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Evelyn Morales Ramirez

December 01, 2016

EDU 280

“Kwanzaa” Lesson Plan

• Students will learn about the traditions and customs used to celebrate Kwanzaa
• Students will analyze the Kwanzaa holiday.
• Students will hear a brief history on the Kwanzaa holiday
• Students will hear about the customs used to celebrate Kwanzaa
• Students will take brief notes on the seven principles discussed during Kwanzaa
Daily Objective
• Students will be able to discuss the customs used to celebrate Kwanzaa
Concept and Skill Development and Application
• Teach the overall big concepts of Kwanzaa
• Ask students if they or anyone they know celebrates Kwanzaa and have them share what
they know
• Hold students accountable for filling in their notes worksheet
In-Class Assignment
• Students will fill in their notes worksheet regarding the seven principles discussed during
Homework Assignment
• Students will use their notes worksheet to complete their Kwanzaa crossword puzzle
• Students will be encouraged to discuss and share what they learned about Kwanzaa with
their family at home
• Go over the homework the next day after collecting it
• Have students share how their discussion about Kwanzaa with their family went
Name: ______________________

Kwanzaa Worksheet
1. _______ (________): to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation,

and race

2. __________________ (_______________): to define themselves, name themselves,

create for themselves, and speak for themselves

3. __________________________ (_________): to build and maintain their community

together and make their brother’s and sister’s problems their problems and solve them


4. _________________(__________): to build and maintain their own stores, shops, and

other businesses and to profit from them together

5. ____________ (_______): to make their collective vocation the building and developing

of their community in order to restore their people to their traditional greatness

6. ______________ (___________): to do always as much as they can in the way they can,

in order to leave their community more beautiful and beneficial than they inherited it

7. ________ (_________): to believe with all their heart in their people, their parents, their

teachers, their leaders, and the victory of their struggle

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