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Week 4 | Tawhid & Shirk

Mrs Alima Ashfaq

Tawhid and Shirk

1. What is the most important teaching in Islam? Make sure you also use the Arabic word.




2 marks

2. What same message does Allah (s) say He revealed to all His Messengers?



2 marks

3. What does Allah (s) say in the Qur’an about what would happen had there been more than
one God?



1 mark

4. A person believes that by offering food and wealth to an object, the object directly brings
the rain. Is this correct? Explain your answer.




2 marks

5. What does shirk mean?




1 mark

6. Are there different types of shirk, if so, what are the different types?



Week 4 | Tawhid & Shirk
Mrs Alima Ashfaq

2 marks

7. Why is major shirk not forgiven (if a person does not repent from it)?




2 marks

8. List the worst type of major sins taught to use by the Prophet Muhammad (s)?




4 marks

9. Explain why Muslims believe things cannot bring us bad and good luck.




2 marks

Week 4 | Tawhid & Shirk
Mrs Alima Ashfaq

10. A friend likes to read horoscopes, believing that it helps in life. They also carry a coin with
the belief that it brings good luck, especially during exams. Write a letter writing explaining
and advising what are the best things to believe and do as a Muslim.

Be mindful of the following when answering the question.

 Explain such beliefs in the light of tawhid.
 Use Qur’an and ahadith in your answer to make your points.
 Be kind and thoughtful in the advice you give.
 Provide at least two alternative actions you friend can do that will be more beneficial as a Muslim.


























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