Brucellosis: 1. Case Definition

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Laboratory within seven days of the

1. Case Definition detection.
1.1 Confirmed Case: Health Care Professional:
Clinical illness* with laboratory confirmation of  Probable (clinical) cases are reportable to
infection: the Public Health Surveillance Unit (form
 Isolation of Brucella species from an available at
appropriate clinical specimen
OR cdc/protocol/mhsu_0013.pdf ONLY if a
 A significant (i.e., fourfold or greater) rise confirmatory positive lab result is not
in Brucella agglutination titre between anticipated (e.g., poor or no specimen
acute and convalescent serum specimens taken, person has recovered).
obtained two or more weeks apart and Regional Public Health/First Nations Inuit
tested at the same laboratory (1) Health Branch (FNIHB):
OR  Once the case has been referred to
 Positive Brucella PCR (Polymerase Chain Regional Public Health/FNIHB, the
Reaction) from any clinical specimen. Communicable Disease Control
Investigation Form
1.2 Probable Case: (
 Clinical illness* in a person who is h/cdc/protocol/mhsu_0002.pdf should be
epidemiologically linked to a confirmed completed and returned to the Public
animal case Health Surveillance Unit by secure fax
OR (204-948-3044).
 Clinical illness* with supportive serology
(Brucella agglutination test titre of 1:160 3. Clinical Presentation/Natural
or higher in one or more serum specimens
obtained after onset of symptoms) (1). History
Disease onset can be acute or insidious (2).
*Clinical illness is characterized by insidious onset of fever, Manifestations are nonspecific and include fever,
night sweats, undue fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, headache and
arthralgia (1). night sweats, weakness, malaise, anorexia, weight
loss, arthralgia, myalgia, abdominal pain and
2. Reporting Requirements headache (2). Malodorous perspiration is a
prominent feature (3). Localized suppurative
Laboratory: infections of organs, including liver and spleen
 All positive laboratory results are may occur, as well as chronic localized infections;
reportable to the Public Health subclinical infection has been reported (4).
Surveillance Unit (204-948-3044 secure Untreated brucellosis can last from several weeks
fax). to several years (5). Osteoarticular involvement is
 Medical laboratories in Manitoba the most common complication seen in up to half
detecting Brucella species shall forward of brucellosis cases (6). Rare complications in the
isolate subcultures or residual serum course of brucellosis may involve the respiratory
specimens to Cadham Provincial system (7). Neurological complications may also
occur with frequent sequelae, despite treatment

Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Brucellosis January 2019

(6). The case fatality rate of untreated brucellosis other Brucella species (10). B. ceti and B.
is 2% or less and usually results from endocarditis pinnipedialis have been isolated from marine
caused by B. melitensis infection (4). Relapse mammals (10). Rare cases of marine-associated
after treatment or chronic infection may occur (2). human brucellosis have been reported (10). Any
infected animal may carry Brucella for life (11).
In Pregnancy: Brucellosis complicates
Brucella does not form spores but is relatively
pregnancy in one-third to one-half of women
environmentally resistant (9).
infected while pregnant, particularly in the first
two trimesters (6). Disease is linked to Porcine and caprine/ovine brucellosis have never
intrauterine infection, fetal death, spontaneous been reported in livestock or wildlife in Canada
abortion, premature delivery and low birth weight (11). In 1985, Canada was declared free of bovine
in the neonate (6). brucellosis in livestock (11). Several isolated
cases of bovine brucellosis in livestock were
Special Considerations: The potential to infect
subsequently identified, with the last known case
humans and animals through aerosol exposure,
occurring in a cattle herd in Saskatchewan in 1989
combined with a low infectious dose of 10 -100
organisms, and its vague clinical characteristics
defying rapid clinical diagnosis, makes Brucella The highest risk of acquiring brucellosis in
species a potential biological weapon and Canada would be from wildlife, including marine
bioterrorism agent (4, 8, 9). animals (12). There are two wildlife brucellosis
reservoirs in Canada:
4. Etiology  Bovine brucellosis in free-ranging bison
herds in and around Wood Buffalo
Brucella are small coccobacilli bacteria (2, 6). National Park, which straddles the border
The four species pathogenic for humans are between Alberta and the Northwest
Brucella melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis and rarely Territories;
B. canis (6). Brucella ceti, B. pinnipedialis and B.
 Rangiferine brucellosis (B. suis biovar 4)
inopinata are recently identified species that are
is present in free-roaming caribou and
potential human pathogens (2). On the basis of
reindeer in arctic and sub-arctic Canada
biologic and serologic criteria, three of the
species, B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B. suis are
considered biovars (6). The most invasive and 5.2 Transmission:
pathogenic for human brucellosis is B. melitensis,
followed by B. abortus and B. suis (6). Transmission occurs by inoculation through
mucous membranes or cuts and abrasions in the
5. Epidemiology skin, inhalation of contaminated aerosols, or
ingestion of undercooked meat or unpasteurized
5.1 Reservoir and Source: dairy products contaminated with Brucella (2).
Brucellosis is a worldwide zoonosis of wild and Brucellosis is transmissible to humans by direct or
domestic animals, mainly cattle (B. abortus), indirect exposure to aborted fetuses or tissues or
swine (B. suis), goats and sheep (B. melitensis)(6). fluids of infected wild and domestic animals (2).
The leading source of human brucellosis Airborne infection has been reported in laboratory
worldwide is sheep and goat milk contaminated and slaughterhouse workers (4). Human-to-
with B. melitensis (6). Dogs are the primary host human transmission is rare; however, congenitally
for B. canis, but can also become infected with and sexually transmitted cases have been reported

Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Brucellosis January 2019

(6), and infected mothers can transmit Brucella to 5.4 Incubation:
their infants through breastfeeding (2). While
The incubation period varies from less than one
uncommon, transmission of Brucella spp. may
week to several months but most people become
also occur through tissue transplantation or blood
ill within three to four weeks of exposure (2).
transfusions (10). In areas of endemicity, disease
is usually acquired through the enteric route by 5.5 Risk Factors:
consumption of contaminated unpasteurized dairy
Individuals in occupations such as farming,
products (13). Brucella in milk-producing
ranching, and veterinary medicine, as well as
animals is not endemic in Canada (11). Although
abattoir workers, meat inspectors, and laboratory
rare, transmission of B. melitensis from patients to
personnel are at increased risk (2). Brucellosis is
medical personnel has been documented (13), and
among the most common laboratory-acquired
laboratory acquisition is well described.
bacterial infections (4). In areas of endemicity,
5.3 Occurrence: persons consuming undercooked meat and
unpasteurized dairy products from infected
General: Brucellosis is the most frequent
animals are at increased risk (4, 14). In Canada,
zoonotic infectious disease in the world, affecting
hunters consuming meat from wildlife, including
more than 500,000 each year (14). Brucellosis is
marine mammals such as whales and seals, are at
observed more frequently in developing countries
greater risk (12). Medical personnel in endemic
(6). The highest recorded incidence of human
regions may be at risk when participating in
brucellosis occurs in the Middle East and Central
activities characterized by gross exposures to
Asia (15). Sources of infection and responsible
contaminated fomites or tissues or massive
organism vary according to geographic area (4).
bleeding, such as certain obstetric procedures (4).
In the United States of America, brucellosis
occurs predominantly in California and Texas (3). 5.6 Host Susceptibility and Resistance:
International travel and the importation of exotic
Severity and duration of clinical illness are subject
food from endemic areas account for a limited
to wide variation. Duration of acquired immunity
number of cases reported annually in brucellosis-
is uncertain.
free industrialized countries (9).
Canada: In 2015, ten cases of brucellosis were 5.7 Period of Communicability:
reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada Human-to-human transmission is rare (2).
(16). Four of the cases were in women and six in
men (16). 6. Diagnosis
Manitoba: As of March 13, 2018, 10 cases of Diagnosis is made by appropriate isolation of the
brucellosis had been reported to Manitoba Health, organism from blood, bone marrow, or other
Seniors and Active Living since 2000 inclusive. tissue or positive PCR from any clinical specimen.
Seven cases were in females and three in males. Brucella can also be cultured from pus, tissue
At least six of the reported cases were travel samples, and cerebrospinal, pleural, joint, or
related and of these, three were linked to ascitic fluid (17). Multiple cultures are
consumption of unpasteurized cheese. recommended; prolonged incubation is necessary
before being reported as negative. Diagnosis may
also be made by serology when paired sera show a
rise in antibody titre (refer to Case Definition

Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Brucellosis January 2019

above). Interpretation of serologic findings is 8. Control
difficult in some chronic infections; therefore, the
laboratory should be consulted. Specific serologic 8.1 Management of Cases:
techniques are required for B. canis antibodies, Refer to Table 1 below for treatment
which do not cross-react with the other species; recommendations.
relevant history is helpful.
Infection Prevention and Control Measures:
Mark requisition clearly if brucellosis is suspected  Routine Practices. For cases in health care
and phone laboratory prior to transporting (204- facilities, refer to the Manitoba Health,
945-6805). Healthy Living and Seniors document
Routine Practices and Additional
7. Key Investigations for Public Precautions: Preventing the Transmission
Health Response of Infection in Health Care available at:
 History of raw (unpasteurized) milk or
milk product consumption from animals cdc/docs/ipc/rpap.pdf .
(e.g., cow, goat, sheep, camel).
 History of travel or immigration from
high-risk areas including the
Mediterranean Basin (Portugal, Spain,
Southern France, Italy, Greece and
Turkey), Mexico, South and Central
America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe,
Asia, Africa and the Middle East (18).
The USA is still not brucellosis free and
therefore, drinking unpasteurized milk in
the USA can pose a risk.
 History of butchering or preparing meat or
consuming undercooked meat from
farmed or wild animals (e.g., elk, deer,
bison, caribou, pigs, feral swine, marine
 History of assisting with animal births.
 History of working with dogs (e.g.,
veterinary, breeders, kennel workers).
 History of working with Brucella vaccines
(B. abortus strain 19 or B. melitensis Rev-
1)(e.g., needlestick exposure) or in a
laboratory that handles Brucella.
 History of past infection as relapses can

Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Brucellosis January 2019

Table 1: Treatment Recommendations (2)
Patient Antibiotic Regimen Comments
Adults and
 Preferred regimen is oral doxycycline (2 - 4  Combination therapy with
mg/kg, maximum 200 mg/day, in 2 divided doses) trimethoprim-
Children > 8 years
or oral tetracycline in combination with rifampin sulfamethoxazole (TMP-
(15 -20 mg/kg, maximum 600-900 mg/day, in 1 or SMZ) can be used if
2 divided doses) for a minimum of 6 weeks tetracyclines are
(gentamicin 5 mg/kg/day IM for 7 days may be contraindicated.
used instead of rifampin).

 Oral TMP-SMZ (trimethoprim 10mg/kg per day,  Tetracyclines (such as

Children < 8 years
maximum 480 mg/day; and sulfamethoxazole, 50 doxycycline) should be
mg/kg per day, maximum 2.4 g/day) divided in 2 avoided in children < 8
doses for 4 to 6 weeks. years old.
 Consider adding rifampin for combination therapy
if not contraindicated.
 Consult obstetrician.  Tetracyclines are
contraindicated in
 Consult infectious diseases specialist.
Cases (e.g.,

8.2 Management of Contacts and/or Other 8.3 Management of the Environment:

Exposed Individuals:  If contact with local animals is implicated
 Contacts of human cases generally require for the case, veterinarians should
no investigation unless a common investigate and test animals. Brucellosis is
exposure is suspected. a reportable disease under the Health of
 If a common exposure is known or Animals Act and therefore Brucella
suspected (e.g., ate the same implicated positive animals need to be reported to the
food item), surveillance for clinical signs Chief Veterinary Office of Manitoba (204-
of disease should be conducted for at least 945-7684) who will then contact and work
six months (19). jointly with the Canadian Food Inspection
 Workplaces working with Brucella (e.g., Agency (CFIA).
research or diagnostic laboratories, o If a case of brucellosis is identified
vaccine production facilities) are expected in livestock, those animals and any
to have their own safety protocols. Facility other infected/exposed animals are
specific protocols should be followed for humanely euthanized.
laboratory and other occupational Contaminated areas are
exposures. disinfected, and a trace out
investigation is done to ensure no
other contact with other animals.

Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Brucellosis January 2019

o Dogs with Brucella are managed  Pasteurization of dairy products for human
on a case by case basis by primary consumption (2). Avoid raw milk and raw
care veterinarians, with no milk products including soft cheese, ice-
oversight by the CFIA or other cream and yogurt (18).
regulatory bodies.  Careful handling and disposal of
afterbirths, especially in cases of animal
8.4 Management of Outbreaks: abortions (20).
Recognizing outbreaks is challenging due to  Wear protective equipment when dressing
nonspecific symptoms and highly variable or butchering wild animals potentially
incubation period. An outbreak is defined as the infected with Brucella spp. (21).
occurrence of case(s) in a particular area and  Thoroughly cook all meat from any
period of time in excess of the expected number of domestic or wild animal.
cases.  Avoid contact with fluids and organs of
 As per case and contact management wild game carcasses (18).
 If common exposure to food is suspected: References
o If the food product originated in 1. Public Health Agency of Canada. Case
Manitoba, both the Director of Definitions for Communicable Diseases under
Food Protection (204-788-6735) National Surveillance. Canada Communicable
and the Chief Veterinary Officer Disease Report CCDR 2009; 35S2: 1-123.
(CVO) (204-945-7684) must be
notified. The CVO is included 2. American Academy of Pediatrics. Brucellosis.
because if the food product came In Pickering LK ed. Redbook: 2012 Report of the
from within Manitoba, then the Committee on Infectious Diseases 29th ed. Elk
animal that is the source needs to Grove Village, IL: American Academy of
be investigated, and the CVO will Pediatrics, 2012; 256 - 258.
link to the CFIA as brucellosis in 3. Pappas G, Akritidis N, Bosilkovski M, and
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o If the food product originated 352:2325-36.
outside of Manitoba, then the
Director of Food Protection (204- 4. Heymann David L. Brucellosis (Undulant
788-6735) and the CFIA (204- fever, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever). In:
797-4501) must be notified. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual 20th
 Refer to the Manitoba Health, Seniors and ed, American Public Health Association,
Active Living Enteric Illness Protocol Washington, 2014; 78-81. 5. Griffith J, Sullivan M, Howell J et al.
cdc/protocol/enteric.html . Laboratory-Acquired Brucellosis ---Indiana and
Minnesota, 2006. Morbidity and Mortality
8.5 Preventive Measures: Weekly Report 2008; 57(02):39-42.
 Control of domestic animals and animal
products in international trade and 6. Gul H Cern, Erdem Hakan. Brucellosis
transport. Mandatory slaughter of all (Brucella Species). In: Mandell, Douglas and
infected and exposed livestock (11).

Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Brucellosis January 2019

Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious middle-income countries. Curr Opin Infect Dis
Diseases 8th ed. Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2015. 2013; 26: 404-412.
7. Pappas G, Bosilkovski M, Akritidis N et al. 16. Government of Canada Notifiable Diseases
Brucellosis and the Respiratory System. CID Online. Brucellosis, both sexes (including
2003; 37:e95-e99. unknown), 2015.
8. Lai S, Zhou H, Xiong W et al. Changing 17. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH and Smits
Epidemiology of Human Brucellosis, China, HL. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis 2007;
1955-2014. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2017; 7: 775-86.
18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
9. Pappas G, Panagopoulou P, Christou L and Brucellosis
Akritidis N. Brucella as a biological weapon.
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2006; 63:2229-2236. tml .
10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 19. Yagupsky P and Baron EJ. Laboratory
Brucellosis Reference Guide: Exposures, Testing, Exposures to Brucellae and Implications for
and Prevention, 2017 Bioterrorism. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2005; 11(8):1180-1185.
reference-guide.pdf .
20. World Health Organization. Brucellosis
11. Canadian Food Inspection Agency, (human).
Government of Canada. Fact Sheet – Brucellosis. surveillance.pdf?ua=1 .
21. Negron ME, Tiller R and Kharod GA.
sheet/eng/1305673222206/1305673334337 .
Brucellosis. In: Chapter 3 – 2018 CDC Yellow
12. Nymo IH, Tryland M and Godfroid J. A Book
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the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata). Veterinary
Research 2011; 42:93.
13. Mesner O, Reisenberg K, Biliar N et al. The
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Brucellosis: Congenital Infection and Outbreak of
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14. Buzgan T, Karahocagil MK, Irmak H et al.
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Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Brucellosis January 2019


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