative in whatever may redound to its good. A man
in the Philippines is only an individual, he is not a member of a nation. He is
forbidden and denied the right of association, and is, therefore, weak and sluggish.”


HANS KOHN - “ Nationalism is first and foremost a state of mind , and act of
consciousness. It is a group of consciousness that strives towards
achieving homogeneity within the group, conformity and like
mindedness which will lead to and facilitate common action”.
JOHN SCHUMACHER- “ a Revolution presupposes a people with consciousness
of its own identity and unity as a nation . The creation of that sense
of national self- identity was the work of the propaganda

GEORGE ORWELL- “ Nationalism is the habit of identifying oneself with a single

nation and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interest and those of
people who find themselves having major commonalities on their identification of
themselves to a single nation”.


1. He emphasized the importance of the Tagalog language and its impact upon
the Philippines.
2. He was openly criticized the friars.
3. He defended Filipino civil rights .
4. He discovered the power of the pen
5. He conceived a form of gradual nationalism.


1. The Manila and its relationship to the Spanish government and the church
helped to foment revolution
2. The relationship between the friars and Spanish government was a tenuous
and often fragile on.
3. The Chinese Mestizo

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