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User’s Guide

MagiCAD for AutoCAD

User’s Guide

Program version 2010.11

Document revision 01
MagiCAD® Copyright © 1998-2010 Progman Oy. All rights reserved.
MagiCAD is a registered trademark of Progman Oy.
AutoCAD and Revit are registered trademarks of Autodesk Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other product names are trademarks of their respective holders.

2 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide


Contents ............................................................................................................................. 3

1. Release notes ............................................................................................................. 16

1.1 MagiCAD Heating&Piping and Ventilation ................................................................................................... 16

1.1.1 New and enhanced features ............................................................................................................................. 16
Change Properties ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
IFC Export ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Production model ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Duct drawing ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Update Drawing Data ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Rectangular ducts...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Flanges ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Provision for voids .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Support for female connection .................................................................................................................................. 19
Editing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Part Property Line ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Calculations .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Duct Series ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Product selection....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Drawing and editing functions .................................................................................................................................. 21
Other changes ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.1.2 Resolved issues ............................................................................................................................................... 22
1.2 MagiCAD Electrical........................................................................................................................................ 24
1.2.1 New and enhanced features ............................................................................................................................. 24
Switchboard schematics, circuits and bidirectional linking ...................................................................................... 24
1.2.2 Resolved issues ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Switchboard schematics ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Ifc Exports ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Merge project ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Conflict dialog .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Object variables ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Part properties ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
1.3 MagiCAD Room ............................................................................................................................................. 31
1.3.1 New and enhanced features ............................................................................................................................. 31
Structures in 3D presentation .................................................................................................................................... 31
Provision for voids .................................................................................................................................................... 31
1.3.2 Resolved issues ............................................................................................................................................... 31
IFC ............................................................................................................................................................................ 31

2. Common Functions ................................................................................................... 32

2.1 Unicode ........................................................................................................................................................... 32

2.2 Status ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Installing status while drawing ................................................................................................................................. 33

Contents 3
Changing status with Change Properties (HPV) .............................................................................................. 34
Changing status with Change Properties (Electrical) ........................................................................................ 35

2.3 Running Index ................................................................................................................................. 36

Settings for running index in the project management ............................................................................................. 36
Text groups ............................................................................................................................................................... 36
Text formats .............................................................................................................................................................. 37
Insert running index ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Edit running index .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Remove Running Index ..................................................................................................................................... 40
2.4 Section functions (HPV & Electrical) ............................................................................................................. 40
Section Marks ................................................................................................................................................... 40
Drawing the section boundaries ................................................................................................................................ 41
Make Section ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
Update Section .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Quick section (HPV only) ................................................................................................................................ 44
2.5 MagiCAD HP&V Viewport preferences ............................................................................................... 45
Main viewport........................................................................................................................................................... 45
Presentation options .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Dimension texts ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Hide options .............................................................................................................................................................. 48
Misc .......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
2.6 MagiCAD Electrical viewport preferences ........................................................................................... 49
Main viewport........................................................................................................................................................... 49
Presentation options .................................................................................................................................................. 50
Dimension texts ........................................................................................................................................................ 50

2.7 Clip + Rotate, Restore from Clip + Rotate ................................................................................ 51

Clip + Rotate .................................................................................................................................................... 51
Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................... 51
Restore from Clip + Rotate ............................................................................................................................... 53

2.8 Provision for Voids .............................................................................................................. 53

Provision for Voids Options ..................................................................................................................................... 53
Provision for voids ............................................................................................................................................. 54
Installing void to picture ........................................................................................................................................... 54
Commandline option ................................................................................................................................................ 55
Automatic Void Provision ................................................................................................................................. 56
Import Provision for voids report ...................................................................................................................... 57
2.9 Error handling (Show Messages) .................................................................................................................... 57
Show messages ................................................................................................................................................. 57
Clear Garbage Layer ......................................................................................................................................... 58

2.10 Drawing Cleaning Utility ...................................................................................................................... 58

2.11 Property set manager ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Property sets and IFC classification references ........................................................................................................ 60
Creating / editing an IFC property set....................................................................................................................... 60
Creating / editing an IFC classification reference ..................................................................................................... 61
Creating / editing a Navisworks property set ............................................................................................................ 63
2.12 Navisworks export .......................................................................................................................................... 63
2.13 IFC Exports ..................................................................................................................................................... 64

4 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

About IFC ................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Creating an IFC file (IFC Export) ............................................................................................................................. 64

3. MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation ............................................................. 67

3.1 Project ............................................................................................................................................................. 67

3.1.1 How to create the project ................................................................................................................................ 67
Creating new project ................................................................................................................................................. 67
Location of the project files ...................................................................................................................................... 68
Storey list, active storey and storey origin ................................................................................................................ 69
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................ 72
3.1.2 How to create the systems in MagiCAD ......................................................................................................... 73
Systems ..................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Ventilation systems ................................................................................................................................................... 74
Heating, cooling and special systems ....................................................................................................................... 75
Water systems ........................................................................................................................................................... 76
Sprinkler systems ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
Sewer systems ........................................................................................................................................................... 78
3.1.3 How to select products to project .................................................................................................................... 79
Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Select products to project .......................................................................................................................................... 80
3.1.4 How to create an insulation series ................................................................................................................... 81
Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Insulation series for ducts ......................................................................................................................................... 81
Insulation series for Pipes ......................................................................................................................................... 82
Insulation series for Sewers ...................................................................................................................................... 83
Manager .................................................................................................................................................................... 84
3.1.5 How to create duct and pipe series .................................................................................................................. 85
Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Duct series ................................................................................................................................................................ 86
Pipe series ................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Sewer series .............................................................................................................................................................. 88
Manager .................................................................................................................................................................... 89
3.1.6 How to create sizing methods ......................................................................................................................... 90
Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Sizing methods for ventilation .................................................................................................................................. 91
Sizing methods for heating, cooling and special systems ......................................................................................... 92
Sizing methods for water systems............................................................................................................................. 93
3.1.7 How to create heat transfer media ................................................................................................................... 94
Heat transfer media ................................................................................................................................................... 94
3.1.8 Update drawing data ....................................................................................................................................... 95
3.2 Ventilation ....................................................................................................................................................... 96
3.2.1 How to draw ducts .......................................................................................................................................... 96
Duct options .............................................................................................................................................................. 96
Drawing the duct....................................................................................................................................................... 98
Drawing options........................................................................................................................................................ 99
Height difference changes ...................................................................................................................................... 100
Tips and Tricks ....................................................................................................................................................... 101
3.2.2 How to install the air device .......................................................................................................................... 102
Selecting the air devices ......................................................................................................................................... 102
Air device properties and selecting new devices .................................................................................................... 103
Installing the air device ........................................................................................................................................... 104
3.2.3 How to install duct components .................................................................................................................... 106
Duct components .................................................................................................................................................... 106
Installing the fire damper ........................................................................................................................................ 106
Installing the flow damper ...................................................................................................................................... 107
Installing the silencer .............................................................................................................................................. 108
Installing the other component ............................................................................................................................... 109

Contents 5
3.2.4 How to install flow arrows ............................................................................................................................ 112
Flow arrows ............................................................................................................................................................ 112
Flow arrow options ................................................................................................................................................. 112
Installing the flow arrow ......................................................................................................................................... 113
3.2.5 How to use distribution box .......................................................................................................................... 113
Distribution box .............................................................................................................................................. 113
Defining the distribution box .................................................................................................................................. 113
Installing the distribution box ................................................................................................................................. 113
Editing the distribution box .................................................................................................................................... 116
Examples from the use of the distribution box ....................................................................................................... 117
3.2.6 Production model .......................................................................................................................................... 118
Selecting real products to project............................................................................................................................ 118
Selecting products to duct series ............................................................................................................................. 119
Using new products ................................................................................................................................................ 120
Selecting product while drawing ............................................................................................................................ 120
Selecting products afterwards ................................................................................................................................. 120
Changing real products back to generic .................................................................................................................. 122
Network analyzer .................................................................................................................................................... 122
Editing the fittings .................................................................................................................................................. 123
Rectangular ducts and flanges ................................................................................................................................ 124
Female connection .................................................................................................................................................. 125
3.3 Heating and piping ........................................................................................................................................ 125
3.3.1 How to draw heating pipes ............................................................................................................................ 125
Pipe options ............................................................................................................................................................ 126
Drawing the pipe(s) ................................................................................................................................................ 128
Drawing options...................................................................................................................................................... 129
Height difference changes ...................................................................................................................................... 130
Tips and Tricks ....................................................................................................................................................... 131
3.3.2 How to draw water pipes ............................................................................................................................... 132
Pipe options ............................................................................................................................................................ 132
Drawing the pipe(s) ................................................................................................................................................ 134
Drawing options...................................................................................................................................................... 135
Height difference changes ...................................................................................................................................... 136
Extra options in 1-pipe drawing.............................................................................................................................. 136
Tips and Tricks ....................................................................................................................................................... 138
3.3.3 How to draw sewer pipes .............................................................................................................................. 138
Pipe options ............................................................................................................................................................ 138
Drawing the pipe(s) ................................................................................................................................................ 140
Drawing options...................................................................................................................................................... 141
Height difference changes ...................................................................................................................................... 142
Tips and Tricks ....................................................................................................................................................... 143
3.3.4 How to install and connect radiator ............................................................................................................... 144
Radiator options ...................................................................................................................................................... 144
Size selection and selecting new radiators to project .............................................................................................. 145
Installing the radiator .............................................................................................................................................. 146
3.3.5 How to select and install the radiator for water system ................................................................................. 153
Radiator options ...................................................................................................................................................... 153
Size selection and selecting new radiators to project .............................................................................................. 154
Installing the radiator .............................................................................................................................................. 155
3.3.6 How to install water and sewer points ........................................................................................................... 158
Tap water and sewer point ...................................................................................................................................... 158
3.3.7 How to install pipe components .................................................................................................................... 160
Pipe components ..................................................................................................................................................... 160
Installing the valves ................................................................................................................................................ 161
Installing the Other pipe component ....................................................................................................................... 162
3.3.8 How to install other sewer component .......................................................................................................... 164
Other Sewer Component......................................................................................................................................... 164
3.3.9 How to install other pipe device .................................................................................................................... 166
Other pipe device .................................................................................................................................................... 166
3.3.10 How to install manifold ............................................................................................................................ 168

6 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Manifold options..................................................................................................................................................... 168
Installing the manifold ............................................................................................................................................ 168
Tips and tricks ........................................................................................................................................................ 170
3.4 Sprinklers ...................................................................................................................................................... 171
3.4.1 Sprinkler system settings ............................................................................................................................... 171
Definition before calculations ................................................................................................................................. 171
System definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 171
Pipe series definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 172
3.4.2 Basic sprinkler settings before calculations .................................................................................................. 173
Definition before calculations ................................................................................................................................. 173
System definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 173
Pipe series definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 174
3.4.3 How to install sprinkler ................................................................................................................................. 175
Selecting the sprinkler ............................................................................................................................................ 175
Selecting new sprinklers to project ......................................................................................................................... 176
Installing the sprinkler ............................................................................................................................................ 177
Installing sprinkler to the pipe ................................................................................................................................ 177
Installing sprinkler to an empty place ..................................................................................................................... 177
Drawing options...................................................................................................................................................... 177
3.4.4 How to draw sprinkler pipe ........................................................................................................................... 180
Sprinkler options..................................................................................................................................................... 180
Drawing the pipe..................................................................................................................................................... 181
Drawing options...................................................................................................................................................... 182
Tips and Tricks ....................................................................................................................................................... 183
3.4.5 How to connect several sprinklers in the main pipe ...................................................................................... 184
Connect sprinklers to pipe .............................................................................................................................. 184
3.4.6 How to define sprinkler design area .............................................................................................................. 186
Sprinkler Design Area ..................................................................................................................................... 186
Examining the properties of the design area ........................................................................................................... 188
3.4.7 How to calculate sprinkler network ........................................................................................................ 189
3.4.8 How to use sprinklers node numbers ............................................................................................................ 192
Show Sprinkler Node Numbers ....................................................................................................................... 192
Hide Sprinkler Node Numbers ........................................................................................................................ 192

Reset Sprinkler Node Numbers ...................................................................................................................... 192

3.4.9 Sprinkler reports ............................................................................................................................................ 193
Print General Report from Sprinkler Calculation ............................................................................................. 193
Print Network Report from Sprinkler Calculation ........................................................................................... 194
Print Sprinkler Node Report from Sprinkler Calculation ................................................................................. 194
3.5 Editing functions ........................................................................................................................................... 195
3.5.1 Part properties ............................................................................................................................................... 195
Part Properties for HPV objects .............................................................................................................................. 195
Part Properties for xreffed objects .......................................................................................................................... 197
Part Properties for Electrical objects....................................................................................................................... 197
3.5.2 Branch copy and erase, part erase ................................................................................................................. 198
Branch copy ............................................................................................................................................................ 198
Branch Erase ........................................................................................................................................................... 200
Part Erase ................................................................................................................................................................ 201
3.5.3 Move parts..................................................................................................................................................... 202
Move parts in Z direction........................................................................................................................................ 203
3.5.4 Side movement ...................................................................................................................................... 204
3.5.5 Change properties.......................................................................................................................................... 205
Extra selections ....................................................................................................................................................... 206
3.5.6 Find and replace ............................................................................................................................................ 207
Examples ................................................................................................................................................................ 208
Extra selections ....................................................................................................................................................... 209

Contents 7
3.5.7 Break duct or pipe ......................................................................................................................................... 209
3.5.8 3D Rotate ...................................................................................................................................................... 210
Orientation .............................................................................................................................................................. 210
Tip........................................................................................................................................................................... 210
3.5.9 Joint part ........................................................................................................................................................ 211
3.5.10 Crossing ............................................................................................................................................ 212
3.5.11 Dimension texts ................................................................................................................................. 213
Command line functions ......................................................................................................................................... 213
Format..................................................................................................................................................................... 214
3.5.12 Automatic Dimension Texts ............................................................................................................ 216
Installing Automatic Dimension Text ..................................................................................................................... 218
Extra selection ........................................................................................................................................................ 218
3.5.13 Fall/flow direction arrow for duct/pipes ............................................................................................. 219
3.5.14 Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD Objects ......................................................................................... 220
3.5.15 Connection nodes...................................................................................................................................... 221
Creating the connection node ................................................................................................................................. 222
Connecting node to the other drawing .................................................................................................................... 224
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................................... 225
Disconnect Node ..................................................................................................................................................... 225
Connection Node Report ........................................................................................................................................ 226
3.6 Viewing functions ......................................................................................................................................... 227
3.6.1 Drawing preferences ............................................................................................................................. 227
3.6.2 Hide, Reset Hide ........................................................................................................................................... 228
Hide .................................................................................................................................................................. 228
Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................. 228
Linetype and color .................................................................................................................................................. 229
Reset Hide ....................................................................................................................................................... 229
3.6.3 Show Selected Parts Only ....................................................................................................................... 230
How to select objects .............................................................................................................................................. 230
S .............................................................................................................................................................................. 231

Show All Parts .................................................................................................................................................. 231

3.6.4 Part Property Line ................................................................................................................................. 232

Example .................................................................................................................................................................. 233
3.6.5 Collision Control ................................................................................................................................... 234
3.7 Calculations ................................................................................................................................................... 236
3.7.1 Flow Summation ........................................................................................................................................... 236
General.................................................................................................................................................................... 236
Flow summation ..................................................................................................................................................... 236
3.7.2 Flow Summation and Sizing ......................................................................................................................... 238
General.................................................................................................................................................................... 238
Flow summation and sizing .................................................................................................................................... 238
3.7.3 Flow Summation and balancing .................................................................................................................... 239
General.................................................................................................................................................................... 239
Flow summation and sizing .................................................................................................................................... 240
Tip........................................................................................................................................................................... 242
3.7.4 Flow Route Examination ............................................................................................................................... 242
General.................................................................................................................................................................... 242
Flow Route Examination ........................................................................................................................................ 242
3.7.5 Sound Calculations........................................................................................................................................ 243
General.................................................................................................................................................................... 243
Sound Calculation of Flow Route ........................................................................................................................... 243
Sound Calculation of All Flow Routes ................................................................................................................... 245
3.7.6 Bill of Materials and Export .......................................................................................................................... 246
General.................................................................................................................................................................... 246

8 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Bill of Material ....................................................................................................................................................... 246
MagiCAD Export.................................................................................................................................................... 248

4. MagiCAD Electrical .................................................................................................. 251

4.1 List of functions ............................................................................................................................................ 251

MC-E Project/General menu .................................................................................................................................. 251
MC-E IFC menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 251
MC-E Electric menu ............................................................................................................................................... 252
Electric Devices menu ............................................................................................................................................ 252
MC-E Tele/Data menu ............................................................................................................................................ 253
Tele/Data/BA Devices menu .................................................................................................................................. 253
MC-E Cable Routes menu ...................................................................................................................................... 254
MC-E Switchboard Schematic menu ...................................................................................................................... 254
MC-E Edit menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 255
MC-E Connection Nodes menu .............................................................................................................................. 256
MC-E Edit II menu ................................................................................................................................................. 256
MC-E Sections menu .............................................................................................................................................. 257
MC-E View menu ................................................................................................................................................... 257
4.2 How to start ................................................................................................................................................... 258
Starting a new drawing ........................................................................................................................................... 258
Starting a new project and adding drawings to the project ..................................................................................... 260
Location of the project files .................................................................................................................................... 260
Storey definitions .................................................................................................................................................... 262
4.3 Managing a project ........................................................................................................................................ 262
Project management................................................................................................................................................ 262
Project description .................................................................................................................................................. 264
Project settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 264
Model drawings ...................................................................................................................................................... 265
Systems ................................................................................................................................................................... 266
Cables ..................................................................................................................................................................... 268
Products .................................................................................................................................................................. 270
Cable routes (cable trays and conduits) .................................................................................................................. 277
Cable routes (others) ............................................................................................................................................... 278
Combination boxes ................................................................................................................................................. 279
Text styles ............................................................................................................................................................... 281
Linetypes ................................................................................................................................................................ 281
Text formats ............................................................................................................................................................ 282
Layer definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 284
Report definitions ................................................................................................................................................... 285
Switchboard schematic def(initions)....................................................................................................................... 286
Power circuit types ................................................................................................................................................. 289
Connection node defaults........................................................................................................................................ 289
Provision for voids .................................................................................................................................................. 290
User named variables .............................................................................................................................................. 291
Variable sets ........................................................................................................................................................... 292
Disconnect Project .................................................................................................................................................. 296
Purge Project........................................................................................................................................................... 297
Merge Project ......................................................................................................................................................... 299
Moving the drawing to another project (command: MECHP)................................................................................ 299
Restoring a project (command: MERESTOREPRJ)............................................................................................... 300
4.4 Drawing Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 301
4.4.1 Placing devices and switchboards ................................................................................................................. 301
Placing switchboards .............................................................................................................................................. 301
Placing devices ....................................................................................................................................................... 302
The right click menu ............................................................................................................................................... 304
4.4.2 Drawing cables and making connections ...................................................................................................... 305
Drawing cables ....................................................................................................................................................... 305

Contents 9
Creating connections .............................................................................................................................................. 308
Device connection .................................................................................................................................................. 308
Creating (electrical) circuits.................................................................................................................................... 309
Creating logical (tele/data/ba) connections ............................................................................................................. 312
Cable markings ....................................................................................................................................................... 313
Dummy cable markings (MEDS) ........................................................................................................................... 313
4.4.3 Drawing cable packets .................................................................................................................................. 314
Connecting cable packets between devices ............................................................................................................ 314
Using cable packets to define the route of the supply cables .................................................................................. 315
4.4.4 Drawing cable routes (trays, channels, conduits) .......................................................................................... 318
Drawing conduits .................................................................................................................................................... 319
Drawing cable trays ................................................................................................................................................ 320

10 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Contents 11
Drawing other cable route products ....................................................................................................................... 322
4.4.5 Other functions and preferences .................................................................................................................... 323
Drawing preferences ............................................................................................................................................... 323
General symbols ..................................................................................................................................................... 324
Combination boxes ................................................................................................................................................. 325
Texting .................................................................................................................................................................... 327
Revision marks and clouds ..................................................................................................................................... 329
Switchboard areas ................................................................................................................................................... 329
Switchboard borders ............................................................................................................................................... 330
Connection nodes.................................................................................................................................................... 332
Sections................................................................................................................................................................... 332
Update Drawing Data ............................................................................................................................................. 334
"Favourites" toolbar ................................................................................................................................................ 335
Other information ................................................................................................................................................... 336
4.5 Editing functions ........................................................................................................................................... 337
4.5.1 Part properties ............................................................................................................................................... 337
4.5.2 Change Properties ......................................................................................................................................... 340
4.5.3 Change Elevation .......................................................................................................................................... 342
4.5.4 Copy Branch.................................................................................................................................................. 343
4.5.5 Move Branch ................................................................................................................................................. 344
4.5.6 Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route ........................................................................................................ 345
4.5.7 Stretch Text ................................................................................................................................................... 346
4.5.8 Move Attribute .............................................................................................................................................. 347
4.5.9 Move Device Symbol .................................................................................................................................... 348
4.5.10 Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit ............................................................................................................ 349
4.5.11 Reset Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Hide................................................................................................... 350
4.5.12 Running index ........................................................................................................................................... 351
Insert Running Index .............................................................................................................................................. 351
Remove Running Index .......................................................................................................................................... 351
4.6 Checking functions........................................................................................................................................ 352
4.6.1 Check switchboards and power circuits ........................................................................................................ 352
4.6.2 Show Objects Connected to Switchboard/Circuit ......................................................................................... 354
4.6.3 Reports .......................................................................................................................................................... 355
4.6.4 Tele/data/BA Reports .................................................................................................................................... 356
4.6.5 Show Selected Parts Only ............................................................................................................................. 358
4.6.6 Part Property Line ......................................................................................................................................... 359
4.6.7 Show Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Route ..................................................................................................... 360
4.6.8 Collision Control ........................................................................................................................................... 361
4.7 Switchboard Schematics ............................................................................................................................... 364
4.7.1 Switchboard Report and Schematic Preview ................................................................................................ 364
Create a switchboard schematic drawing ................................................................................................................ 365
4.7.2 Keeping the data up to date ........................................................................................................................... 368
Update from plan drawings..................................................................................................................................... 368
Update to plan drawings ......................................................................................................................................... 369
4.7.3 Drawing and editing functions ...................................................................................................................... 370
Switchboard Schematic Properties ......................................................................................................................... 370
Edit Circuit ............................................................................................................................................................. 371
Insert Circuit ........................................................................................................................................................... 372
Insert Circuit from Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 374
Delete Circuit .......................................................................................................................................................... 374
Move Circuit ........................................................................................................................................................... 375
Change Column Width ........................................................................................................................................... 375
Add Symbol ............................................................................................................................................................ 376
Add Detail Symbol ................................................................................................................................................. 377
Draw Rail ................................................................................................................................................................ 379
Add Text ................................................................................................................................................................. 379
Circuit Renumbering .............................................................................................................................................. 380
Create switchboard schematic symbols and detail symbols.................................................................................... 382
Explode Switchboard Schematic Symbol ............................................................................................................... 384
4.7.4 Updating and resetting references ................................................................................................................. 384

12 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

External references of a schematic drawing ........................................................................................................... 384
Update external references...................................................................................................................................... 384
Reset external references ........................................................................................................................................ 385
4.8 Other functions .............................................................................................................................................. 386
4.8.1 IFC exports .................................................................................................................................................... 386
About IFC ............................................................................................................................................................... 386
Creating an IFC file (IFC Export) ........................................................................................................................... 386
Other IFC exports and imports ............................................................................................................................... 389
4.8.2 DIALux interface .......................................................................................................................................... 390
4.8.3 Other functions .............................................................................................................................................. 393
Create User Symbol (2D) ....................................................................................................................................... 393
User Preferences ..................................................................................................................................................... 393
Changing the AutoCAD attribute value of a MagiCAD symbol ............................................................................ 394
Explode function of MagiCAD Electrical .............................................................................................................. 394
Version check (MEVER -function) ........................................................................................................................ 395
Attribute definitions in MagiCAD Electrical .......................................................................................................... 395
MEUSS (User Symbol Service).............................................................................................................................. 396

5. MagiCAD Room ........................................................................................................ 398

5.1 Function reference ......................................................................................................................................... 398

5.1.1 MagiCAD Room functions ........................................................................................................................... 398
List of functions ...................................................................................................................................................... 398
5.1.2 MagiCAD Room Edit functions .................................................................................................................... 399
List of functions ...................................................................................................................................................... 399
5.2 Project ........................................................................................................................................................... 400
5.2.1 How to create a project.................................................................................................................................. 400
Creating/selecting project ....................................................................................................................................... 400
Edit project database ............................................................................................................................................... 401
Add, Edit, Copy storey ........................................................................................................................................... 402
Drawing the rooms ................................................................................................................................................. 403
5.2.2 How to edit Project Data ............................................................................................................................... 403
Edit data .................................................................................................................................................................. 404
Summary ................................................................................................................................................................. 405
Area methods .......................................................................................................................................................... 406
3D preview ............................................................................................................................................................. 407
5.2.3 How to edit Room data.................................................................................................................................. 407
Edit room data with Part Properties ................................................................................................................ 407
Edit room data via Project management ........................................................................................................ 408
5.2.4 How to Renumber the rooms......................................................................................................................... 410
Renumber when using Copy storey function .......................................................................................................... 410
Renumber rooms separately.................................................................................................................................... 411
5.2.5 How to edit/add structures............................................................................................................................. 412
Add, edit, delete structure ....................................................................................................................................... 412
5.2.6 How to edit Layer and color settings............................................................................................................. 413
5.2.7 How to transfert the output to clipboard........................................................................................................ 414
Room calculations .................................................................................................................................................. 414
Summary data ......................................................................................................................................................... 414
5.2.8 Calculation methods ...................................................................................................................................... 415
Heat loss calculation method .................................................................................................................................. 415
Calculating floor areas ............................................................................................................................................ 416
Calculating the room volume .................................................................................................................................. 416
5.2.9 IFC data transfer ............................................................................................................................................ 416
IFC Export .............................................................................................................................................................. 416
IFC Import .............................................................................................................................................................. 417
IFC Space Update ................................................................................................................................................... 418
IFC Merge Import ................................................................................................................................................... 418

Contents 13
5.3 Editing functions ........................................................................................................................................... 418
5.3.1 How to draw walls ........................................................................................................................................ 418
Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................. 419
5.3.2 How to install window ....................................................................................................................... 421
Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................. 421
Installation instruction ............................................................................................................................................ 422

5.3.3 How to install door ............................................................................................................................... 422

Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................. 423
Installation instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 424

5.3.4 How to install column ......................................................................................................................... 425

Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................. 425
Installation direction ............................................................................................................................................... 426

5.3.5 How to install beam ............................................................................................................................. 426

Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................. 427
Installation direction ............................................................................................................................................... 427
5.3.6 How to define room ............................................................................................................................... 428

5.3.7 How to erase MagiCAD Room objects ............................................................................................... 430

5.3.8 How to stretch or move wall .............................................................................................................. 430

5.3.9 How to change wall height .................................................................................................................. 431

Commandline options ............................................................................................................................................. 432
5.3.10 How to divide a wall ................................................................................................................................. 433

Set wall joint (break wall) ............................................................................................................................. 433

5.3.11 How to save the Room data ...................................................................................................................... 433

Save, calculate, and update texts .................................................................................................................. 433

5.3.12 How to close the edit mode ....................................................................................................................... 434

Close edit mode .............................................................................................................................................. 434

5.4 Viewing functions ......................................................................................................................................... 436
5.4.1 Part properties ............................................................................................................................................... 436
Part Properties (wall) ....................................................................................................................................... 436
Part Properties (window) ................................................................................................................................. 437
Part Properties (door) ...................................................................................................................................... 437
Part Properties (space) ..................................................................................................................................... 438
5.4.2 Show Room objects ............................................................................................................................... 439
5.4.3 Changing structures between 2D & 3D ......................................................................................................... 440

6. MagiCAD Circuit Designer ...................................................................................... 440

6.1 General information ...................................................................................................................................... 440

Before you begin..................................................................................................................................................... 440
Installation and start ................................................................................................................................................ 440
Customized drawing frames ................................................................................................................................... 441
AutoCAD functions ................................................................................................................................................ 442
6.2 List of functions ............................................................................................................................................ 442
MC-CD General...................................................................................................................................................... 442
MC-CD Devices ..................................................................................................................................................... 443
6.3 How to start ................................................................................................................................................... 444

14 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Creating a new drawing and modifying drawing settings ....................................................................................... 444
Visibility settings .................................................................................................................................................... 444
Label text definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 445
Layer properties ...................................................................................................................................................... 446
Handling of pages ................................................................................................................................................... 447
General things ......................................................................................................................................................... 448
6.4 Drawing functions ......................................................................................................................................... 449
6.4.1 Common parts and combinations .................................................................................................................. 449
Common part .......................................................................................................................................................... 449
Common Part Link ................................................................................................................................................. 451
Combined Common Part ........................................................................................................................................ 452
6.4.2 Contactors ..................................................................................................................................................... 455
Contactor Wizard .................................................................................................................................................... 456
Single Contact/Relay .............................................................................................................................................. 457
Contact Reference Symbol ..................................................................................................................................... 459
6.4.3 Control switches ............................................................................................................................................ 461
Control Switch Panel .............................................................................................................................................. 461
Editing a Control Switch Panel ............................................................................................................................... 462
Control Switch ........................................................................................................................................................ 464
Editing a control switch position symbol or part .................................................................................................... 466
6.4.4 Terminal blocks and connection points ......................................................................................................... 466
Connection Point .................................................................................................................................................... 466
Terminal Block ....................................................................................................................................................... 468
Terminal Block Wizard .......................................................................................................................................... 470
6.4.5 Conductors .................................................................................................................................................... 471
Conductor For Connections .................................................................................................................................... 472
Dummy Conductor ................................................................................................................................................. 472
6.4.6 Other functions .............................................................................................................................................. 473
Busbar System ........................................................................................................................................................ 473
Control Cable Symbol ............................................................................................................................................ 474
Conductor properties .............................................................................................................................................. 475
Component Outside Switchboard (area) ................................................................................................................. 476
6.5 Editing functions ........................................................................................................................................... 478
Change Circuit ID ................................................................................................................................................... 478
Move Attribute........................................................................................................................................................ 479
Text ......................................................................................................................................................................... 480
Update References .................................................................................................................................................. 481
Create Symbol ........................................................................................................................................................ 481
Part Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 483
6.6 Layouts and printing ..................................................................................................................................... 483
Layout ..................................................................................................................................................................... 483
Printing ................................................................................................................................................................... 484
6.7 Other functions .............................................................................................................................................. 486

Contents 15
1. Release notes
1.1 MagiCAD Heating&Piping
and Ventilation

1.1.1 New and enhanced features

Change Properties
Change Properties  Branch Type has a new user interface.

It is now possible to change the outlets to new type of outlet (which does not break the main duct) or to old-
style outlet (which breaks the main duct).

It is now possible to change sprinkler's Flow Density and Pressure Level.

It is now possible to change T-branches to outlets and vice versa.

IFC Export
MagiCAD IFC export now supports S-encoded strings as well as X-encoded strings. Previously, if an S-
encoded IFC file was read to MagiCAD, problems occurred with some characters.

16 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Production model
Using the real products for 45° outlets and T-branches has been improved.
Integrated reductions are now real reductions when using real products. For example, RCFU reduction has
the necessary male/female connections.
It is now possible to use real products for 45° outlets and T-branches.

Duct drawing
Some new branch types are now available.

It is now possible to draw outlets so that they break the duct same way as T-branch. Sizing is then able to
change the size of the main duct as well.

Note: It is also possible to change this value afterwards with Change Properties.

Update Drawing Data

MagiCAD 2010.5 did not show the 30 degree T-branches (T-branch was "invisible"). MagiCAD 2010.11 is
able to show them, but the drawings edited with 2010.5 version need to be updated with the new option of
Update Drawing Data function (Update Fittings).

Release notes 17
Rectangular ducts
It is now possible to use rectangular ducts as real products.
Real rectangular ducts work in the same way as circular ducts. There is one major difference - it is possible
to edit rectangular T-branches and bends manually. Take Part Properties from the bend and select the Size

Rectangular ducts have now flanges. Flanges have a fixed size (thickness 20mm and height 20mm).

Flanges can be turned on/off from Viewport Preferences.

New layer settings are specified for the flanges (Connection Accessories).

Provision for voids

Earlier MagiCAD had three status values in a report of Provision for voids:
1 = “Accepted as requested”
2 = “Accepted but changed”
3 = “Not accept”

Now there is a new status

4 = "Rejected"

18 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Support for female connection
MagiCAD can now create a female connection between two fittings.
Add joint part MF to project. Select it into duct series. Note! It has to be before the duct in priority list.
Make appropriate changes to SR duct series: the MF length for sizes 63-200 is 95mm, for sizes 250 & 315 is
140, for sizes 400 & 500 is 180 and for size 630 length is 170. The 2xFitOnLen+ExtraLen must be exactly
this size for MF to be selected. Example: Size ø160: Fit-on length 40 and extra length 15 (40+40+15=95).
Draw ducts with minimum length. Run Change Generic Objects to Products (or use the automatically
selected products option).  Verify that the short ducts appear as MF in Part Properties. Verify that you see
them in the BOM.

NOTE: MF gets selected ONLY if the duct's length is within 1mm of the MF's length, not otherwise.

In earlier MagiCAD versions, it was possible to move the air device, which was installed to the edge of the
duct, away from the duct. Now the air device is always moved back to the owner duct.
Improvements to stretch and move functions. Stretch/move works better especially when stretching/moving
the branches.

Part Property Line

Part Property Line function shows Running Index also for fittings (bend, T-branch...).

Automatic balancing valve STAP (from TA) was not calculated correctly. MagiCAD did not use the minimum
pressure loss value of the object; it used the minimum pressure loss value from the system.
Automatic zone valve balancing algorithm is changed so that the minimum pressure is calculated from
adjustment calculated from the flow - previously it was taken from biggest adjustment.
Calculation can now handle the constant flow valves which do not have exact presetting values. Presetting
can be done e.g. by changing an adjustment part in the valve.
For example: Frese ALPHA Cartridge.

Release notes 19
Duct Series
User Code is now copied to the “priority list”

New field “Default connection standard” for duct series. This code defines the type of connection. For
example: flange type.

Product selection
Active market area is now shown in the product selection dialog.

20 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing and editing functions
3D Rotate function (MAGIROTATEOBJECT) has been added for rotating objects and components in place.

Part Property Line now shows the open ends from the fittings (T-branch, bend, etc.). It also shows the
product code of real fittings.

Cap-type cleaning cover now gets the product code according to the size of the circular duct.
Joint part is now changed to real product, if the real product is selected.
It is now possible to give size coefficient between 0,2-100 (earlier the limit was 0,2-4) in Viewport

Release notes 21
Other changes
MagiCAD gives warning if the project files are read-only.
If there is an old DWG (not converted to 2010.5) as an XREF, editing it with "in-place XREF edit" destroys it.
Therefore MagiCAD now gives the following warning when using Edit Reference in Place -function.

Sprinkler calculation did not calculate the equivalent lengths for pipes larger than 250mm. In these cases the
calculation did not work. Now MagiCAD is able to handle also larger pipes. It also handles pipe sizes
between the standard ones.

1.1.2 Resolved issues

SBSC calculation removed sprinkler connection pipe if the length of the pipe was shorter than 300 mm.
If there were errors in the network during sizing, MagiCAD did not update any information to objects even
though the Keep calculated data despite errors option was active. Now MagiCAD updates all information that
is available.
If the pipe branch was copied from the bend (with branch copy), MagiCAD created outlet instead of T-
branch. MagiCAD does not create outlets to pipes anymore.
IFC Export gave “Assertion failed! “error message with some products of Trox Technik.
IFC Export  Remove parts from storey function left some properties to IFC file. Now it removes all the
MagiCAD objects and properties.
Product selection function (Change generic objects to products) is now faster and it has a progress bar.
Bill of Materials did not show the duct length properly if the "old-style" outlets (outlet which break the duct as
T-branch) were used.
MagiCAD gave unnecessary warnings if several systems were sized at the same time.
Bill of Materials and Dimension Text showed wrong sizes for the pipe fittings. After the system or branch was
sized, MagiCAD showed outer diameters instead of nominal diameters.
It was impossible to erase T-branches in some projects.
MagiCAD gives the message "No function defined for this part!" when trying to edit (with Part Properties), for
example, air handling unit which is imported via some MagiCAD plug-in.
Side movement did not work with real products if there were reduction from rectangular duct to circular duct.
Note! Sizing breaks the ducts if the side movement has been used. This will be fixed.
MagiCAD showed a wrong 2D symbol in some pipe components (for example, Servitec from Reflex)
Bill of Materials showed the duct lengths wrong if there were outlets in drawing. Bill of Materials showed a
short length of duct for each outlet and the lengths were in their own rows.
When there was no need for any duct between fittings (fit-on length is 0), Part Properties still showed a short
duct between the fittings (only with vertical ducts).
IFC Export  Append to selected file option showed wrong message. The message was "xxx.ifc already
exists. Do you want to replace it?". MagiCAD 2010.11 does not give the message anymore.
Moving the duct components has been improved.
MagiCAD was not able to open some drawings at all and sometimes opening took very long time. Usually
project files were read-only in these cases.

22 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

There were some extra lines in rectangular bends.
MagiCAD crashed, if there were too many connections in the heat exchanger.
Sprinkler calculation gave the error message "Not enough pressure" in some complex sprinkler networks,
although the same network could be calculated after some minor changes. The calculation engine is now
updated to handle these situations.
If the bend (a real product) was copied with branch copy, the created outlet was not a real product.
Dimension text gave the message "Erroneus filehandle" if the project files were missing. Now MagiCAD
gives the correct warning "Cannot find project files"
MagiCAD did not show the 30 degree T-branches (T-branch was "invisible").
In some Windows versions, MagiCAD did not show the selected line type, for example, in status settings or
insulation settings. It used the selected line type, but the line type field was empty or it was shown as Not
It is no longer possible to install components to the same place with the outlet.
In some projects the warning crosses of provision for voids went to wrong places.
It was very difficult to erase objects in some projects - they needed to be erased one by one.
Collision control gave a collision between outlet and duct.
It is not possible to move component outside of the duct/pipe anymore.
If the "real" ductwork products were used, Crossing function did not select the real bends - it used generic
If the pipe size was changed with Part Properties, the size of the connection node was not changed.
If there were circular branch (with outlet) from rectangular duct, it was not possible to move the branch to
different height level - it always was in the center of the main duct.

It was not possible to connect ducts with outlet to rectangular main duct if the center level was not the same.
Duct drawing: If there were for example duct-bend-duct in a drawing and then the Back option was used, the
first Back removed the last duct and the second Back removed the bend and the straight duct connected to
it. Now the first Back removes the last duct, the next Back removes the bend.
If the joint part was used in pipes and then the subsystem was changed, all the pipes were "destroyed" from
the joint parts. Now this does not happen anymore.

Case: Rectangular duct with circular branch branch type is outlet): Rectangular duct was copied so that the
outlet was inside of selection -> outlet was not removed automatically and it was not possible to remove it
manually either.
Size of connection node was not updated after sizing (pipe size was changed but the size of the connection
node was wrong).
Sprinkler symbol had a wrong direction

Release notes 23
MagiCAD gave fatal error when the height was taken (top align, center align...) from the AutoCAD object
which was as an xref. Mostly this happened if OSNAP was on.

1.2 MagiCAD Electrical

1.2.1 New and enhanced features

Switchboard schematics, circuits and bidirectional linking

Phases and earthing

Phases and earthing are now selectable data columns in switchboard schematics. You can also use the
attributes PH (phases) and EG (earthing) in symbols to show them. Phases and earthing can be changed in
a schematic drawing and updated to plan drawings. In a schematic drawing you type them in (separated with
In attributes:

In data cells:

External references of a schematic drawing

With the command MAGIESWBSCHEMAUPDATEREF / MESSUR , Update External References –function,
you can now update also the names of the drawings that are referred from a schematic drawing. Previously
you could only change the locations of the drawings. This feature allows you to create identical duplicates of
plan and schematic drawings without losing connections but it also allows you to rename existing drawings.

24 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Browse to the new file, the file can
have a different location and/or
different name.

Bidirectional linking
When you are working in a plan drawing you can now connect a circuit symbol to a circuit located in a
schematic drawing by pressing the Pick from schematic button.

Release notes 25
Select the schematic
drawing to pick a circuit

Select if you want to see

free circuits or all circuits of
the schematic drawing.

Select the circuit you want

to link to this circuit.

Select if you want to copy only

the switchboard and circuit
number information from the
schematic drawing or all
properties of the circuit. The
cable type and cable number
defined in the plan drawing will
always remain.

In the properties dialog of a schematic circuit you can connect it to a circuit located in a plan drawing. If a
circuit is already connected to a plan drawing you need to first disconnect it in order to connect it to a new

26 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select a drawing to find available circuits

Select to which circuit this circuit will

be connected to.

You can disconnect a schematic circuit’s link to a plan drawing from the Unconnect circuit reference -
button. When doing this the possible cable number of the circuit will be reset in the schematics.

Release notes 27
With the new command MAGIESWBSCHEMARESET / MESSRT , Reset External References -function,
you can reset connections to one or several external drawings at the same time in a switchboard schematic
drawing when needed. This way you can e.g. reuse old schematic drawings by resetting references and
selecting a new switchboard for the schematic drawing.

Reset the reference to the current switchboard.

You can select a new switchboard with the
Switchboard Schematic Properties –function.

Select one plan drawing which circuit references

will be reset from the current schematic drawing
when pressing the Reset reference to selected
drawing –button.

Reset the circuit references to all plan drawings

from the current schematic drawing.

28 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

From the switchboard schematic properties you can now select a new switchboard for the schematic drawing
when needed. This is done e.g. when taking an old schematic drawing as a basis for a new one.

Release notes 29
1.2.2 Resolved issues
Switchboard schematics
Previously when you selected a “not defined” cable type for a schematic circuit the type text was shown in
the data cells and symbol attributes.

Ifc Exports
Previously Electrical’s Ifc export did not export provision for voids and it was not possible to define property
sets for provision for voids in MagiCAD Electrical. You can now select the Ifc 2x3 configuration when
exporting voids to Ifc.
Previously when creating an Ifc file from MagiCAD Electrical the file had unreasonable default values in the
FILE_NAME data, e.g. ('ifc-mce.ifc', '2010-09-24T10:28:01', ('The Name'), ('The Organization'), 'IfcLib (6th
June 2010)', 'The Application ver 1.0', 'The Author'). Now 'The Name', 'The Organization', 'The Application
ver 1.0' and 'the Author' are fixed.
Previously the Ifc Calculation Export did not write cable lengths correctly.

Merge project
Previously Merge did not work correctly with power circuit types, report definitions and switchboard
schematic definitions after closing the project and all its drawings.

Conflict dialog
Previously the conflict dialog compared -not defined- default cables from devices.

Object variables
Previously the O1-O4 variables had only 20 characters allowed in them. Now the limit is 40 characters.
Previously it was possible to set only 19 characters for O1-O4 through the COM interface. Now the limit is 40

Part properties
Previously it was not possible to change a conduit product from part properties.

30 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

1.3 MagiCAD Room

1.3.1 New and enhanced features

Structures in 3D presentation
It is now possible to select which structures are shown in 3D. When the Room model is switched to 3D, new
dialog appears.

Provision for voids

Provision for voids now recognizes all the structures (including slabs).

1.3.2 Resolved issues

In earlier versions MagiCAD Room did not import IfcSite and IfcBuilding (relative) coordinates and therefore
it used 0,0,0 values for them when exporting. This caused extra work among those who use MagiCAD Room
import and export like this:
IFC Import import  Spaces and storeys to MagiCAD Room
Editing information in MagiCAD Room
IFC Export  Information to IFC
Now MagiCAD Room IFC Import can read the relative coordinates of site, building and also the directions.
IFC Export is also able to write the objects to relative coordinates.
IFC Import reads also the absolute coordinates and true north (azimuth) of the site. This information is visible
in MagiCAD Room's project dialog (latitude, longitude, elevation and azimuth).

Release notes 31
2. Common Functions
2.1 Unicode
It is possible to select whether the National or Unicode characters are used in MagiCAD HP&V, Electrical
and Room.
Unicode allows Russian or Chinese characters. The selection can be made in Project management ->
Project settings.

When the character set is changed from Unicode to National,

the program gives a warning that characters may disappear
(in practice they will appear a question marks).

When the character set is changed from National to Unicode,

the program gives a warning about the project becoming
incompatible with older MagiCAD versions. If OK is clicked,
the program converts the project so that it is suitable for the
Unicode character set.

32 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

2.2 Status
It is possible to define different kinds of status definitions in the project management dialog. You can set line
type, color and line weight settings for the status. Status defining can be done in Project management –
> Variable sets –> Status
MagiCAD template includes some

Name – identifier of the status. This ID appears when the

status is selected, and it is possible to include it in
reference text and reports.
Description – description of the status. It appears
when the status is selected.
Layer variable – identifier that will be included in the
layer name {STV}
Add to BOM – this must be selected if objects with this
status are intended to be included in the BOM.
Locked sizes (MagiCAD HP&V only) – This must
be selected if the sizing function may not change the
sizes of the ducts/pipes with this status.

Use same settings for all system groups – if

this option is selected, the settings are the same for all
system groups.
Settings – color, linetype and lineweight of the status.

Installing status while drawing

The status can be determined while drawing the duct/pipe/cables etc. or when installing the devices.
Status “Not defined” means that MagiCAD uses the “normal” settings.

Common Functions 33
Changing status with Change Properties (HPV)
It is also possible to determine the status afterwards with Change Properties function.

Select the objects whose status you want

to change. You can select single parts,
Branch, Network, sYstem, bEtween using
the commndline options.

34 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Selected objects get the status definitions
you have selected.

Changing status with Change Properties (Electrical)

Select System type, Object type and

Property (Status).

Select the status that you want to change.

Show reference part – You can select
the object from the picture to get the status.

If this option is selected, all objects selected

from System type and Object type will be
changed to new status.

Select new status.

Select the Range.

Select objects - If this is selected, objects can be
selected manually.
Current drawing - changes all objects in the current

Common Functions 35
Select objects and they acquire the
selected status.

2.3 Running Index

Settings for running index in the project management
It is possible to define some basic settings for the Running Index. Settings can be modified in Project
management -> Variable sets -> Running Index

Text groups
You can edit / add text groups from Project management -> Variable sets -> Running Index
-> Text groups.

Edit the existing text group

Text part of running index

Description of the text


36 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

NOTE! You do not even need to define the text groups, if you do not have many different formats. Text
groups are used to filter different kind of formats when inserting running index to objects. The name of the
text group can be also shown in dimension text etc.

Text formats
You can edit / add text groups from Project management -> Variable sets -> Running Index
-> Text formats. The first running index of this example would be G3 PF 001

Edit the existing text format.

Delete the existing text format.

Copy the existing text format

Text part of the running index e.g. P like a pump, TE

like a temperature sensor.

Description of the text format.

The smallest accepted number in this


How many numbers are used to show a number part

of running index e.g. 3 -> 001, 2 -> 01.
If Allow the same index in
different systems is
selected, the same index can be Selected text group for this format. Needed only for
in different systems. filtering when inserting running index to objects.The
name of the text group can be also shown in
dimension text etc. This field is optional.

NOTE! Each string (G3, PF, 001) can be added separately to a dimension text.

Insert running index

Insert the running index by selecting the Insert Running Index command. The Install Running Index dialog
opens automatically if the command is selected for the first time. You can open this dialog later by right
clicking and selecting Options.

Common Functions 37
Used for filtering the text
Select the format.

Copies the format from a


Gives the next free number. If you have decided

to allow the same numbers in different systems,
the system provides the next free.

Selects the first available number, which has to

be bigger than the ”first number”. If e.g.
10,11,12,13,14,17,18,19 are used, the next free
is 15.

You can use give the smallest allowed number,

If this option is selected, which has to be bigger than ”First number” in
MagiCAD automatically format.
adds PartPropertyLine
to objects after installing
the Running Index. If this option is selected, you can insert the
same numbers as many times as you want.
If this is selected, MagiCAD also checks
that there are no indexes the same in
other model drawing. It is checked when
“Install”, “Free” or “Edit” buttons are

NOTE! When the settings have been defined, insert the running index to objects by selecting Install.
After installing the running index to the first object the object type is locked for this installing session.
This means that when you install the running index, e.g. to a socket, the next object also has to be a
socket. MagiCAD does not install any other object types to the selection. When you quit and restart
the command then the object type locking is released.

38 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Edit running index
The Edit running index is started by selecting the Insert Running Index command. The Install Running Index
dialog opens automatically if the command is selected for the first time. You can open this dialog later by
right clicking and selecting Options. From the Install Running Index- dialog select Edit… opens Modify
Running Indexes- dialog.

Filter which Running indexes are If this option is selected

shown in the Indexes- dialog. only the first and last
numbers are shown.

Indexes - The running indexes in current project and Current Values of Selected
included in the filter. – The first and last numbers of the
selected Indexes.
Text – Running index text format.
Index – These numbers have been used.
Part type – part type which has been selected.
System – system of the object. New Values - If you want to
Drawing – drawing where index has been inserted. Name is renumber the indexes, you can
shown as a relative. either give the new first or last
number and press the ”Apply”
File status – “Empty”: drawing is opened and ready for button. Gaps are removed, if
editing (editing of anything other than the current dwg is not Remove gaps is selected.
possible in MagiCAD Electrical); “Not opened”: not opened,
but it could be opened; “Locked”: someone else has opened
the drawing.
Note – All possible annotation is displayed here.
It is possible to select several rows by using Shift- or CTRL
buttons. By using Select All button you can select all rows.

Common Functions 39
Remove Running Index
Use the Remove Running Index function to remove the running index from the object.

2.4 Section functions (HPV & Electrical)

Section Marks Make Section Section Marks Edit Section Mark

HPV Electrical

Quick Section Update Sections Make Section Update Section

Section Marks

Define the text height.

It is possible to add some description for

the section.

Select the text style.

Select the Section Mark type.

40 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

The cross-section can be either conventional
(Section) or detailed (Detail). When the
section type is set to Detail, objects in that
section can be examine also in 3D.

It is now possible to select, if 1D line types are

continues or if they are taken from actual drawing
(2D & 3D still use "Continuous").

Give the height levels of the upper and lower

surface, and the depth of the section mark. You
can change these later with the Part Properties

Drawing the section boundaries

Type Section
After providing the necessary information, draw the section boundaries. First show two points -> click
enter/right mouse click -> show sections direction. All the objects inside the section boundaries are shown in
the section.

Common Functions 41
Type Detail
After providing the necessary information, draw the section boundaries. Define at least 3 points and click
enter. User defines the shape of section boundaries.

Make Section
This function makes a section of the selected section mark. The section mark is drawn with the Section
Mark function. Just click the selected section mark boundary to make the section. Section Mark Preferences
dialog opens.

42 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

You can include MagiCAD Electrical, AutoCAD,
and/or AEC objects, also from the reference
drawing, in the cross-section. If Show DWG Name option is
selected the section mark boundary
also shows the DWG name.

Select this Automatic hide option, if you want to

hide objects automatically.

NOTE! You can change the settings of the section mark, and update the section, with the Part
Properties function. MagiCAD Electrical also has a button Edit Section Mark for updating

Update Section
With this function you can update the section or all the sections. If you want to update all the sections in a
drawing, select option A from the command line. If you don`t want to update some information, uncheck the
option from the Section Mark Preferences dialog.

Common Functions 43
Quick section (HPV only)
With this function you can quickly make a section of MagiCAD objects for an overview of the connections.
First, select the objects you want to include in the quick section. Next, show the location and direction of the

44 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

2.5 MagiCAD HP&V Viewport preferences

With this function you can separately set different views (1D, 2D, 3D) to the objects for each viewport
separately. You can also set these preferences for the viewports in the layout windows.
In the Viewport Preferences dialog you can also choose how the reference texts are displayed in each
viewport, and set the hiding options for ducts and pipes.

Main viewport
If the same viewport settings are used in several different viewports, it is possible to select the main viewport.
Main viewport settings and hide information can be used in other viewports.
If AutoCAD`s hide or reset hide is run in the main viewport, all viewports which are set to Follow main
viewport are also altered.
If hide or reset hide is run in a viewport which is set to Follow main viewport, there is a message:
“Hide/reset hide is not possible in the current viewport because it is set to follow the main viewport`s settings”

Follow main viewport – Check this box if Is main viewport – check this box if
you want to make the viewport follow the main you want to set the viewport as a main
viewport`s graphics settings. When the Follow viewport.
main viewport is set, all viewport settings are
grayed out, and the settings of the main viewport
are shown. Using the main viewport also speeds
up saving.

Note! When the main viewport is set, the viewport must be in model space. There can be only one
main viewport at time.

Common Functions 45
Presentation options
Select the Presentation options tab to edit ducts/pipes presentation.

Select between 1D (wireframe), Active 2D, and


Presentation of the pipe components in 2D can

be 3D or 1D (symbol)

Visibility of the insulation.

Note! MagiCAD is able to show insullation in
shaded views only if the setting is saved to
project/drawing defaults (Viewport Preferences -
-> Save as project/drawing defaults).

You can set the common scale factor (e.g.

1:100) for plotting.

You can set the limit for displaying the vertical

pipes with their own dimensions also in 1D.

With Centerline options you can define

whether to display the centerline of the ducts
and pipes. For the pipes you can also define a
minimum diameter; the centerline is not
displayed in the smaller pipes even though the
option is selected.

Symbol Options -
Select the symbols for Save as project/drawing defaults - Saves the current
vertical ducts and pipes settings as project/drawing default. Any other pictures which are
attached to same project get the same values. Default values can
be loaded/saved from/to the drawing or project. This is defined in
project management (Project settings -> Default
viewport preferences)
Load default preferences - Loads default values for
viewport preferences.

Show connection accessories - this setting turns flanges in

rectangular ducts on/off.

Note! MagiCAD is able to show the flanges in shaded views only if

the setting is saved to project/drawing defaults (Viewport
Preferences --> Save as project/drawing defaults).

46 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Dimension texts
Select the Dimension texts tab to edit ducts/pipes dimension text presentation.

If this option is selected, only the texts

placed in the active viewport are shown.
... and in the selected views
If this option is selected, all texts are field you can select other views besides
shown. the active view

The orientation for the reference


By view – according to the view

(i.e. the texts appear “straight” also
in the isometric view).

By original UCS – according to the

user coordinate system.

If this option in selected, the automatic dimension texts are

always placed to the orientation that is selected in the
Automatic text settings.
If this option is not selected, the automatic dimension texts
also follow the Orientation option.

Common Functions 47
Hide options
Select the hide options tab to edit ducts/pipes hide presentation.

Select either dashed or invisible Defines the distance between the

line as the presentation of the hidden line and the continuous line, and
hidden ducts/pipes. the minimum length of the ducts/pipes.
The minimum length can be defined
only if invisible linetype has been

If this option is selected, hiding is carried out in

the viewport when the drawing is saved.

NOTE! To get Auto Hide to work, you must also set the hiding active in the Drawing Preferences
(Enable autohide when saving).


Select whether to draw the arrows to the Presentation of the storey

open ends of ducts and pipes. boundaries.

Presentation of the section mark boundary.

Presentation of the sprinkler design area


48 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

2.6 MagiCAD Electrical viewport preferences
With this function you can select the view (wireframe/1D, 2D, 3D) of MagiCAD Electrical objects. The 3D
view of the devices requires that a 3D object(s) has been connected to the device in the project management
The settings that are made in Viewport Preferences dialog are viewport specific, that is, in each viewport
(also in the layout windows) it is possible to display the reference texts in different orientations and the
objects with different views.

Main viewport
If the same viewport settings are used in several different viewports, it is possible to select the main viewport.
Main viewport settings and hide information can be used in other viewports.
If AutoCAD`s hide or reset hide is run in the main viewport, all viewports which are set to Follow main
viewport are also altered.
If hide or reset hide is run in a viewport which is set to Follow main viewport, there is a message:
“Hide/reset hide is not possible in the current viewport because it is set to follow the main viewport`s settings”

Follow main viewport – Check this box Is main viewport – check this box if
if you want to make the viewport follow the you want to set the viewport as a main
main viewport`s graphics settings. When viewport.
Follow main viewport is set, all viewport
settings are grayed out, and the settings of
the main viewport are shown. Using the main
viewport also speeds up saving.

Note! When the main viewport is set, the viewport must be in model space. There can be only one
main viewport at time.

Common Functions 49
Presentation options
Select the Presentation options tab to edit electrical devices presentation.

Select the presentation of Cable Select the presentation of

trays, Conduits and Cables. Devices and switchboards.

Select whether to draw the

Device operation area

Select whether to draw the

Switchboard area boundaries.

Saves the current settings as the project

Loads default values for default. Any other pictures which are
viewport preferences. attached to same project get the same
values. Default values can be loaded/saved
from/to the drawing or project. This is defined
in project management (Project
settings -> Default viewport

Dimension texts
Select the Dimension texts tab to edit the dimension text presentation.

If this option is selected only the texts which are placed in the active
If this option is selected all texts viewport are shown.
are shown. ... and in the selected views field you can select other
views besides the active view

By view – according to the view (i.e. the

texts appear “straight” also in the isometric

By original UCS – according to the user

coordinate system.

50 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

2.7 Clip + Rotate, Restore from Clip + Rotate
Clip + Rotate
With this function you can easily edit the system in the selected view.
First show the front edge and then the rear edge of the area containing the objects. Usually the selected
parts are rotated to the active view so that the viewpoint is at the front edge.

Commandline options
The following commandline option can be used to change the end result of the function. The Commandline
option can be selected by using the hotkey (capital letter) or by right clicking.

Common Functions 51
If this option is selected, the selection
is not made by defining the front and
rear edge; instead, MagiCAD ask to
show a part whose direction is used
as the direction of the area, and Select the size of Clip + Rotate
shows the dimension of the selection area.

52 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Restore from Clip + Rotate
With this function you can restore the original view.

2.8 Provision for Voids

Provision for Voids Options
It is possible to define some basic settings to provision for voids. Settings can be modified in Project
management -> Provision for voids.

There are separate offset settings for

rectangular (h1) and circular voids (h2).
Minimum distance between separate
voids can also be defined (h3) (if the
voids were closer to each other, they
would be combined). The user can also
define that from a certain diameter the
circular voids become rectangular voids
(Maximum diameter for circular voids).
It is also possible to choose not to create
a void if the void would be too small
(minimum equivalent diameter for

Rounding step – This is used to round

the value to the nearest multiple of the
rounding value upwards. For example, if
the Automatic void provision function
created a void with size 154x154 and the
rounding values were 10, the resulting
size would be 160x160. When installing provision for voids, * Changes both
the building service information can Manual and
RoundingDownLimit – This value can be be set to the provision for voids. For Automatic
used to avoid rounding to produce too example if the ventilation checkbox is provision for
large voids. For example, if the offset of a checked, the ventilation text defined voids.
rectangular void was 20mm and a pipe`s in the Ventilation field appears as the
outer diameter was 114mm (and the max. owner information. Automatic
diameter for circular void was 100mm), provision for void creation * Changes only
the result before rounding would be automatically sets the owner when using
114+20+20 => 154 x 154. information according to the Automatic
MagiCAD object which required the provision for voids.

Common Functions 53
Provision for voids
With provision for voids you can reserve places for installations in the walls and structures. Provision for
Voids (MAGIVP) command creates provision for void manually. When using this function for the first time
Provision for void dialog opens. The dialog can be opened afterwards using commandline option Options.

Select New or Select the Geometry of void

Existing provision. and define its dimensions.

Select the owner for the

void. For example, if
theVentilation checkbox
is checked, ventilation
text defined in the
project dialog is defined
as the owner
information. If several
checkboxes are
checked, a separator
character (+) is used
between them.

It is possible to give free

text as building service

Installing void to picture

After you have defined all the information and clicked the Ok button, install void to picture.

Select the location of the void and click the

left mouse button.

Select the installation

height of the void.

54 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Commandline option
There are three commandline options that can be used while installing void to picture. To select a
commandline option, type its hotkey on the commandline or right click and select the item from the popup

Right click popup menu.

This option opens the Provision

for voids dialog.

With this option you can rotate

the void to the required

With this function you can rotate

the void from horizontal to

Common Functions 55
Automatic Void Provision
When you have a 3D model from MagiCAD Room, or other architectural / structural design programs,
MagiCAD can make provisions for voids automatically according to the model. The Automatic void
provisions (MAGIAVP) command asks for an area, runs special collision control between HP&V or
Electrical objects and other objects with geometry (normally structures), and creates provision for voids
automatically with the current settings.
The Automatic provision for void function automatically sets the owner information according to the MagiCAD
object which required the void.

Define an area. All objects inside that area

have void automatically.

56 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Import Provision for voids report
The Import Provision for voids report (MCVPR) command asks for a file with a special format (*.xsr). This
file includes the following information from the constructor:
Status from the constructor (Provision for Voids approved, declined or changed)
Feedback from the constructor

*.xrs. file can be created in Tekla Structures software.

2.9 Error handling (Show Messages)

Show messages
With this function you can examine the error situations that may occur in the design process (e.g. when the
MAGIMOV command is used), calculations, collision control, etc. The Show Messages dialog contains
information on these error situations, for instance, the system, storey, part type and error type. You can
define the messages according to these properties. In addition to other information about the error situations,
their location is also shown in the dialog (as coordinates).

System where Storey(s) where Part type which are Detailed information
the error occurs. the error occurs. causing the error about the error

It is possible to
select which
errors are
shown (System, Shows where the error are
Storey, Part located (coordinates)
type and
message type).
The coordinates in the Pos
column are selected between
When this box is Floor and UCS coordinates.
enabled, the If UCS coordinates are
information that selected, only the
can be updated coordinates of the active
will be updated storey are shown.
to the drawing.

If you click the Mark All Errors button, When you click an error in the
all locations with errors and warnings list and click the Mark
are shown with error ticks. You can Selected Error and Zoom
remove the error ticks with the Clear button, the error tick appears
Garbage Layer function (MAGIEMP at the location where the
command). error occurs, and the area is

Common Functions 57
Clear Garbage Layer
With this function you can remove the error ticks and Part Property Line output from the drawing.

2.10 Drawing Cleaning Utility

With this utility you can change all the colours to a desired colour in the architectural drawing, and also run
Open the architectural drawing, click the Drawing Cleaning Utility button.

Enable this box if you want to Purge

the drawing (recommended)

Enable this box if you want to Audit the

drawing. You can also select if you
want to fix the possible errors

If you want to change the colour of the

architectural drawing, enable this box
and select the colour you want to use.

If this box is selected, you can select

the objects you want to update.

If you select Current drawing, the whole

drawing will be updated.

58 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

2.11 Property set manager
With the property set manager you can create your own IFC and Navisworks property sets. First create the
needed property sets and then configurations which consist of one or more property sets. The different
configurations can then be used in IFC and Navisworks exports. Start the actual manager function from the
Property Set Manager -button. The following dialog opens.

Switch Select the context: Select the design Property sets

between IFC export or discipline: Electrical or selected to the
configurations Navisworks export. HPV. current
and property configuration.

Adds a new configuration. Here you can

select which property sets (defined in the
Right click menu
property sets tab) belong to the
Create a copy of the configuration.
selected configuration.

Edit the current


Delete the
Import configurations configuration
from another xml -
file. All configurations
and property sets are

Common Functions 59
Property sets and IFC classification references
In the property sets tab you can define different property sets for different object types for the selected
context and discipline. The property sets can then be selected to configurations used in the corresponding
export functions. Only the property sets belonging to a selected configuration are exported.
In the IFC export context you can also define IFC classification references which are used to define a
standard or any kind of classification system according to which a certain property is given for an object, e.g.
MagiCAD’s national code property can be exported as the local “electrical article number” and the electrical
article number classification system is defined as an IFC classification reference.

right click menu

Add a new classification
Add a new IFC property set. reference.

Create a copy of the

selected property set.
Delete the property set.

Edit the property set.

Creating / editing an IFC property set

An IFC property set is a set of properties for a certain type of product that characterizes its behavior and
structure. Basically you can create any kind of property set with MagiCAD’s property set manager “without”
restrictions but this means that official IFC property sets are not automatically created. Be sure to check that
you define valid property sets if you plan to create official IFC property sets with the property set manager.

60 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select if the property set applies on
instance or type level.

Give a name for the property set.

For official property sets check that
the name is valid.

Select to which part types the

property set applies to. With the
checkbox you can select all part
types. You can sort the columns by
clicking on one’s header. Select
several by holding down the shift -key
or the ctrl –key.

Right click menu

Add new property / edit property

Give a name for the


Select the property type

from the list of IFC data

Select the source (a

MagiCAD property) for the
property value. With the
checkbox you can set a
constant value by typing it
into the field.

Creating / editing an IFC classification reference

Creating or editing a classification reference is done in a similar way as for property sets. After starting to
create / edit the following dialog appears. Note that an IFC classification reference cannot have other
properties than name and item reference. The location is given for the whole classification system.

Common Functions 61
General name for the
classification reference.

Name, edition source and

location of the actual
standard / classification

Select to which part types

the classification reference
applies to. With the
checkbox you can select all
part types. You can sort the
columns by clicking on
one’s header. Select
several by holding down
the shift -key or the ctrl –

Right click menu

Select the source (a

MagiCAD property) for the
property value. With the
checkbox you can set a
constant value by typing it
into the field.

62 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Creating / editing a Navisworks property set
Basically in the Navisworks property sets you can define which properties are exported to Navisworks for
which object types and shown in the MagiCAD tab of objects’ properties. The property sets can then be
selected to configurations in a similar way as IFC property sets.

Give a name for the

property set.

Select to which part types the

classification reference
applies to. With the checkbox
you can select all part types.
You can sort the columns by
clicking on one’s header.
Select several by holding
down the shift -key or the ctrl

Right click menu

Add new property / edit property

Select a MagiCAD
property that will be shown
in the property set for the
selected part types.

2.12 Navisworks export

You can use the Property Set Manager to define which properties are exported for which object type(s).
Start the export from the Navisworks Export –button in the MagiCAD Common toolbar/ribbon.

Common Functions 63
Select not to export custom made property sets or
select the configuration(s) that will be exported.

Check this if you want to export only MagiCAD

drawings and not the (possible) external references.

Select if you want to create a new file (.nwd) or

append to an existing file (.nwf) in .nwd format.
When using append you must first select the nwf –
file where the current drawing will be appended to.

Do the export

2.13 IFC Exports

About IFC
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is an international standard for defining the product models in the building
services. It is a method for sharing and distributing the information between different software applications.
A MagiCAD drawing can be saved in the IFC format and this way transferred e.g. to the CAD application that
is used by the architect. The geometrical and technical information of electrical and HVAC objects are
transferred with the help of an IFC file.
IFC version 2x3 is used in MagiCAD.

Creating an IFC file (IFC Export)

Start the function with the IFC Export –button in the MagiCAD Common toolbar/ribbon or by typing
command MAGIIFC and pressing Enter. The IFC Export -dialog opens. Select the desired options and press
Ok. Then select the objects you want to export. When selecting objects in MagiCAD Electrical you have the
same options on the command line as for e.g. Change Properties and Change Elevation.

64 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

After the export has finished you get a summary of the exported objects, e.g.
Electrical HPV

Common Functions 65
Select which origin is used as the
storey origin when exporting. It is
recommended to use the
MagiCAD Room origin when
exporting to a building’s Ifc file
made with MagiCAD Room. In
HPV you can use the HPV storey
origin instead. WCS means the Select if you want to
World Coordinate System and export cables or not.
UCS User Coordinate System.
WCS is recommended when the
building’s Ifc file is made with other
Select if you want to
Select which custom property set export electrical circuits
configuration(s) you wish to export. as protective devices.

The IFC 2x3 contains standard Ifc

property sets. Create a new IFC file
The Cost Data (Eldata) can be utilized and select the objects
in the Norwegian Eldata –software to be exported.
used in cost estimations. (Electrical)
The MagiCAD property sets contain
MagiCAD’s own property sets.
The NS3420 classification is a
Norwegian classification definition.
You can edit/create the configurations With the Remove parts -button you
with the Property Set Manager – can remove all building system
function (MagiCAD Common). objects (Electrical and HVAC) from
an existing IFC file leaving only the
Append the objects to an existing IFC file. building with its storeys intact.
Select the IFC file then select the storey to Select the existing IFC file where to
append to and finally select the objects to remove the objects.
be exported.
With the Remove parts from
storey -button you can remove all
building system objects (Electrical
and HVAC) from one storey in an
existing IFC file. Select the existing
IFC file and its storey where to
remove the objects.

select the objects to be exported

and press enter

66 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3. MagiCAD Heating & Piping
and Ventilation
3.1 Project

3.1.1 How to create the project

Creating new project
After you have made initial procedures, you can create the MagiCAD project. Initial procedures have been
explained in other document. C:\Project1 directory is used in this example.

If this is active, drawing will be added to the Model drawings list. You can add
connection nodes between the drawings in the list and those drawings can also be
added to the bill of material. Missing drawings can be added in Project –dialog
(Project -> Model Drawings).

Here you can see all the possible places, where you
can save the project files. Select the wanted folder.
More information in next chapter.

Give the name for the project. 3 project

files will be created: *.epj, *.qpd and *.lin

Select MagiCAD template. You can use templates for example from MagiCAD
HPV\Templates folder. Template is prefilled project file, which contains some
systems, devices, components, dimension texts, sizing criterias, duct/pipe
series etc.
Note! You can also use old projects as a template!

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 67

Location of the project files
Project files (*.epj, *.qpd, *.lin) and MagiCAD drawings can be added to the same folder or you can devide
them different ways. Here is one example:

Best place for project files is the

main folder of the project. You can have several subfolders
under the main folder.

You can devide the drawings for example so that all the system goups are in their own

If the project files are saved to the main folder of the project, all the drawings in main folder
or its subfolders and their subfolders can be connected to the MagiCAD project!

68 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Storey list, active storey and storey origin
After you have created the project, Project Management –dialog is opened. Now you still need to “tell”
which storey the active drawing is. First you need to create the Storeys list. There you define all the storeys
in the building and how the storeys are located relatively to each others.
Edit the existing information or add/copy new products and
information by taking the right click in this window. After
Select the group that you
right click, you can choose the wanted operation from the
want to edit.
PopUp –menu.
Defining the storey list will be explained later in this

PopUp -menu

Install the MagiCAD origin point. MagiCAD needs its own origin, so that it
knows how the storeys are located relatively each others.

Installing the origin is explained later in this dfocument.

Select the active storey for the active drawing.

Storey list
Select Storeys for creating new storey list in. Take a right click in the window in right side. And select an
option you want from PopUp –menu.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 69

PopUp -menu

Unique ID for the storey. It is not

possible to change the ID afterwards. Edit the selected storey
Insert new storey
Delete the selected storey
Copy the selected storey
Give the name to storey
Paste the copied storey
Import the storey list from
MagiCAD Room project

x, y and z – define the location of the storey relative

Some notes can be added to these to the storey origin. This is the left lower corner. This
fields defines how the storeys are located according to
each others.
Install the Storey origin to the point, which is same in
a and b – define the size of the building/drawing all storeys. Good points are for example the corner
area. A value is the size in x-direction and b of the building, crossing point of module lines.
value is the size in y-direction. Sometimes it is good to draw a helping line for
h – this is the room height. If you use linetypes example from the corner of the elevator.
according to objects height level, this value is
one height level where the linetype changes.

Active storey
After the storey list is ready, you still need to “tell” which storey the active drawing is. Storey list can be edited
afterwards also.

70 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 71
Install storey origin
MagiCAD needs its own origin point to be able to understand the location of all the storeys. Because of this,
all the ducts and pipes are in right place when they are taken from storey to other storey (with connection
node –function).

Give the coordinates, if you already know them

Show the origin point for MagiCAD. Start the function,

show the origin point and then the direction of x-axis.

Quite often the origin point is good to install to the lower

left corner of the building. Good point is also crossing point
of module lines. Sometimes it is needed to draw some
helping line from some constant point of the building – for
example from the corner of the elevator.
When installing the origin point, it is good to zoom the
corner point closer (zoom window). Use also AutoCAD’s
Snap Intersection –function (you can find it for example by
pushing Ctrl-button down and taking the right click.
Select the corner point and show the direction of the x-axis
after this. Use AutoCAD’s ORTHO (F8) value on to be sure
that the direction of x-axis is straight.

Project Management –dialog is reopened after installing the storey origin. If it is ok, you can close the
Project Management –dialog and start to draw. Or you can reinstall the storey origin, if it went to wrong
place –or position.


Before you can start to draw with MagiCAD, you need to connect the drawing to the existing project or create
the new project. And in both cases you need to select the active storey for the drawing and also install the
MagiCAD’s storey origin.

72 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.1.2 How to create the systems in MagiCAD
Every MagiCAD object belongs to some system. There can be hundreds of systems in same project, if
All the systems are located in Project Management –dialog.

Select the system and take a right click in the window in right. PopUp –menu opens

Edit the selected system

Insert new system
Delete the selected system
Copy the selected system
Paste the copied system

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 73

Ventilation systems

ID – this ID makes all systems unique. It is not possible to change it Select the wanted sizing
afterwards. method for this system. Sizing
methods can be created in
UserCode – identification for the system. User Code can be used for
Project  Ducts 
example in dimension texts. Sizing methods
Name - description for the system. This is shown in the lists
where you select the systems. Can be used in dimension texts also.
System type – options for the system types are; Supply air, Extract
air, Exhaust air and Outdoor air.
Color – color for the system can be selected with Select –button.

Linetype – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD Layers

(Project  Ducts  Layers) is set to By system.

Systems can be divided to their own layers

by using the layer variables (SV1-3). Then
you need to add this/these variables to Layer
structure – for example {SV1}

Select the calculations which you want to

allow using in this system.
Flow sum - sum up all the flows. It doesn’t
change the duct sizes etc.
Sizing – sum up the flows and also
change the duct sizes according to selected
sizing criteria.
Balancing – sum up the flows and try to
balance the system. Balancing does not
change the duct sizes.
BOM (Bill of Materials) – objects in Define the sound data which fan gives to the
this system are calculated to the bill of ducts.
material list

Minimum dp for flow damper [Pa]- define the minimum value for flow dampers
Minimum dp for devices [Pa] - define the minimum value for air devices
Warning limit of high dp [Pa]- warning limit for balancing. Calculation gives warning, if the
pressure exceeds this level in some object.
Balancing warning tolerance [% of dp]- with this value, you can allow a wanted percentage
deviation for pressure drops.
Balancing to minimum pressure - MagiCAD perform the balancing so, that the pressure drop
remains as small as possible.
Balancing to fan pressure - if you have used some real fan, then you can balance the system
according to fan. In this case, there is no open end in the system. At the moment, these kind of intelligent
fans are included only in exhaust devices.
Balancing to given pressure - define the pressure, that you want to use for balancing, to Given
pressure [Pa] field

74 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Heating, cooling and special systems

ID – this ID makes all systems unique. It is not possible to change it Select the wanted sizing
afterwards. method for this system. Sizing
methods can be created in
UserCode – identification for the system. User Code can be used for
Project  Pipes 
example in dimension texts. Heating, cooling and
Name - description for the system. This is shown in thel ists special systems 
where you select the systems. Can be used in dimension texts also. Sizing methods
Color – color for the system can be selected with Select –button.

Linetype – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD Layers

(Project  Heating, cooling and special systems 
Layers) is set to By system.

Systems can be divided to their own layers

by using the layer variables (SV1-3). Then
you need to add this/these variables to Layer
structure – for example {SV1}

Select the calculations which you want to

allow using in this system.
Flow sum - sum up all the flows. It doesn’t
change the duct sizes etc.
Sizing – sum up the flows and also
change the pipe sizes according to selected
sizing criteria.
Balancing – sum up the flows and try to
balance the system. Balancing does not
change the pipe sizes.
BOM (Bill of Materials) – objects in
this system are calculated to the bill of Liquid – select the wanted liquid type. Liquid types
material list can be created in Project  Pipes 
Heating, cooling and special systems 
Heat transfer media
Temperatures – define the temperatures for supply
and return water

Minimum dp for radiator valves [kPa]- define the minimum value for radiator valves
Minimum dp for zone valves [kPa] - define the minimum value for zone valves
Warning limit of high dp [kPa] - warning limit for balancing. Calculation gives warning, if the
pressure exceeds this level in some object.
Balancing to minimum pressure - MagiCAD perform the balancing so, that the pressure drop
remains as small as possible.
Balancing to pump pressure - define the pressure, that you want to use for balancing, to Pump
pressure [kPa] field

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 75

Water systems

ID – this ID makes all systems unique. It is not possible to change it Select the wanted sizing
afterwards. methods for this system. Sizing
methods can be created in
UserCode – identification for the system. User Code can be used for
Project  Pipes 
example in dimension texts.
Water systems  Sizing
Name - description for the system. This is shown in thel ists methods
where you select the systems. Can be used in dimension texts also.
Color – color for the system can be selected with Select –button.

Linetype – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD Layers

(Project  Water systems  Layers) is set to By system.

Lowest service pressure [kPa] – define the pressure which

this system have in use.

Systems can be divided to their own layers

by using the layer variables (SV1-3). Then
you need to add this/these variables to Layer
structure – for example {SV1}

Select the calculations which you want to

allow using in this system.
Flow sum - sum up all the flows. It doesn’t
change the duct sizes etc.
Sizing – sum up the flows and also change
the pipe sizes according to selected sizing
Balancing – sum up the flows and try to
balance the system. Balancing does not
change the pipe sizes.
BOM (Bill of Materials) – objects in
this system are calculated to the bill of
material list

Temperatures - define the temperatures for cold ,-hot –and circulation


Minimum dp for radiator valves [kPa]- define the minimum value for radiator valves
Minimum dp for zone valves [kPa]- define the minimum value for zone valves
Warning limit of high dp [kPa]- warning limit for balancing. Calculation gives warning, if the
pressure exceeds this level in some object.
Warning limit of high/low qv - MagiCAD gives the warning if the water flow is outside of this
range in water points

76 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Sprinkler systems

ID – this ID makes all systems unique. It is not possible to change it afterwards.

UserCode – identification for the system. User Code can be used for example in dimension texts.
Name - description for the system. This is shown in thel ists where you select the systems.
Can be used in dimension texts also.
Range pipe color - the color of the connection pipe.
Distribution pipes start from size – aseta tähän putkikoko, mistä alkaen putki on
runkoputkea. MagiCAD valitsee automaattisesti putken värin sen mukaan, onko se kytkentäputki
vai runkoputki
Distribution pipe - järjestelmään kuuluvan runkoputken väri
Linetype – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD Layers (Project  Pipes 
Sprinklers  Layers) is set to By system.

Welded pipes start from size – pipe connections are welded starting from this size.
Connection type (welded or components) affects to the sprinkler calculation.

Area of coverage [m2] – the are

that one sprinkler can handle. This is a
default value for the sprinklers which
are installed to this system. Area of
coverage value can be changed while
installing the sprinkler and also
Pressure at weakest sprinkler
[mbar] – sprinkler launches when this
value exceeds.

Systems can be divided to their own

layers by using the layer variables
(SV1-3). Then you need to add
this/these variables to Layer structure
– for example {SV1}

Select the wanted calculation method.

Only Hazen-Williams is in use at the
BOM (Bill of Materials) –
objects in this system are calculated to
the bill of material list

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 77

Sewer systems
ID – this ID makes all systems unique. It is not possible to change it afterwards.
UserCode – identification for the system. User Code can be used for example in dimension
Name - description for the system. This is shown in thel ists where you select the
systems. Can be used in dimension texts also.
Sewer color - color for the system can be selected with Select –button
Linetype – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD Layers (Project  Sewers
 Layers) is set to By system.

Systems can be divided to their own

layers by using the layer variables
(SV1-3). Then you need to add
this/these variables to Layer structure
– for example {SV1}

Select the calculations which you want

to allow using in this system.
Flow sum - sum up all the flows. It
doesn’t change the duct sizes etc.
BOM (Bill of Materials) –
objects in this system are calculated to
the bill of material list

78 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.1.3 How to select products to project
Devices and components, which are needed in the drawings, need to be select to the project. After some
device/component has selected to the project, it is immediately in use in all the drawings which are
connected to the same project.
All the devices and components are located under Part list (Project  Ducts/Pipes/Sewers 

Select for example Supply devices. All the products which are now selected to the project are shown in the
window in right side. Take a right click in the window and select the wanted option from the PopUp –menu.

Properties shows the information

Edit for editing the product information
Delete the selected product. Note! if the
Select products to project for selecting new
products from Manufacturer’s databases

UserCode – This is an identification code for device. It is shown in

device lists and bill of material list. It can also be used in dimension
Product variables – Product variable value can be used in layer
name with layer variable {PV}. P1-P5 are for extra information.
National code – the possible standard code can be set to this field.
Product – product code of the selected device
Object ID format – Devices can have an automatic device ID. It
nothing is selected, then this value can be set manually for devices.
Object ID settings can be defined in Project  Variable sets
 object ID formats
Note! All these values values can be used in dimension texts and
MagiCAD Export list.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 79

Select products to project
Choose Select products to project option from the PopUp –menu.

You can choose the product databases from the Progman’s internet
server (Internet databases) or from your own directory (Local
Select the manufacturer databases).
whose product you want to If you use databases from your own computer/own server, you can
use define the wanted folder from Select product database path. You
can download the latest databases from
Internet databases option requires an internet connection.

Choose the rendered

presentation or the wireframe
presentation with dimension.
Rendered picture can be rotated
and moved with your mouse left -
-and the scroll button.

This shows more information from the selected products

You can search products with its
product code or description.
When the search function is used
first time (or after updating the
databases) it takes some time
because MagiCAD creates an
index file. Next time search
function is very fast.

Add the wanted product to the project with Select product button. MagiCAD automatically takes all the
sizes, in that product family, to the project.
Define at least the User Code value.

Note! Do not remove the products which are used in some drawings in this project!

80 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.1.4 How to create an insulation series

It is possible to create new insulation series or copy them from other MagiCAD projects. Insulation series are
located in Project –dialog under each system group (Project  Ducts/Pipes/Sewers 
Insulation Series)

Insulation series for ducts

Select insulation series from some

other MagiCAD project.
More information later in this

ID –makes all insulation series unique. It is not

possible to change it afterwards.
UserCode – identification for the serie..
Description - description for the serie. This is
shown in the lists where you select the systems.
National code – possible standard code can be set
to this field.
Material – the material code of the insulation serie
Note! All these values values can be used in
dimension texts and MagiCAD Export list.

Define the thickness for insulation. If all the Type – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD
sizes have the same insulation thickness, Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers ->
mark the Dmax value to 999. Insulation) is set to By object.
Circular ducts – in this example insulation Color - this color value is used, if the setting in
thickness 50mm is used up to ø125 ducts. MagiCAD Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers
Then from ø126-ø200 ducts the thickness is  Insulation) is set to By object.
60mm, etc.
Line weight - this color value is used, if the setting
Rectangular ducts – Rules are the same in MagiCAD Layers (Project  Ducts 
than with circular ducts. Set the maximum Layers  Insulation) is set to By object
width to the Bmax and maximum height to

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 81

Insulation series for Pipes

Select insulation series from some

other MagiCAD project.
More information later in this

ID –makes all insulation series unique. It is not possible

to change it afterwards.
UserCode – identification for the serie..
Description - description for the serie. This is
shown in the lists where you select the systems.
National code – possible standard code can be set
to this field.
Material – the material code of the insulation serie
Note! All these values values can be used in dimension
texts and MagiCAD Export list.

Type – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD

Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers ->
Insulation) is set to By object.
Color - this color value is used, if the setting in
MagiCAD Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers
 Insulation) is set to By object.
Define the thickness for insulation. If all
the sizes have the same insulation Line weight - this color value is used, if the setting in
thickness, mark the Dmax value to 999. MagiCAD Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers
 Insulation) is set to By object
in this example insulation thickness 20mm
is used up to ø50 pipes Then from ø51-
ø90 pipes the thickness is 30mm, etc.

82 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Insulation series for Sewers

Select insulation series from some

other MagiCAD project.
More information later in this

ID –makes all insulation series unique. It is not possible

to change it afterwards.
UserCode – identification for the serie..
Description - description for the serie. This is
shown in the lists where you select the systems.
National code – possible standard code can be set
to this field.
Material – the material code of the insulation serie
Note! All these values values can be used in dimension
texts and MagiCAD Export list.

Type – this linetype is used, if the setting in MagiCAD

Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers ->
Insulation) is set to By object.
Color - this color value is used, if the setting in
MagiCAD Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers
 Insulation) is set to By object.
Define the thickness for insulation. If all
the sizes have the same insulation Line weight - this color value is used, if the setting in
thickness, mark the Dmax value to 999. MagiCAD Layers (Project  Ducts  Layers
 Insulation) is set to By object
in this example insulation thickness
100mm is used in all sewer pipe sizes.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 83

Insulation series can be imported from the selected project to the active project.

Select the object group what you Select the project from where you want to
want to import to project import the insulation serie

Move the selected insulation serie to the active

project with the arrow to the right.
Remove the insulation serie from the active
project with the arrow to left.

84 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.1.5 How to create duct and pipe series
When you start to draw duct/pipe networks, you need to select the duct/pipe series. MagiCAD use the sizes
in that serie when the system is sized with MagiCAD’s Sizing function.
It is possible to create new duct and pipe series or copy them from other MagiCAD projects. Duct and pipe
series are located in Project –dialog under each system group (Project  Ducts/Pipes/Sewers 
Duct series/Pipe series/Sewer series)

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 85

Duct series
Select duct series from some other
MagiCAD project.
More information later in this

ID –makes all duct series unique. It is not possible

to change it afterwards.
k – this is the roughness factor of the duct
Flexible duct – select this one if the duct are

Name – name for duct serie

UserCode – identification for the serie
National code – the possible standard code can
be set to this field.
Material – material code for the serie
Object ID format – Devices can have an
automatic device ID. It nothing is selected, then this
Define the duct sizes for this serie. Add the value can be set manually for devices. Object ID
new size with right-click -> Add button and settings can be defined in Project  Variable
edit the existing size with double click. sets  object ID formats
Sizes in rectangular ducts is in order width Note! All these values can be used in dimension
x height. For example 600x300. texts and MagiCAD Export list.
Bend R/D –defines the ratio of the bend
radius and the duct diameter.
Fit-on length – minimum length for
Right-click the window to add new products to
ducts. It means that if the value is for
product list. More information about this can be
example 40 mm then 2 bends after each
found at document HPV_Production model.doc
others need at least 2x40 mm duct
between them. And if you move the duct
component as close to bend as possible, it
goes 2x40 mm distance from the bend.
Extra length - this length is needed to
get the female connection product
between 2 fittings (for example Lindab
MF). More information about this can be
found at document HPV_Production

Note! In sizing, MagiCAD goes through this list and selects the first size which fills up the sizing
criteria. It is also possible to make the duct serie which includes circular –and rectangular sizes. Or
the serie where all the heights are same and only the width is different.

86 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Pipe series
Select pipe series from some other
MagiCAD project.
More information later in this

ID –makes all pipe series unique. It is not possible

to change it afterwards.
k – this is the roughness factor of the pipe. Separate
values for heating and water pipes.
Hazen-Williams factor – this value is needed
in sprinkler calculations

Name – name for duct serie

UserCode – identification for the serie
National code – the possible standard code can
be set to this field.
Define the pipe sizes for this serie. Add the Material – material code for the serie
new size with Add button and edit the existing Object ID format – Devices can have an
size with double click. automatic device ID. It nothing is selected, then this
value can be set manually for devices. Object ID
settings can be defined in Project  Variable
sets  object ID formats
Note! All these values can be used in dimension
texts and MagiCAD Export list.

Size – pipe size

d-in – inner diameter of the pipe
d-out – outer diameter of the pipe
Valve size – choose which size of valve is installed to this pipe size
Bend R/D – defines the ratio of the bend radius and the pipe diameter.
Fit-on length – minimum length for ducts. It means that if the value is for example 5 mm then 2 bends
after each others need at least 2x5 mm pipe between them. And if you move the pipe component as close
to bend as possible, it goes 2x5 mm distance from the bend.
User field 1 of series – extra information for the pipe serie. This information is shown in the pipe’s
installation dialog

Note! In sizing, MagiCAD goes through this list and selects the first size which fills up the sizing

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 87

Sewer series

Select sewer series from some

other MagiCAD project.
More information later in this

ID –makes all sewer series unique. It is not possible

to change it afterwards.

Name – name for duct serie

UserCode – identification for the serie
National code – the possible standard code can
be set to this field.
Define the sewer sizes for this serie. Add the Material – material code for the serie
new size with Add button and edit the existing Object ID format – Devices can have an
size with double click. automatic device ID. It nothing is selected, then this
value can be set manually for devices. Object ID
settings can be defined in Project  Variable
sets  object ID formats
Note! All these values can be used in dimension
texts and MagiCAD Export list.

Size – pipe size

d-in – inner diameter of the pipe
d-out – outer diameter of the pipe
Valve size – choose which size of valve is installed to this pipe size
Bend R/D – defines the ratio of the bend radius and the pipe diameter.
Fit-on length – minimum length for ducts. It means that if the value is for example 5 mm then 2 bends
after each others need at least 2x5 mm pipe between them. And if you move the pipe component as close
to bend as possible, it goes 2x5 mm distance from the bend.
User field 1 of series – extra information for the pipe series. This information is shown in the
sewer pipe’s installation dialog

88 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Duct and pipe series can be imported from the selected project to the active project.

Select the object group what you Select the project from where you want to
want to import to project import the duct/pipe series

Move the selected duct/pipe series to the active

project with the arrow to the right.
Remove the duct/pipe series from the active
project with the arrow to left.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 89

3.1.6 How to create sizing methods
You can select the wanted sizing method for each ventilation-, heating/cooling –and water system. It is also
possible to create new sizing methods.
When you start to create -or edit sizing methods, you need to select the sizing method. Sizing methods are
located in Project –dialog under each system group (Project  Ducts/Pipes  Sizing

90 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Sizing methods for ventilation

ID –makes all sizing methods unique. It is not

possible to change it afterwards.
Description – description for sizing method

Define the sizing methods. Add the new criteria with Ins button and edit the existing criteria with double
Dekv-max –defines the maximum diameter that v-max and dp-max are used with
v-max [m/s] – maximum velocity. When the velocity is reached, MagiCAD takes the next size.
dp-max [Pa/m] – maximum friction loss. When the pressure is reached, MagiCAD takes the next
In this example the ducts are sized according to velocity – that’s why the dp-max is set so high that it is
never exceeded.
With this sizing method the sizing goes through all the duct sizes and change the size if the velocity
exceeds the 4 m/s. This is used until ø160 duct size is reached. After that MagiCAD allows 5 m/s to the
duct size ø315. And so on.

Note! The values have to be in right order in the list. It is also allowed to use both velocity and
friction loss in same method.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 91

Sizing methods for heating, cooling and special systems

ID –makes all sizing methods unique. It is not

possible to change it afterwards.
Description – description for sizing method

Define the sizing methods. Add the new criteria with Ins button and edit the existing criteria with double
Dekv-max –defines the maximum diameter that v-max and dp-max are used with
v-max [m/s] – maximum velocity. When the velocity is reached, MagiCAD takes the next size.
dp-max [Pa/m] – maximum friction loss. When the pressure is reached, MagiCAD takes the next
In this example the pipes are sized according to friction loss – that’s why the v-max is set so high that it
is never exceeded.
With this sizing method the sizing goes through all the pipe sizes and change the size if the friction loss
exceeds the 50 Pa/m. This is used for all sizes

Note! The values have to be in right order in the list. It is also allowed to use both velocity and
friction loss in same method.

92 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Sizing methods for water systems

ID –makes all sizing methods unique. It is not

possible to change it afterwards.
Description – description for sizing method

Define the sizing methods. Add the new criteria with Ins button and edit the existing criteria with double
Dekv-max –defines the maximum diameter that v-max and dp-max are used with
v-max [m/s] – maximum velocity. When the velocity is reached, MagiCAD takes the next size.
dp-max [Pa/m] – maximum friction loss. When the pressure is reached, MagiCAD takes the next
In this example the pipes are sized according to velocity – that’s why the dp-max is set so high that it is
never exceeded.
With this sizing method the sizing goes through all the pipe sizes and change the size if the velocity
exceeds the 2 m/s. This is used for all pipe sizes.

Note! The values have to be in right order in the list. It is also allowed to use both velocity and
friction loss in same method. You can select the different method separately for cold, hot and
circulation water pipes

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 93

3.1.7 How to create heat transfer media
Heat transfer media
Liquid type is needed for the calculations of heating –and cooling systems.

It is possible to create new liquid types. Select the Heat transfer media from the Project –dialog, under
Heating, cooling and special systems (Project  Heating, cooling and special systems 
Heat transfer media).

ID –makes all sizing methods unique. It is not possible

to change it afterwards.
Description – description for sizing method

Density [kg/m3] –density of the liquid

Heat capacity [J/kgK] – heat capacity of the
Viscosity [m2/sE-7] – viscosity of the liquid

94 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.1.8 Update drawing data

With this function you can update the information from project to drawing. This is needed if information is
changed in Project -dialog.
Almost every information can be changed and they can be updated to drawings - for example symbols,
product informations, layer names, colors etc.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 95

3.2 Ventilation

3.2.1 How to draw ducts

Duct options
Start to draw duct with Duct –button . If the command is used first time in this MagiCAD session the
Design options –dialog is opened automatically. Later it can be opened by taking the Options from the
PopUp –menu (right click).

Series – select the wanted duct serie

Size – select the duct size. If the system will be sized with MagiCAD, then it doesn’t matter
which size is used. It is however recommended to use as right sizes as possible because then
it is easier to pre-make crossings and predict the space requirements.
Locked – it is also possible to lock the duct sizes. If the size is locked then MagiCAD’s sizing
does not change the duct size.
Swapped – this option change the rectangular ducts width and height to opposite. For example
300x100  swapped  100x300.

Select the bend and reduction type for circular –and

rectangular ducts. NOTE! MagiCAD version 2010.11
includes new bends, branchs and reduction types.

Select the branch and reduction types for duct-duct

Use outlets that break the duct as T-
branches - if this is active, outlet breaks the duct and
in this case sizing is able to change the size of the main
duct as well.
Note: This option can be changed with Change

Select the insulation serie if needed.

Routing method:
Smart – MagiCAD always use It is also possible to select the status for the ducts.
standard parts (for example bends) Status can be for example new, to be removed, existing
Direct – it is possible to draw etc.
with non-standard parts

Select the bend for the main duct – branch connections. This bend is used only when the drawing direction
is toward the main duct and if the ducts are in different height levels.
Example: 30 deg is active and the duct is drawn from air device to main duct. Air device is in lower height
level than main duct. When the branch duct is connected to main duct, 30 degree angle is used.

96 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

NEW! If Automatically select products (while drawing) is selected, MagiCAD
automatically select real products if possible (real product has to be selected to duct series). If
the box is unselected, MagiCAD uses same products than previous versions. More information
can be found at MagiCAD HPV Production model/HPV_Production model.doc

If Show warning if product not found is selected, MagiCAD gives a warning message
if suitable product is not found.

Note! Duct serie -and size, insulation serie, status, lock status and branch types can be
added/changed afterwards with Change Properties function.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 97

Drawing the duct
After the settings are ok, start to draw the duct. You can connect to the existing duct or air device and then
continue to draw duct. Or you can start to draw duct from the empty place. In this situation click the place
where you want to draw the duct. Dialog opens.

Select the system for the ducts

Select the height level where you want to draw ducts. It is

possible to give the height level to the bottom, center –or top
level of the duct. MagiCAD then calculates the other values
according to duct size.

It is also possible to copy the height level from the existing

MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top of the
selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level field.
Then object goes over the selected object
You can copy the information from the
Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
selected object. Duct serie, size, system
center of the selected object. This value is put to the Center
and the height level ill be copied
field. In this case the duct goes to the same height level with
the selected object
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the bottom of
the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level
field. Then object goes under the selected object

After the suitable system and height level are selected, start to draw duct.

Draw the duct from point to point. Bends

and T-branches are created
automatically when drawing.
If you want to get the duct shorter, just
draw it backward. Or if you want to go
back “over” the bend/branch take a right
click and select Back option from the
PopUp –menu.
Finish the drawing with enter or esc –
Or if you connect the duct to the air
device or to other duct, the command

98 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing options
When the duct is drawn, all the drawing options are shown in AutoCAD’s commandline. They can also be
used from the PopUp –menu which appears with right click.

Use the commandline options by selecting the

capital letter and then push enter/space

noConnect – if this is selected, then the duct can’t be connected to

any object. This option is needed for example in the situations where
are many ducts very close each others.
Angle – choose the wanted angle to the duct
Z – height difference changes are made by using this option. More
information later in this document
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the settings can be
Back – duct goes back to the previous bend/branch
Plug – MagiCAD add the plug to the end of the duct
connection Node – this function add the connection node to the end
of the duct. It means that is is possible to continue to draw the duct from
the other storey (other dwg). All the technical data is transferred. More
information in other chapter.
Special connection – you can connect 2 open ends together with
this function. Then you have possibility to see the results with the
standard angles or you can also create the special connection with non-
standard angles.
forK – add the “installation plate” to the end of the duct. Then it is
possible to continue with many ducts from that plate.
smart <> direct – you can switch between smart and direct routing.
This is the same option than in Options –dialog.
Device – add the air device to the end of the duct
coMponent – add the component to the duct
cLeaning cover – add the cleaning cover to the end of the duct

forK Special connection

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 99

Height difference changes
Height difference changes are always made with the Z –option (from PopUp –menu).

Select the height level where you want to take the duct. It is
possible to give the height level to the bottom, center –or top level
of the duct. MagiCAD then calculates the other values according to
the duct size.
It is also possible to copy the height level from the existing
MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top of the
selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level field. Then
object goes over the selected object
Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the center of
the selected object. This value is put to the Center field. In this
case the duct goes to the same height level with the selected object
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the bottom of the
selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level field. Then
object goes under the selected object

Select the angle for the height difference.

If the angle is some other than 90°, MagiCAD asks to show the direction for the
height difference
Free angle – show the end point (the point where the height level is the one
you have given in Heights field). MagiCAD then choose the angle which takes the
duct to the wanted height level.

100 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Tips and Tricks
When you continue to draw the duct, you can do it in two ways: you can select the command and then
connect to the duct or device or you can first select the duct or device and then start the drawing from the +

Start the command and connect to the

duct or device and draw

Select the duct or device and click the + mark

and draw.

If you select the + grip from the middle of the

duct, MagiCAD starts the duct command and
then it is possible to connect where ever.

If the command does not start from the + grip, turn off AutoCAD’s dynamic input

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 101

3.2.2 How to install the air device
Selecting the air devices

Start to install the air device with some of the Air Device –buttons .

Possibility to change the product group.

All the devices, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted Air device.

Size - select the suitable size.

Qv – give the needed air flow in l/s or m3/h.
Collar length – define the lenth for the collar
below air device box. If the value is out of range, the
field goes red.

All these values can be changed afterwards

Select the wanted placement for the Select the wanted orientation for the device
device. If the device is meant to use
only in some specific direction, values
can’t be changed.

102 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Air device properties and selecting new devices

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens

Check the properties of the selected device.

Select new products to project. More

information in other chapter.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 103

Installing the air device
After the right device is selected and the settings are ok, install the air device. It can be installed to the end of
the duct, empty place or also to the edge of the duct.

Options and installing air device to the duct

When the device is connected to the

duct, it has to be rotated to the right
direction. In this case the message is
shown in AutoCAD’s commandline.

If the air device is connected to the duct,

it inherits the system from the duct.

Connect – if this is selected, the air device can be

connected to the duct.
Direction – if the device is installed to the empty
place, it is good to rotate it to the correct direction before
installation. It can of course be rotated afterwards with
AutoCAD’s rotate function.
Grille direction – in some devices, it is possible to
rotate the diffuser separately
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the settings
can be changed

Normal Grille direction / Grille direction 45°

104 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing air device to the empty place
If the air device is installed to the empty place, the dialog opens

Select the wanted system.

It is possible to select the status for the air

device. Status can be for example new, to be
removed, existing etc.
It can be defined / changed afterwards.

It is also possible to copy the height level from

the existing MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Align tops – MagiCAD copies the height level
(top level) from the selected object
Select the height level where you want to install Align connections – MagiCAD takes the
the air device. connection height level from the selected object.
It is possible to give the height level to the top – Align inst.levels – MagiCAD takes the
and bottom level of the device (bottom level is height level from the selected objects inst. level.
the bottom of the diffuser). Or if the heght evel s taken for example from the
duct, then the connection height level is used.
It is also possible to give the height level of the
installation point and the height level of the Align bottoms – MagiCAD copies the height
device (=bottom height level – the height of the level (bottom level) from the selected object

Top level of device

height Inst. level of device

Bottom level of device

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 105

3.2.3 How to install duct components

Duct components
It is possible to install different kind of components to the ducts. Start the installation from some of the
following buttons.

Flow Damper

Fire Damper
Cleaning Cover

Other Component

Installing the fire damper

Selecting the damper

Possibility to change the product


All the fire dampers, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted fire damper

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Properties – Check the information from the
selected fire damper
Some components can be installed to Select products to project – select new fire
the empty place (not connected to the damper to project. More information in other chapter.
duct). Size field is active in those

106 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the damper
When the duct component is installed, it is not needed/possible to select the size. MagiCAD Automatically
take the same connection size than the duct size is.
Select the wanted component and then show the place from the duct where you want to install it.

Installing the flow damper

Selecting the damper

Possibility to change the product


All the flow dampers, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted flow damper

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Properties – Check the information from the
selected flow damper
Some components can be installed to Select products to project – select new flow
the empty place (not connected to the damper to project. More information in other chapter.
duct). Size field is active in those

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 107

Installing the damper
When the duct component is installed, it is not needed/possible to select the size. MagiCAD Automatically
take the same connection size than the duct size is.
Select the wanted component and then show the place from the duct where you want to install it.

Installing the silencer

Selecting the damper

Possibility to change the product


All the silencers, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted silencer

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Properties – Check the information from the
selected silencer
Some components can be installed to Select products to project – select new
the empty place (not connected to the silencer to project. More information in other chapter.
duct). Size field is active in those

Installing the silencer

When the duct component is installed, it is not needed/possible to select the size. MagiCAD Automatically
take the same connection size than the duct size is.

108 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the wanted component and then show the place from the duct where you want to install it.

Installing the other component

Selecting the other component

Possibility to change the product


All the other components, in this project, are shown

in this window.
Select the wanted component

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Properties – Check the information from the
selected component
Some components can be installed to Select products to project – select new
the empty place (not connected to the other component to project. More information in other
duct). Size field is active in those chapter.

Installing the other component

When the duct component is installed, it is not needed/possible to select the size. MagiCAD Automatically
take the same connection size than the duct size is.
Select the wanted component and then show the place from the duct where you want to install it.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 109

110 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide
Selecting the cleaning cover

All the cleaning covers, in this project, are shown in

this window.
Select the wanted cleaning cover

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Select products to project – select new
cleaning covers to project. More information in other

It is also possible to use General cleaning cover. Then it is not a real

component – it is just a symbol which can be installed straight ducts, bends
and plugs.
General cleaning covers are included to bill of materials, but they are not
separated according to duct sizes.

Installing the cleaning cover

When the cleaning cover is installed, it is not needed/possible to select the size. MagiCAD Automatically
take the same connection size than the duct size is.
Select the wanted cleaning cover and then show the place from the duct where you want to install it.

If the cleaning cover is installed to the edge of the duct, the

direction needs to be shown.
Tip! Turn ortho off and you can rotate the cleaning cover
around the duct.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 111

3.2.4 How to install flow arrows
Flow arrows
It is possible to add the flow arrows for air devices or to the empty place. MagiCAD automatically recognize
the system type of ait device and it can take the correct arrow for that.

Start the flow arrow installation with Flow Arrow –button . Extra options can be selected from the PopUp
–menu (right click).

noConnect – the arrow is installed to the empty place

with this option
1-4 – select the number of arrows
Direction – Rotate the flow arrows to the wanted
Options – define the options for the flow arrows

Flow arrow options

Select Options from the PopUp -menu. Options –dialog opens.

All the system type have own arrow options. Select the one
you want to edit

Choose the length for the arrows “stick”. If the Short or

Long options are not suitable, define your own length in
User defined field

Choose the head for the arrow

Choose the figure to the arrows “stick”

Here you can see how the arrow will look

112 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the flow arrow
After the settings are defined install the arrow. Installing is easy, just click the air device.

3.2.5 How to use distribution box

Distribution box
It is possible to create a distribution box where can be 50 duct connections. 49 ducts is able to “come in” to
the box and 1 has to go forward towards the open end (air handling unit). This can be used in many
purposes. Some examples shown later in this document.

Defining the distribution box

Start the function from Distribution box –button.

Define the sizes for distribution box.

Installing the distribution box

Distribution box can be installed to the empty place or it can be connected to the duct. After the sizes are
defined, install the distribution box. Extra options can be selected from the PopUp –menu (right click).

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 113

Connect – connect the distribution box to
the duct
Direction – rotate the distribution box to
the right position before installation to the
empty place

Installation to empty place

Rotate the distribution box to the right position. Then show the installation place. Dialog opens.

Select the system for the box

It is possible to select the status for the box. Status can be

for example new, to be removed, existing etc.
It can be defined / changed afterwards.

Select the height level where you want to install the box. It is
possible to give the height level to the bottom, center –or top
level of the duct. MagiCAD then calculates the other values
according to distribution box size

It is also possible to copy the height level from the existing

MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top of the
You can copy the information from the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level field.
selected object. Size, system and the Then object goes over the selected object
height level will be copied Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object. This value is put to the Center
field. In this case the duct goes to the same height level with
the selected object
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the bottom of
the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level
field. Then object goes under the selected object

114 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installation to the duct
Select Connect from the PopUp -menu. Then select the point from the duct, where the box is installed.

Unnecessary part from the duct can be erased. Different kind of ducts can be continued from
the distribution box.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 115

Editing the distribution box
It is possible to change the dimensions of distribution box afterwards. It can be done in two ways – with Part
Properties –function or from grip points. If there are duct connections in distribution box, the ducts will be
stretched (connection remains).

Start edting with Part Properties function .

Or by double-clicking the distribution box.

Select the distribution box and then grab from the grip point and give the new size
by stretching the box.
Height can be changed in 3D view.

116 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Examples from the use of the distribution box

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 117

3.2.6 Production model
In previous versions (2009.11 and earlier) MagiCAD always used generic products but now user can select
whether MagiCAD uses real products instead of generic ones.
Real products have the exact dimensions from manufacturer.

Selecting real products to project

MagiCAD Project Management now includes a new selection for real product fittings (Project
Management -> Ducts -> Parts -> Fittings). Different parts (bends, t-branch etc.) can be
selected to project just like any other component. Products that are already selected to the project appear in
the window in right side. Take a right click in the window and select the wanted option from the PopUp –

Select the wanted fitting type.

Properties... – Shows the information of the product

Edit – for editing the product information
Delete – Delete the selected product from the project
Select products to project… - for selecting new fittings from
manufacturer`s databases
Select non-geometry products to project – for selecting generic
products, which dimensions do not come from manufacturer. These same
parts was used in previous MagiCAD versions

Usercode - Identification code for product. It is shown in product lists and bill of material list. It can also be
used in dimension texts.
Product variables - value can be used in layer name with layer variable {PV}. P1-P5 are for extra
National code – the possible standard code can be set to this field.
Product – Product code of the selected product.
Object ID format - Devices can have an automatic device ID. It nothing is selected, then this value can
be set manually for devices. Object ID settings can be defined in Project  Variable sets 
object ID formats

118 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Selecting products to duct series
Now when the wanted products have been selected for the project, they need to be added to duct series
before use. They can be added to selected duct series or maybe better way is to do own duct series for the
real parts. This document includes instructions how to add products to duct series, more information about
adding new duct series can be found at HPV_Project_How to create duct and pipe series.doc
NOTE! MagiCAD templates include Lindab Safe series which includes new products.

If this is selected, Available

products list shows all
products that are selected
from the project.
Uncheck the box and it is
possible to select specific
product type to available
products list (duct, bend, t-
branch etc.)

Available products list show

the selected products as
selected from the filter.

Select the products which will be included to duct Selected products list shows
series from the list and click the right arrow button to products that are already selected to
add them to Selected products list (or double duct series.
click the part).
With Up and Down button order can
To remove already selected products from the be changed. MagiCAD always uses
Selected products list, click the left arrow button. the first available product.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 119

Using new products
Products are ready to use after they have been selected to duct series. New products can be selected with
two different ways, automatically while drawing or afterwards with Change generic objects to
products function.

Selecting product while drawing

To select product while drawing can be selected from the Design Options dialog. Design Options starts
with Duct function.

Select the duct Series which

includes the new products..

The trick to get MagiCAD uses

the real product is this new
Product selection. Select
Automatically select
products (while
drawing) if you want to use
real products. If it is not
selected, MagiCAD uses
generic object (as previous
If Show warning if
product not found is
selected, MAgiCAD gives a
warning message if suitable
product cannot be found.

Now just draw ducts like before and MagiCAD uses the real products (if suitable products can be found).

Selecting products afterwards

120 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Products can be selected to ductwork also afterwards with Change generic objects to products
function which starts the Product Selection dialog.

Select the System Group. Real products can be selected

only for ductworks.

Select whether change the products to specific branch or the

whole System from the Range field.

System(s) which product will be changed can be selected

from the System list.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 121

Changing real products back to generic
If real products need to be change back to generic products, Change products to generic objects

function should be used. It works exactly the same way as Change generic objects to
products function.

Network analyzer
With this function it is possible to examine the duct networks. List shows e.g. if parts are not products or does
the product have an integrated reductions etc. Just click the function and Show Messages dialog appears.

Select Mark Selected Error and Zoom List shows either all notifications or the
to find some specific error. notifications the user have selected using
Select Mark All Errors and all errors are
marked from the picture.

System – Select the specific system or all systems at the

same time.
Storey – Select the specific or all storeys.
Part type – It is possible to select specific part type or
all parts.

122 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Editing the fittings
It is possible to edit the rectangular fittings afterwards. Select the fitting with Part Properties -or by double
clicking it. Select Size... -function from the dialog.

Values can be edited by double clicking them.

Values with "= "mark are variables and they can't
be edited.

Reset changes - this button restore the default


Preview pictures can be zoomed

in/out with the scroll button of
mouse. And it can be moved by
pushing the scroll button down.

Define the settings for the big

preview picture.

Automatic - MagiCAD defines the

product code automatically
according to definitions in a
Lock all dimensions - manufacturer database
If this is active, MagiCAD
Sizes - if the product has sizing does not change any Manual - user defined product
different size options, the size sizes code
can be selected from here.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 123

Rectangular ducts and flanges
MagiCAD automatically creates the flanges between duct and fittings when using real rectangular products.
Flanges have a fixed size (thickness 20mm and height 20mm).

Flanges can be turned on/off from Viewport Preferences.

Note! MagiCAD is able to show the flanges in shaded views only if the setting is saved to project/drawing
defaults (Viewport Preferences --> Save as project/drawing defaults).

New layer settings are specified for the flanges (Connection Accessories).

124 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Female connection
MagiCAD can now create a female connection between two fittings. Suitable product for this is for example
MF (from Lindab). MF is added between two fittings if 2xFit-on length + Extra duct length is exactly the same
than the length of the product.

For example the MF has lenght 95mm for the duct sizes ø63-ø200. In this case the Fit-on length need to be
40mm and Extra duct length 15mm --> 40+40+15=95
Note: This product need to be before the duct in a priority list of duct series.

3.3 Heating and piping

3.3.1 How to draw heating pipes

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 125

Pipe options
Start to draw pipes with Pipe –button(s). It is possible to draw supply pipe, return pipe or supply –and
return pipes at the same time .
If the command is used first time in this MagiCAD session the Pipe options –dialog is opened automatically.
Later it can be opened by taking the Options from the PopUp –menu (right click).

Series – select the wanted pipe serie

Size – select the pipe size. If the system will be sized with MagiCAD, then it doesn’t matter
which size is used. It is however recommended to use as right sizes as possible because
then it is easier to pre-make crossings and predict the space requirements.
Locked – it is also possible to lock the pipe sizes. If the size is locked then MagiCAD’s
sizing does not change the pipe size.
Insulation – Select the insulation serie if needed.

Select the pipe positioning from the cursor (supply)

Distance – define the distance between the pipes

if you want to avoid the crossings between branched

and main pipes, you can define the automatic height
difference in branch.
Available angle options are 90° and 45°.
Note! if the dH in branch value is negative, pipes
goes downward.

Explanations in next page.

It is also possible to select the status for the pipes.

Status can be for example new, to be removed,
existing etc.

126 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

It is possible to define the radius for flexible pipes.
Do not use – MagiCAD uses the R/D value which is defined in pipe series
Use – if this is active, define the radius to the field. Then MagiCAD always use this

Select the routing method:

Smart – MagiCAD always use standard
parts (for example bends)
Direct – it is possible to draw with non-
standard parts

Select how the pipes are located after the height

difference. Cursor (supply) pipe stays in the height
level which was given.
Smart – MagiCAD always stretch the pipes so that
they are nor crossing.
Top (cursor pipe below) – MagiCAD always
keep the cursor (supply) pipe below the other pipe.
Bottom (cursor pipe above) – MagiCAD
always keep the cursor (supply) pipe below the
other pipe.
Manual – MagiCAD always use the settings
defined in Pipe positioning from cursor pipe

Note! Pipe serie -and size, insulation serie, status, lock status and branch types can be
added/changed afterwards with Change Properties function.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 127

Drawing the pipe(s)
After the settings are ok, start to draw the pipes. You can connect to the existing pipes, radiator, cooling
beam etc. and then continue to draw pipes. Or you can start to draw pipes from the empty place. In this
situation click the place where you want to draw the pipes. Dialog opens.

Select the system for the pipes

Select the height level where you want to draw pipes. It is

possible to give the height level to the bottom, center –or top
level of the pipe. MagiCAD then calculates the other values
according to pipe size.

It is also possible to copy the height level from the existing

MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top of the
selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level field.
Then object goes over the selected object
Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object. This value is put to the Center
field. In this case the pipe goes to the same height level with
the selected object
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the bottom of
the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level
field. Then object goes under the selected object

After the suitable system and height level are selected, start to draw pipe.

Draw the pipes from point to point.

Bends and T-branches are created
automatically when drawing.
If you want to get the pipes shorter, just
draw them backward. Or if you want to
go back “over” the bend/branch take a
right click and select Back option from
the PopUp –menu.
Finish the drawing with enter or esc –
Or if you connect the pipes to the
radiator or to other pipes, the command

128 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing options
When the pipe is drawn, all the drawing options are shown in AutoCAD’s commandline. They can also be
used from the PopUp –menu which appears with right click.

Use the commandline options by selecting the

capital letter and then push enter/space

noConnect – if this is selected, then pipes can’t be connected to any

object. This option is needed for example in the situations where are many
pipes very close each others.
Angle – choose the wanted angle to pipes
Z – height difference changes are made by using this option. More
information later in this document
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the settings can be changed
Back – pipe goes back to the previous bend/branch
Plug – MagiCAD add the plug to the end of the pipe.
connection Node – this function add the connection node to the end of
the pipe. It means that is is possible to continue to draw the pipe from the
other storey (other dwg). All the technical data is transferred. More
information in other chapter.
Valve – add valves to pipes. MagiCAD ask to install valve to supply pipe first
and after that to return pipe.

If only 1 pipe (supply or return) is drawn, then there are more options

Special connection – you can connect 2 open ends together with this
function. Then you have possibility to see the results with the standard
angles or you can also create the special connection with non-standard
smart <> direct – you can switch between smart and direct routing. This
is the same option than in Options –dialog.
coMponent – add the component to the pipe

Special connection

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 129

Height difference changes
Height difference changes are always made with the Z –option (from PopUp –menu).

Select the height level where you want to take the pipe.
It is also possible to copy the height level from the
existing MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top
of the selected object.
Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
bottom of the selected object.

Select the angle for the height difference.

If the angle is some other than 90°, MagiCAD asks to show the direction for the
height difference
Free angle – this active only with 1-pipe drawing. Show the end point (the point
where the height level is the one you have given in Heights field). MagiCAD then
choose the angle which takes the pipe to the wanted height level.

130 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Tips and Tricks
When you continue to draw the pipe, you can do it in two ways: you can select the command and then
connect to the pipe or device or you can first select the pipe or device and then start the drawing from the +

Start the command and connect to the

pipe or device and draw

If you draw 2 pipes at the same time, the

easiest way to connect to other 2 pipes
is so that those both pipes fits inside of
the selection circle.
If the drawing is zoomed so close that
the pipes does not fit inside of selection
circle, then you need to show the supply
pipe first and the return pipe after that.
MagiCAD shows the instructions in

Select the pipe and click the + mark and draw.

If you select the + grip from the middle of the

pipe, MagiCAD starts the pipe command and
then it is possible to connect where ever.

If the command does not start from the + grip, turn off AutoCAD’s dynamic input

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 131

3.3.2 How to draw water pipes
Pipe options
Start to draw pipes with Pipe –button(s). It is possible to draw cold, hot or return pipe or all of them at the
same time .
If the command is used first time in this MagiCAD session the Pipe options –dialog is opened automatically.
Later it can be opened by taking the Options from the PopUp –menu (right click).

Series – select the wanted pipe series for cold, hot and circulation water pipes
Size – select the pipe size. If the system will be sized with MagiCAD, then it doesn’t matter
which size is used. It is however recommended to use as right sizes as possible because
then it is easier to pre-make crossings and predict the space requirements.
Locked – it is also possible to lock the pipe sizes. If the size is locked then MagiCAD’s
sizing does not change the pipe size.
Insulation – Select the insulation serie if needed.

Select the pipe positioning from the cursor pipe. Cold

pipe is always cursor pipe. Or if only hot and
circulation is drawn, then hot water pipe is cursor
Distance – define the distance between the pipes.

if you want to avoid the crossings between branched

and main pipes, you can define the automatic height
difference in branch.
Available angle options are 90° and 45°.
Note! if the dH in branch value is negative, pipes
goes downward.

It is also possible to select the status for the pipes.

Explanations in next page. Status can be for example new, to be removed,
existing etc.

132 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

It is possible to define the radius for flexible pipes.
Do not use – MagiCAD uses the R/D value which is defined in pipe series
Use – if this is active, define the radius to the field. Then MagiCAD always use this

Select the routing method:

Smart – MagiCAD always use standard
parts (for example bends)
Direct – it is possible to draw with non-
standard parts

Select how the pipes are located after the height

difference. Cursor (supply) pipe stays in the height
level which was given.
Smart – MagiCAD always stretch the pipes so that
they are nor crossing.
Top (cursor pipe below) – MagiCAD always
keep the cursor (supply) pipe below the other pipe.
Bottom (cursor pipe above) – MagiCAD
always keep the cursor (supply) pipe below the
other pipe.
Manual – MagiCAD always use the settings
defined in Pipe positioning from cursor pipe

Note! Pipe serie -and size, insulation serie, status, lock status and branch types can be
added/changed afterwards with Change Properties function.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 133

Drawing the pipe(s)
After the settings are ok, start to draw the pipes. You can connect to the existing pipes, radiator, cooling
beam etc. and then continue to draw pipes. Or you can start to draw pipes from the empty place. In this
situation click the place where you want to draw the pipes. Dialog opens.

Select the system for the pipes

Select the height level where you want to draw pipes. It is

possible to give the height level to the bottom, center –or top
level of the pipe. MagiCAD then calculates the other values
according to pipe size.

It is also possible to copy the height level from the existing

MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top of the
selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level field.
Then object goes over the selected object
Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object. This value is put to the Center
field. In this case the pipe goes to the same height level with
the selected object
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the bottom of
the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level
field. Then object goes under the selected object

After the suitable system and height level are selected, start to draw pipe.

Draw the pipes from point to point.

Bends and T-branches are created
automatically when drawing.
If you want to get the pipes shorter, just
draw them backward. Or if you want to
go back “over” the bend/branch take a
right click and select Back option from
the PopUp –menu.
Finish the drawing with enter or esc –
Or if you connect the pipes to the
radiator or to other pipes, the command

134 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing options
When the pipe is drawn, all the drawing options are shown in AutoCAD’s commandline. They can also be
used from the PopUp –menu which appears with right click.

Use the commandline options by selecting the

capital letter and then push enter/space

noConnect – if this is selected, then pipes can’t be connected to any

object. This option is needed for example in the situations where are many
pipes very close each others.
Angle – choose the wanted angle to pipes
Z – height difference changes are made by using this option. More
information later in this document
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the settings can be changed
Back – pipe goes back to the previous bend/branch
Plug – MagiCAD add the plug to the end of the pipe
connection Node – this function add the connection node to the end of
the pipe. It means that is is possible to continue to draw the pipe from the
other storey (other dwg). All the technical data is transferred. More
information in other chapter.
Valve – add valves to pipes. MagiCAD ask to install valve to supply pipe first
and after that to return pipe.

If only 1 pipe drawn, then there are more options

Special connection – you can connect 2 open ends together with this
function. Then you have possibility to see the results with the standard
angles or you can also create the special connection with non-standard
smart <> direct – you can switch between smart and direct routing. This
is the same option than in Options –dialog.
coMponent – add the component to the pipe

Special connection

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 135

Height difference changes
Height difference changes are always made with the Z –option (from PopUp –menu).

Select the height level where you want to take the pipe.
It is also possible to copy the height level from the
existing MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top
of the selected object.
Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
bottom of the selected object.

Select the angle for the height difference.

If the angle is some other than 90°, MagiCAD asks to show the direction for the
height difference
Free angle – this active only with 1-pipe drawing. Show the end point (the point
where the height level is the one you have given in Heights field). MagiCAD then
choose the angle which takes the pipe(s) to the wanted height level.

Extra options in 1-pipe drawing

There are extra options if only cold -or hot water pipe is drawn.

136 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Hot water joint
Hot water joint is meant to use in the situations where the cold water is warmed up (heat exchanger). Draw
cold pipe and select hotwaterJoint from the PopUp –menu.

After the hot water joint is selected,

MagiCAD adds a piece of hot water
pipe. Then hot water pipe can be drawn
from there.

Note! MagiCAD’s Substation unit is better for this purpose! This is just a fast way to make a
connection between cold and hot water pipe

Return joint
Return joint is meant to use in the situation where the hot water turns back towards to heat exchanger (hot
water becomes the circulation water)

Define the power for the circulation water –

flow is calculated according to power

After the return joint is selected and power defined, MagiCAD

adds a piece of circulation water pipe. Then circulation water
pipe can be drawn from there.

Note! Some radiator or zone valve is needed in circulation water pipe, otherwise MagiCAD can’t get
the system in balance.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 137

Tips and Tricks
When you continue to draw the pipe, you can do it in two ways: you can select the command and then
connect to the pipe or device or you can first select the pipe or device and then start the drawing from the +

Start the command and connect to the

pipe or device and draw

If you draw 2 pipes at the same time, the

easiest way to connect to other 2 pipes
is so that those both pipes fits inside of
the selection circle.
If the drawing is zoomed so close that
the pipes does not fit inside of selection
circle, then you need to show the supply
pipe first and the return pipe after that.
MagiCAD shows the instructions in

Select the pipe and click the + mark and draw.

If you select the + grip from the middle of the

pipe, MagiCAD starts the pipe command and
then it is possible to connect where ever.

If the command does not start from the + grip, turn off AutoCAD’s dynamic input

3.3.3 How to draw sewer pipes

Pipe options
Start to draw pipes with Sewage Pipe –button .
If the command is used first time in this MagiCAD session the Sewage Pipe options –dialog is opened
automatically. Later it can be opened by taking the Options from the PopUp –menu (right click).

138 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Series – select the wanted pipe series for cold, hot and circulation water pipes
Size – select the pipe size. If the drawing will be started from the sewer point, MagiCAD
inherits the size from the sewer point.
Locked – it is also possible to lock the pipe sizes. If the size is locked then MagiCAD’s
sizing does not change the pipe size.
Insulation – Select the insulation serie if needed.
User field1 of series - Extra information, which can be defined for pipe series.

It is also possible to select the status for the pipes. Status

can be for example new, to be removed, existing etc.

Select the routing method:

Smart – MagiCAD always use standard parts (for example
Direct – it is possible to draw with non-standard parts

Upward <> Downward - Select the

direction where the pipe is going
Fall [per mill] – define the fall to the
pipe. If the fall is not needed, just give the
value 0.

Note! Pipe serie -and size, insulation serie, status, lock status and branch types can be
added/changed afterwards with Change Properties function.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 139

Drawing the pipe(s)
After the settings are ok, start to draw the pipe. You can connect to the existing pipes or sewer point and
then continue to draw pipes. Or you can start to draw pipe from the empty place. In this situation click the
place where you want to draw the pipes. Dialog opens.

Select the system for the pipe

Select the height level where you want to draw the pipe. It is
possible to give the height level to the bottom, center –or top
level of the pipe. MagiCAD then calculates the other values
according to pipe size.

It is also possible to copy the height level from the existing

MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top of the
You can copy the information from the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level field.
selected object. Pipe serie, size, Then object goes over the selected object
system and the height level will be
copied. Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object. This value is put to the Center
field. In this case the pipe goes to the same height level with
the selected object
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the bottom of
the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level
field. Then object goes under the selected object

After the suitable system and height level are selected, start to draw pipe.

Draw the pipe from point to point. Bends

and T-branches are created
automatically when drawing.
If smat option is in use, MagiCAD does
not use 90° bend, it uses 2x45° bend
If you want to get the pipes shorter, just
draw them backward. Or if you want to
go back “over” the bend/branch take a
right click and select Back option from
the PopUp –menu.
Finish the drawing with enter or esc –
Or if you connect the pipe to the sewer
point, the command ends.

140 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing options
When the pipe is drawn, all the drawing options are shown in AutoCAD’s commandline. They can also be
used from the PopUp –menu which appears with right click.

Use the commandline options by selecting the

capital letter and then push enter/space

noConnect – if this is selected, then pipes can’t be connected to any

object. This option is needed for example in the situations where are many
pipes very close each others.
Angle – choose the wanted angle to pipes
Z – height difference changes are made by using this option. More
information later in this document
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the settings can be changed
Back – pipe goes back to the previous bend/branch
Plug – MagiCAD add the plug to the end of the pipe
connection Node – this function add the connection node to the end of
the pipe. It means that is is possible to continue to draw the pipe from the
other storey (other dwg). All the technical data is transferred. More
information in other chapter.
Special connection – you can connect 2 open ends together with this
function. Then you have possibility to see the results with the standard
angles or you can also create the special connection with non-standard
smart <> direct – you can switch between smart and direct routing. This
is the same option than in Options –dialog.
coMponent – add the component to the pipe

Special connection

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 141

Height difference changes
Height difference changes are always made with the Z –option (from PopUp –menu).

Select the height level where you want to take the pipe.
It is also possible to copy the height level from the
existing MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top
of the selected object.
Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
bottom of the selected object.

Select the angle for the height difference.

If the angle is some other than 90°, MagiCAD asks to show the direction for the
height difference
Free angle – Show the end point (the point where the height level is the one
you have given in Heights field). MagiCAD then choose the angle which takes the
pipe(s) to the wanted height level.

142 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Tips and Tricks
When you continue to draw the pipe, you can do it in two ways: you can select the command and then
connect to the pipe or device or you can first select the pipe or device and then start the drawing from the +

Start the command and connect to the

pipe or sewer point and draw

Select the pipe and click the + mark and draw.

If you select the + grip from the middle of the

pipe, MagiCAD starts the pipe command and
then it is possible to connect where ever.

You can also select the sewer point and then

click the + mark and draw.

If the command does not start from the + grip, turn off AutoCAD’s dynamic input

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 143

3.3.4 How to install and connect radiator

Radiator options
Start to select radiators with Radiator –button . Radiator –dialog is opened automatically. Later it can be
opened by taking the Options from the PopUp –menu (right click).

Select the system for the radiator

All the radiators, in this project, are shown in this window.

Select the wanted Radiator.

Inlet <> outlet – select the points for supply and return
Mirror – radiator can be mirrored. This can also be done
afterwards, if the pipes are not connected.
Connection size – define the connection size for the
connection pipes.

Select the wanted size or use the radiator selection

Rotate – rotates the radiator to wanted position.
Select the wanted radiator P[W] – give the needed power. Value can be
valve for the radiator. changed afterwards.
All the radiator valves in Select Size – after the power is defined, the
this project are shown in radiator size can be selected with this tool.
the list.
More information in next page.

Draw valve – if this is active, then the valve symbol

is drawn in radiator
Filled – if this is active, the radiator is shown as
filled in drawing.

144 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Size selection and selecting new radiators to project

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –menu

Select products to project - select new
radiators to project.
More information in other chapter.

Select Size – select the size

according to given power.
Min H <> Max H – filter out all the sizes outside of
these minimum and maximum values.
Min L <> Max L – filter out all the sizes outside of
these minimum and maximum values.
P % min <> P % max – define the range, how much
power is needed at least and what is the maximum
allowed power
P % 100 – the given power is shown here
T room – define the room temperature
Supply <> Return – water temperatures are shown
here. These values are defined for the system.
Calculate – if the Sizing Data values have been
changed, update the radiator list with this button.

Show all products – if this is selected, all the sizes

(which suits to Sizing Data criterias) from all radiator
types in this project are shown in the list. Otherwise only
All the sizes, which suits to Sizing Data the sizes from the active radiator are shown.
criteria’s are shown in this list. Besides of
the sizes, also the real power is shown in
the list

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 145

Formula for the power calculation in the radiator size selection

 Tin − Tout 
φ = KT ⋅ H b ⋅  − Troom 
 2 
K T - value from manufacturer, measured in laboratory
H - the height of the radiator
b - value from manufacturer, measured in laboratory
Tin - the temperature of water in supply pipe. Defined for heating system in MagiCAD
Tout - the temperature of water in return pipe. Defined for heating system in MagiCAD
Troom - the temperature in the room, where radiator is installed. It is given in the radiator selection dialog in

Installing the radiator

After the right radiator is selected and the settings are ok, install the radiator.

If the direction -or some options of the radiator need to be changed before the installation, take a right click
and the PopUp –menu opens. Or use the variables from the command line.

Direction – it is good to rotate the radiator to

correct direction before installation. It can of course
be rotated afterwards with AutoCAD’s rotate
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the
settings can be changed

146 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the radiator
Install the radiator by clicking the wanted place. The dialog opens.

Select the height level where you want to install the

It is possible to give the height level to the top –and
bottom level of the radiator.

Height level can be copied from some other object

Extra information for the radiator. This value can be

used in dimension texts or it can also be selected to
MagiCAD Export list.

It is possible to select the status for the radiator. Status

can be for example new, to be removed, existing etc.
It can be defined / changed afterwards.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 147

Pipe connections to radiator
After the radiators are installed to the drawing, pipe connections can be made. There are different ways to
make the connections.

Starting to draw pipes from the radiator

Start to draw 1 –or 2 pipes. Select the wanted pipe material and select the radiator and start to draw.

Pipes goes to the height level

of the connection pipes

Connecting pipes to the radiator

Different kind of connection types are available depending how the pipes are connected to the radiator

148 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Situation 1
Pipes are connected directly from the main pipes to radiator (Connect – Connect).

Start 2-pipe drawing. Connect to the pipes and

then connect to the radiator

MagiCAD makes the connection so that it first takes the

pipes to the same x/y level with radiator, then the pipes
goes downward and makes the connections so that the
pipes are in the same height level with the pipe
connection points.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 149

Situation 2
Pipes are drawn little bit from the main pipes and after that connected to the radiator.

Start 2-pipe drawing. Connect to the main

pipes and then draw a piece of pipes.
Supply pipe has to be in right side in this case
– then there will not be any crossings near by

Connect to the radiator after this.

MagiCAD makes the connection so that it first takes the pipes

to the same x/y level with radiator, then the pipes goes
downward close to floor. Then MagiCAD makes the
connections so that the pipes go near radiator and connect
the pipes.

150 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Tip for situation 2 (works also with the situation 3)
If there are many radiators in the same line and the pipes should go below the radiators, it is profitable to
connect the pipe to the last radiator and then connect the other radiators.

Start 2-pipe drawing. Connect to the main Pipes goes below radiators and then
pipes and then draw a piece of pipes. makes the connection to the last
Connect to the last radiator after this.

Connect the other radiators after this

Start 2-pipe drawing. Connect to the radiator

and then connect to the pipes which go
below radiator. MagiCAD makes the

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 151

Situation 3
Connection from the riser pipes so that the pipe goes below the radiators.

Connect to the riser pipes. MagiCAD asks the

connection height level.

In this example the bottom level of the radiators is

120 mm. So, good value for the upper pipe is for
example 100 mm
After connection, select pipe Options.

Draw a piece of pipes.

Place the return pipe below the supply pipe.

Set the pipe distance so that the pipe does
not go under the floor. Then connect the pipe to the radiator. If there are
many radiators in the same line, connect to the last

152 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.3.5 How to select and install the radiator for water
Radiator options
Start to select radiators with Radiator for Hot Water System –button Radiator Selection –dialog is
opened automatically. Later it can be opened by taking the Options from the PopUp –menu (right click).

Select the system for the radiator

All the radiators, in this project, are shown in this window.

Select the wanted Radiator.

Inlet <> outlet – select the points for supply and return
Mirror – some radiators can be mirrored. This can also be
done afterwards, if the pipes are not connected.
Connection size – define the connection size for the
connection pipes.

Select the wanted size or use the radiator selection

Rotate – rotates the radiator to wanted position.
Select the wanted radiator P[W] – give the needed power. Value can be
valve for the radiator. changed afterwards.
All the radiator valves in Select Size – after the power is defined, the
this project are shown in radiator size can be selected with this tool. This is not
the list. active in all radiators for hot water system.
More information in next page.

Draw valve – if this is active, then the valve symbol

is drawn in radiator
Filled – if this is active, the radiator is shown as
filled in drawing.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 153

Size selection and selecting new radiators to project

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –menu

Select products to project - select new
radiators to project.
More information in other chapter.

Select Size – select the size

according to given power.
Min H <> Max H – filter out all the sizes outside of
Note! in this example, the
these minimum and maximum values.
radiators are for heating
system! Min L <> Max L – filter out all the sizes outside of
these minimum and maximum values.
P % min <> P % max – define the range, how much
power is needed at least and what is the maximum
allowed power
P % 100 – the given power is shown here
T room – define the room temperature
Supply <> Return – water temperatures are shown
here. These values are defined for the system.
Calculate – if the Sizing Data values have been
changed, update the radiator list with this button.

Show all products – if this is selected, all the sizes

(which suits to Sizing Data criterias) from all radiator
types in this project are shown in the list. Otherwise only
All the sizes, which suits to Sizing Data the sizes from the active radiator are shown.
criteria’s are shown in this list. Besides of
the sizes, also the real power is shown in
the list

154 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Formula for the power calculation in the radiator size selection

 Tin − Tout 
φ = KT ⋅ H b ⋅  − Troom 
 2 
K T - value from manufacturer, measured in laboratory
H - the height of the radiator
b - value from manufacturer, measured in laboratory
Tin - the temperature of water in supply pipe. Defined for heating system in MagiCAD
Tout - the temperature of water in return pipe. Defined for heating system in MagiCAD
Troom - the temperature in the room, where radiator is installed. It is given in the radiator selection dialog in

Installing the radiator

After the right radiator is selected and the settings are ok, install the radiator.

If the direction -or some options of the radiator need to be changed before the installation, take a right click
and the PopUp –menu opens. Or use the variables from the command line.

Direction – it is good to rotate the radiator to

correct direction before installation. It can of course
be rotated afterwards with AutoCAD’s rotate
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the
settings can be changed

Installing the radiator

Install the radiator by clicking the wanted place. The dialog opens.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 155

Select the height level where you want to install the
It is possible to give the height level to the top –and
bottom level of the radiator.

Height level can be copied from some other object

Extra information for the radiator. This value can be

used in dimension texts or it can also be selected to
MagiCAD Export list.

It is possible to select the status for the radiator. Status

can be for example new, to be removed, existing etc.
It can be defined / changed afterwards.

Pipe connections to radiator

After the radiators are installed to the drawing, pipe connections can be made. There are different ways to
make the connections. Here is one connection type, more situations in heating radiator chapter.

156 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Start to draw 1 –or 2 pipes (hot –or circulation water pipe – or both of them). Select the wanted pipe material
and select the radiator and start to draw.

In this example the pipes have been drawn

upward from the radiator (with z option).

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 157

3.3.6 How to install water and sewer points
Tap water and sewer point
It is possible to install water points and sewer points separately or at the same time. Start the installation

from Tap Water and Sewer Point -button .

Selecting the devices

Select the device type which you want to install. Or install them at the same
Even though they are installed at the same time, they still are separate objects.
So they can be moved etc. separately.

All the water –and sewer points, in this project, are shown
in these windows.
Select the wanted water -and/or sewer point.

Select the wanted system for the objects

H [mm] – define the installation height level
qv [l/s] – define the flow for the sewer point

dx [mm] – distance between cold -and hot water

connection points
dy [mm] – distance between water point and sewer point.
This is active only if they are installed at the same time.

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –menu

It is possible to select the status for the
device. Status can be for example new, to Select products to project – select new valve to
be removed, existing etc. project. More information in other chapter.
It can be defined / changed afterwards.

158 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the water and sewer points
If the direction of the water –and sewer point need to be changed before the installation, take a right click
and the PopUp –menu opens. Or use the variable from the command line.

Options – options –dialog is opened and all the settings

can be changed
Direction – it is good to rotate the radiator to correct
direction before installation. It can of course be rotated
afterwards with AutoCAD’s rotate function.

When the direction is ok, install the water –and sewer point by showing the wanted place.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 159

3.3.7 How to install pipe components
Pipe components
It is possible to install different kind of components to the pipes. Start the installation from some of the
following buttons. Installation works same way in all pipe components.

Other pipe component


All the valve types are under the Valve button

160 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the valves

Selecting the valve

Select the wanted product group.

All the valves, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted valve

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Properties – Check the information from the
selected valve

Select the symbol for the valve. Select products to project – select new
valve to project. More information in other chapter.
User Symbol – if MagiCAD does not
have the wanted symbol, own symbol
can be drawn with this function
Reset symbol – remove User
Symbol from the list.

Installing the valve

When installing the pipe component, it is not needed/possible to select the size. MagiCAD Automatically
takes the size which is defined for the pipe (Project -> Pipes -> Pipe series).
Select the wanted component and then show the place from the pipe where you want to install it.

Show the wanted place for the component. Then show

the direction for it.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 161

Installing the Other pipe component

Selecting the component

All the components, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted component

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Select products to project – select new
valve to project. More information in other chapter.

Select the symbol for the component.

User Symbol – if MagiCAD does not
have the wanted symbol, own symbol
can be drawn with this function
Reset symbol – remove User
Symbol from the list.

Installing the component

When installing the pipe component, it is not needed/possible to select the size. MagiCAD Automatically
takes the size which is defined for the pipe (Project -> Pipes -> Pipe series).
Select the wanted component and then show the place from the pipe where you want to install it.

Show the wanted place for the component. Then show

the direction for it.

162 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Some use for other pipe components

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 163

3.3.8 How to install other sewer component
Other Sewer Component
It is possible to install components to sewer pipe – for example cleaning covers. Start the installation from
Other Sewer Components button

Selecting the components

All the devices, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted device

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Select products to project – select new
valve to project. More information in other chapter.

164 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the component
It is easy to install the component. Select the component and show the place from the pipe where you want
to install it. Then show the direction for component. MagiCAD select the size according to pipe size.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 165

3.3.9 How to install other pipe device
Other pipe device
It is possible to install different kind of piping devices – for example air curtains, fan coils. Start the
installation from Other Pipe Device button

Selecting the device

All the devices, in this project, are shown in this

Select the wanted device

Take a right-click over some product and PopUp –

menu opens
Select products to project – select new
valve to project. More information in other chapter.

166 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the device
If the direction of the device need to be changed before the installation, take a right click and the PopUp –
menu opens. Or use the variable from the command line.

Direction – it is good to rotate the radiator to correct

direction before installation. It can of course be rotated
afterwards with AutoCAD’s rotate function.

When the direction is ok, install the device by showing the wanted place. Dialog opens.

Select the system for the device

It is possible to select the status for the device. Status can be for
example new, to be removed, existing etc.
It can be defined / changed afterwards.

Select the height level where you want to install the radiator.
It is possible to give the height level to the top –center -and
bottom level of the device.

Height level can be copied from some other object

Define the needed power

dT by system – in this case the dT value is calculated according to temperatures in defined for the
dT by part – define the dT manually. Define the wanted value to dT [°C] field.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 167

3.3.10 How to install manifold
Manifold options
Start to install manifold with Manifold pipe –button . Manifold –dialog is opened automatically.

Select the diameter for the manifold pipe. Size can be changed afterwards
from the Properties –dialog – if there are no pipe connections in manifold.

Select the amount of the connection pipes and also

the distance between pipes. The amount of the
connection pipes can be changed afterwards.
Calculation works even though there are too many
“empty” connections.

It is possible to rotate the connection pipe around

the manifold.
Rotate – only the active connection pipe is rotated

It is possible to rotate the manifold’s main pipe Rotate all – all the connection pipes are
around the manifold. rotated.

Installing the manifold

After the settings for manifold are ok, install the manifold.

If the direction -or some options of the manifold need to be changed before the installation, take a right click
and the PopUp –menu opens. Or use the variables from the command line.

168 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Direction – it is good to rotate the manifold to
correct direction before installation. It can of course
be rotated afterwards with AutoCAD’s rotate
Options – Manifold –dialog is opened and all the
settings can be changed

Installing the manifold

Install the manifold by clicking the wanted place. The dialog opens.

Select the system for manifold

Select the system type (supply/return).

Copy the system, system type and installation height level

from some other object

It is possible to select the status for the manifold. Status can

be for example new, to be removed, existing etc.
It can be defined / changed afterwards.

Select the height level where you want to install the manifold.
It is possible to give the height level to the top, center –and bottom level of the
Copy the height level from other manifold (or some other object) with Align -options

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 169

Tips and tricks

Drawing the pipes

When starting to draw pipes from the manifold, there are 2 ways to do that. Start the 1-pipe drawing and
connect to the wanted connection or select the manifold first and then start to draw from the + grips.

If the command does not start from the + grip, turn off AutoCAD’s dynamic input

Changing the subsystem supply <> return

If there are similar manifold in supply and return, they can be installed separately or by using the AutoCAD’s
copy function.
Install first for example manifold for supply water. Then copy it. After this, you can change it from the supply
to return by using Change Properties function .

If the manifold need to be in different height level, move the wanted one with MagiCAD Move function .
Select the function, take Z option from the PopUp –menu (right click), select the manifold and define the new
height level.

170 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.4 Sprinklers

3.4.1 Sprinkler system settings

Definition before calculations
Before you can run sprinkler calculations you have to define some information for sprinkler system and
define Hazen-Williams factor for pipe series.

System definitions
System definitions can be done in Project management -> Pipes -> Sprinklers -> System.

Edit existing system.

Make new system.

You can edit the sprinklers pipe colors

Set the area of coverage for the sprinkler. This

defines how large area one sprinkler head
When installing sprinkler this value appears to
Area of coverage field.

Define the pressure at weakest sprinkler. Value

must be between range 300…9999 mbar. Feed
point pressure can be given during calculations

It is possible to give the warning limit for high

velocity. MagiCAD gives an error message if the
velocity of pipes exceeded the given value.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 171

Pipe series definitions
Before sprinkler calculation also the Hazen-Williams factor have to be defined for the used pipe series.
It can be done in Project management -> Pipes -> Pipe series.

Select the Hazen-Williams factor from the list.

172 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.4.2 Basic sprinkler settings before calculations

Definition before calculations

Before you can run sprinkler calculations you have to define some information for sprinkler system and
define Hazen-Williams factor for pipe series.

System definitions
System definitions can be done in Project management -> Pipes -> Sprinklers -> System.

Edit existing system.

Make new system.

You can edit the sprinklers pipe colors

Set the area of coverage for the sprinkler. This

defines how large area one sprinkler head
When installing sprinkler this value appears to
Area of coverage field.

Define the pressure at weakest sprinkler. Value

must be between range 300…9999 mbar. Feed
point pressure can be given during calculations

It is possible to give the warning limit for high

velocity. MagiCAD gives an error message if the
velocity of pipes exceeded the given value.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 173

Pipe series definitions
Before sprinkler calculation also the Hazen-Williams factor have to be defined for the used pipe series.
It can be done in Project management -> Pipes -> Pipe series.

Select the Hazen-Williams factor from the list.

174 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.4.3 How to install sprinkler
Selecting the sprinkler
Start to install the sprinkler heads with Sprinkler –button .

All the sprinklers, in this project, are shown

in this window.
Select the wanted sprinkler.
System – system of sprinkler
H [mm] - Select the height level where you
want to install the sprinkler. If you install
sprinkler to the empty place, this is the
sprinklers height level.
Status - It is possible to select status for
the sprinkler if needed. Not defined – status
meansof thatcoverage
MagiCAD uses[m2]the– Set the area
of coverage for the sprinkler. The default
area can be set to the system. These
Up, Sideways,
settings – its possible
Down afterwards
can be changed tothe
select the direction in some sprinklers.
Change Properties and Part Properties.
Pressure at sprinkler [mbar] – the
pressure at weakest sprinkler. Default value
Top Symbols - select the drawing comes from the system.
Flow density [mm/min] – define the
Use vertical pipe symbol – select flow density.
this field if you want to present the vertical
Pressure at sprinkler [mbar]
connection pipes of the sprinklers in the
(From flow density) – calculates the
drawing. In this case, in addition to the
sprinkler symbol a filled circle is drawn to pressure at sprinkler based on flow density.
present the pipe that is leading upwards
from the trunk pipe and an unfilled circle is
drawn to present the pipe that is leading
downwards. It is possible to model own symbols for the
sprinklers. Click the User Symbol button to
select/modify/create the symbols.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 175

Selecting new sprinklers to project

Take a right-click over some product

and PopUp – menu opens.

Select new products to project. More information in other chapter.

176 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Installing the sprinkler
After the right sprinkler is selected and the settings are ok, install the air device. It can be installed to an
empty place, to the end of pipe, or to the middle of the pipe. When the sprinkler os placed to the end of the
pipe, it rotates to the same direction as the pipe. When the sprinkler is placed to the middle of the pipe, it is
installed directly to the trunk pipe with

Installing sprinkler to the pipe

When the sprinkler is connected to the pipe, the

direction is automatically selected.

Installing sprinkler to an empty place

If the sprinkler is installed to the empty place, it uses the height level, direction and system that were defined
in the Sprinkler selection – dialog.

Drawing options
When the sprinkler is installed, all the drawing options are shown in AutoCAD`s commandline. They can be
also used from the PopUp – menu which appears with right click.

Use the commandline options by selecting the

capital letter and then push enter/space.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 177

Right click PopUp - option Connect/noConnect – If the connect is selected, sprinkler
can be connected to the pipe. Otherwise sprinkler can be
connect to the empty place.
Direction – to rotate the device to the desired orientation.
Array – to place the sprinklers to cover the desired area.
Options – to return to the selection dialog.

Cell width [mm] –

distance between sprinklers
Cell height [mm] –
distance between sprinklers Given distance
Maximum – the sprinklers are placed evenly to the grid
so that the maximum distance between sprinklers is the
distance defined in the Cell width and Cell height fields.
Exact – the sprinklers are placed to the grid so that the
distance between the sprinklers is exactly distance
defined in the Cell width and Cell height fields.

The sprinklers can be installed either evenöy pr

with interleaved alignment.

NOTE! After select all the settings define two points in the drawing and sprinklers are drawn to that

178 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 179
3.4.4 How to draw sprinkler pipe
Sprinkler options
Start to draw sprinkler pipe with Sprinkler pipe – button . If the command is used first time in this
MagiCAD session the Sprinkler pipe options – dialog is opened automatically. Later it can be opened by
taking the Options from the PopUp – menu (right click).

Series – select the wanted pipe serie.

Size – select the pipe size. It is recommended to use as right sizes as possible because
then it is easier to pre-make crossings and predict the space requirements.
Insulation – select the insulation serie if needed.

It is also possible to select the status for the pipes.

Status can be for example new, to be removed,
existing etc.
More info can be found in Status.doc

It is possible to define the radius for flexible pipes.

Select the routing method:

Smart – MagiCAD always use standard parts (for
example bends).
Direct – it is possible to draw with non-standard
Upward <> Downward - Select the
direction where the pipe is going
Fall [per mill] – define the fall to the
pipe. If the fall is not needed, just give the
value 0.

NOTE! Pipe serie- and size, insulation serie, status and lock status can be added / changed
afterwards with Change Properties function.

180 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing the pipe
After the settings are ok, start to draw the pipe. You can connect to the existing pipes and then continue to
draw pipes. Or you can start to draw pipe from the empty place. In this situation click the place where you
want to draw the pipes. Dialog opens.

Select the system for the pipe.

Select the height level where you want to draw the pipe. It
is possible to give the height level to the bottom, center –or
top level of the pipe. MagiCAD then calculates the other
values according to pipe size.

It is also possible to copy the height level from the existing

MagiCAD/AutoCAD object.
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the top of
You can copy the information from the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level
the selected object. Pipe serie, field. Then object goes over the selected object
size, system and the height level
will be copied. Center of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the
center of the selected object. This value is put to the
Center field. In this case the pipe goes to the same height
level with the selected object
Top of – MagiCAD takes the height level from the bottom
of the selected object. This value is put to the Bottom level
field. Then object goes under the selected object

After the suitable system and height level are selected, start to draw pipe.

Draw the pipes from point to point.

Bends and T-branches are created
automatically when drawing.
If you want to get the pipes shorter, just
draw them backward. Or if you want to
go back “over” the bend/branch take a
right click and select Back option from
the PopUp –menu.
Finish the drawing with enter or esc –
Or if you connect the pipe to other
pipes, the command ended.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 181

Drawing options
When the pipe is drawn, all the drawing options are shown in AutoCAD`s commandline. They can be also
used from the PopUp – menu which appears with right click.

Use the commandline options by selecting

the capital letter and then push enter/space.

noConnect – if this is selected, then pipes can’t be connected to any

object. This option is needed for example in the situations where are
many pipes very close each others.
Right click- option
Angle – choose the wanted angle to pipes
Z – height difference changes are made by using this option. More
information later in this document
Options – options –dialog is opened and all the settings can be
Back – pipe goes back to the previous bend/branch
Plug – MagiCAD add the plug to the end of the pipe
connection Node – this function add the connection node to the end
of the pipe. It means that is is possible to continue to draw the pipe from
the other storey (other dwg). All the technical data is transferred. More
information in other chapter.
Special connection – you can connect 2 open ends together with
this function. Then you have possibility to see the results with the
standard angles or you can also create the special connection with non-
standard angles.
smart <> direct – you can switch between smart and direct routing.
This is the same option than in Options –dialog.
sprinkler – add the sprinkler head to the pipe

182 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Tips and Tricks
When you continue to draw the pipe, you can do it in two ways: you can select the command and then
connect to the pipe or device or you can first select the pipe or device and then start the drawing from the +

Start the command and connect to the

pipe or sewer point and draw.

If you select the + grip from the middle of the

pipe, MagiCAD starts the pipe command and
then it is possible to connect where ever.
Select the pipe and click the +
mark and draw.

You can also select the

sprinkler head and then click
the + mark and draw.

NOTE! If the command does not start from the + grip, turn off AutoCAD`s dynamic input

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 183

3.4.5 How to connect several sprinklers in the main
Connect sprinklers to pipe
With this function it is possible to connect several sprinklers to one trunk pipe. The function prompts to select
the sprinklers and the pipe where to connect them.

First click the Connect sprinklers to pipe button. Select the

sprinklers you want to connect and then select the pipe you want
to connect them. After that Height dialog opens.

If this option is selected, MagiCAD makes the connection

by using the shortest possible way

If this option is selected, MagiCAD draw the pipes so that

the distance from the main pipe is always the value which is
defined in Constant height [mm] field.
If this option is selected, MagiCAD draw the pipes so that
they always go via the height level which is defined in
Height Level field.

184 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 185
3.4.6 How to define sprinkler design area
Sprinkler Design Area
With this function you can define the design area for sprinklers, that is, the largest area where sprinklers are
assumed to release in case of fire.
When you start defining the design area, MagiCAD may give the following warning.

This means that the edgelines of the design area are marked as hidden. You can change the setting in the
Misc tab of the Viewport Preferences function.

If this option is selected,

boundaries of design area are

186 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Give a name for the design area. It is
possible to have several design areas with
the same name in the same drawing or in
different drawings in the same project. If there
are several areas with the same name in the
same project, these areas are combined as
as a single larger design area, and it is
assumed that the sprinklers will release in
each area.

Select the system to which the design area

belongs. Remember to set the necessary
default settings to the system for calculations
(Project -> Pipes -> Sprinklers ->

Select the hazard class to which the design

area belongs.

NOTE! The same design areas need

to have the same hazard class –
otherwise a warning is given. Hazard
class can be changed with Part
Define the dimensions of the design area
(height level of the upper and lower surface).

When you have defined the settings, accept them and draw the area. The area can have any shape
(at least three cornerpoints). Close the area by clicking the right mouse button.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 187

Examining the properties of the design area
You can examine the information of the design are by double-clicking the edgelines of the design area or
with the Part Properties function.
This dialog displays all information of the design area, and it is also possible to change e.g. the name and
hazard class of the area in this dialog.
If there are several design areas with the same name in the drawing, the number of sprinklers in all these
design areas is displayed (Sprinklers in design area).
Also the calculation results are displayed after calculation

188 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.4.7 How to calculate sprinkler network
Once you have defined sprinkler design area(s). you can perform sprinkler network calculations.
Click the Calculate Sprinkler Network button to start.

List of systems that are available in the project.

Select the system whose sprinkler design areas
you want to calculate.

The pressure drops of the sprinkler connection

pipes and connecting fittings are not taken into
account if the length of the connection pipe is less
than 30cm. The equivalent length of the fittings and
pipe section is handled according to the table
below (next page).

The pressure drop and equivalent length of the

sprinkler connection pipe and connecting fittings is
taken into account in the same way as other pipes.
That is, the equivalent length of the elbow or
branch is added to the pipe length, and the
pressure drop is calculated according to the
equivalent length. The equivalent length of the
fittings and pipe sections is handled according to
the VEA 4001 instructions (table below, next page)

If this options is selected, MagiCAD draws the

route to the calculated sprinklers. The route is
drawn on the MAGI_GARBAGE layer, and it can
be removed with the Clear Garbage Layer

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 189

SBSC certificate

CEA 400

190 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Accept the settings, and the Sprinkler calc: Select area dialog opens.

Select the design area you want to calculate.

Now is possible to make calculations according

to pump pressure. Put a cross to this field and
define the feed point pressure [mbar].
If this is not selected, sprinkler calculation uses
the value given for Pressure at sprinkler
If the sprinklers are calculated according to feed
point pressure, it is informed in general report.

When the area is selected, push the Ok button and selected sprinkler network will be calculated.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 191

3.4.8 How to use sprinklers node numbers
Show Sprinkler Node Numbers
The calculation creates node numbers for the parts on the route. The node numbers can be made visible
with the Show Sprinkler Node Numbers function. Start the function and select the area where you want to
see the numbers.

Hide Sprinkler Node Numbers

With this function you can make the node numbers invisible. Just click the button, and the numbers goes
invisible. This function doesn`t erase node numbers, only hides them.

Reset Sprinkler Node Numbers

With this function you can remove the node numbers from the pipe network parts. Start the function and
select the system(s) whose node numbers you want to remove.
This function is meant for renumbering the nodes in case that the geometry of the pipe network is
substantially changed. The pipe network parts without node numbers are renumbered when the sprinkler
network is calculated.

192 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.4.9 Sprinkler reports
Print General Report from Sprinkler Calculation
This function displays a summary of the calculations, containing e.g. initial values of the calculation, settings,
and calculation results.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 193

Print Network Report from Sprinkler Calculation
This report displays all calculation result of the sprinkler network. The results are arranged storey by storey
from the highest to the lowest storey.

Print Sprinkler Node Report from Sprinkler Calculation

This report displays a summary of the sprinklers that are included in the calculation.

194 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.5 Editing functions

3.5.1 Part properties

Part Properties for HPV objects
With the Part Properties you can view and edit objects. The available properties and the user interface of
properties -dialog depends on the part type which the object belongs to. Start the Part Properties function
and select the object which properties you want to check or edit. Or just double click the MagiCAD object.
For example air device.

All the properties are shown in this window.

Information is changed depending how much
information is defined for the object and if the
system is calculated or not.

It is possible to changer the properties in Part

Properties –dialog. For example flow, power,
pressure drop etc.

These information can be used in dimension texts

and MagiCAD export lists.
UserVar value can also be used as a filter in Bill
of Material function. One example, you can
define that only the objects which UserVar1 value
= ABC are calculated to bill of materials.

Screen shot from Bill of Materials -dialog

More information in next page

Devices can have an automatic Object ID. If
nothing is selected, then this value can be set
Object ID settings can be defined in Project 
Variable sets  object ID formats

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 195

This shows the 3D model of the product and also
for example the pressure drop curves and sound

If object has a running index value, it

can be changed from here.
More information of running indexes in
other chapter.

It is possible to change the collar length in some air

Change the size of the object

196 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Part Properties for xreffed objects
It is also possible to check the properties from xreffed objects. Select the Part Properties function and take
a right-click and PopUp –menu opens

If you want to check information from some HPV object which is as xref in
a drawing, select this option. And then just click the object which properties
you want to check.

Part Properties for Electrical objects

It is also possible to check the properties from MagiCAD Electrical objects. Select the Part Properties
function and select the Electrical object which properties you want to check. If the electrical drawing is as
xref, take a right-click and PopUp –menu opens.

If you want to check information from some MagiCAD Electrical object

which is as xref in a drawing, select this option. And then just click the
object which properties you want to check.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 197

3.5.2 Branch copy and erase, part erase
Branch copy
With the Branch copy you can copy duct and pipe branches. Start the Branch Copy function and
select first the starting point of the branch and then show the duct/pipe which will be copied. If you copy
heating –or water pipe branches, you need to show first the supply/cold water pipe and after that return/hot
water pipe and in water system the circulation water pipe if it exist.

Note! Remember to check the command line. MagiCAD gives instructions there.

Show the starting point. Show the duct/pipe

Starting point is the T- which will be copied.
branch or outlet

Copy the branch after this. It can be connected to the existing duct/pipe or to the empty place.

If the branch is copied to the empty place, take a right click and select noConnect from the PopUp –
menu. And show the place where branch is wanted.

198 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

If you want to copy the branch to some specific distance from the original branch, you can do it just writing
the distance to command line. Start the Branch Copy function, show the starting point of the branch and
then show the duct/pipe which will be copied. After this show the direction where you want to copy the
branches and write the distance to command line. For example 2000  4000  6000.

Copy the branch

Show the direction where the

branches should be copied.

Give the distance and push enter.

Repeat this if more branches are

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 199

Branch Erase
If the whole branch should be removed then the Branch Erase is the right function. Start the Branch Erase
function and select first the starting point of the branch and then show the duct/pipe which should be
erased. If you erase heating –or water pipe branches, you need to show first the supply/cold water pipe and
after that return/hot water pipe and in water system the circulation water pipe if it exist.

Show the starting point. Starting Show the duct/pipe which will be
point is the T-branch or outlet erased.

Selected branch is erased

200 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Part Erase
Single objects can be erased wit this function. Of course the objects can be erased by using AutoCAD’s
erase, but in some cases MagiCAD’s Part Erase is handier. For example the situations where many objects
are over each others. Start the Part Erase function . Show the place where the object, which should be
removed, is.

If there are more than 1 MagiCAD object in the same place,

MagiCAD gives the options of all possible objects which can
be reased.

Select the part which should be removed

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 201

3.5.3 Move parts

You can move MagiCAD objects with the Move Parts function. It is possible to move the objects with
AutoCAD move –function also, but in many cases MagiCAD’s Move Parts is better. Start the Move Part
function and select the object which you want to move.

Note! MagiCAD automatically stretch the connected duct/pipe when the device is moved

Select the MagiCAD object which you

want to move

Move the object to the wanted place.

202 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Move parts in Z direction
If you want to change the height level of MagiCAD object, you can use MagiCAD’s Move Parts function or
AutoCAD’s move function.

MagiCAD’s Move
Start the Move Part function , take a right-click and select Z option from the PopUp –menu. After that,
select the object which you want to move.

Select the object which you want to move

Give the new height level

Note! If you move the whole network, only the network with 90 degree vertical bends is moved. So, if
there are some other vertical bends, network will be returned back to original height level.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 203

3.5.4 Side movement

Use this function to change the reducers of the duct lines or the pipelines eccentric. The function targets to
one duct line or pipe line at a time. After you have selected the line, you can show the side of the alignment,
or you can choose center from the command line.

If you want to Reduction back to center, click Side Movement command, select the duct and click ceNter (N)
from your keyboard.

NOTE! The alignment is made according to the largest duct. Side movement can be done also with
AutoCAD command stretch.

204 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.5.5 Change properties

With the Change Properties function you can, for example, add/change insulations, change
duct/pipe/sewage pipe series, lock/unlock sizes, etc. Start the Change Properties function and select
the value which you want to change. And then select the objects.

Select the wanted property group

All the values which can be changed are shown

in this list.
For example the Duct series

Select the objects, which should be changed.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 205

Extra selections
When you select the objects, you can select them in “traditional” ways - by clicking the wanted object or
drawing the window. You can also use some extra options. After you have selected the value which should
be changed, there are options in AutoCAD’s command line.

Select the wanted extra option by selecting the big letter and enter. Then make
the selection.

206 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.5.6 Find and replace

With the Find and Replace function you can, for example, change devices, duct -and pipe components.
sprinklers, etc. Start the Find and Replace function and select the object which you want to replace. And
then select the objects.

Select the wanted property group

Select the object type you want to replace

From – select the device which you want to

replace. Select the product and size.
To – select the new product. Select the product
and size.
Select data from existing part – you can
copy the infgormation from the object in a
drawing. If this function is used, then it is not
necessary to select the Group and Objects to
Change informations.

Select the range for the selection

Do not change connection pipes – this option is active when changing the
size of sprinkler pipes
Drawing – all the objects in active drawing will be replaced
Select objects – the selected objects will be replaced. Notice the extra options
in a command line

System – only the objects in selected system will be replaced

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 207


MagiCAD’s shows the number of changes in AutoCAD’s

command line

208 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Extra selections
When you select the objects, you can select them in “traditional” ways - by clicking the wanted object or
drawing the window. You can also use some extra options. After you have selected the value which should
be changed, there are options in AutoCAD’s command line.

Select the wanted extra option by selecting the big letter and enter. Then make
the selection.

3.5.7 Break duct or pipe

With this function, you can remove a piece of duct or pipe between two points.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 209

3.5.8 3D Rotate

3D Rotate -function is very usefull for rotating objects and components in place. Start to rotate component
with 3D Rotate –button . Select the component which need to be rotated and define the new angle by
showing the direction with mouse..

Component is shown to 3D mode during the operation.

It is also possible to change the direction of the component (for example the direction of the valve). After the
3D Rotate function has been started and component is selected, select the Orientation from the PopUp -
menu (right click) or command line. After this, define the new direction by showing the direction with mouse..

Take AutoCAD Ortho off and use Polar Tracking instead, when using 3D Rotate and Orientation. It helps to
rotate the component to correct position.

210 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.5.9 Joint part

You can divide a duct/pipe into separate parts by inserting a node (i.e. joint part).

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 211

3.5.10 Crossing

With this function you can make height difference changes in crossings. The function is meant for horizontal
pipes; for tilted pipes a warning is shown and the command is canceled.
Select points where the height difference starts and ends. Then height difference dialog is shown. Select the
wanted height level and angle. Click Ok and the crossing is created. Referencing other entity heights is
possible with Top of…, Center of… and Bottom of… buttons

Select the wanted height level. You can

either write new height level to Top,
Center or Bottom elevation dialog or use
the Top of…, Center of… or Bottom of…
buttons and show the reference duct or

Select the angle you want to use.

212 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.5.11 Dimension texts

With this function you can add different information to MagiCAD objects e.g. duct/pipe size, material, airflow
Start the command and you are ready to add dimension text. There are some default value given to
dimension text (size+ material, only size etc.). It is of course possible to add own dimension text variables
(explained later in this document).

Command line functions

After starting the command it is possible to choose the drawing options from the command line (Using
hotkey) or from the menu that opens with right-click:

Right-Click menu Command line option

Underline – line under the text

Overline – line over the text

Byside – text side by side

Format – change/modify the active text style (check next page for
more info)

Add Part – information of several parts to the same dimension line

(this function only appears when some part is selected)

Midpoints – it is possible to give some midpoint for the dimension

text (this function only appears when some part is selected)

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 213


Select the System group

which dimension text you
want to edit.

Select the group, and a list of

the Available formats updates.
Select the style, and all
buttons get enabled (Set
avtive, Manager…, New…,
Edit…, Copy and Delete).

You can see a preview of the

dimension text format in the
right side of the panel.

Give the name for the dimension text

If you want to select the style manually,

uncheck the By project box. Otherwise
Style defined in the project management
(Project -> Dimension text) is used.

Select the text height and color.

Select the alignment of text.

In variable list you can select what information

is shown in the selected format.
Double-click the wanted variable to move it to
Selected list. You can also use the forward
arrow button. You can remove variables from
the Selected list by using lower arrow button.

214 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

NOTE! There are two additional dimensions in the dimension text variables of the air devices. Airflow
sum defines that the air device flows are added up to the dimension line. Please note that you do not
need to define a Newline for this variable, and you cannot output any other variables to the last row.
Another variable is No. of devices, which indicates the number of the similar devices. Please note
that this variable must be first in the variable list (this takes place automatically).

You can select the reference line for the dimension text. In Preview window is
easy to check how the dim. text is going to be look a like.
None – no reference line at all
First part – the reference line will appear only with the first part that is
All parts – the reference line will appear with all the parts that are selected
for the dimension text

Select the Reference line symbol

Line only -
Arrow -

Target line - Dot -

Symbol scale – Set the scale factor for the reference line symbol. Scale
factor can be from 0,2 to 4.0. By default it is 1.00

Select the Baseline

None – no base line

First row – under first row

All rows – under all rows

Rectangle - a rectangle around the dim.text

Circle – a circle around the dim.text

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 215

Set the dimension text style
active with the Set Active button.
Only one dim. Style / system
group can be active at the same

You can copy styles from other

projects. Click the Manager…
button, which opens the Project
File Manager dialog. Select the With Copy button you can make It is possible to delete the
source project, then select styles a copy of the active style. dimension text styles with
you want to copy to existing Delete button.
project and finally click the arrow

NOTE! The height levels of the ducts and pipes are the height levels of their midpoints.

It is possible to add text styles to the drawing by using AutoCAD`s Format/Text style function.

3.5.12 Automatic Dimension Texts

Automatic dimension text function uses the same dimension text formats as the ordinary dimension text
When this command is started, a group selection dialog opens. By default, the dimension text function uses
the same dimension text format as the active format of the ordinary dimension text function. The active
format is selected with the mouse. Unlike in the ordinary dimension text function, automatic dimension text
can contain several formats. Selecting a new format unselects the previous selection.
Even though it is possible to use the same dimension text formats both in the ordinary dimension texts and
the automatic dimension texts, it is recommended to define the following settings for the automatic
dimension texts. The basic settings are explained in the other document (HPV_Edit_Dimension Texts.doc)

216 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the System group.

Select the format you want to

use. It is possible to choose
several formats.

Select the parts group.

Set the dimension text format to

active or inactive.

Show dimension changes – If this option is selected,

dimension texts are always placed in connection with the
changes in the sizes (reducers, T-pieces, etc.)
Min D – defines the minimum size for the duct/pipe that will have
the dimension text.
Max D – defines the maximum size for the duct/pipe that will
have the dimension text.
Min L – defines the minimum length for the duct/pipe that will
have the dimension text.

UCS direction – the dimension text is placed in the UCS direction.

Parallel to object edgeline – the dimension text is placed in
the same direction as the object, outside the edgeline.
Parallel to object centerline – the dimension text is placed
in the same direction as the object, beside the centerline.
Dx – defines the x location of the dimension text in relation to the
Dy – defines the Y location of the dimension text in relation to the

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 217

Installing Automatic Dimension Text
After you have chosen the dimension text format(s), click the close button to install dimension texts. You can
select the devices using AutoCAD`s own search (select devices by clicking them) or using the command line
options (Branch, Network, sYstem, bEtween). It is also possible to choose all parts by writing ALL in the
command line.

Extra selection
When you select the objects, you can select them in “traditional” ways – by clicking the wanted object or
drawing the window. You can also use some extra options. After you have selected the dimension text
format and clicked Close button, there are options in AutoCAD`s command line.

Select the wanted extra option by selecting the big letter and enter. Then make the

Branch – select the root node (t-branch, bend etc.) and show the duct/pipe. All parts after
selected root node will be selected.
Network – select object -> all objects which are somehow connected to that part will be
sYstem – select object -> all objects that include to selected system will be selected.
bEtween – select two points -> all object between selected points will be selected.

218 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.5.13 Fall/flow direction arrow for duct/pipes
With this function it is possible to add fall arrows to ducts, pipes and sewers. Start the function, click the
duct/pipe where you want the arrow, rotate the arrow to wanted direction.
Layer settings have been added for fall arrow under general layers in the project dialog.
There is no Part Properties for fall arrow. MagiCAD only has one arrow symbol now.

NOTE! Arrow changes its place according to viewport`s presentation so the arrow is always located
on the side of the duct/pipe.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 219

3.5.14 Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD Objects
With this function you can define MagiCAD data to AutoCAD objects, which makes it possible to include
these objects in the bill of materials, IFC Export, and MagiCAD Export lists.
Click the Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD Objects toolbar button, and select the objects to which you want
to define MagiCAD data. You can change the data afterwards by using the same function.

Click Set MagiCAD Data to AutoCAD

Objects button and click the AutoCAD

System type – define the system type

System – select the system
User code – define user code
Product code – define product code
National code – define national code
Description – add some description
UserVar 1 & 2 – define User Variable
Status – it is possible to select some status
for the object

After you have defined the information, click Ok button. Now MagiCAD recognize the object. You can use for
example MagiCAD`s Part Properties function to examine the object.

220 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.5.15 Connection nodes

You can connect ducts and pipes from active drawing to another drawing with connection nodes. All the
technical data is transferred vie connection node.
The drawing, where the connection is made to, can be in any direction from the active drawing. The drawing
locations in relation to each other are defined in the floor list (Project).

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 221

Creating the connection node
Draw a duct/pipe, take a right click and select the connection node from the PopUp –menu. In this example
the storey height is 3000 mm, so the duct has been drawn to 3000 mm and then connection node is

ID number – this ID makes all the connection node unique.

The same ID numbers must not be used twice with the
connection nodes of the same system type (ventilation,
heating, water or sewer system) leading to the same
direction. For example, you cannot use the same ID number
with two duct ends leading to the upward. Only exception is
the risers – then it is recommended to use the same ID
numbers in the upper and lower ends of the vertical
ducts/pipes. See the Tip.
MagiCAD automatically suggest the next free number
Description – this value can be used in dimension texts
and export lists. It is also shown in Connection Node report

Select the direction where the duct/pipe is going. Usually

These fields are active with MagiCAD can conclude the right direction for connection
None type of connection node node.
None – with this connection node type, you can define the
wanted flow and pressure drop. It can be used for example
the situations where there are some existing ductwork in the
building, or if the needed air device is not found from the
product database.
This - type connection node must have a counterpart with
the same ID number in the same drawing (and both of these
connection nodes must be This-type). The flow rate and
pressure drop data of the duct is transferred between the
connection nodes. Use this connection node type when you
don't want the connecting duct/pipe appear in the drawing.

222 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

In this example the connection node is going upward.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 223

Connecting node to the other drawing
In this example the duct should go from Storey 1 to Storey 2. Storey height is 3000 mm, so the duct was
drawn to 3000 mm in Storey 1 and then the connection node was added to the end of the duct.
After that the connection node can be taken to the next storey. Open the wanted storey (Storey2 in this

example). Import the connection node by taking the Connect Node –function .

Select the wanted system group. They can all be selected at the
same time.

You can import the connection nodes from all systems or from one
specific system

Connection nodes will be automatically imported if they are inside of

the storey rectangle (Project  Storeys  a and b
If the connection nodes are outside of this area, then activate the
Ignore storey dimensions and then you can define the area from
where the connection nodes will be imported.

Select the drawing from where the connection nodes will be imported.
Add/remove model drawings – if the drawing is not shown in the
window, it probably is missing from Model drawings list. Add the
drawing to model drawings list with this function.

Connection nodes appear to the drawing

and MagiCAD shows the information in
AutoCAD’s command line.
If the connection
node is connected,
the destination storey
is shown inside of
brackets ().

The height level of the connection node is

0, because the bottom level of Storey 2 is
3000 mm and the connection node in
Storey 1 is in height level 3000 mm.
Now you can continue drawing duct/pipe
from the connection node.

224 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Use always the same connection node ID number at both ends of the vertical duct/pipe. In this case the
ducts and pipes can connect to each other when you copy storeys or riser ducts/pipes.

ID = 1

Because in storey 2 the connection

ID = 1 node ID number at the lower end of
the duct is the same as in storey 1 at
ID = 1 the upper end of the duct, connection
node connection is possible.

ID = 1

Disconnect Node
Sometimes it is needed to disconnect the connection nodes. It is needed for example if the drawing names
have been changed –the connection nodes are still connected to the drawings with old name. It causes
errors in calculations. In these situations, just disconnetct the connection nodes and then connect them back.
Start the function from Disconnect Node -button .

You can select the drawing which connection node

connections you want to disconnect.
Or you can disconnect them from all drawings.

MagiCAD shows the number of disconnected nodes in AutoCAD’s command line.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 225

Connection Node Report
You can check the connection nodes in active drawing with Connection Node Report –function .

It is possible to arrange the result to different positions

by clicking the heading.

You can zoom the selected connection node to the

center of the AutoCAD window

226 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.6 Viewing functions

3.6.1 Drawing preferences

In the Drawing Preferences dialog you can select the active system of the drawing, that is, the systems that
can be selected e.g. when drawing ducts or pipes. You can also change all linetypes and colors at the same
time in this dialog – and restore them to the project-specific settings.
In addition, you can set the Hide function, which is run when the drawings is saved in MagiCAD, active in
this dialog. This setting is viewport-specific, and you must set to each viewport separately whether the hide is

Change all linetypes... – with this function it Shows HP&V objects as saved in the model
is possible to change linetypes at the same time in space. This allows plot drawings including
the whole drawing. hide information from also Xrefs.
Change all colors… - it is possible to change Sometimes the drawing must be reopened,
colors of all MagiCAD objects at the same time in the or Xrefs need to be reloaded, to be able to
whole drawing. see the hide information.
Retain settings – You can restore the original
settings by clicking this button. You can set active the hiding function
during saving.
The hiding is carried out in the
viewports whose Hide this viewport
when saving option is selected in the
Viewport Preferences/Hide options

Select the active systems that can be

available in the selection lists of drawing
and calculation functions. The objects
appear in the drawing regardless of these

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 227

3.6.2 Hide, Reset Hide

When you select this function, MagiCAD asks you to choose a set of parts for calculating the hidden lines.
MagiCAD hides (or draws with dashed line) the pipes, ducts, etc that will be behind other MagiCAD objects.
With Active2D technology, it is possible to choose the parts precisely. For instance, MagiCAD hides only
those air devices and pipe components that actually are behind other parts. You can use the hiding functions
at any viewpoint or section.
The hidden parts will be unhidden if they are, for example, copied or moved, their insulation are changed, or
if you use the Find & Replace command.

Commandline options
After you have started the command, it is possible to affect the drawing preferences of the hidden parts with
the command options:

Type O -> enter on the command line Choose the presentation of

the hidden parts as dashed
line or invisible

Fields indicate how much MagiCAD reserves

spaces between the hiding line and the unbroken
part, and the minimum length for the pipes. You
can define the minimum length only if the
presentation mode is Invisible.

NOTE! You can hide all objects in the drawing by selecting the Hide function and writing ALL in the

228 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Linetype and color
The linetype and color of the hidden line are defined in the project management.

Reset Hide
Reset hide unhides the hidden parts visible in the selected area. It is possible to unhide several viewport at
the same time. First select the Reset hide function and then write A -> enter.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 229

3.6.3 Show Selected Parts Only

This functions hide/show the parts that are outside the selected area.
Function are convenient especially when you edit the system in the viewpoint from the side, when you
examine an area/a system/a part of the system, or when you make cross-sections or other views.
You can use either AutoCAD’s search or MagiCAD’s extended search when you select the objects.

How to select objects

You can select object by clicking it, multiple objects can be selected e.g. windowing some area when all
objects inside that area are selected.

Select wanted objects by clicking


Window the area and all the

objects inside will be selected.

230 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

It is also possible to use MagiCAD`s command line functions to choosing objects.

Branch - MagiCAD asks for the bEtween – Select two points

start node (t-branch, bend etc.) from the network and all objects
and the duct/pipe of the branch. between the selected points will
All objects includes to that branch be selected.
are selected.

Network – Select one object and all sYstem – Select one object and all
objects connected to selected object will objects included to same system than
S be selected. selected object will be selected.

Show All Parts

If you want to change all parts visible again, choose this function.

MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 231

3.6.4 Part Property Line

This function shows the desired property of the selected components.

Select this if you want to show property line

also in the system components (valves,
Select the group whose products connection nodes etc.)
you want to examine.
The property lines appear on
MAGI_GARBAGE layer and they disappear
when the layer is cleared.

Select the Select all systems,

property you wish one system, or a
to include in the part of a system
property line from (for example supply
this list. pipe)

Text height of the

You can define the minimum length ->
property text.
any parts shorter than defined number
don`t get property line.

The color and text style of the reference texts are defined according to the AutoCAD layer settings.

NOTE! If you want to keep the information in the drawing, move these from the MAGI_GARBAGE
layer to another layer with AutoCAD commands.

232 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide


MagiCAD Heating & Piping and Ventilation 233

3.6.5 Collision Control

With this function you can examine possible collisions, for example, between heating pipes and air ducts.
When this function is selected first time, Options dialog opens automatically. After that the dialog can be
opened with a right-click or with the Options (o) command line option.

It is possible to set a tolerance for the collisions. With If you don`t want to notice
negative tolerance, the parts are allowed to be inside each a collision betweensome
other, whereas with positive tolerance space is reserved parts, uncheck the boxes.
around the parts.

You can select AutoCAD, ADT/AEC You can set the minimum size for
objects (walls, windows, etc) or xref the pipes that will be checked. If
objects to the collision check. one of the colliding pipes is
smaller than the limit, the
collision is ignored.
The boundaries of the collision check area can be
saved. If Save collision boundary is selected, the
boundaries are saved in the layer that is reserved
for them.

234 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Information about the collision is gathered in the Show Messages dialog (check the MC_Common_Error
handling_Show messages.PDF from Common Functions folder). With the dialog functions you can place the
error ticks to the drawing. Remove the ticks with the collision control button or with the Clear Garbage Layer

Collision control is made for

object inside the window.

3.7 Calculations

3.7.1 Flow Summation

This function calculates the flows from the connected MagiCAD objects and None type connection node.
This function does not change the duct/pipe sizes and it does not calculate the pressure drops.

Flow summation
Start the function from Flow Summation button . Dialog opens.

Select the system group which you want to calculate

It is possible to calculate 1 branch or the whole system

Branch – first show the starting point of the branch and then the
duct/pipe from that branch which should be calculated.
Note! MagiCAD shows instructions in AutoCAD’s command line.

System – current drawing – MagiCAD calculates the

selected system(s).
Note! to be able to calculate the whole system, there need to be 1
open end in the system. Total values go to that open end.

Calculate flow - MagiCAD calculate the flows also from the

other drawings via connection nodes.
Use last value – if the other drawings are not available from
some reason, then this option can be used.

236 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.7.2 Flow Summation and Sizing
This function calculates the flows from the connected MagiCAD objects and None type connection nodes.
This function also selects the duct/pipe sizes according to the sizing criteria which is selected for the system.

Flow summation and sizing

Start the function from Flow Summation and Sizing button . Dialog opens.

Select the system group which you want to calculate

It is possible to calculate 1 branch or the whole system

Branch – first show the starting point of the branch and then the
duct/pipe from that branch which should be calculated.
Note! MagiCAD shows instructions in AutoCAD’s command line.

System – current drawing – MagiCAD calculates the

selected system(s).
Note! to be able to calculate the whole system, there need to be 1
open end in the system. Total values go to that open end.

Calculate flow - MagiCAD calculate the flows also from the

other drawings via connection nodes.
Use last value – if the other drawings are not available from
some reason, then this option can be used.

238 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

After Flow Summation and Sizing

3.7.3 Flow Summation and balancing

This function calculates the flows from the connected MagiCAD objects and None type connection nodes.
This function also calculate the pressures and define the adjustment values – in other words, make the
system in balance.

Flow summation and sizing
Start the function from Flow Summation and Balancing button . Dialog opens.

Select the system group which you want to balance.

It is possible to calculate 1 branch or the whole system

Branch – first show the starting point of the branch and then the
duct/pipe from that branch which should be calculated.
Note! MagiCAD shows instructions in AutoCAD’s command line.

System – current drawing – MagiCAD calculates the

selected system(s).
Note! to be able to calculate the whole system, there need to be 1
open end in the system. Total values go to that open end.

If this option is selected, MagiCAD marks the most difficult route.

The route is marked with the line, which goes to magi_garbage
Magi_garbage layer can be cleared with the Clear Garbage layer

240 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

After Flow Summation and Balancing

If you want to use the duct/pipe sizes which you have selected, you do not have to run the Flow Summation
and Sizing function before the balancing.

3.7.4 Flow Route Examination

After the system is balanced (Flow Calculation and Balancing), the route can be examined with Flow
Route Examination -function.

Note! To be able to use this function, only one system is allowed to be balanced. The Flow Route
Examination is made from the last balanced system.

Flow Route Examination

Start the function from Flow Route Examination button . After this, show the object to where you want
to check the route. When you balance the system, you can select the option Show the index run, then
MagiCAD shows the most difficult route and the Flow Route Examination can be taken from that object.

Show the index run option in Flow Summation and

Balancing –dialog shows the most difficult route

Start the Flow Route Examination function and select

the wanted object.

MagiCAD gives the report from the selected route –

from the selected object to the open end.

File – report can be printed out

Edit – you can also copy the report to the
clipboard and paste it for example to excel

242 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3.7.5 Sound Calculations

After the system is balanced (Flow Calculation and Balancing), the sound calculations can be done with
Sound Calculation of Flow Routes –and/or Sound Calculation of All Flow Routes -functions.

Note! To be able to use these functions, only one system is allowed to be balanced. Sound
calculations are made from the last balanced system.

Sound Calculation of Flow Route

Start the function from Sound Calculation of Flow Route button . After this, show the object to where
you want to check the route. When you balance the system, you can select the option Show the index run,
then MagiCAD shows the most difficult route and the Flow Route Examination can be taken from that

Show the index run option in Flow Summation and

Balancing –dialog shows the most difficult route

Start the Sound Calculation of Flow Route function

and select the wanted object.

MagiCAD gives the report from the selected route –

from the selected object to the open end. See the next


Initial sound level can be defined for the system.

Or if some air handling unit plugin Is used, then the sound
level comes from the air handing unit.
File – report can be printed out
Sound from the system data – this information is
Edit – you can also copy the report shown, if the initial sound values come from the system
to the clipboard and paste it for
example to excel Sound from the fan – this information is shown, if the
initial sound values comes from the air handling unit or fan.

At the end, MagiCAD reduce the A-weight and 4 Sound values are shown for each part and every
decibel room absorption. octave band. Then the results are calculated
Then MagiCAD shows the total sound level. logarithmically together.

If there are some missing sound values in some At the end, MagiCAD reduce the A-weight and 4
octave band, MagiCAD gives the warning. It still decibel room absorption.
calculates the sound with the information it has.
Those octave bands, which have missing sound
values in some products, are not taken into

244 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Sound Calculation of All Flow Routes
Balance the system. Start the function from Sound Calculation of All Flow Routes button . After this,
MagiCAD shows the sound level for all devices in the balanced system.
If there are some missing sound values in some octave band, MagiCAD gives the warning. It still calculates
the sound with the information it has. Those octave bands, which have missing sound values in some
products, are not taken into calculation.

It is also possible to add the sound value to MagiCAD shows the sound values. Values goes
dimension text. to magi_garbage layer.
Magi_garbage layer can be cleared with the
Clear Garbage layer function

3.7.6 Bill of Materials and Export
MagiCAD gives the material list from all MagiCAD objects in selected drawings. It is also possible to create
the export reports with the wanted values – for example air flow, pressure drop, adjustment value, sound
level etc.

Bill of Material
Start the function from Bill of Materials button . Dialog opens.

It is possible to save different kind os

selection situations to project. It means that
you can select the wanted systems,
drawings etc. to selection set and then select Select the system group(s) which object you
the wanted selection set when needed. want to take to bill of material list.

Select the system(s) which object you want

to take to bill of material list.

It is possible to use these filters when

making material list.
UserVar values can be added to MagiCAD
objects with Part Properties -and Change
Properties functions.
One example, Devices have UserVar1 value
ABC, then you can define that only the
objects which UserVar1 value = ABC are
calculated to bill of materials.
Create the Bill of Material list.

Select the area or drawing(s) from where you want to Output Header – you can define the
count the objects. header for the material list
Select Room and All rooms of the floor
options are active, if the drawing is connected to the
MagiCAD Room project.
Show model drawings from current folder
only – if there are drawings in some other folder than the
active drawing, take a cross away from this selection
and then you can select what ever drawing in Model
drawings list you want.

246 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Example from material list

File – report can be printed out

Edit – you can also copy the report
to the clipboard and paste it for
example to excel

MagiCAD Export
Start the function from Bill of Materials button . Dialog opens.

It is possible to save different kind os

selection situations to project. It means that
you can select the wanted systems,
drawings etc. to selection set and then select Select the system group(s) which object you
the wanted selection set when needed. want to take to MagiCAD Export list.

Select the system(s) which object you want

to take to bill of material list.

It is possible to use these filters when

making material list.
UserVar values can be added to MagiCAD
objects with Part Properties -and Change
Properties functions.
One example, Devices have UserVar1 value
ABC, then you can define that only the
objects which UserVar1 value = ABC are
calculated to MagiCAD Export.
Create the MagiCAD Export list.

Select the area or drawing(s) from where you want to Output Header – you can define the
count the objects. header for the material list
Select Room and All rooms of the floor
options are active, if the drawing is connected to the
MagiCAD Room project.
Show model drawings from current folder
only – if there are drawings in some other folder than the
active drawing, take a cross away from this selection
and then you can select what ever drawing in Model
drawings list you want.

248 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

MagiCAD Export settings

Select the wanted configuration Select the wanted configuration or create your
file or create your own. own.
All the created configurations All the created configurations are saved to the
are saved to this file selected configurations file.

All the attributes which are selected

to the export list, are shown in this

Include column headers –

activate this, if you want to add the
attribute name as header.
Arrows uo/down – change the
order of the attributes
Delete attributes – delete the
selected attributes

Select the attributes which you want

to take to the export list.
Select the object types
Copy to clipboard – you which you want to take to Move the attribute to the Selected
can copy the objects to the export list Attributes/Columns list with the
clipboard and paste them for green arrow
example to excel
Save to file – saves
information to txt file

Example from MagiCAD Export list

250 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

4. MagiCAD Electrical
4.1 List of functions
MC-E Project/General menu

Edit Storey Properties
User Preferences
DIALux Import
Update Drawing Data
Create User Symbol (2D)
General symbols
Cable Markings
Check Switchboards and Power Circuits
Check Data and Update from Switchboard Schematic
Show Objects Connected to Switchboard/Circuit
IFC Calculation Export (not for regular Ifc export)
IFC Calculation Import

Corresponding ribbon:

MC-E IFC menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Project/General toolbar.

IFC Calculation Export (not for regular Ifc export)
IFC Calculation Import

MagiCAD Electrical 251

MC-E Electric menu

Cable Packets
Device Connection

Corresponding ribbon:

Electric Devices menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Electric toolbar.

Connection Boxes

252 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

MC-E Tele/Data menu

Cable Packets
Device Connection
Build Logical Connections
Check and Report Connections
Check and Report Device for Connections

Corresponding ribbon:

Tele/Data/BA Devices menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Tele/Data toolbar.

Main Units
Tele and data

MagiCAD Electrical 253

Sub-stations and Routers
Probes and Buttons
Other BA Points
Other Equipment

MC-E Cable Routes menu

Cable Trays
Stretch Cable Tray
Change Cable Tray Width or Height
Cable Tray Crossing

Corresponding ribbon:

MC-E Switchboard Schematic menu

Switchboard Report and Schematic Preview

Create Switchboard Schematic
Switchboard Schematic Properties
Edit Circuit
Insert Circuit
Insert Circuit from Plan
Delete Circuit
Move Circuit
Change Column Width
Update External References
Add Symbol
Add Detail Symbol

254 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Draw Rail
Add Text
Check Data and Update from Plan Drawings
Circuit Renumbering
Create Switchboard Schematic Symbol
Create Detail Symbol
Explode Switchboard Schematic Symbol
Reset External References

Corresponding ribbon:

MC-E Edit menu

Part Properties
Part Properties of HP&V Objects
Change Properties
Change Elevation
Copy Branch
Move Branch
Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route
Connection Nodes
Stretch Text
Revision Mark
Revision Cloud

Corresponding ribbon:

MagiCAD Electrical 255

MC-E Connection Nodes menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Edit toolbar.

Connect Node
Disconnect Node
Connection Node Report

MC-E Edit II menu

Insert Running Index

Remove Running Index
Move Attribute
Move Device Symbol
Switchboard Border
Switchboard Area
Insert Combination Box
Draw Combination Box Symbol

Corresponding ribbon:

256 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

MC-E Sections menu

This is a flyout toolbar of MC-E Edit II toolbar.

Section Marks
Edit Section Mark
Make Section
Update Section

Corresponding ribbon:

MC-E View menu

Drawing Preferences
Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit
Reset Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Hide
Show Selected Parts Only
Show All Parts
Part Property Line
Show Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Route
Collision Control

Corresponding ribbon:

MagiCAD Electrical 257

4.2 How to start
Starting a new drawing

Start a new drawing from a template file. MagiCAD has template drawings stored in the installation folder.
Save the new drawing to the model drawings folder of your electrical project.

and save the drawing

click new and select
a template drawing.

click open

After this you can attach the architectural dwg to the drawing as an external reference (xref). Attach it by
using AutoCAD’s Attach -button. If the architectural drawing looks messy you can use the Drawing Cleaning
Utility –function. For more information please see the “Common” -chapter for details.

258 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the path type to full,
relative or no path.
Relative is recommended
because it is not
dependent of the hard
drive letter or the “root”
folder location.

Scale the xref if needed.

Set the reference type.

Attachment allows the
xref to be shown in
“higher level” xrefs and
overlay does not.

Set the insertion point of

the xref in the drawing.
By using the z -
coordinate you can xref
several drawings on top
of each other if needed.
Rotate the xref if needed.

MagiCAD Electrical 259

Starting a new project and adding drawings to the project

When you have a drawing saved and ready to be started you can attach it to a project. If this is the first
drawing of the project then you have to create a new project and connect the drawing to it but if a project
exists already you can connect the drawing to the existing project. Add the drawing to a project by clicking
the Project –button.

Add the drawing to the model drawing list

after connecting it to the project.

Select the project that you want to

connect the drawing to and click Select. If
no projects are found it means that you
are creating a new project or you have
saved the drawing to a wrong location.
Click the New –button to create a new

Give a name for the project

file that will be created.

Set the location

of the project file.
The approved
possibilities are
shown on the list.
Add the drawing to
the model drawing
list after connecting
it to the project.
Select a template
project file that is
used as a basis
for the new

After this the Project Management -dialog opens. For more details about the project management see the
chapter “Managing a project” for details. Now you are ready to use the project’s products in the drawing. See
the “Drawing Functions” –chapter for details how to insert different MagiCAD objects.

Location of the project files

A project file (*.mep) and MagiCAD drawings can be added to the same folder or you can divide them in
different ways. Here is one example:

260 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

The best place for project You can have several subfolders
files is the main folder of the under the main folder.

Electrical drawings Architectural drawings

Circuit schematic drawings

Plan drawings
Switchboard schematic drawings

Electric Tele_data_ba

You can divide the drawings for example so that all the different kind of drawings are in
their own folders.

If the project files are saved to the main folder of the project, all the drawings in main folder
or its subfolders and their subfolders can be connected to the MagiCAD project!

MagiCAD Electrical 261

Storey definitions
Generally one drawing can be one storey of a building or a part of a storey in a building. This is why you can
set the storey properties for each drawing separately from the Edit Storey Properties –button.

Move origin, set the storey origin in

the drawing or show it by clicking a
point in the drawing with the Show
origin -button. It is recommended to
move the origin to the building’s
(actual / apparent) bottom left corner.

If you have used MagiCAD Room to

model the building you can Select a
MagiCAD Room project and Select
a storey from the project. See the
MagiCAD Room’s user’s guide for

Set the storey name and origin in the

building. If you have used a
MagiCAD Room project the storey
information is taken from there. This
is used e.g. when making connection
nodes between storeys (drawings) or
texting absolute heights.

4.3 Managing a project

Project management

With the Project –button you can start managing your current project after the current drawing is connected
to the project. The Project Management -dialog opens. There you can find all the settings, definitions and
products (except switchboards). First in the tree are the general descriptions, settings and the model
drawings list.

262 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Merge data from another project. It can be
used to copy data from another project.
This can also be used if a project is done
locally in several locations by merging the
local copies into one whole project and then
moving the drawings under the same
The functionality is explained in the “Merge
Project” –chapter.

Disconnect the current drawing from the Remove unused data

project. from the project.
Warning! By doing this and connecting to The functionality is
another project the corresponding products explained in the “Purge
and systems (with same internal Ids in the Project” –chapter.
project) used in the dwg are changed after
updating the drawing.
The functionality is explained in the
“Disconnect Project” –chapter.

MagiCAD Electrical 263

Project description
In the Project Description –dialog you can set the general information regarding the project. Open the
dialog by right clicking on the right pane where you can see the current information.

Give the general information

regarding the project.

Project settings
In the Project settings –dialog you can change the general settings regarding the project. Open the dialog
by right clicking on the right pane where you can see the current information.

264 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Default scale factor for Character set:
new drawings. National (ANSI) or

Set the ID range used in the

current project with the
multiplier (=first Id/1000).
This is used when the
project is done locally in
several locations (without a
local area network
connection). Each location
needs its own range.

Select where the

Selec the market area whose viewport defaults are
products are displayed when saved to. See the
a product is selected from a By checking the checkbox
you can backup the project ”Common” -chapter
manufacturer’s database. for details about
file into the drawing. You
can restore a project file viewports.
by typing
Set the default power MAGIERESTOREPROJECT
distribution type. This is used or MERESTOREPRJ to the
by the Ifc Calculation command line when a dwg
Export –function. with a suitable “time
stamp” is open.

Model drawings
In Model drawings you can see a list of the model drawings added there when connecting them to the
project. You can add more drawings and remove existing drawings from the right click menu. Note that the
removed drawings are still connected to the project. This is not used for a project’s file management
operations.The list is used in various MagiCAD functions when you need to select drawings that you want to
search data from.

MagiCAD Electrical 265

Right click menu

Browse to a drawing and

add it to the list.

Add the current drawing on

the list if it is not there yet.

Remove the selected drawing

from the list.

Each main system type (electric, tele/data/ba and cable routes) has subsystems (Systems) that the objects
installed to drawings can belong to. The Systems are defined in the project. Each system has its own
definitions. From the right click menu you can add and remove a system or edit properties of the systems. By
selecting several systems from the list and then from the right click menu the Change column values –
option you can change the value you have clicked on from all the selected systems at once.

Add a new system.

Add a new system that is
based on the selected

Delete a system.

Change the
properties of the Change e.g. all the linetypes of the selected
system. systems to something else or set the
selected systems to be not in use.

266 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Internal ID inside the Set if the system is in use or not by
selected group/branch. checking or unchecking a box.
(visible in the system selection list)

Different systems

System definitions (Properties selection

Set the System from the right click menu)
code and
These are shown
in the selection
list of objects.

Voltage definitions (electric

systems only). No affect yet.

Drawing Properties. The Layer code, Layer

linetype and Layer color can be used in the
Layer definitions.

Select the Default cable of the system if

needed (electric and tele/data/ba systems).
This is used when drawing cables and
changing a system from the options.

System variables, they can be

used in texts, reports etc.

MagiCAD Electrical 267

The electric and tele/data/ba system types contain a branch called “cables” where you can define the cables
used in the project. The same selections are available in the right click menu as for systems.

Cables / E - Electric cables

Set if the cable is in use or not by checking or

unchecking a box. (visible in the cable selection list)


General data. Sorting in the cable

selection list is done according to Cable definitions (electric)
the Cable code.

Wire properties (resistance and

reactance) for phase and neutral
conductors. Not used yet.

Layer code. This can be used in the

Layer definitions.

Select an Object ID format

according to which the Object Ids
of the cable objects are created.

Product variables, can be used in

reports, dimension texts, etc.

Select a cable marking for the current cable type.

Can be installed with the Cable Markings –function.
Reset with the None –button.

268 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Cables / T,D,BA - Tele/data/ba cables

Set if the cable is in use or not by checking or

unchecking a box. (visible in the cable selection list)


General data. Sorting in the cable

selection list is done according to Cable definitions (tete/data/ba)
the Cable code.

Properties, consists of the Number

of connection pairs and Max
length that are used in the
connection reports.

Layer code. This can be used in the

Layer definitions.

Select an Object ID format

according to which the Object Ids
of the cable objects are created.

Product variables. Can be used in

reports, dimension texts, etc.

Select a cable marking for the current cable type.

Can be installed with the Cable Markings –function.
Reset with the None –button.

MagiCAD Electrical 269


Adding a product to the project and removing a product from the project.
In a product group tree right click on a product (or in an empty space if no products are yet defined) to add a
product, remove a product and change properties of the selected product.

Add a new product, start from Right click menu

scratch. The Product Data –
dialog opens.

Add a new product based on the

selected one (identical data but
different internal ID). The
Product Data –dialog opens.

Delete the selected product.

MagiCAD checks that the
removed product is not used in
the model drawings. If it is then
the operation is canceled.

Change the properties of the

selected product. Opens the
Product Data –dialog.

270 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Product data

Select a real
product from the
product database
General data, Select a 2D with 3D geometry
Light source only symbol for or a 3D object
Product Data for luminaires. the product. (block, box or

power data



Classes, Codes, Product

Variables and Product Note

Default Laye code. Can

Adjust the cable to the elevation of be used in Layer
symbol edge when the product. definitions.
Use integrated connecting to it or not.
text or not,
change Allow mirroring the product upside
settings with Use the general 2D scale factor to down when mirror is used or not.
the button. scale the symbol or not.

MagiCAD Electrical 271

Usually a real product cannot be used upside down and thus the “allow mirroring upside down”
checkbox in the Product Data –dialog should be unchecked when using real product models.
However, some products can actually be used upside down or their appearance does not change if
they are turned upside down so with those you can use this function carefree, e.g. for most switches
and electric sockets or if you use only 2D symbols.

Product Data - Selecting a 2D symbol

By clicking the select button you can select a 2D symbol for the product.

Select the symbol.

Select the active

symbols series.

Select a symbol from

another group.

Product Data - Selecting a 3D model

272 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

With the radio button you can choose which kind of 3D model you use for the product or you can select a
product from the database and use its 3D geometry. The button changes according to the active radio

Select an AutoCAD 3D block as the 3D model.

Select a 3D box as the 3D model. Set the alignment from

the Alignment -button.

Select a 3D cylinder as the 3D model. Set the alignment

from the Alignment -button.

Search products from the

local databases or from the
internet databases. Change the local
database path.

Select (expand) a
manufacturer. 3D preview or the
“dimension image”.

Select (expand) a
product family.

Select a product.

Product search. With the Search –

button you can search the databases
according to the search criteria. View the
instead of the 3D

Select the product View the properties of the product family and its
to the project. products (power, IP class, light source, www-link).

MagiCAD Electrical 273

Product Data – Selecting a 3D model - AutoCAD block
Select a block found in the “blocks” –folder that is defined in the User Preferences.

Product Data – Selecting a 3D model - Box

After selecting a box you can set the alignment from the button. The size of the box is naturally taken from
the dimensions of the product.

Set the box’s

insertion point to its
left side, center or
right side.

Set the box’s insertion point Set the box’s insertion

to its top, center or bottom. point to its front side,
center or back side.

274 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Product Data – Selecting a 3D model - Cylinder
After selecting a cylinder you can set the alignment from the button. The size of the cylinder is naturally
taken from the dimensions of the product.

Set the origin Set the top

inside the direction of the
cylinder. cylinder.

Product Data – Integrated text and Text settings

With the Integrated text –checkbox you can choose to insert a dimension text at the same time as the
product. From the Text settings you can set the distance for the dimension text from the product’s insertion

MagiCAD Electrical 275

Select the text format for the integrated
text from the project’s text formats.

Text settings

Set the distance from the

device’s insertion point.

When this is checked the text is

rotated according to the current
UCS when installing and the
text will remember its original

Product Data – Tele/data/ba devices

Tele/data/ba devices are a little different than electric devices. They do not have so detailed electric power
data and they do not have earthing definitions. In addition they have got connection definitions that are used
in the connection reports.

Product Data – Tele/data/ba devices – Power supply

You can select whether a tele/data/ba device has a power supply or not. When checking the checkbox you
can set the voltage and the active power for the device. After this you can select a default power cable for
the device and connect an electric cable to it.

276 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Product Data – Tele/data/ba devices – Connections
Set the amount of upward and downward connections/pairs for the device.

Set if the tele/data/ba device can

act as a host device or not. Not
means that the device is an end

Set the maximum amount of sub-

device connections/pairs that is
When this is checked the host allowed for the host device.
device uses the same total amount
of uplink connections/pairs as all
the sub-devices connected “behind”
it. It calculates the amount of Set the amount of uplink connections/pairs
connections/pairs needed from its for the device that it needs from the
sub-devices. supplying host device.
Amounts for host devices:
0 = ultimate main device/host
n = needs n uplink connections/pairs. In
this case you can leave one open cable
end to represent a connection to an
external network for the ultimate main

The defaults in the Product Data –dialog are used when installing the product and when starting to draw a
cable from it.

Cable routes (cable trays and conduits)

There are three different kinds of cable routes in the project: boxes, ladders and conduits. Boxes represent
all kinds of box shaped products such as cable channels/-chutes/-canals, busbar trunking systems, luminaire
rails etc. Ladders represent cable ladders. Adding cable routes is similar to adding any product to the project.
When adding or editing a cable route the Cable Route –dialog opens. The type of the cable route is selected
in the 3D Frame –section.

MagiCAD Electrical 277

2D hatch symbol and the
distance between the
sequential symbols (x-step).

General data



Object Id

Default bend,
branch and
reduction types
for the cable
route (box or
ladder only).

variables. Layer code,
can be used can be used
in Layer Select to draw
in reports, the 2D hatch
definitions. Default elevation
texts etc. symbol in the
for the cable route.
bends or not.

Cable routes (others)

Here you can define other cable route products. The selections in the right click menu are the same as for
any other product. The cable route products can be installed separately to a drawing or by connecting them
in the middle of an existing cable route so they can be used to represent e.g. hangers, fasteners etc.

278 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select a 3D block as
the 3D symbol of the
product if needed.

Combination boxes
Here you can define combination boxes that are used in the project. The same selections are available in the
right click menu as for products. A combination box is a combination of several products. The same kind of
general data is available as for any other product. The 3D presentation of a combination box is a 3D box.

MagiCAD Electrical 279

Move a product up or down in the list.
Affects the order in the Draw
Combination Box Symbols –function.

Delete the selected Insert a new product into the combination box (in
product from the list. front of the selected product).

280 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Text styles
Here you can define the text styles used in the project. Add, remove and write .STY –file from the right click

Add a new text style from

the current drawing
(defined in AutoCAD’s
Text style –dialog, STYLE
Remove a text
style from teh

Write an STY file from the current

text styles to e.g. transfer them to
another project.

Add a new text style or several

text styles from an STY file.
Browse to a file and select the
style(s) from it.

Here you can define the linetypes used in the project. Add, remove and write a .LIN -file from the right click

MagiCAD Electrical 281

Add a new linetype or several
linetypes from a LIN file.

Remove a linetype
from the project.

Write a LIN file from the

linetypes used in the project
to e.g. transfer them to
another project.

Text formats
Here you can define all the text formats in the project used by the Text –function. The same selections are
available in the right click menu as for products. The text formats are also available in the Integrated text -
function for products.

The break cable border style shows all the systems in a cable packet one after the other.

282 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the general data of the
text format: description,
text style, text height and
text color.

Set the reference line type

used in the text format.

Set a scale factor for the

symbol in the end of the
reference line (line, arrow
or filled circle).

Set an alignment
for the text.

Set the separator

style for sequential
columns. With the
Use character –
selection you can
type in a separator
character. By
selecting the New
line -variable from
the available
variables you can
separate the text to
several rows.

Add constant text to the format

in front of the selected variable.

Available Set the border or

variables. underlining style for the
text format. With border
areas you can use the
Fixed size -checkbox
Remove a and L –value (D for
variable or circle diameters) for
constant text Add the selected
available variable to giving a fixed
from the text length/diameter for the
the text format in front
format. area. The Break cable –
of the selected
variable or constant. option hides the part of
the cable/cable
packet/conduit where
the text is shown.

MagiCAD Electrical 283

Layer definitions
Here you can define how layers are created when inserting objects to the model drawings. You can change
the settings any time and update them to the drawings with the Update Drawing Data –function.

Set the name structure for the layer. You can use Right click
here the layer variables of systems {SV}, products
{PV}, installation codes {IV}, and statuses {STV}. If
you use a layer variable it means that you separate
the objects of the same object group to different
layers according to the corresponding
property/properties. {RV} is the Revision Variable.

Set the layer’s line type, line weight and color


Set the 2D presentation behaviour for the object


Set the 3D presentation behaviour for the object


BySystem means that the property is taken from the system of the object. ByLayer means that the
property is taken from the layer.

284 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Report definitions
Here you can define all report models that you use in the project. The same selections are available in the
right click menu as for products. The report models are used in the Reports -function.

Name of the
report model.

Select to which product

groups the report applies
to (=product group filter).

Select all product groups

or clear all selections
with the buttons.

Insert a new property to the report. Remove the

Select the from the
property report.

Input the headers used for

the column of the selected
property in the report.

MagiCAD Electrical 285

Switchboard schematic def(initions)
Here you can define all the switchboard schematic report models used in the project when creating
switchboard schematic drawings or reports/previews. There are two different directions to create a
switchboard schematic drawing: vertical and horizontal. From the right click menu you can create new
schematic definitions, remove them from the project or change the properties of an existing one.

Horizontal schema (circuits in columns)

Vertical schema (circuits in rows)

Switchboard schematic def. – vertical schema

A vertical schema is created so that circuits are placed on top of each other (=rows).

286 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Give a name for the model.

Insert a new property into the schema.

Select the property, set the length for the
column, alignment and headers.

Remove a property from the list.

Here you can see the total width of

the schematic region.
Set the
circuit cell
height in the Set the text
Set a prefix height. Set the text style used in the
schema that (=space) before schema.
includes the circuit
three text symbol.

a vertical schema can look e.g. like this

Switchboard schematic def. – horizontal schema

A horizontal schema is created so that circuits are placed next to each other from left to right (=columns).

MagiCAD Electrical 287

Give a name for the model.

Set a height for the schematic region.

Insert a new property into the schema.

Select the property, set the alignment
and header.

Set if the text cells

are below the circuit
symbols or on top of

Set the direciton

of the schematic
symbol to Set the text style
upward or and height.
downward. Set if the text cells
have borderlines or
not and if the text cells Set the text
have header columns direction to
Set the symbol or not. Also set the horizontal or vertical
insertion distance width for the header for all text cells.
from the bottom of column.
the schema.
Set the text cell height
and (the circuit) width.

a horizontal schema can look e.g. like this

288 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Power circuit types
Here you can define the power circuit types that contain default information which can be inserted to a circuit
just by selecting a circuit type for it.

Give a name for

the circuit type.

Select a
default symbol
or no symbol.

Select whether
you want to sum
Default up similar circuit
descriptions 1-3.
types to the
drawings or not.
Default data for

Set the order sort number according to which

circuits are sorted when creating a
switchboard schematic drawing. Circuit types
with the lowest sort number are inserted first.

Connection node defaults

Here you can define the default symbols used when creating connection nodes into plan drawings. Each
product group has got their own default symbols to each direction.

MagiCAD Electrical 289

Select the symbol.

Set the default direction angle.

Provision for voids

Here you can define the settings that are used when creating automatic provision for voids. See the
“Common” -chapter for more details.

290 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the offset for circular
voids (=spare space).

Set the minimum distance

for separate voids.

Set the offset for rectangular

voids (=spare space).

Set the maximum diameter

allowed for circular voids.

Set the minimum diameter

limit for voids.
Set the rounding down limit for
voids according to which the
calculated dimensions of
Set the rounding step for automatic voids are allowed to
voids according to which exceed the rounding step and
the dimensions of are rounded down to the
Give the owner codes that
automatic voids are “previous” rounding step
are used for voids. The
rounded up to. instead of rounding up to the
codes can be used e.g. in
next rounding step.
dimension texts.

User named variables

You can name the following variables as you like in the software. After changing the name the variables are
shown with their new name in all places where they are available e.g. report definitions, part properties etc.

MagiCAD Electrical 291

Double click to edit.

By checking the Default –checkbox you

can reset the naming back to the
original name.

Variable sets
Here you can define the different variable sets of the software such as Installation codes, IP classes, EXE
classes, Object Id formats, Statuses, Running index formats and Running index groups.

Variable sets – Installation codes

Installation codes are used for cables and products. The same selections are available in the right click
menu as for products.

292 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Give the general
Set the layer code {IV}. Can be data of the
used in the Layer definitions. installation code.

Variable sets – IP classes and EXE classes

IP classes and EXE classes are used for products. The same selections are available in the right click menu
as for products.

Give the general data of

the IP class/EXE class.

MagiCAD Electrical 293

Variable sets – Object ID (formats)
The object ID formats can be used for cables, products and cable routes. When an Object ID format is
selected for any of the previous products the Object ID is automatically created for objects when inserting
them to drawings.
Object Id formats have same kind of selections in the right click menu as products.

Give a name for the Object

ID format.

Add the selected available

variable to the Object ID

Added variables.

Select a variable to add.

Remove the selected variable

from the Object ID format.

Add constant text in front of the

selected variable.

Variable sets – Status definitions

Statuses can be used for objects to represent e.g. their installation order or role in the building: which are
installed first and which are demolished before that, phase in the design process: which objects are
approved and which are not or their acquiring method: which are existing and reusable objects and which
are new purchases.
Status is a property of objects but it can also affect the linetypes, lineweights and colors of objects.

294 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set a code for the

Set a description
for the status.

Give the layer variable

{STV} that can be used
in Layer definitions.

With the checkbox you

can select whether object
with this status are
With the checkbox you calculated to reports or
can select whether to not.
define the linetype,
lineweight and color
settings to be the same
for all system types
Select the line weight
(electrical, tele/data/ba
used by the objects with
and cable routes) or not.
this status. The line
weights are always
Select the line type used by the
objects with this status if the
objects have their line type set to Select the color used by the
the ByProject mode. This means objects with this status. The
that line types are only colors are always
overridden for objects with the overridden.
ByProject line type.

Variable sets – Running index

Running indexes can be used to number objects with sequential numbers to help identifying them. Running
indexes can be a part of the Object Id format and they can also be used in reports and dimension texts.
The running index definitions consist of text formats and text groups. Text formats define the actual running
index formats and each text format can belong to one text group. The text groups are then used to filter the
available text formats according to the group they belong to when installing running indexes.
See the “Common” –chapter for more details.

MagiCAD Electrical 295

Running index text format properties
Running index text group properties

Set the first

number to
begin with.

Set the
number of
digits in the
Select a text group if the
running index text format
Name, the Running Name, the Running index is needed to be filtered in
index text –variable that text group –variable that the installation dialog.
can be used in reports, can be used in reports,
Object Id formats and Object Id formats and
dimension texts. dimension texts. Filters the
available running index text
formats in the installation
dialog’s selection list.

Disconnect Project
With the Disconnect Project –button you can disconnect the current drawing from the project. After this you
have to connect the drawing to another project. Please note that the objects in the drawing refer to the
internal Ids of the project so connecting the drawing to another project means that the objects will refer to the
corresponding internal Ids in the new project after updating the drawing. This can lead to errors if e.g. the
products have different internal Ids between the projects or the products are generally different.

296 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Disconnect the current drawing from the project.

Purge Project
With the Purge Project –button you can remove all unused data from the project. After clicking the button
MagiCAD will scan all model drawings for the used data and show a list of the items that can be purged from
the project. There you can select which items are purged and which are not.

MagiCAD Electrical 297

Selection if the
item is purged or

select several by holding

down the shift key

right click

Select to purge the

selected items.

Select not to purge the

selected items.

MagiCAD purges the the items that are marked to be purged.

298 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Merge Project
With the Merge Project –button you can merge data from another project to the current project.

Select the project to merge data from by pressing the ... -

button. Then select the groups to be merged with the

Compares data between projects

and creates a difference list.
After that you need to decide
what to do with them.

Merge, Add using

original Id.

Show differences between the two projects regarding right click

the selected item. Do not

the existing

Create a Map to an existing item

new item. and overwrite its data.

Moving the drawing to another project (command: MECHP)

When the same project has been edited in several locations, and it has not been possible to use a shared
project file, this function can be used for moving the drawing under a different project.
Follow these steps to proceed. The project, which is merged, is called sub-project, and the project, to which
the other projects are merged, is called main project.

MagiCAD Electrical 299

1. Copy or move the project files (.mep) of the sub-projects to the directory where the main project file (.mep)
is located.
2. Copy or move the drawings of the sub-projects to the directory of the main project drawings, or create a
new directory for the drawings of the sub-projects.
3. Open a drawing of a sub-project, and run the MECHP or MAGIECHANGEPROJECT command. The Select
Project -dialog opens. Select the main project in the dialog, and click the Select -button.

The Project Data to Merge -dialog opens.

The dialog contains all information of the sub-project that is different from the main project. For the products
that do not exist in the main project (i.e. the ID number is not in use), the program selects Add as the
operation. In this case, the products are added to the main project.
4. For the products with a dash ( - ) in the Operation -column, you need to select the operation. Click the
right mouse button on the row to select the operation:
Do not merge – the product is not merged to the main project.
Merge (add using original ID) – the product is merged to the main project, but the values for the product
will be taken from the main project.
Create new – the program creates a new product with a new ID to the main project.
Map/Overwrite – with this operation you can select the product of the main project whose values you will
use for the selected product. If an exactly similar product is found from the main project, word Identical is
displayed in the dialog.
5. Once you have made the selections, click Ok – Merge to merge the data. After the merge it is
recommended to open the Project Management -dialog in the drawings that previously belonged to the sub-
project; the program is then able to make the connection between the drawing and their new project.

Restoring a project (command: MERESTOREPRJ)

When a project file (.mep) has for some reason been corrupted or accidentally removed you can restore it
by typing MAGIERESTOREPROJECT or MERESTOREPRJ to the command line. Note that the Backup project

300 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

files in drawing –option in the Project settings must have been enabled and the current drawing saved
before the project file was lost. Otherwise the project has not been backed up. By opening a drawing with a
suitable “time stamp” you can control the date and time from which the project will be restored.

4.4 Drawing Functions

4.4.1 Placing devices and switchboards

You can start placing devices by clicking a device button.

The installation dialog is the same for

all devices but electrical switchboards.

Device installation

Switchboard installation

Placing switchboards

Start the placing from the switchboard –button. After setting the data place the switchboard to the drawing.

MagiCAD Electrical 301

Set general information for the Select a symbol for the
switchboard: Code, Description, switchboard.
System, Status, Installation, IP class
and EXE class.

Set the Select the shown symbol

dimensions. Set earthing. series: DEN, FIN, IEC,
Elevation is the NOR, SWE or their
bottom elevation combination.
of the
switchboard. Set object

Set power information: insert the switchboard

Voltage (3~), Power
[kW] and cos phi.

Placing devices
Start the placing from a device –button.

302 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select a product.

Change the product

group to find another
type of device if

Save the product to

Select a your favourites –
System and toolbar. 20 devices
Status. can be saved.
Set the Elevation. MagiCAD
sets the default elevation from
By checking Installation method. By default the project but you can change
the MagiCAD takes it from the it manually or use the Top of,
checkbox product’s definitions. By
Bottom of or Center of -
you can unchecking the checkbox you button to place it over, under
install the can select it manually. or at the same level as an
3D model
existing object.
after placing Set the operation area.
the 2D
Set the radius
and/or angle. insert the device

Select the shape of the area.

MagiCAD Electrical 303

The right click menu
After you have selected a device and you are ready to place it to the drawing you can from the right click
menu rotate the device, connect it to an existing cable or use the array option to insert several devices at
once with even distances. In the example below luminaires are installed to a room using array.

Set the amount of rows

and columns. The total
amount of devices
installed is always
”rows x columns”.

Right click menu after

you have selected a
Options, go device to be installed Array, install several devices at
back to (see: “Placing devices”) once with even distances into a
options. shown area.

change the
direction of the
Set automatic
Connect, connections if
connect to the needed. With the
end or middle of
Cable Options –
an existing cable. button you can
change the cable
and its
presentation like
described in
”Drawing cables
and making
show the area

304 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Array’s rows and columns are “rotated” with the device. If you change the direction e.g. from 0
degrees to 90 or 270 degrees it means that rows and columns are also rotated 90 or 270 degrees so
it can seem like rows and columns have changed places even though they have not, they are only
rotated 90 or 270 degrees.

4.4.2 Drawing cables and making connections

Drawing cables
Start drawing cables from the following buttons. On the first start the Cable Options -dialog appears
automatically. After that the last used values are remembered but you can change the options from the right
click menu when after the command is started.

MagiCAD Electrical 305

Set the System, Material,
Installation and Status for
the cable.

Set the presentation of the

cable, either direct or

Set the linetype for the


Set the corner type for the

cable (when direct
presentation is selected).
With Rounded you can
give the radius and with
Bevelled you can give the
distance used for the

sharp rounded bevelled

Set the elevation

behaviour of the cable
when connecting it
Select the connection box Set the Cable between objects. By
that will be automatically number for the highest point draws the
inserted whenever a cable cable. With the Next cable’s horizontal part on
is connected to another free -button you can the highest elevation
cable or box is selected find the next found. By lowest point
from the right click menu. available number. draws the cable’s
With the checkbox you can horizontal part on the
always select the box in lowest elevation found. By
these situations. start draws the cable’s
horizontal part on the start
Set the device elevation.
Set the xy-routing for the cable. With the Side basepoint
automatic -button you can set a fixed distance (dy) where the
for the cable aside from the direct route between cable is
the start and end points. By giving a negative value connected to.
you can “swap” the cable to the other side.

Right after starting the command you have the following options in the right click menu.

306 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Connect if found / noConnect, select whether to connect or not to a
device when clicking on top of one.

Options, opens the Cable Options dialog.

diRect / cuRved, set the presentation to direct or curved.

You can see the current settings on the command line and also the
available right click menu options. The options can be accessed
with the key (capital) letter.

After you have started to draw a cable the following options are available in the right click menu.

Connect if found / noConnect

Options Back, go back to the

previous point.

Z, set a new elevation. Angle

can be 90 degrees or free
connection Node, create a
according to the next click
connection node to an external
diRect / cuRved point. The Show reference
drawing. Set the destination
part -button takes the
and select a symbol if needed.
elevation from an existing
You can also set a direction
angle for the symbol or show it
circUit, create a circuit manually by checking the
(electric cables only). See checkbox.
chapter “Creating circuits” Inserts a box according to the
for details. settings defined in the Cable
Options dialog.

MagiCAD Electrical 307

Creating connections
Electrical devices can be connected together with electrical cables. The connections to a feeding
switchboard are made with circuits (circUit –option). See the “Creating circuits” –chapter for details. Circuits
are also created when connecting a cable to a cable packet. See the “Drawing cable packets” -chapter for
details. Logical electrical connections can be made with the Circuit –button in electrical devices’ part
properties. See the “Editing functions” –chapter for details. From circuits that are connected to a switchboard
you can create a switchboard schematic drawing.
You can connect tele/data/ba devices together with the tele/data/ba cables. No circuits are created then but
the connections are made. You can also connect tele/data/ba devices together logically. See the chapter
“Creating logical connections” for details. In addition cable packets can be used to create tele/data/ba
connections. See the “Drawing cable packets” -chapter for details.

Device connection
After you have installed devices and drawn a cable near them you can quickly connect the devices to the
cable with the Device Connection –button.

308 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the wave and cable
options used in the first
(zigzag) connection type.

Select the connection


Set the cable break

distance when needed.

Select a connection box for

connection types that use

First select the devices to be connected.

Then select the cable to connect to.

The result

Creating (electrical) circuits

When drawing a supply cable (electric cables only) you can create a connection to a switchboard by
selecting the circUit -option from the right click menu. A circuit can also be created by connecting the cable
directly to a cable packet or a switchboard. See the chapter “Drawing cable packets” for details about using
cable packets.

MagiCAD Electrical 309

Give a Circuit number for the circuit. MagiCAD automaticaly
Pick a circuit from sets the next number from the preivously given.
an existing
drawing and link it
to this circuit Select the Circuit type for the circuit. By selecting one the
symbol in the default information is taken from the project to the circuit.
current drawing.

Set the descriptions (1-3) for the circuit. You can also give the
total active power [kW] and the diversity factor for the circuit.

Select the schematic

symbol for the circuit that
is used when creating the
switchboard schematic
drawing. With the No
symbol -button you can
reset the selection.

Select the circuit symbol

used in the plan drawing.
This is not available
when connecting cables
directly to cable packets
or switchboards.

Check the phases used

in the circuit.

Set the information

regarding the protective

Select the shown symbol

The circuit’s supply cable
and its cable number.
They are changeable after Connect the circuit to a
cable packet when it is Select the switchboard
installing the circuit symbol that the supply cable
needed to calculate real like
to the plan drawing. connects to. With the
cable lengths. With the
Disconnect -button you can Deselect button you can
reset the connection. reset the selection.

310 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

a circuit symbol

a circuit connected to a cable packet

(similar is created when connecting a
cable’s end to a switchboard)

Pick from schematic

When pressing the Pick from schematic –button the following dialog appears.

Select the schematic

drawing to pick a circuit

Select if you want to see

free circuits or all circuits of
the schematic drawing.

Select the circuit you want

to link to this circuit.

Select if you want to copy only

the switchboard and circuit
number information from the
schematic drawing or all
properties of the circuit. The
cable type and cable number
defined in the plan drawing will
always remain.

MagiCAD Electrical 311

Creating logical (tele/data/ba) connections
In addition to using tele/data/ba cables and cable packets you can create logical connections to build up the
tele/data/ba network. Start creating the connections from the following button.

1. First click on the host device.

Selections in the right click menu.

2. Then select the (slave)

devices that you want to connect
logically to the host device.

You can see the created

connections on the Select the host device from the current or an external drawing.
command line.
Select current drawing
or a model drawing.

Select the drawing range from

which the used connections are
checked from. Select the external

Add/remove model
drawings to/from the

Select the host device.

312 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Cable markings
In the project you select cable marks for each cable type. They can be placed for cables with the Cable
Markings –function.

click on the cable

Dummy cable markings (MEDS)

By typing on the command line MEDS or MAGIEDIMSYMBOL you can insert a cable mark that has no
connection to the cable types defined in the project.

MagiCAD Electrical 313

4.4.3 Drawing cable packets

Start drawing a cable packet by clicking one of the following buttons. You can draw cable packets between
drawings with connection nodes like you can with cables.

Set the System and Status

for the packet.

Set the linetype and line

width for the packet.

Set the elevation behaviour

of the packet. By highest
point draws the packet’s
horizontal part on the highest
elevation found. By lowest
point draws the packet’s
horizontal part on the lowest
elevation found. By start
draws the packet’s horizontal
part on the start elevation.

Set the device basepoint

where the cable packet is
connected to. Set the corner type for the cable (when direct
presentation is selected). With Rounded you can
give the Radius and with Bevelled you can give
the Distance used for the corners.

Connecting cable packets between devices

A cable packet can be connected between two devices. When starting to draw a packet and connecting it to
a device the Owned Cables -dialog opens. There you can add the desired amount of cables into the packet
and connect them between the two devices. This is mainly used for tele/data/ba systems but can be used in
electric systems as well. Owned cables are owned by the packet. They are not the cables that are connected
to the packet. These are shown only in part properties and handled automatically.

314 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

All owned cables of the pakcet
are shown here.

Add, Edit and Delete owned

cables inside a packet.

Set the Cable number for the

cable you are editing. With the
Next free -button you can find
the next available number.

Set a System for the currently

edited cable.

Click the Reject -button to cancel

the currently edited cable. By
Set the Cable type for the rejecting the first owned cable in
currently edited cable. the beginning you can start to
draw an empty cable packet
between devices.

Apply the currently edited cable to the

packet’s owned cables.

By selecting an existing cable while adding/editing a new cable you can transfer the settings from the
existing cable to the currently edited cable.

Using cable packets to define the route of the supply cables

Cable packets can also be used to define the route of the supply cables from the cable/circuit/circuit symbol
to the switchboard/main unit. Draw the routes with cable packets and connect the other end of the packet to
the switchboard/main unit or close to it. After that you can connect the supply cables to the packet. You can
connect a cable directly to a packet to create a circuit without a circuit symbol (only with electric cables). The
direction of the packet is defined by the direction of the slanted “circuit lines”/cables. With tele/data/ba cables
the connections are made but without any circuits.

MagiCAD Electrical 315

direction of the packet

to the switchboard / main unit


With circuit symbols you can click the Connect -button in the Circuit information -dialog to connect the
symbol to a packet. On the first time MagiCAD asks the direction of the packet because no circuits are
connected to the packet yet. Direction means the direction to the feeding device such as switchboard or
main unit.

click the cable packet and show the

direction to the switchboard if asked (on
the command line).

Cable packets (sub packets) can also be connected to other packets (main packets) in the same way as
cables are connected to a packet.

main packet

direction of the main packet

to the switchboard / main unit

sub packet

The part properties of a cable packet shows the following information.

316 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

The total length of the packet is summarized
from all model drawings it goes through.

All cables “going inside” the packet are listed

here, both connected cables and owned cables.
The Cable number, System code, Cable code
and Description of a cable are shown in the list.

Change the corner type of the packet like in the


Edit the owned cables of the packet.

After you have started to draw a cable packet the following options are available in the right click menu.

Connect if found / noConnect

Options Back, go back to the

previous point.

Z, set a new elevation. connection Node, create a

Angle can be 90 connection node to an external
degrees or free drawing. Set the destination
according to the next and select a symbol if needed.
click point. The Show You can also set a direction
reference part -button angle for the symbol or show it
takes the elevation from manually by checking the
an existing object. checkbox.

MagiCAD Electrical 317

4.4.4 Drawing cable routes (trays, channels, conduits)

Start drawing a cable route from the following buttons.

Conduits, from the Options found in

the right click menu you can edit the
settings of the conduit.

Others, from the Options found in the

right click menu you can edit the
settings of the object.

Cable trays, from the Options found in the right click menu
you can edit the settings of the cable tray.

318 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing conduits
On the first time you start the Conduits -function the Conduit Options -dialog appears. There you can
select the conduit product and its settings. After that the options can be accessed through the right click
menu. The same selections are available for conduits as there are for cables in the right click menu except
the box and circuit selections. Conduits can be drawn to external drawings with connection nodes.

Set the System,

Status, Product
and its Diameter.

Set the linetype for

the conduit.

Set the elevation behaviour of the

conduit when connecting it to
another conduit. By highest point Set the presentation
draws the conduit’s horizontal part settings. Select either
on the highest elevation found. By Curved or Direct line
lowest point draws the conduit’s segments. From the W
horizontal part on the lowest you can set the width of the
elevation found. By start draws line segments in the plan
the conduit’s horizontal part on the drawing.
start elevation.

MagiCAD Electrical 319

Drawing cable trays
On the first time you start the Cable Trays -function the Cable Tray Options -dialog appears. There you can
select the cable tray product and its settings. After that the options can be accessed through the right click
menu. Cable trays can also be drawn to other drawings with connection nodes.

Set the System

and Status for the

Set the alignment

for the tray when
drawing it and
select if the tray is
swapped or not. Select the cable tray
Swap switches a product.
ladder so that it
can be installed on
a wall and a box so
that it can be Select the linetype for the tray.
installed to the
ceiling or floor.
Set the dimensions of the tray.
The default values are
automatically taken from the
Select the project.
horizontal bend
type and its inner
bend radius. With
the checkbox you
select if you want
to draw the hatch
in the bend or not. Select the branch
Select the type for T- and X –
reduction type branches.
when changing
Select the vertical the width of the
bend type and its tray while
inner bend radius. drawing it.
With the checkbox
you select if you
want to draw the
hatch in the bend or

After setting the options click Ok and start to draw the tray either by connecting in to an existing cable tray
object or from an empty space. While drawing you have the following options available in the right click

320 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Toggle between
Connect if found and
noConnect to select
whether to connect to an
existing object or not.

Swap the tray so that it can be

installed on a wall (e.g. cable
ladder) or ceiling/floor (e.g. cable

aLignment, change
the alignment when
drawing e.g. close to
Z, change the elevation of the a wall.
tray. Vertical bends are used,
when a bend type is selected in
the options.

Back, go connection Node,

back to the create a connection to
previous an external drawing.
click point.

Editing cable trays

Cable trays have their own editing functions that are found in the Cable Routes -toolbar/-ribbon.

MagiCAD Electrical 321

Stretch Cable Tray, with this function you Cable Tray Crossing, with this
can stretch a cable tray. The selected function you can create a crossing
segment is moved and the connected when a part of a segment needs to be
segments follow. raised or lowered e.g. over a colliding
duct or other tray. Click the start and
end point for the crossing. Then give
the bend angle and the new elevation.

Click the segment to move and then the

new place for it.
By clicking in the end point of a tray you
can stretch the segment longer.
With the Z –option found in the right click
menu you can change the elevation of a

Change Cable Tray Widht or Height, with this function you

can change the dimensions of a tray.

Set the new width.

Adjust the tray from

both sides equally.

Adjust the
side only.

Set the new

height and

322 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing other cable route products
On the first time you start the Others -function the Select Device -dialog appears. There you can select the
other cable route product and its settings. After that the options can be accessed through the right click
menu. You can also connect the product to the middle of a cable tray with the Connect –option from the
right click menu.

Set a System for the product.

Set a Status for the product.

Select the product.

Set the Elevation for the


4.4.5 Other functions and preferences

Drawing preferences
From the Drawing Preferences you can set which product symbols are scaled with the general 2D scale
factor, what text style is used for attributes, what is the world scale and if section mark boundaries are

MagiCAD Electrical 323

Set the text style for attributes.

Set the world scale to millimeter or meter

scale when starting a drawing.

Set the 2D symbol scale factor for new

objects. With the checkboxes you can
control different object types. Devices have
the checkbox in their Product Data -dialog
in the project.

Set the section mark boundaries on or off.

General symbols
From the General Symbols -button you can insert a general symbol to the drawing.

324 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the symbol.

Select the symbol


Select a System
for the symbol
Set the dimensions from an existing
for a stretchable object.

Set a Status for

Set the elevation. the symbol.

Combination boxes
Insert combination boxes and their explanation symbols from the following buttons. Combination boxes are
defined in the project. They are a combination of individual products such as electrical sockets and data

MagiCAD Electrical 325

Draw combination box symbols

Insert Combination Box

Set a
System for
the selected
inside the

Set the Elevation for the Set a Status for the

combination box. Use the button combination box.
to get the elevation from an
existing object.
Insert a combination box

After a combination box is installed to a drawing you can edit it with Part Properties.

326 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Change the whole combination
box type.

Change the running index of the

whole combination box.
Set the O1, O2 and
status for the whole
combination box.

Set and Object ID for a product

inside the combination box.

Select a system for a product

inside a combination box.
Connect an electric product to a
circuit logically with the Circuit... –
button or assign it to be connected
to a switchboard according to the
switchboard area the combination
box is located in with the checkbox.
With the Host... –button you can
assign a tele/data product to be
connected to a host device logically.

You can insert a dimension text from the Text -button.

MagiCAD Electrical 327

Set prompt variables
Write memo text when when they are used
a manual text format is in the text format.

Select the text


Right click menu

Change the direction of the text
before installing it. Insert the dimension text.

second click

first click

Insert extra grip points to the dimension line.

Add objects that are texted. By clicking an empty

space or right button you finish adding objects.

click after
selecting Add

first click

328 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Revision marks and clouds
Create a revision mark and cloud from the following buttons.

Give the revision

variable and elevation
for the cloud.

Revision Cloud
Revision Mark

Select a
system from
an existing
object or no

Right click menu

draw the cloud

Change the
Select the Select a symbol for
symbol the revision mark.
series. Set the arc
length in the
current zoom
Set the revision scale.
install the mark variable, text style, text
height and elevation.

Switchboard areas
With the Switchboard Area you can draw an area that belongs to a switchboard. When circuits are created
inside the area they automatically “belong” to the switchboard. When devices have the Switchboard by
area -checkbox checked they automatically “belong” to the switchboard.

MagiCAD Electrical 329

Select the switchboard that
the area belongs to.

Set the elevation for the area.

Right click menu

fourth click
third click

first click second click

Go back to the previous click point.

Close the area.

Switchboard borders
With the Switchboard Border you can draw borderlines and arrows to create switchboard borders. On the
first time you start the function the Switchboard border -dialog opens. After that MagiCAD remembers the
last used settings but you can change them from the right click menu.

330 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the Set the System.
width of the

Set an elevation for

the line.

draw the border

Right click menu



Select the primary

switchboard fot the

Select the secondary

switchboard for the arrow
if needed.

Go back to the
previus click Select the arrow symbol.
point. The attribute BC means
the primary switchbaord
and B2 the secondary

MagiCAD Electrical 331

Connection nodes
Connection nodes can be created to take a cable/cable packet/conduit or cable tray from the current drawing
to an external drawing. After you have created a connection node to the end of a cable/cable packet/conduit
or cable tray open the external drawing and create the nodes coming in to the drawing with the Connect
Node button. The symbols are automatically created according to the default symbols defined in the project.
After this you can continue drawing the cable/cable packet/conduit or cable tray from the connection node.

Connect Node

Disconnect Node

Select which system types

are checked for connection
nodes coming in to the

Disconnect nodes
connected to the Select all systems or one
drawing. Select the system.
external drawing or all
Ignore storey dimensions
and select an area or just
Connection Node select an area where the
Report conneciton nodes are
coming in.
Make a report of the Add/remove model
connection nodes drawings to/from the list.
coming in to the Select the drawing from
drawing. which the connection nodes
are coming in.

You can create, edit and update sections from the Sections –ribbon/toolbar.

332 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Section Marks, create section marks.

Edit Section Mark

Set the
Make Update Section, data.
Section, select a section to be
creates the updated or select All
section from from the right click
the selected menu to update all Select a
section mark sections in the section Set section type to
area. drawing. mark. section or detail.

lower Set a reference
limits crosshair into the
and section after
depth. making it and set
its elevation. (Z)

first click
click on an area

finally show the direction

Select which objects are visible in the section second click.

and if you want the drawing name to be visible.
The automatic hide applies to HPV objects. You can have several click
When updating you have selections whether to points in the line but after you
update texts and HPV part dimensions or not. have completed the ”width
line” click enter, then you need
to show the direction for the
section area (depth).

MagiCAD Electrical 333

The result can be e.g. like in the following pictures.

Section type: section Section type: detail

Ref point 3D view of a detail section. Detail sections

crosshair are made by drawing the area (right click or
. enter to close the area) and then making
the section.

Update Drawing Data

Whenever you change something in the project: layer settings, product data etc. you have to run the Update
Drawing Data -function in all the drawings that are affected by the change.

334 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select what object properties are

Set the range for the

update. Select the
objects to update or
update all objects in
the current drawing.

Select to update colors,

line types and line
weights when changes
are made to layer
settings in the project.

Select to update
the data referred
from external
drawings. This is
whenever using
Select to update the room data
functions across
for objects if MagiCAD Room
drawings such as
has been used and the drawing
connection nodes,
is connected to a MagiCAD
logical connections
Room database.

"Favourites" toolbar
The most used devices can be collected in a separate toolbar. In the device selection dialog, click Save to
It is possible to include 20 devices in the Favourites toolbar. You can remove the device from the toolbar by
right-clicking the button and selecting Delete button.
The buttons are sorted automatically in the toolbar according to their systems. If you want to add a device
that is already in the system and has also the same system, the button blinks in the toolbar.
In addition to the product data, the system, user code, and elevation are saved in the toolbar. This
information is shown in a "tooltip" when the cursor is located on the button. If you want to change these
settings before you place the device on the drawing, select Options at the command prompt.

MagiCAD Electrical 335

Other information

Connect if found/noConnect
Whenever you start to draw a cable/cable packet/cable route from an existing object (end or middle)
MagiCAD checks their properties for conflicts. You can also start to draw from an existing object (end or
middle) by clicking a plus grip when the existing object is highlighted. If conflicts are found MagiCAD opens
the Different Properties –dialog. In the dialog you decide what properties you will use in the new object.

Plus grips.

Replaces all the differing

properties from the
currently active options with
the properties found from
the existing object and uses

Use all the properties

currently active in the

Copy properties from the

existing object to the
currently active options and
use those. Use double-click
to select properties.

336 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

When one of the “main properties” is different MagiCAD is forced to cut the entity into two pieces,
insert a junction box, insert a reduction or use the properties from the existing object. Main properties
include System, Status, Product/Material, Dimensions and with cable packets all settings.

Whenever you start to draw a cable/cable packet/cable route in a blank space or with noConnect mode on
MagiCAD will automatically ask you for the elevation. The dialogs are different between cables/cable
packets/conduits and cable trays.

Set the bottom elevation

of the tray to the top
elevation of the existing
object that you show.

Set the center elevation

of the tray to the center
elevation of the existing
object that you show.

cables/cable packets/conduits cable trays

Set the top elevation of the tray to
the bottom elevation of the existing
object that you show.
Show the elevation from
an existing object.

Right click menu

When inserting any device, text, general symbol or mark you have the Options and Direction selections in
the right click menu. From Options you get to change the settings of the object and with the Direction you
can rotate the object before installing it. Other selections are explained in the manual when appropriate.

4.5 Editing functions

4.5.1 Part properties

With the Part Properties you can view and edit objects. The available buttons depend on the part type
which the object belongs to. You can set Object Variables for the object in the Part Properties -dialog. You
can also set the Object ID for the object when it can be manually given.

MagiCAD Electrical 337

All data set to the
object is visible here.


Change the product.

Change the
Operation Area.

Select a circuit for the object.

The selection can be utilized
in the Show Objects
Connected to
Switchboard/Circuit and
Check Switchboards and
Power Circuits -functions.
Change the
Index value. View the product in
3D or check its
dimension. The
manufacturer www-
Set if the object is page is accessible
connected to a here when available.
switchboard according to
the area it is installed in

Change the Installation of

the object.

From the right click menu you can select to see the part properties from an object found in an xref drawing.
For those objects you can not change any properties but you can see them.

338 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide



From the Part Properties of HPV Objects –button you can check the properties of a MagiCAD HVAC
object. The same Xref -option is available in the right click menu.

MagiCAD Electrical 339


4.5.2 Change Properties

With Change Properties you can change one or several products to some other product in a drawing or you
can change one or several objects’ properties to something else in a drawing.

340 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the system type.

Select the object type.

Select the property that

will be changed for the
selected (and filtered)

Select the specific value

that will be changed from
the ... -button. This way
you can filter the selected
objects by the selected
The asterisk –button
changes the property from
all selected objects so
then no filtering is used.
With the Show reference
part –button you can
Select the objects select the specific property
that the function from an existing object.
will handle or
handle all objects
in the current Select the Value that will
drawing. be applied to the objects
that are selected according
to the object range and the
Value from –settings.

press enter

click or select with an area

MagiCAD Electrical 341

After starting the object selection you get some options into the command

With the Single part selection you can select the devices you want to
raise/lower. This is the default selection.
With the Branch selection you can click a starting point of a branch and
select all devices in that branch.
With the sYstem selection you can select all devices in a whole system.
With the proDuct selection you can select all similar devices (one kind).
With Elevation you can select all devices under, lower or between the limits
you set.


Give the lower and/or

upper limit of the
elevation where to select
(filter) the devices.

4.5.3 Change Elevation

With Change Elevation you can change the elevation of a device/several devices.

342 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

After starting the command you get some options into the command line.
With the Single part selection you can select the devices you want to
raise/lower. This is the default selection.
With the Branch selection you can click a starting point of a branch and
select all devices in that branch.
With the sYstem selection you can select all devices in a whole system.
With the proDuct selection you can select all similar devices (one kind).
With the Elevation you can select all devices under, lower or between the
limits you set.
After you have selected the devices you get the following dialog.

Adjust the
horizontal parts
of the cables
connected to
the devices by
the highest or
lowest point.

Give the lower and/or

upper limit of the
elevation where to select
(filter) the devices.

Here you can give the new Show the

elevation and see the highest elevation from an
and lowest heights of the existing object.
selected devices. If they are
different it may not be wise to
change the elevation.

4.5.4 Copy Branch

With Copy Branch you can copy a whole branch of objects. It can be applied for electric, tele/data/ba and
cable route systems.

MagiCAD Electrical 343


Click the start point of the branch and then the

insertion point of the copied branch.


Set the
Right click menu Connect the copied elevation for
branch to an the branch or
object. show it from an
existing object.

Select if you
want to drag
the branch to
the new
position or use
the original xy-

Hint: With the Elevation –option it is easy to copy e.g. identical cable route branches on top of each

4.5.5 Move Branch

With Move Branch you can move a whole branch of objects. It can be applied for electric, tele/data/ba and
cable route systems.

344 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide


Click the start point of the branch and then the new
point where the branch is moved.

moved branch

Set the
Right click menu Connect the moved elevation for
branch to an the branch or
object. show it from an
existing object.

Select if you
want to drag
the branch to
the new
position or use
the original xy-

Hint: With the Elevation –option it is easy to move e.g. a whole cable route branch in z -direction.

4.5.6 Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route

With Break Cable/Cable Packet/Cable Route you can break a segment between two points. The function
really breaks the segment into two separate segments. If you want to hide some part of a cable/cable
packet/conduit then you should use the Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit -function. See details from the
“Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit” chapter.

MagiCAD Electrical 345

first click second click

4.5.7 Stretch Text

With Stretch Text you can stretch a dimension text.

346 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the stretched text
and show a new place
for it. In the right click Rotate the dimension text.
menu you have the
following selections.

Add a new grip point into the dimension line.

4.5.8 Move Attribute

With Move Attribute you can move a symbol attribute. From the right click menu you can rotate the attribute
after it is selected.

MagiCAD Electrical 347

click on the attribute

show the new place for the attribute

4.5.9 Move Device Symbol

With Move Device Symbol you can move a device’s 2D or 3D symbol. Usually it is needed to move the 3D
symbol so by default the selection is set to 3D but you can also move the 2D symbol by selecting the 2D
selection from the right click menu. When you start the function the visibility is set to the 2+3D mode where
you can see both 2D and 3D symbol of a device (if 3D symbol is selected in the project).

348 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

2D symbol
Right click menu

3D symbol

Select to move the 2D

symbol instead.
click on the 3D
symbol to move it When the 2D and 3D
symbols have the
same insertion point in
the beginning they are
both moved.
If the 2D and 3D
symbols have a
different insertion point
in the beginning then
only the 2D symbol is

then show the new

place for it

4.5.10 Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit

With Hide Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit you can hide a part of a segment.

MagiCAD Electrical 349

click the first point click the second point

4.5.11 Reset Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Hide

With Reset Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Hide you can reset a hided part of a segment.

click near the hided part

350 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

4.5.12 Running index
With running indexes you can number objects with sequential numbers. It is used to identify the objects.
Running indexes can be used in Object Id formats, dimension texts and reports. See the “Common” –chapter
for more details.

Insert Running Index

With Insert Running Index you insert running indexes by clicking on objects.

Filter running index text

formats according to their
text group. Select the running index
text format or show it
from an existing object.

Use the first available number

or give the first number to be
used and check that it is not
used and use the next available
if it is.

Search the next free running

index number.

Check this if you want to give the

same number for several objects.

Check this if you want to see a part

Edit running indexes property line showing the running index
through a list of used after installing it.
start installing

click click click

Remove Running Index

With Remove Running Index you can remove running indexes by clicking the object you want to remove
them from.

MagiCAD Electrical 351

start removing

select objects and use the command line options if necessary

Command line options for removal are the same as for Change
Properties and Change Elevation.

4.6 Checking functions

4.6.1 Check switchboards and power circuits

With the Check Switchboards and Power Circuits you can check power connections and switchboards.
Whenever the message list contains objects found in the current drawing you can click the Zoom to Center
–button when one object is selected in the list to view the object on the screen.

352 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

List all the switchboards
that are referred from
the circuits and/or
devices of the current

List all switchboards

from all model drawings. Add/remove model
drawings from the model
drawing list.
List all circuits that are
not connected to a
switchbaord in the
current drawing.

List all circuits that have

no circuit number in the
current drawing.

List all circuits that are

referred from the
devices (manually
connected) in the current

List all devices that are

not (manually)
connected to a circuit.

List devices if needed

MagiCAD Electrical 353

4.6.2 Show Objects Connected to Switchboard/Circuit
With the Show Objects Connected to Switchboard/Circuit you can see which devices are connected to
the selected switchboard or circuit in the current drawing. The connected devices are marked with circles.
The circles can be removed by clearing the garbage layer (MAGI_GARBAGE).

click circuit

click switchboard

354 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

4.6.3 Reports
With Reports you can create reports from the plan drawings such as bill of material (“BOM”) and luminaire
list. The different report models that are available are defined in the project.

Change the selection set. Here you can also save the
current selections to a selection set, delete a selection
set or rename a selection set. Selection sets are saved
to the project so they can be used within the same

Change the
report model.

Set the range

of the report.
The “selected
room” and “all
selections are
available only
Room is used.

You can also

select the
drawings you
want to check
e.g. when
making a total
list of
materials in
the project.

If you want you can check for Select the system(s) you want to
duplicate objects according to check. With the checkboxes you
their insertion point. With the can select the system groups and
dx, dy and dz you can set a from the list you can select a
tolerance. single system when needed.

Below is an example of a luminaire report.

MagiCAD Electrical 355

Copy the report to
the clipboard. After
this you can paste
it to e.g. Microsoft
Excel and edit it

4.6.4 Tele/data/BA Reports

With the Check and Report Connections and Check and Report Device for Connections you can check
your tele/data/ba systems for connections (both logical and real). The first one is for checking a whole
system or all systems and the second one is for checking a singe device in a one system or all systems. The
latter is more convenient for quickly checking a main unit or sub unit inside the system(s) you are at the
moment working on.
On the first time you start a command you get the options dialog automatically visible but after that you need
to access it through the right click menu’s Options -selection.

356 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Check and Report Connections

Check and Report Device for Connections

Check for
or devices
that are not

Set the range

for the report.

Select one
system or all

Select the connection

types that are checked.
You can check real
connections, logical
connections or both at
the same time.

Select the cable length calculation method for

logical connections (it uses the default cable of
the device in the report).

Below is an example of a report. The devices are shown according to their hierarchy level: main unit – sub
unit – end device. Different main units and the network behind them are separated with a dashed line.

MagiCAD Electrical 357

Shows the Shows the cable Shows the length of
Object Id of the number of the the suppliying cable.
host device. supplying cable.

Shows the connections/pairs

Shows the Shows the available in the cable/host device.
Product cable type
description of the
of the host supplying Shows the connections/pairs used in the
device. cable. cable/host device. For host devices it shows
the amount of uplink connection/pairs after the

e.g. if
there is not
s/pairs or
length of a
cable is

Shows the system Shows the device that is Shows in

of the supplying connected to the end of the which drawing
cable. supplying cable. With the Check the device is
Device for Connections report located.
you can see the cable supplying
the selected host device here.

4.6.5 Show Selected Parts Only

With the Show Selected Parts Only you can temporarily hide all irrelevant objects to view and edit the
selected (filtered) objects/systems more closely. You can reset the situation by clicking the Show All Parts –

358 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Show All Parts

Show Selected Parts Only. After starting the command you can see options on
the command line. They are accessible only through there. You can “combine”
options by selecting several in a row, e.g. first select sYstem and click an object,
then select sYstem again and click some other object that belongs to another
system to select several systems that are not going to be hided.

Single part, select

one part or several
parts that is/are not
going to be hided.

Elevation, set the minimum

Branch, show sYstem, click an
and/or maximum value
a branch that is object that belongs
over/under which to select
not going to be to the system that is
objects that are not going to
hided, click not going to be
be hided. After this select all
near the hided.
objects that you want to filter
staring point.
by their elevation.

proDuct, click an object

to select all similar
products that are not
going to be hided.

4.6.6 Part Property Line

With the Part Property Line you can see the selected property value of all objects that have the property
(inside the defined range).

MagiCAD Electrical 359

Select the system type, Set the range.
asterisk to select all.

Select one system or

all systems.

Set a minimum length for

cable and tray segment.
Shorter segments are not

Set the text height.

Select the property that will

be shown for obejcts inside
the range.

4.6.7 Show Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Route

With the Show Cable/Cable Packet/Conduit Route you can check the route of a cable/cable
packet/conduit. The route line is drawn on the MAGI_GARBAGE -layer.

360 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

click a cable/cable

the route line appears

route in 3D
route in 2D

4.6.8 Collision Control

With the Collision Control you can check if objects collide. You can also check between different disciplines
if you have other MagiCAD drawings available (HPV).

MagiCAD Electrical 361

Set the tolerances (+/-) for each
object group. + is more “strict”
and – is more “loose” in finding

With the
you can select
collisions are
checked, e.g.
by checking
the first
under ducts
you check for
duct – duct

Check all
checkboxes or
uncheck all.

Set a minumum Check these if you want to examine

diameter for collisions between MagiCAD objects
When this is checked and AutoCAD and/or AEC objects.
MagiCAD ”saves” the With the Xref objects -checkbox you
collision boundaries to their
pipe objects. can examine collisions from objects
own layer so they remain in found in external reference drawings.
the drawing as lines even
after you clear the garbage

After setting the options you need to show the area where the collision check is performed. Then a list of all
found collision is shown. From there you can select one collision and mark it with a cross and zoom to it, or
you can mark all errors with crosses. The crosses are drawn on the MAGI_GARBAGE -layer.

362 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Filter messages Here you can see all errors
found and filtered.


Switch the shown

Mark the selected error with a positions between the
cross and zoom to it. floor and user
Mark all errors coordinate systems.
with crosses.

MagiCAD Electrical 363

4.7 Switchboard Schematics

4.7.1 Switchboard Report and Schematic Preview

With the Switchboard Report and Schematic Preview –function you can see the circuits connected to a
switchboard in report form. The default symbols are also drawn into the report to see if they are correct.

364 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the report model.

Add or remove drawings

to/from the model
drawing list.

Select the switchboard for the


Select the model

drawings to find the
circuits from. With the
checkbox you can narrow
down the drawings to the
ones that have circuits
connected to the
selected switchboard.

Hint: The preview report can be used e.g. to create cable lists of each switchboard.

Create a switchboard schematic drawing

Start a switchboard schematics drawing, like a plan drawing, from a template drawing. Template drawings
are found in the installation directory. Save the drawing and attach it to the project. After that you can create
a switchboard schematic drawing with the Create Switchboard Schematic –function.

MagiCAD Electrical 365

Select the switchboard schematic model.
With the checkbox you can just create an
empty switchboard schematic drawing that is
not linked to any switchboard.

Select the model

drawings from
which the circuits
are searched. With
the checkbox you
can narrow down
the drawing to the
ones that include
circuits connected
to the selected

Add or remove
drawings to/from
the model drawing

Set a symbol scale Select the switchboard.

factor if needed. With
the checkbox you can Specify a
explode all blocks that basepoint
are inserted when the from which the
schematic is created. schematic
drawing is

After clicking Ok the switchboard schematic is created.

366 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

The label that is shown in each layout. It is a part
of the template drawing.


Page separation line. A

part of the template.

After this you can start editing the drawing. You can also add circuits to the drawing later on from plan

MagiCAD Electrical 367

4.7.2 Keeping the data up to date

Update from plan drawings

With the Check Data and Update from Plan Drawings you can update all the data from the circuits found
in the plan drawings to the current switchboard schematic drawing. Please note that this means that the
most up to date information is located in the plan drawings and you are about to update them into the current
switchboard schematic drawing.

See the circuits found for

updating. The differences are
mentioned in the warning

Update all data. Zoom to the

Updated circuits center of the
are marked with selected circuit.
blue crosses.
When errors occur
they are shown
with red crosses
e.g. if a circuit is
erased from the
plan drawing.

368 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Update to plan drawings
With the Check Data and Update from Switchboard Schematic you can update all the data from the
circuits found in the selected switchboard schematic drawing to the current plan drawing. Please note that
this means that the most up to date information is located in the selected switchboard schematic drawing
and you are about to update them into the current plan drawing.

Update all data.

Updated circuits
are marked with Zoom to the See the circuits found for
blue crosses. center of the updating. The differences are
When errors occur selected circuit. mentioned in the warning
they are shown
with red crosses
e.g. if a circuit is
erased from the

MagiCAD Electrical 369

4.7.3 Drawing and editing functions

Switchboard Schematic Properties

With the Switchboard Schematic Properties you can see the drawing name, switchboard code and handle
(internal code used for linking). You can also change the symbol scale factor if needed. The factor applies
only to new symbols that are inserted to the drawing. With the Select switchboard... –button you can select
a new switchboard for the current schematic drawing. This is done e.g. when reusing old schematic

370 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Edit Circuit
With the Edit Circuit you can change the data of a circuit. After changing data in a switchboard schematic
drawing you need to update the data to the model drawings.

click a circuit

Edit data.

See all data in the Read values again from Unconnect

circuit. the circuit symbol found in the circuit
the plan drawing if reference to
needed, e.g. to “cancel” all the plan
changes after the last drawing to
update or to update one “free” the
circuit at a time. circuit.

With unconnected circuits you have the Connect to circuit... –button available instead of the Unconnect
circuit reference... –button. With this button you can link the current circuit to a circuit symbol located in a
plan drawing (and referring to the same switchboard).

MagiCAD Electrical 371

Select a drawing to find available circuits

Select to which circuit symbol this

circuit will be connected to.

Insert Circuit
With the Insert Circuit you can insert one circuit or several circuits to the drawing. When inserting click the
circuit in front of which you want to install the new circuit(s). The circuits and their symbols below are moved
lower. From the right click menu you can select to install to the end of the schematic drawing.

372 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Empty circuit without
data cells = empty space.

Empty circuit with data

cells for later editing or
additional information.

Select a power circuit type from the project.

Insert circuit(s) from a plan drawing.

Set the amount of similar circuits to insert (but

not when inserting a circuit from a plan drawing).

Select the drawing from which to select the

circuit(s). With the checkbox you can narrow
down the drawings to the ones that include
circuits connected to the switchboard.

Add or remove drawings to/from the model

drawing list.

Select the circuit(s) you wish to insert. With the

checkbox you can narrow down the circuits to the
ones that are not yet inserted to the schematic

MagiCAD Electrical 373

Insert to the end of the drawing.

Insert Circuit from Plan

With the Insert Circuit from Plan you can insert one circuit or several circuits from a plan drawing. It’s the
same function used in the Edit Circuit (the last option).

Insert circuit(s) from a plan drawing.

Select the drawing from which to select the

circuit(s). With the checkbox you can narrow
down the drawings to the ones that include
circuits connected to the switchboard.

Add or remove drawings to/from the model

drawing list.

Select the circuit(s) you wish to insert. With the

checkbox you can narrow down the circuits to the
ones that are not yet inserted to the schematic

Delete Circuit
With the Delete Circuit you can delete circuits from the drawing.

374 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Click and select a circuit to delete.

Move Circuit
With the Move Circuit you can move a circuit in the drawing. First click the circuit you wish to move. Then
click its new place.

Change Column Width

With the Change Column Width you can stretch a column to be narrower on wider. First click on the right
edge of the column and then show the new position for it.

MagiCAD Electrical 375

click the right side of the
column to be stretched and
then the new place for it.

Add Symbol
With the Add Symbol you can insert a symbol to a circuit (new or replace the old one). After selecting the
symbol click on the circuit you wish to install it to. The symbol is automatically placed to the same position as
the rest of the symbols.

376 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the
Select the symbol group. symbol. Right
click to open

Select to explode the Select the symbol series.

symbol after
installing it or not.

Add Detail Symbol

With the Add Detail Symbol you can insert a detail symbol to the drawing. First select the symbol and then
show its insertion point.

MagiCAD Electrical 377

Select the
Select the symbol group. symbol. Right
click to open

Select the symbol Toggle between noConnect

series. and Connect. When the
Connect mode is on Right click menu
MagiCAD asks if you want to
explode the existing symbol
when inserting the detail
symbol on top of it.

Symbol, change the symbol.

Direction, rotate the symbol.

Leaves the existing

symbol intact.

click to insert

378 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Draw Rail
With the Draw Rail you can draw rail, conductor or any line that needs different widths in the drawing. After
starting the function you can from the right click menu set the width of the line.

Right click menu

Add Text
With the Add Text you can add text to the drawing. The last used settings are remembered.

MagiCAD Electrical 379

Set the text style Select the reference
and text height. line type or no
reference line.

Set the border

type for the text
area, undelining
or no border /
Type in the text.

Circuit Renumbering
With the Circuit Renumbering you can renumber circuits.

380 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the increment method.

Select the range for the

renumbering. You can
select the first and last
circuit to renumber all
circuits between those or
you can select all circuits
to be renumbered.

Set the first

circuit number
(start number).

MagiCAD Electrical 381

Create switchboard schematic symbols and detail symbols

Create Switchboard Schematic Symbol

With the Create Switchboard Schematic Symbol you can create your own schematic symbols.

select the objects for the new symbol

Select the symbol

series, symbol group
and give a suffix for
the symbol’s name.

Reset all objects to

ByBlock mode.

Reset all elevations

to zero.

When using
attributes in the
symbol that display This checkbox unscales the
information from the symbol back to the original
circuit this checkbox size of the symbol database
should be checked to (1) if some other scale factor
make them work is used (than 1). The scale
correctly. The factor from which the
attributes have to be unscaling is performaed is
(on the highest “block shown inside the brackets. It
level”) inside the is the scale factor that is
main block. defined for the drawing in the
Attributes inside a Switchboard Schematic
block that is located Properties.
inside the main block
will not work.

Create Detail Symbol

With the Create Detail Symbol you can create your own detail symbols.

382 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

first select the objects for the new symbol
and then show the insertion point

Select the symbol

series, symbol group
and give a suffix for
the symbol’s name.

Reset all objects to

ByBlock mode.

Reset all elevations

to zero.

When using
attributes in the
symbol that display
information from the This checkbox unscales the
circuit this checkbox symbol back to the original
should be checked to size of the symbol database
make them work (1) if some other scale factor
correctly. The is used (than 1). The scale
attributes have to be factor from which the
(on the highest “block unscaling is performaed is
level”) inside the shown inside the brackets. It
main block. is the scale factor that is
Attributes inside a defined for the drawing in the
block that is located Switchboard Schematic
inside the main block Properties.
will not work.

Using attributes
The following attributes can be used in the switchboard schematic symbols and detail symbols (TAG and
DEFAULT have to be given):

MagiCAD Electrical 383

Tag Description Implemented in these groups
AC Cable code Power circuits, cables
AD Cable description Power circuits, cables
AN Cable number Power circuits, cables
GN Power circuit number Power circuits
GV Overload Power circuits
GF Fault current Power circuits
GT Power circuit type Power circuits
EP Power Power circuits
N1…N3 Descriptions 1-3 Power circuits
PH Phases Power circuits
EG Earthing Power circuits
BC Switchboard code Power circuits, switchboards

Explode Switchboard Schematic Symbol

With this function you can explode a switchboard schematic symbol or detail symbol. It explodes the block to
its “sub level” so if you have blocks inside blocks, which is not recommended when using attributes, you
have to explode them multiple times if you want them to break into AutoCAD primitive objects such as lines,
attributes, text etc.

After starting the function select the

object to explode.

4.7.4 Updating and resetting references

External references of a schematic drawing

Update external references

With the command MAGIESWBSCHEMAUPDATEREF / MESSUR , Update External References –function,
you can update the names and paths of the drawings that are referred from a schematic drawing. This
feature allows you to create identical duplicates of plan and schematic drawings without losing connections
but it also allows you to rename existing drawings and/or change the paths of the drawings.

384 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Browse to the new file, the file can
have a different location and/or
different name.

Reset external references

With the new command MAGIESWBSCHEMARESET / MESSRT , Reset External References -function,
you can reset connections to one or several external drawings at the same time in a switchboard schematic
drawing when needed. This way you can e.g. reuse old schematic drawings by resetting references and
selecting a new switchboard for the schematic drawing. See the chapter “Drawing and editing functions” for
details about selecting a new switchboard.

MagiCAD Electrical 385

Reset the reference to the current switchboard.
You can select a new switchboard with the
Switchboard Schematic Properties –function.

Select one plan drawing which circuit references

will be reset from the current schematic drawing
when pressing the Reset reference to selected
drawing –button.

Reset the circuit references to all plan drawings

from the current schematic drawing.

4.8 Other functions

4.8.1 IFC exports

About IFC
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is an international standard for defining the product models in the building
services. It is a method for sharing and distributing the information between different software applications.
A MagiCAD drawing can be saved in the IFC format and this way transferred e.g. to the CAD application that
is used by the architect. The geometrical and technical information of electrical and HVAC objects are
transferred with the help of an IFC file.
IFC version 2x3 is used in MagiCAD.

Creating an IFC file (IFC Export)

Start the function with the IFC Export –button in the MagiCAD Common toolbar/ribbon or by typing the
command MAGIIFC to the command line and pressing Enter. The IFC Export -dialog opens. Select the
desired options and press Ok. Then select the objects you want to export. When selecting objects you have
the same options on the command line as for Change Properties and Change Elevation.

386 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

After the export has finished you get a summary of the exported objects, e.g.

MagiCAD Electrical 387

Select which origin is used as the
storey origin when exporting. It is
recommended to use the
MagiCAD Room origin when
exporting to a building’s Ifc file
made with MagiCAD Room. WCS
means the World Coordinate
System and UCS User Coordinate Select if you want to
System. WCS is recommended export cables or not.
when the building’s Ifc file is made
with other applications.

Select which custom property set Select if you want to

configuration(s) you wish to export. export electrical circuits
The IFC 2x3 contains standard Ifc as protective devices.
property sets.
The Cost Data (Eldata) can be utilized Create a new IFC file
in the Norwegian Eldata –software and select the objects
used in cost estimations. to be exported.
The MagiCAD property sets contain
MagiCAD’s own property sets.
The NS3420 classification is a
Norwegian classification definition.
You can edit/create the configurations
with the Property Set Manager –
function (MagiCAD Common). With the Remove parts -button you
can remove all building system
objects (Electrical and HVAC) from
an existing IFC file leaving only the
Append the objects to an existing IFC file. building with its storeys intact.
Select the IFC file then select the storey to Select the existing IFC file where to
append to and finally select the objects to remove the objects.
be exported.
With the Remove parts from
storey -button you can remove all
building system objects (Electrical
and HVAC) from one storey in an
existing IFC file. Select the existing
IFC file and its storey where to
remove the objects.

select the objects to be exported

and press Enter

388 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Other IFC exports and imports
There are also two other IFC export buttons in the MC-E Project/General and MC-E IFC -menus: IFC
Calculation Export and IFC Calculation Import. Note that these other exports use an unofficial schema
that is named: IFC 2x3ge and it can be used only between software vendors that have agreed to use it.

IFC Calculation Export

Start the function and select the export range. Then give the name for the file to be created. After exporting
you can import the file to the software that supports IFC 2x3ge. Make the calculations there and export back.
You can import a file by using the IFC Calculation Import –function.

Select to export all circuits and all

electrical devices, i.e. the whole
electrical power network.

Select to export only circuits between

switchboards, i.e. the power distribution
system with only switchbaords and their
supply cables.

You have to connect everything you want to export with cables and circuits. You can only have one
main switchboard so that MagiCAD and the calculation software know what the “starting point” is.
This means that there has to be only one switchboard that is not connected to any other switchboard
via cable and circuit. If MagiCAD finds several possible main switchboard candidates it gives a
message and the export is canceled.

To make calculation software read everything correctly please define the number of used phases for
junction boxes and switches also. An incorrect number might be understood wrong by calculation
software. This applies to all other devices too. Switchboards are automatically handled as three
phase devices.

Circuits that are not connected to a switchboard are not exported. You can see the circuits that fail
the export in a message when running the export. Also circuits that are not connected to a
switchboard but are in the area of a switchboard will not be exported yet.

If you don’t define phases for circuits then calculation software might handle them wrong. In such
cases some software may read the phases from the previous device that is located upstream so
because of the handling of switchboards as three phase devices the circuits without phase
information will most likely be handled as three phase circuits.

Cable types get their name from cable description. Cable lengths are written for the cables as well as
the installation code. Cables have to have exactly the same name in both MagiCAD and in the
calculation software to understand the cable types correctly.

MagiCAD Electrical 389

IFC Calculation Import

With this function you can import your electrical power system back to MagiCAD from calculation software
that supports the unofficial IFC 2x3ge schema and update all the cables back to your drawings. Additional
information is updated also for protective devices. This is shown in the Circuit -dialog’s PD Code -field.

4.8.2 DIALux interface

With the DIALux Import -function you can read the luminaires directly from the file (.STF) that is created by
the DIALux -program. You can also utilize the spaces that have been modeled with MagiCAD Room when
you work with DIALux.
Working procedure (the MagiCAD Room phase (1) is not required):
1) MagiCAD Room
Click the DIALux Export -button and save the file (.STF) to a suitable location. Next, select the space or
spaces you want to transfer to DIALux and click the right mouse button or hit enter. The DIALux Export -
Rooms to Export -dialog opens containing the spaces to be transferred to DIALux. Transfer the spaces by
clicking the Ok – Export -button.

390 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide


click click

Command line:

hit enter when finished and export to STF

2) DIALux
Start DIALux and open the .STF file you created. Place the luminaires in the rooms. When you have
completed working with DIALux, save the drawing as an .STF file (File / Export / Save STF file …)
3) MagiCAD Electrical
Place the luminaires defined in DIALux to the drawing with the DIALux Import function. Click the DIALux
Import -button and open the .STF file that has been saved with DIALux. The Mapping List -dialog opens
containing all luminaires that would be transferred. Now you need to map the imported luminaires to
MagiCAD luminaires defined in the project. Corresponding luminaires are mapped automatically. When you
are finished click the OK – Import -button to import and insert the luminaires to the drawing.

MagiCAD Electrical 391

Select a system for the
imported luminaires.

select the .STF file to import

Select how to install the

imported luminaires.
By ucs installs the luminaires
relative to the current UCS
(User Coordinate System). Be
sure that the current UCS
origin is exactly the same as
the MagiCAD Room Storey
origin in dwg found in the
Edit Storey Properties if you
have exported rooms from
MagiCAD Room.
Select to import or
If you skipped the first (1.) not.
procedure set the UCS origin
to be in the lower left corner of
the space you are designing
when designing one space at
a time. Set the UCS to WCS if
you have used an architect
dwg with WCS in DIALux.
With the Drag position you
can show the position relative
to which the luminaires are
installed. The installation point
is in the (real/apparent) lower If MagiCAD does not find a corresponding
left corner according to the luminaire from the project you can map an
luminaires’ installation points. imported luminaire type to a luminaire that
is defined in the project.

Here you can see what the imported

luminaires are and how they are mapped
to MagiCAD luminaires. Corresponding
luminaires are mapped automatically.
Others have to be manually mapped.

import and insert

to the drawing

392 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

4.8.3 Other functions
Create User Symbol (2D)
With the Create User Symbol (2D) function you can create your own 2D symbols. The creating process of
these symbols is similar to the user-defined switchboard schematic symbols.
The user-defined symbols are saved in the user symbol database. The user-defined symbols appear in the
symbol selection dialogs when USR is selected from the symbol series.

Select the objects for the new symbol and

press enter.
After that, show the insertion point for the new
symbol. The following dialog appears.
Select the symbol group.

Give a suffix for the

symbol’s name.

See the symbol name.

Resets all object to

ByBlock mode. By
uncheking it you can use
fixed layers for the
objects but only one layer
is allowed for all Resets the different
attributes. elevations that
objects may have to

After clicking Ok you can use the symbol in your project.

User Preferences
With the User Preferences you can change the folders that are used by MagiCAD Electrical and the
(connection/search) circle size when connecting objects to existing objects. Change folder paths with the
Browse –buttons.

MagiCAD Electrical 393

The product database
folder (3D models).

The 2D user symbol


The 2D symbol folder

that holds the symbol
libraries that come with
the software (FIN,
DEN, NOR, SWE etc.)

The folder that holds

the 3D block drawings
that are used as 3D
models for products.

Set the connect/search circle size.

Changing the AutoCAD attribute value of a MagiCAD symbol

If an AutoCAD attribute value is defined for a MagiCAD symbol, its value can be changed with the MEATTE

Explode function of MagiCAD Electrical

Sometimes it is necessary to explode MagiCAD objects to AutoCAD blocks or primitive parts. This can be
done with the explode function of MagiCAD Electrical.
Start the function by typing command MEEXPLODE at the command line. The Explode Options -dialog

394 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Means that by default the objects
are exploded to blocks but with the
checkboxes you can explode the
objects directly to primitive parts
such as lines, texts etc.

Version check (MEVER -function)

This function does not have a toolbar button. Type MEVER at the command line and press enter.
MagiCAD shows at the command line the version numbers of the application that is running and the
application which saved the current drawing.

Attribute definitions in MagiCAD Electrical

The following attributes can be used in 2D symbols. The attribute TAG has to be named according to the
table that follows.

Tag Description Implemented in these groups

SC System code Devices, power circuits, switchboards, cables
S1,..,S4 System variables 1 – 4 Devices, power circuits, switchboards
PC User code of device Devices
PP Product code of device Devices, cables
PD Product description Devices, cables
P1,..,P5 Product variables 1 – 5 Devices, cables
IC Installation class code Devices, cables
IP IP class code Devices
EX EXE class code Devices
AC Cable code Power circuits, cables
AD Cable description Power circuits, cables
AN Cable number Power circuits, cables

MagiCAD Electrical 395

GN Power circuit number Power circuits
GV Overload Power circuits
GF Fault current Power circuits
GT Power circuit type Power circuits
EP Power Power circuits
N1…N3 Descriptions 1-3 Power circuits
PH Phases Power circuits
EG Earthing Power circuits
BC Switchboard code Power circuits, switchboards
B2 Secondary switchboard Switchboards (used in the border arrows)
DL Length (or depth) Switchboards, devices
DW Width Switchboards, devices
DH Height Switchboards, devices
O1, O2 Object variable 1 - 2 Devices, cables
O3, O4 Object variable 3 - 4 Devices
NC National code Devices, cables
LS Light source Luminaires

MEUSS (User Symbol Service)

By typing MEUSS on the command line and pressing enter you get to manage the user symbols in the user
symbol library. You can see all the user symbols in the library and take a closer look at their properties from
the right click menu. You can also delete a user symbol from the right click menu.

396 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the main symbol

Delete the
user symbol.

Select the sub


Properties of the symbol

MagiCAD Electrical 397

5. MagiCAD Room
5.1 Function reference

5.1.1 MagiCAD Room functions

List of functions
MagiCAD Room toolbar is a standard AutoCAD toolbar, and it is always present when MagiCAD Room
menu is loaded and set to be visible.

User preferences contains settings the size

of the search circle. The search circle is
active, for instance, when drawing the wall
and the Connect options is on.
Edit storey properties function
is used for defining the storey You can set the size of the search circle
properties, that is, the location of between 1 and 100 pixels.
the storey origin and which
building database the storey is
included Show room objects function is used to
define the room information that is displayed
in the drawing (text label of the room), and to
read the storey from the building database.
Project function is used to
define general properties
and initial values for the
project, storeys,
structures, etc and to view Hide room objects function removes the
the heat loss analysis of storey information from the drawing. This
the rooms. function is not available in the edit mode.

Dialux export transfers

Part Properties function is used for examining the selected room to the
and changing the properties of the selected DIALux program (with
object: wall, window, door, or room. The the help of a *.STF file).
information of the walls, windows, and rooms The inner boundaries of
can be changed only in the edit mode. the rooms in the storey
coordinate system are
written to the transfer
2D mode function switch MagiCAD Room file.
objects to 2D mode

Edit storey function activates

3D mode function switch MagiCAD Room the edit mode and invokes the
objects to 3D mode. MagiCAD Room Edit toolbar.

398 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

5.1.2 MagiCAD Room Edit functions
List of functions
The edit toolbar is visible when edit mode is on.

Install column function is used to install

circular or rectangular columns.
Install door function is used to
install different size doors

Install beam function is used to install different

size beams.
Install window function is
used to install different size

Define room function is used to give rooms

Draw wall function is the nessessary information for instance name,
used to draw Exterior, height, supply/ extract airflows, temperatures
interior, structural, and etc.
virtual walls.

Erase MagiCAD Room object Close edit mode function

function is used to erase single closes the edit mode. If
object. Several objects at a time, can MagiCAD Room objects
also be removed with AutoCAD`s have been changed since
ERASE function. the last save, they can be
saved also at this point.

Stretch or move walls with the Stretch or

move wall function. Save, calculate, and update
texts function checks the room
definitions, performs heat loss
calculation, saves the room
Change wall height function is used to change
wall height. It is possible to change height of all data, and updates the text
exterior, interior or structural walls at the same labels of the rooms.
time by using command line options.

Move door and windows with the

Move door or window function.
Set wall joint function is used to divide a wall into
several parts to make it possible to define different
properties for different parts of the wall.

MagiCAD Room 399

5.2 Project

5.2.1 How to create a project

Creating/selecting project
First, create and save a new drawing or open an existing drawing you want to include in the project. The
existing drawing can be, for example, a drawing created with MagiCAD Heating&Piping, Ventilation, or
If you use an existing drawing that already has the storey information defined (MagiCAD Electrical), you
can view the information with the Edit Storey Properties function. If the information has not been defined,
they can be input at this stage.

Here you can define the You can use this

location of the storey function to show the
origin (bottom-left location of the bottom-
corner). You can also left corner of the storey
set the rotation angle for (i.e. storey origin) and
the building. the direction of the
positive x-axis.

The Available projects list shows the building

databases that exist in the directory or in the
path towards the root directory. If there are no
building databases in the path, the list window
is empty. If you select a building database from
the list and click the Select button, the selected
database is taken into use.

Give the name for the database

Select the directory where you want to save

the project.

Select the template database. Templates

comes with MagiCAD are saved in the
Template subdirectory of the MagiCAD Room
program directory.

400 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Edit project database
After you have given the information (Project name, Location and Template) and accepted the choices with
Ok button the Storey Properties dialog opens again.

With this function you can

detach the drawing from the
building database.

Select the storey, which the

active drawing represent.

You can manage the information that covers the entire project (i.e building). Here you can
manage all storeys of the building.
The left panel shows tree of the types of data that is defined for the project. When you
click a tree item, the more detailed view of the contents appears in the right panel.

MagiCAD Room 401

Add, Edit, Copy storey

You can edit the selected

storey (Name, Position,
Rotation and Default
height) by double-clicking
the right panel.

You can copy the selected storey. It is You can delete the selected storey.
possible to renumber the rooms when the
storey is copied.

Give the name to storey.

x, y and z – define the location of the storey

relative to the storey origin. This is the left
lower corner. This defines how the storeys
are located according to each others.
Install the Storey origin to the point, which is
same in all storeys. Good points are for
example the corner of the building, crossing
point of module lines. Sometimes it is good
Give default height for the room. This to draw a helping line for example from the
default height is used with all new rooms corner of the elevator.
that are defined in the building.

It is possible to define the possible rotation

angle of the storey for the project

After modifications close the Project Management with Close button. Storey Properties dialog opens
again. Choose the storey and click Ok button. Now the project is ready and you can start to draw. Project
management- dialog can be re-opened with Project… button.
It is possible to edit all the information afterwards.

402 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Drawing the rooms
All modifications to the rooms` geometry are made in the edit mode. Click the Edit storey button to switch
the edit mode on.

In most cases, the information

should be red from the database
(that is, Yes is selected). However, if
the data is not yet in the database for
some reason, No is selected. In the
latter case, the program switches to
the edit mode without updating the
drawing with the data in the building

Draw the walls and place the doors and windows. Define and place the room data for each room with the
Define Room function.
When you have done your modifications, click the Close Edit Mode button. If the objects have been
changed, you can at this stage decide whether they will be saved to the building database. You can save
the objects in the database any time with the Save function.

5.2.2 How to edit Project Data

When you click Project… button, Project management- dialog opens. The main view applies to the entire
building. The basic idea is that the left panel shows a tree of the types of data that is defined for the project.
When you click a tree item, more detailed view of the contents appears in the right panel.

MagiCAD Room 403

Edit data

It is possible to give information to the project. To edit project data, click the tree item Project and double
click on the top of right panel.


Select this option if you want the calculations be

updated automatically when changing values.

This temperature is used in the heat loss


Select this option if you want to create horizontal

surfaces (slabs) automatically.

This structure is used as the default roof slab.

Background temperature, usually the outside
temperature, is used in the heat loss
calculations. For each room it is possible to
define an exceptional roof slab with different
background temperature.

404 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

This structure is used as the default floor slab.
Background temperature, e.g the temperature of
the ground, is used in the heat loss calculations.
For each room it is possible to define an
exceptional floor slab with different background

This structure is used as the default “floor”

between different storeys. For each room it is
possible to define an exceptional slab.

You can define the place of the site with this information. The information is used in IFC export.
The height level from the sea can be defined to the Altitude [mm] field. If the Altitude value is used,
then the z coordinate of the storey is relative to that height level. It means that the storey`s level is
from site, not from the sea.

This view shows the summary of the calculations that have been performed in the project.

Contains e.g net areas and volumes

Contains the supply and exhaust airflows.

Contains the gross heat transfer through the structures.

Because internal heat transfer may occur in the building
(depending on the inner temperatures), the summary
should not be interpreted as the total heat loss at the
outer surface, however, it describes well the share of
each structure in the heat losses.

Contains the total heat loss of the rooms at each storey.

It does not contain the heating power that is needed at
Contains the heating demand in the
the air handling unit.
rooms, caused by supply air, exhaust
air and leak. It does not contain the
heating power that is needed at the air
handling unit.

Note! All the information and calculation results can be copied to clipboard by right-clicking on the
top of right panel.

MagiCAD Room 405

Area methods
Area methods view shows a list of the criteria how the floor areas are calculated. You can edit area
methods by double-clicking on the top of right panel.


The area is calculated from the exterior walls

using one of the options: Inner surface,
Centerline, Outer surface

The area is calculated from the interior walls

using one of the options: Inner surface,
Centerline, Outer surface

If the box is selected, the areas of the colums are The area is calculated from the structural
excluded when the areas are calculated. walls using one of the options: Inner surface,
Centerline, Outer surface

Note! The heat loss calculations always uses the midpoints of the walls when calculationg the floor

406 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

3D preview
With the 3D preview function of the project dialog you can examine all storeys in the same view and, for
example, check that the storeys are located correctly in relation to each other (applies only to the storeys
that are on top of each other).

Examine each part of project

by selecting the item from the

You can rotate the image of

the building (press left mouse
button) Select how the 3D preview picture is

It is possible to show floor/roof

slabs by selecting Show floor
slabs or Show roof slabs

5.2.3 How to edit Room data

Edit room data with Part Properties

Room data can be edited separately by using Part Properties function. Just double click the room text label
to edit information.

MagiCAD Room 407

You can find more information in How to
define room field.

Edit room data via Project management

It is possible to edit information of several rooms at the same time via project management. Editable values
are, Room name, Temperature setpoint for heating (T-sph [oC]), Supply air temperature (T-sup [oC]), Supply
airflow (qv-sup [l/s] / [m3/h]), Extract airflow (qv-exh [l/s] / [m3/h]), Primary flow for automatic values (qv-pri
[l/s] / [m3/h]), Primary system for automatic values (Primary), Secondary airflow percent (Percent), Transfer
air temperature (T-trans oC), Leak factor ([1/h]), Room height (Height [m]).

408 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the rooms you want to edit by
clicking top of them. You can select
several rooms at the same time by
pushing Ctrl or Shift button while
choosing the rooms.

When the rooms are selected, right click

on the top of that column which
information you want to change and
choose Change value in the column
option. This example shows how to
change room name.
Right click on the top of Room name to

MagiCAD Room 409

5.2.4 How to Renumber the rooms
Renumber when using Copy storey function
It is possible to renumber the rooms when the storey is copied. This function is very useful when project
includes similar storeys. Draw and define rooms for one storey and copy it as much you want. This example
shows how to copy Storey 1 to Storey 2 and how to change the room numbering 101…109 to 201…209.

Give the required information to new

storey (Storey name, Origin position,
Default height).

Replace the character(s) that you want

to remain unchanged in the room
number (=User code) with a question
mark. So when wanted to change for
instance 101…109 to 201…209 just
write 2?? to Filter spot.

410 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Renumber rooms separately
It is also possible to renumber the rooms separately inside the storey. Choose rooms you want to renumber
and right click on top of the User code column. Select the Change value in the column option from the

Select room(s) you want to

You can select several
rooms at the same time by
pushing Ctrl or Shift
button while choosing the

PopUp menu

MagiCAD Room 411

5.2.5 How to edit/add structures

Add, edit, delete structure

Edit the existing information or add new

structures by taking the right click in this
Select the group that you window. After right click, you can choose
want to edit. the wanted operation from the PopUp –


Right click

Add new
Give User code and Description to Delete a
structure. structure
Properties –
edit structure
Define the size and U-value of a

412 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

5.2.6 How to edit Layer and color settings

Select Layer definitions Edit the layers and colors by right clicking or by
from project tree. double clicking on the top of structure.

Give the name to layer.

Select the color of the object. This color setting is the

default color, which will be created when the object is
created to the drawing.

It is possible to define own settings to 2D and 3D

objects. If ByLayer is selected, the color is defined
according to the settings of the Layer definitions.

MagiCAD Room 413

5.2.7 How to transfert the output to clipboard

The result appearing in the project information can be transferred e.g. to Excel through the clipboard.

Room calculations

Select one or more rooms

in the room data of the
project (hold the CTRL
button down and select the
rooms with the mouse or
arrow buttons) and click the
right mouse button.

Click the Copy calculations to clipboard
button. After that open e.g Excel and paste the
results to there.

Summary data

Select one of the summary categories and

right click on the top of right window. Click the
Copy all summary data to clipboard button
from PopUp menu.


414 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

5.2.8 Calculation methods
Heat loss calculation method

Heat loss through the structures

The heat loss is calculated with the following formula:
Øtransmission = Σ (U * A * (T1 – T2))
T1 = inside temperature
T2 = temperature behind the structure; another room in the same or different storey, outdoor air, temperature
of the ground, or temperature defined for the exception structure.

This calculation handles the effect that is needed to heat the supply air and transfer air to the room
The effect required to heat the supply air and transfer air is calculated with the following formula:
Øvent = 1,2 * qv * (T1 – T3)
qv = supply airflow or transfer airflow [l/s]
T1 = inside temperature of the room
T2 = air temperature

Transfer airflow is the remainder of supply airflow and exhaust airflow.

NOTE! The above formula does not consider the heating of the air from outdoor temperature to supply air
temperature. MagiCAD Room does not calculate the Air Handling Units.

The effect required to heat the leakage air (addition airflow) is calculated with the following formula:
Øleakage = 1,2 * (nleakage * V/3600) * (T1 – T4)
nleakage = leak factor [1/h]
V = volume of the room [m3]
T1 = inside temperature of the room
T4 = outside temperature

MagiCAD Room 415

Calculating floor areas
You can define how the program calculates the areas of the floors. The definitions are made in the Area
methods part of the project dialog.
Select the Project function, choose Area methods, and click the list with the right mouse button. The
following dialog opens.

The area is calculated from the exterior walls

using one of the options: Inner surface,
Centerline, Outer surface

The area is calculated from the interior walls

using one of the options: Inner surface,
Centerline, Outer surface

If the box is selected, the areas of the colums are The area is calculated from the structural
excluded when the areas are calculated. walls using one of the options: Inner surface,
Centerline, Outer surface

Calculating the room volume

The room volume is calculated according to the same criteria as the floor area. Beams and columns that
reside in the room are subtracted from the volume.

NOTE! The heating demand calculations uses the midpoints of the walls when calculating the room volume.

5.2.9 IFC data transfer

IFC Export
This function exports all storeys and structures from MagiCAD Room to an IFC file. The structures to export
consist of floor slabs, roof slabs, beams, columns, walls, and the doors and windows that are attached to the
walls. Besides the structures, the spatial definitions (ifcSpace) and spatial data is exported to the file. The
spaces to export are defined according to the inner surfaces of the walls that outline the space in MagiCAD
Room. The height of the space is the room height given by the user.

416 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the IFC format.
ifc 2x3 should be used
because it is the
standard IFC format

Select the path (Save in:) where

you want to save the IFC file and
give the name to IFC file (File

IFC Import
This function imports the storeys and rooms (ifcSpace) and the spatial data. The imported data consists of
the same type of information that is exported with the IFC Export function.
IFC Import function switches off the automatic calculations and generation of the horizontal surfaces (slabs).

Structures are not imported!

MagiCAD Room 417

IFC Space Update
This function is used to read to the MagiCAD Room spaces the data of the corresponding IFC spaces
(ifcSpace). The rooms and IFC spaces are connected with the GUID. The imported data consists of name,
identifier, supply and extract airflows, heat loss, cooling demand and the room temperatures in the heating
and cooling situations.
IFC Space Update function switches off the automatic calculations and generation of the horizontal surfaces

Select the IFC file which

information you want to update to
MagiCAD Room.

IFC Merge Import

This command overrides same existing storeys (if storey GUID in MagiRoom and IFC are same) and adds
new ones to MagiRoom. If the function does not found the same storey GUID, storeys are imported as new
one (old storeys are not deleted like in normal IFC import). This function can be used e.g. to update the
storey(s) via IFC.
It is also possible to import many IFC files which each include only one storey and combine them as one

5.3 Editing functions

5.3.1 How to draw walls

When you use the function for the first time, the Wall Options dialog opens.

418 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select wall group. Each wall group has own wall
types. Virtual wall is not an actual wall structure
instead it is used for dividing a space into several
room areas and to connect together rooms that
are inside each other.

If the thickness of the wall is defined in the

project data, the Thickness field disabled and its
value cannot be changed.

Define the height for the wall.

It is possible to select the Alignment for wall

drawing, that is, which edge or alternatively
centreline follows the cursor.

Commandline options
The wall drawing function has the following commandline options. To select a commandline option,
type its hotkey on the commandline or click the right mouse button and select the item from the
popup menu.
Connect / noConnect (c) – When connect is on, the search circle is visible and drawing must be
started from an existing wall (by default connect is on)
When you want to start drawing from an empty space, select noConnect.
It is also possible to create rooms without wall connections. In this case, the connecting walls must
be at a distance less than 100mm from each other. This makes it possible to create rooms e.g. by
copying walls with AutoCAD`s COPY function.
Options (o) – This option opens the Wall Options dialog, in which you can change the wall definitions.
Back (b) – Returns to the previous point, when drawing the wall.

MagiCAD Room 419

420 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide
5.3.2 How to install window

When you use the function for the first time, the Window Options dialog opens.

Select the window type. X means that user

give width/height manually.

Height and elevation are given in the dialog,

the width is maximum that fits in the place.

Width is given in the dialog, the height is

maximum that fits in the place.

The window is as large as fits in the place

Height and elevation are given in the dialog,

the width is defined by showing two points on
the wall.

Dimensions and elevation are given in the

Width/Height/Elevation dialog.

One window is placed with one click.

Several simiral windows are installed in a

row. Give the number of windows and the gap
between the windows
Commandline options
The install window function has the following commandline options. To select a commandline option, type its
hotkey on the commandline or click the right mouse button and select the item from the popup menu.
Options (o) – This option opens the Window Options dialog, in which you can change the window drawing

MagiCAD Room 421

Installation instruction
After you have choose the window type, select the wall where the window will be installed and the location
on the wall.

Select the wall where the

window will be installed.

Select the window location

on the wall.

5.3.3 How to install door

When you use the function for the first time, the Door options dialog opens.

422 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the Door type. The types are defined in
the project data.

Give the Dimensions and installation height for

the door. The enabled fields (that is, what
dimensions can be given) depends on which
dimensions are predefined in the project data.

Commandline options
The install door function has the following commandline options. To select a commandline option,
type its hotkey on the commandline or click the right mouse button and select the item from the
popup menu.
Options (o) – This option opens the Window Options dialog, in which you can change the window
drawing definitions.

MagiCAD Room 423

Installation instructions
After you have choose the door type, select the wall where the door will be installed. Select the
opening direction of the door and select the location on the wall.

Select the wall where the

door will be installed.

Select the opening direction

of the door. Direction
depends on where the mouse
is pointed (left/right).

Show the location of the


424 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

5.3.4 How to install column

When you use the function for the first time, the Column Options dialog opens.

Select the Shape and give the dimensions for the

horizontal column. Length represents the height of
the column.

Commandline options
The install column function has the following commandline options. To select a commandline option, type its
hotkey on the commandline or click the right mouse button and select the item from the popup menu.
• Direction (d) – With this option it is possible to rotate the (rectangular) column to suitable
• Options (o) – This option opens the Window Options dialog, in which you can change the
window drawing definitions.

MagiCAD Room 425

Installation direction
After you have selected the column type, select the location where you want to place the column.

Show the location of the column.

You can give the elevations by typing them in

the dialog field, the values are updated
according to the height of the column.

Alternatively, you can define the elevation for

the column according to another MagiCD
Room object; in this case, select one of the
Top/Center/Bottom of… options and show
the reference object in the drawing. When you
have showed the object, the program returns to
the Elevation dialog.
Accept the elevation with Ok button.

5.3.5 How to install beam

When you use the function for the first time, the Beam Options dialog opens.

Give the Dimensions for the beam.

426 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Commandline options
The install column function has the following commandline options. To select a commandline option, type its
hotkey on the commandline or click the right mouse button and select the item from the popup menu.
• Direction (d) – With this option it is possible to rotate the (rectangular) column to suitable
• Options (o) – This option opens the Window Options dialog, in which you can change the
window drawing definitions.

Installation direction
After you have given the dimensions for the beam, select the location where you want to place the beam.

Show the location of the beam.

You can give the elevations by typing them in

the dialog field, the values are updated
according to the height of the beam.

Alternatively, you can define the elevation for

the beam according to another MagiCD Room
object; in this case, select one of the
Top/Center/Bottom of… options and show
the reference object in the drawing. When you
have showed the object, the program returns to
the Elevation dialog.
Accept the elevation with Ok button.

MagiCAD Room 427

5.3.6 How to define room

The room is defined inside an area that is limited with walls. Select the Define room function, show the
space, and give the input values

Click inside the room you want to define.

The desired indoor temperature

of the room.
The User code (room
number or similar value)
must always be given for The desired supply air
the room. temperature.

Give the name for the


This field can contain e.g.

information related to the
usage and loads of the
building to be shared with
other design disciplines.

Height value is used for Select this option if the transfer

calculating the volumes, and in air is outside air.
IFC data transfer.

The default values (type, backround temperature) for roof slab, floor
slab, and intermediate floor have been defined in the project data.
When needed, you can define the exceptions for the roof and floor

428 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

If the By manual values is selected, the You can define the percentage of the
airflows can be set manually exception area.
(supply/extract airflow).

Here you can set the temperature

that is used when the heat loss is
If the By area is calculated.
selected, the air flows
can be set by area.

You can define how

many times per hour the
air should be changed.

You can set how many

percent is the airflow
compared to primary

If this option is selected, you

The leakage air describes the uncontrollable air can define a constant heat
transfer through the structures. The leakage air is loss for the room. Manual
calculated according to the room volume (per hour; the value overrides the calculated
value is usually 0.1 … 0.2). heat loss.

With the Heat loss analysis function you can check the heat loss details of the room.

NOTE! The list shows only the structures where heat transfer occurs (that is, there is a
temperature difference over the structure).

MagiCAD Room 429

5.3.7 How to erase MagiCAD Room objects

Click the MagiCAD Room object you want to erase. You can erase objects one by one until you stop the
function with Enter or Cancel.
MagiCAD Room objects, e.g several rooms at a time, can also be removed with AutoCAD`s Erase
function, but in this case the entire wall is removed and doors and windows cannot be removed separately.
If you want to remove only a part of the wall, first divide the part using the Set Wall Joint (break wall)

5.3.8 How to stretch or move wall

With this function you can stretch or move wall objects.

Click the Stretch or move wall toolbar button and select the wall. To stretch the wall, grip to the end point of
the wall and stretch it to the suitable length.
To move the wall, grip to the wall, and connecting walls and installed objects stretch/move correspondingly.
Moving function does not move the borderline of the wall. It is placed correctly when the storey has been
analyzed and saved with the Save, Calculate, and Update Texts function.
If you want to cancel the changes made with the stretch/move function, use AutoCAD`s Undo function.

430 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

5.3.9 How to change wall height

With this function you can change wall height.

Click the Change Wall Height toolbar button and select the walls. The program shows the highest and
lowest value of the wall heights. Give the new height of the selected walls in the New height field.

MagiCAD Room 431

Walls can be selected one by one by
clicking top of them. When you select a
wall its linetype change to dash-line.
It is also possible to select several
walls at the same time by showing two
points in the picture. All the walls that
are inside of those points get selected.
All the walls can be selected at same
time by writing ALL on the command
Command line options can be also
used. They are described on the next

Give a new height to New

height field.

Commandline options
The change wall height function has the following commandline options. To select a commandline
option, type its hotkey on the commandline and click enter.

To select all the Exterior walls To select all the Interior walls To select all the Structural
in the picture, type E to in the picture, type I to walls in the picture, type S to
commandline and click enter. commandline and click enter. commandline and click enter.

432 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

5.3.10 How to divide a wall

Set wall joint (break wall)

With this function you can divide a wall into several parts to make it possible to define different
properties for different parts of the wall.
Change the properties (wall type, dimensions, exception) with the Part Properties function.

Instructions for use

After you have selected the function, show the point where you want to break a wall.

Select the break point. Wall will be divided in that


5.3.11 How to save the Room data

Save, calculate, and update texts

This function checks the room definitions, performs heat loss calculation, saves the room data, and
updates the text labels of the rooms if they contain updated data (e.g. calculated heat loss).
The saving function checks the walls that are bounding the rooms, and draws the borderlines on the
centerlines of the walls. If the borderline is not created, the boundaries of the room are not properly
The saving function gives a warning if there are several rooms with the same user code or if the
room does not have a user code.

Instructions for use

Click the Save, calculate, and update texts button and MagiCAD performs the calculations.

MagiCAD Room 433

If there are some errors in the picture
Messages dialog appears. Errortype shows
the error type.

When the field is enabled, program marks

the room(s) where the error occurs after

Select one of the errors from Errortype list

and click this function to view the room
where the chosen problem occurs. The
location of the warning, marked with a tick,
appears on the center of the screen. Use
the Clear Garbage Layer function to
remove the ticks from the screen.

You can save the storey despite the

warnings. Errors are marked with ticks.

5.3.12 How to close the edit mode

Close edit mode

This function closes the edit mode. If MagiCAD Room objects have been changed since the last
save, the program gives the following message.

434 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Click Yes button to update the
building database.

Click No if you do not want to save the

changes. The storey is restored to the
situation of the most recent saving.

Click Cancel if you want to cancel the


MagiCAD Room 435

5.4 Viewing functions

5.4.1 Part properties

Part Properties (wall)

When the program is in the edit mode, information of the objects can be changed with the Part Properties /
Change function. Click the wall, door, or window, and select Change in the Part Properties .

It is possible to change the It is possible to It is possible to change the height

wall group. change wall type. if the wall.

It is possible to set the background temperatures of

the walls to be different from the temperatures that
are defined in the project data.
Area coverage from the wall area [%] –
define how large area from the selected wall has
the exception temperature.
Background temperature of the
exception area [oC] – define the exception

436 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Part Properties (window)
It is possible to change the
window type.

The width and height of the window

can be changed if the window with X
size is selected.

The elevation of the window can be


Part Properties (door)

It is possible to change the door


The elevation of the door can be


MagiCAD Room 437

Part Properties (space)
When you want to examine or change the room data, double click the text label of the room.

Check more info at Define


438 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

5.4.2 Show Room objects

This function is used to define the room information that is displayed in the drawing (text label of the room),
and to read the storey from the building database.

Visible Property – Select the

information you want to be shown in
the picture by clicking top of them.
Click again to cancel the selection.

Select the text height.

You should enable this field if you

want to hide all Room structures. Only
text are showing.

MagiCAD Room 439

5.4.3 Changing structures between 2D & 3D

After walls, windows, doors etc. are drawn with MagiCAD Room, user can select whether to show them in 2D
or 3D mode (2D are in default mode) using 2D Mode or 3D Mode button. NOTE! Appearance
between 2D & 3D can only be change when the Edit mode is off.
In MagiCAD version 2010.11 is also possible to select which structures are shown in 3D mode. After you
click the 3D mode button you can select the structures.

6. MagiCAD Circuit Designer

6.1 General information

Before you begin

MagiCAD Circuit Designer is an individual program in the MagiCAD product family. It is intended for
designing circuitry inside a switchboard or an electrical device and the components outside the device that
are used in the functionality of the circuitry.
Administrator privileges are required for installation.

Installation and start

Installation of the program is described in MagiCAD Installation Guide.
MagiCAD Setup creates a shortcut named MagiCAD in the MagiCAD -folder on the desktop and in the
MagiCAD -subfolder of the common program folder. The shortcut is visible to all users of the workstation.
When you start the program for the first time with its shortcut, the following message may appear:

440 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

This is a normal situation, indicating that a non-existing profile was selected. The first start of MagiCAD
creates a fresh AutoCAD profile with default settings, and you can modify it with your preferences as you can
modify any AutoCAD profile.

Customized drawing frames

You can customize the header frame and the coordinate frame to be suitable for your needs by editing the
drawings: MagiCSFrame.dwg and MagiCSLabel.dwg that are located in the Support –folder (found in
the local data folder). The drawings contain AutoCAD attributes, lines and texts that you can modify. Note
that some of the attributes that are inside the label and frame are used by the software. It is not
recommended to change them. However, you can move them freely.
The used attributes in the label are:
• Project number - P_PRJNMB
• Design discipline - P_DESDIS
• Drawing number - P_DRANMB2
• File name - P_DWGNAME
• Client1 - P_CLIENT1
• Client2 - P_CLIENT2
• Address1 - P_ADDR1
• Address2 - P_ADDR2
• Content1 - P_DRAC1
• Content2 - P_DRAC2
• Designer - P_DESBY
• Drawer - P_DRABY
• Supervisor - P_CHKBY
• Approver - P_APPBY
• Date - P_ADATE
• Language identifier - P_LNGID
• Revision Date 1 - P_REVD1
• Revision Date 2 - P_REVD2
• Revision Date 3 - P_REVD3
• Revision Date 4 - P_REVD4
• Revision Id - P_REVNMB
The used attributes in the frame are:
• X-coordinates - C0-C19 (do not change)

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 441

• Y-coordinates - R0-R13 (do not change)
• Alignment point - P_LBOT (do not change position)
• Alignment point - P_RTOP (do not change position)
• Attribute used for page handling - P_FPAGENMB (do not change)
• Attribute used for coordinates - P_NCOL (do not change)
• Attribute ued for coordinates - P_NROW (do not change)
When you start a blank drawing and create pages with the Page -function MagiCAD Circuit Designer takes
the frame and label objects from the previously mentioned drawings and creates the label and frame blocks
for the first page and copies them to the next pages. This means that you can also make a dwt- or dwg-file of
your own as a template drawing that has already one page created when you start. You can edit the frame
and label blocks in place. This way you do not have to touch the original drawings in the Support -folder.

It is recommended to use a template drawing of your own and not to change the frame and label drawings in
the support folder unless it is absolutely necessary, e.g. if some important attribute is missing.

It is also recommended to insert a company logo into the blank space reserved for it inside the label block.
You must insert the logo inside the MAGICSLABEL –block by using AutoCAD’s block editor. This way it is
copied automatically to every page.

Do not change the coordinate attributes in the frame nor the positions of the alignment point attributes.

AutoCAD functions
You can use copy, move, erase and rotate normally. When you copy both “mother” and their “child” parts the
links between them remain. Mirror rotates a component.
Snap is forced to be 2.5 mm when using MagiCAD Circuit Designer drawing functions. This way
conductors automatically hit the connection points. This means that all user symbols should be modelled so
that their connection points hit the snap points of 2.5 mm. MagiCAD Circuit Designer returns snap to the
original value when a command has ended. Snap can also be turned off manually after starting a drawing
action if this is wanted for some reason.

The original snap in a drawing is recommended to be 1.25mm so that moving attributes and double-clicking
on an object is easier.

6.2 List of functions

MC-CD General

Drawing Settings
Component Outside Switchboard
Change Circuit Id
Move Attribute

442 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Update References
Create Symbol
Part Properties

Corresponding ribbon:

MC-CD Devices

Busbar System
Common Part
Common Part Link
Combined Common Part
Contactor Wizard
Single Contact/Relay
Contact Reference Symbol

Control Switch Panel
Control Switch
Connection Point
Terminal Block
Terminal Block Wizard
Conductor For Connections
Dummy Conductor
Control Cable Symbol

Corresponding ribbon:

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 443

6.3 How to start
Creating a new drawing and modifying drawing settings
One drawing in MagiCAD Circuit Designer has all the pages that are needed to represent the circuitry
inside a switchboard or an electrical device and the components outside the device that are used in the
functionality of the circuitry. In the same way one switchboard schematic drawing represents one
switchboard in MagiCAD Electrical.
Start a drawing by saving an empty drawing to a folder or open a template drawing and save it to the folder.
Press the Drawing Settings -button in the MC-CD General -toolbar to define the common data used in this
drawing. The data consists of Visibility settings, Label text definitions and Layer definitions.

Visibility settings
With the Reference text updating pane’s Automatic -option you can select if the references are updated
automatically or not. The option can be switched on/off any time. In large drawings or whenever installing an
object, the properties dialogs or connecting conductors between connection points become slower than
normally it is recommended to switch the automatic updating off. In these cases you have to use the Update
References -function when you want to update all the reference texts.
In the General text visibility -pane you can define which texts will be visible or invisible generally in the
whole drawing. If you change the settings MagiCAD updates them to the whole drawing after clicking Ok
twice to exit the Drawing settings -dialog.

444 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Automatic reference
text updating ON /

General text visibility,

select which texts are
visible in general and
which are not.

Default visibility for

different Ids when
installing new objects
to the drawing

Default visibility for

main contacts in
Contact Reference

You can also define if the Id and partner position texts are visible by default when installing an object into the
drawing in the Default text visibility for objects -pane. You can change the settings by checking the
checkboxes individually for the following objects:
Control switch position symbol
Control switch part (other parts / symbols of a control switch)
Common part
Connection point (of a terminal block)
You can check the boxes on/off any time. The options only have effect when installing new objects into the

Label text definitions

In label text definitions you can define the common data used in the header table that is installed into every

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 445

Layer properties
Here you can define the layer properties for frames, labels, symbols and symbol texts.

446 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Handling of pages
Press the Page -button and the Page -dialog appears. Here you can create a new page to the end by
pressing the Create page -button. You can create as many pages as you like but you can add them also
later. With the Insert page -button you can insert a page in front of the selected one.
The Page -function can also be used for scrolling between different pages. The active (=visible) page is
marked with a different background color, depending on your operating system settings, e.g. blue.
The pages are automatically numbered as 01, 02 etc. The maximum amount is 256 pages. The pages are
created on top of each other in model space starting from the first page. You can delete a page by using the
Delete page -button. Remember that the first page is the nearest one to the origin.
You can edit the rest of the attributes in the header table with AutoCAD functions (DDATTE) but remember
not to change the ones that are automatically read from the Drawing Settings. They are marked in the
original label and template drawings with the text “(dwg set)”.
After you have created at least one page you can start to use the drawing functions with their full capabilities.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 447

View in AutoCAD (model space)

Page 3

Insert a new
page in front of
the selected.

Page 2
Create a page to
the end.

Page 1
Delete the
selected page.

The frame and header are taken from separate “template” drawings that are located in the Support -folder.
You can customize them to look different but remember that the coordinate system works according to the
letters and numbers inside the frame. Also the size of the coordinate area is the size of the original frame, so
do not change the size of the frame.

You can also create different kind of template drawings by creating just one page in them and storing them in
your template folder. When using that kind of drawing as a template MagiCAD Circuit Designer copies the
existing page (without objects) to make new pages. If MagiCAD Circuit Designer cannot find a header and
frame in the drawing only then it will use the drawings found in the Support –folder.

Do not delete pages with AutoCAD’s erase unless you remove pages from the end. It is recommended to
always use the buttons in the Page –dialog.

General things
Generally the pages in a circuit schematic drawing are separated into two sides by the user: wiring and logic.
In the wiring side you usually present how different products are located relatively to each other inside the
switchboard / device and how they are connected to each other with conductors / busbars creating circuits
that feed actual appliances.
In the logic side you connect different connection points from the components with conductors to represent
how the circuitry actually “works”. In the logic side it is important that you can use e.g. a single switch of a
contactor in one place and another switch from the same contactor somewhere else, and you can do this
intelligently with MagiCAD Circuit Designer.
After installing a part to the drawing you can edit the part’s properties with the Part Properties –function and
by double-clicking on an object. This applies to all components.
One connection point in any part can have two intelligent connections. However, connection points in relays
can have only one connection and connection points in terminal blocks can have four connections.

448 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Unnamed “mother” parts are identified as NoName-1, NoName-2 etc on selection lists and MagiCAD Circuit
Designer can handle them without problems. However, it is recommended to name all parts with an Id when
they are installed to help you recognize which is which.
Partner position coordinates are available for all “child” parts that can have a “mother” part in the wiring side
of the drawing. However, individual connection points of a terminal block can only show their Owner Id and
their individual Id. Normally a partner position coordinate has first the page number, then the column letter
and finally the row number, e.g. 02/B12. If a “mother” part is located on a different page than a “child” part
the partner position coordinates will have vertical lines in front and after them, e.g. |02/B12|.
A single symbol can be installed directly to a conductor and the conductor will be cut if the symbol has two
connection points in the same line as the symbol’s connection point and the conductor it is installed to.

When connecting conductors to individual connection points of terminal blocks make sure you only connect
two conductors from the same direction relative to the connection point. Otherwise some reference texts
might not be shown even though the connections exist.

6.4 Drawing functions

6.4.1 Common parts and combinations

Common part
With this function you can install a common part into the drawing. A common part is directly suitable for both
wiring and logic side of the drawing. Start the installation by clicking the Common Part –button.
If you have installed combined common parts into the drawing you can select a single common part from an
existing combined common part to be installed into the drawing. If you just want to install new “free” common
parts you can select from the middle pane: Install new common part.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 449

Select a component of an existing
combined common part and insert it
to the drawing.

Install new common part, select a symbol for the new

part and insert it to the drawing.
Select the page
from which to find
all existing
combined common

Editing a common part

After you have installed a common part you can set all the necessary data for it or edit its existing properties
with the Part Properties –function.

450 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Here you can set an Id for the part. The Id is separated into
Cir.Id (circuit number) and Dev.Id (device label). With the
Visible checkbox you can set the object specific visibility of
the Id ON / OFF.

Here you can see the partner position coordinates of the

single part. The object specific visibility of the coordinates can
be controlled with the Visible -checkbox. The coordinates
refer to the mother part automatically if the part belongs to
one or is linked to a single part with Common Part Link.

Set the Id for the first connection point.

Set the Id for the second connection point.

The Connected Ids tell you where the connection points (ID
1 and ID 2) are connected to. MagiCAD Circuit Designer fills
them automatically for mother parts. However, by checking a
checkbox next to a Connected Id you can set one manually.
The Connected Ids are reference texts that indicate where a
part is connected to from its connection points.

Change the symbol of the part.

Common Part Link

With the Common part link -function you can create a link between two common parts. After starting the
function you must first click on the desired common part in the wiring side and then the desired common part
on the logic side. You can do this as many times as needed, e.g. when a common part is presented several
times on the logic side for some reason.
The partner position coordinates are updated for both “mother” and “child” parts and they are shown next to
the symbols. A “mother” part has always the last shown coordinates of a “child” part and it should be erased

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 451

if a “mother” part has more than one “child” part. You can also set the partner position to be invisible from the
Part Properties –function.

First click
Second click

Combined Common Part

With the Combined common part -function you can create a combination of several common parts. With
the Common Part -function you can install an individual part from an existing Combined Common Part.
When starting the function you can select a clone to be created from a selected part or you can create a new

The distance between individual parts is two snap units (5mm).

452 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Create a clone from an
existing combined common Give a Circuit Id and
part. a Device Id.
Selection for the
mechanical /
connection line.

Add a new common

part to the end (but in
front of the contact
guide symbol).

Add a contact guide

right click in symbol to the end if
blank space right click on needed.
an object

Insert a new
common part in front
of the selected one.

Delete a part from

the combination.

Change the contact

guide symbol if
Change properties needed.
of a common part.

Editing an existing combined common part

By using the Part Properties –function you can edit an existing combined common part. The selections are
the same as in the installation dialog. When you have installed a single part to the logic side and connected it
to some other part(s) with conductor you can see the connection reference texts in the preview –pane and in
a single part’s properties.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 453

Right click menu -> Properties

Control the connection reference texts to

be automatic or manual. When a Connection point
checkbox is checked you can give Ids.
manual text into the field. When it is not
checked the automatic mode is on and
the field is disabled.

Change the symbol of the single part.

After clicking Ok twice the symbol is
updated to the child part(s) in the

454 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

6.4.2 Contactors

With the Contactor -function it is possible to add a contactor to the drawing. This function produces the so
called “mother” contactors. You can install a separate contact or relay from an existing “mother” contactor by
using the Single Contact/Relay –function.
When starting the Contactor -function you must give the number of main contacts and the number of
auxiliary contacts. With the numbering rule you can affect the Id numbers of connection points. The -Not
defined- will give you blank Ids and the Basic Contactor rule numbers main contact connection points 1, 2,
3 and so on, and the auxiliary contact connection points 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32 and so on. In the end of a
contactor is always installed a relay.
With the Clone from selected –button you can select an existing contactor from the drawing and make a
new one that has exactly the same components and Ids as the existing one.

The installation distance between each contact/relay is two snap units (5mm).

Create a clone from a

selected contactor.

Right click in blank

Add a main or
auxiliary contact to
the end of their
“group”. Relay can
be added to the
end if needed.

Right click on an
Insert a new
contact in front of
the selected one or
delete a contact.
You can also
change the
properties of a
contact or relay.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 455

Editing an existing contactor
By using the Part Properties –function you can edit an existing contactor. The selections are the same as in
the installation dialog. When you have installed a single contact or relay to the logic side and connected it to
some other part(s) with conductor you can see the connection reference texts in the preview –pane and in a
single part’s properties.

Right click menu -> Properties

Control the connection reference texts to

be automatic or manual. When a
checkbox is checked you can give
manual text into the field. When it is not Connection point
checked the automatic mode is on and Ids.
the field is thus disabled.

Change the symbol of the single part.

After clicking Ok twice the symbol is
updated to the child part(s) in the

Contactor Wizard
With the Contactor Wizard you can create a new contactor from the auxiliary contacts and relays installed
to the logic side. After staring the function select the auxiliary contacts and one relay for the new contactor.
The selection order of the auxiliary contacts determines their order inside the mother part. The relay can be

456 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

selected in any phase. When you have selected all child parts press enter and the Contactor properties –
dialog opens. Add the needed main and/or auxiliary contacts and click Ok. Then install the new mother part
to the wiring side.

click click click

click enter

Right click in empty space

wiring logic

show the insertion point of

the mother part.

Single Contact/Relay
With the Single Contact/Relay you can insert a single contact or relay from a mother contactor or you can
install new contacts and relays without a connection to a mother contactor.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 457

Select a page from which
the desired mother
contactor is found.

Select the desired mother

contactor from which you wish
to install a contact or relay.

Install new
contact, use
this to install a
new contact
without a
connection to a
Install new
relay, use this to
install a new
Select the child part to be
relay without a
connection to a
contactor. Install the contact or relay
You can use the
Wizard –
function to
create a mother
contactor from
single contacts
and relays.

Editing a single contact / relay

After you have installed a contact or relay you can edit its existing properties with the Part Properties –

458 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Here you can set an Id for the part. The Id is separated into
Cir.Id (circuit number) and Dev.Id (device label). With the
Visible checkbox you can set the object specific visibility of
the Id ON / OFF.

Here you can set the partner position coordinates of the part.
The object specific visibility of the coordinates can be
controlled with the Visible -checkbox. The coordinates refer
to the mother part automatically if the part belongs to one.

Set the Id for the first connection point.

Set the Id for the second connection point.

Change the symbol of the part.

Contact Reference Symbol

With the Contact Reference Symbol you can insert a reference symbol to the drawing that shows the
contacts of the contactor and the coordinates they are installed to. If an auxiliary contact is not yet installed
anywhere it does not have any coordinates next to it inside the reference symbol.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 459

click on the desired relay but you can also
click the mother contactor if needed

then show the reference symbol’s

insertion point

(empty means: ”not installed yet”)

You can select if you want to see the main contacts in a Contact Reference Symbol or not. The default
setting for new objects is in the Drawing Preferences but you can set the object specific visibility from Part

460 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide


Uncheck the checkbox if you do

not wish to see the main

6.4.3 Control switches

Control Switch Panel
With the Control Switch Panel you can create a panel that indicates how a control switch operates.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 461

Set the count of positions in the control
switch and the count of individual
switches inside the control switch.

Select the numbering

rule. The Basic Control
Switch Panel rule
numbers the connection
points: 1, 2, 3 etc.

Create a clone
from an existing

Individual switches inside the control


Different positions of the control switch.

Operation checkboxes, check in which

position a switch operates. By clicking in
between to boxes (vertical junctions) you
can create special connections.

Editing a Control Switch Panel

You can add new positions and switches by right clicking in a blank space. By right clicking on an individual
item you can insert a new one in front of the selected one, remove it or edit its properties.

462 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Right click on a switch

Left click on a box set in which position

the switch is operational.

Left click a
junction part to
create special

Right click in blank Right click on a

space position

Editing a switch inside the panel

By selecting Switch properties from the right click menu on a switch you can edit its properties.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 463

Control the connection reference
texts to be automatic or manual. Connection point
When a checkbox is checked you Ids.
can give manual text into the
field. When it is not checked the
automatic mode is on and the
field is disabled.

Control Switch
With the Control Switch you can install a control switch (its individual child parts) to the logic side. You can
install all parts at once directly by clicking Ok or you can select the part(s) you wish to install (e.g. if you do
not want to install the position symbol). Select several parts by pressing down the shift –key while selecting.

464 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the page from
which the desired
mother panel is Select the desired
found. mother panel.

Change any
symbol from
the right
click menu
installing if

install the whole

control switch
Select one part or several parts (by holding
down the shift –key) to be installed.

When installing all at once the distance between the parts is four snap units (10mm). When installing several
parts by selecting them using the shift –key the distance between the parts is eight snap units (20mm).

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 465

Editing a control switch position symbol or part
After you have installed a control switch position symbol or a control switch part you can edit its existing
properties with the Part Properties –function.

Here you can set an Id for the part. The Id is separated into
Cir.Id (circuit number) and Dev.Id (device label). With the
Visible checkbox you can set the object specific visibility of
the Id ON / OFF.

Here you can set the partner position coordinates of the part.
The object specific visibility of the coordinates can be
controlled with the Visible -checkbox. The coordinates refer
to the mother part automatically if the part belongs to one.

Set the Id for the first connection point.

Set the Id for the second connection point.

Change the symbol of the part.

6.4.4 Terminal blocks and connection points

Connection Point
With the Connection Point you can install new connection points with no connection to a terminal block or
you can install a desired connection point from an existing terminal block.

466 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the page from Select the
which the desired desired mother
terminal block is block.

Install new Select the desired install the

conn.point, use connection point from connection point
this to install new the active terminal block
connection points
wihtout a
connection to a
mother block. The
continues until you
end the function.
You can use the
Terminal Block
Wizard –function install the “free”
to create new connection point
terminal block from
existing connection

Editing a connection point

After you have installed a connection point you can edit its existing properties with the Part Properties –

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 467

Here you can set an Id for the part. The Id is separated into
Cir.Id (circuit number) and Dev.Id (device label). With the
Visible checkbox you can set the object specific visibility of
the Id ON / OFF.

Here you can set the connection point’s Id. The object
specific visibility of the Id can be controlled with the Visible -

Terminal Block
With the Terminal Block –function you can install a new terminal block to the drawing. You can install one
connection point of a terminal block with the Connection Point –function.

468 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the amoun of connection
points in the terminal block.

Select a numbering rule.

Create a clone from an

existing terminal block.

right click menu in a blank space

Add a connection point to the end

of the block.

right click menu on a connection point

Insert a connection point in front of the install the terminal block

selected one, remove it or change its

Editing an existing terminal block

By using the Part Properties –function you can edit an existing terminal block. The selections are the same
as in the installation dialog. When you have installed a connection point to the logic side and connected it to
some other part(s) with conductor you can see the connection reference texts in the preview –pane and in a
single point’s properties.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 469

Right click menu -> Properties

Connection point

Control the connection reference texts to

be automatic or manual. When a
checkbox is checked you can give
manual text into the field. When it is not
checked the automatic mode is on and
the field is thus disabled.

Terminal Block Wizard

With the Terminal Block Wizard –function you can install a new terminal block to the drawing. You can
install one connection point of a terminal block with the Connection Point –function.

470 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Select the numbering rule used for
the new terminal block.

Select the connection points for the new

terminal block and press enter.
click click click click

See the amount of selected connection

points on the command line:

install the new terminal block

Ids are updated

6.4.5 Conductors

There are two functions to draw conductors. You can use both of them to create connections between two
connection points of any part.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 471

Conductor For Connections
With the Conductor For Connections –function you can draw intelligent conductor that will automatically
install a connection point whenever connecting in the middle of an existing conductor.

draw the conductor

When connecting in the middle of an existing conductor you have to select a connection
point that will cut the existing conductor and connect the new conductor to.

Dummy Conductor
With the Dummy Conductor –function you can draw conductors without creating connection points. The
conductor is cut when it hits another conductor. Usually this is used on the wiring side and to represent the
different busbars inside a switchboard but you can also create references with it when connecting it between
two connection points.

472 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

draw the conductor

Hint: You can use this function also to create different kind of assisting lines and areas or even
mechanical/electromagnetic connections.

6.4.6 Other functions

Busbar System
With the Busbar System -function you can install a ready busbar system into the wiring side of the drawing.
You can stretch the busbars with AutoCAD’s stretch –function one conductor at a time or all conductors at

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 473

show the
insertion point

Hint: You can use this function (together with the conductor functions and the Create Symbol -function) to
create groups of assisting lines or conductors.

Control Cable Symbol

With the Control Cable Symbol –function you can draw a cable symbol to the drawing.

474 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the count of
conductors in the

Select the
numbering rule
for the
conductors in the
The Basic
Control Cable
Symbol rule
numbers the
conductors 1, 2,
3 etc.

Create a clone of
an existing
Give an Id for
the symbol.

Set if the symbol is rotated upside down.

Set the length of the symbol.

Right click menu on a

conductor, here you can insert
a conductor in front of the
selected one, remove it or
change its properties.

install the symbol

Right click menu in a blank space,
here you can add a conductor to the
end of the symbol.

Conductor properties
The properties of a conductor looks like in the following picture.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 475

Conductors Id

Give a manual connection

reference text that is visible in
the drawing if needed.

Component Outside Switchboard (area)

With the Component Outside Switchboard –function you can create a rectangular frame to represent an
external device that is located outside the switchboard/device. You can modify the line type and color
afterwards with AutoCAD’s properties if needed.

476 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

draw the area by showing its opposite corners

Whenever a conductor is drawn inside a Component Outside Switchboard -area and the other end is
connected to a connection point of a terminal block the reference texts are placed below the “mother”
terminal block.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 477

6.5 Editing functions
Change Circuit ID
With the Change Circuit ID –function you can change the Cir.Id for multiple mother parts at once. The
changed Ids are then updated to all child parts and to all reference texts if the automatic update option is
Start the command, give a new Cir.Id, click Ok and select the desired mother parts. Then click enter.

478 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide


select objects
close-up close-up
and press

If you want to reset a Cir Id. you can use a character, e.g. dash.

It does not matter if there are child parts among the selected objects. Only the Cir Ids of mother parts are

Move Attribute
The Move Attribute –function lets you move any attribute shown next to a MagiCAD Circuit Designer
symbol. Click on the attribute you want to move and show the new insertion point for it. From the right click
menu you can use the Direction -option to rotate an attribute.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 479

select attribute to move
Right click menu

rotate the attribute to

a suitable direction
and show the new
place for it.

The Text –function lets you install free text anywhere into the drawing.
In the dialog you can select the text style, text height, reference line type and border type. Write your text into
the text -pane. You can edit an existing text object afterwards with the Part Properties –funtion.

480 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Set the text style and text height.

Set the reference

line style.

Select the border

type or

place the text

Write the text.

2. click the text insertion base


1. click the refernce point

Update References
The Update References –function updates all intelligent reference texts. This is used if references are not
updated automatically.

Create Symbol
With the Create Symbol –function you can create a user symbol.

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 481

After starting the command you have to select the objects that you want into the symbol and hit enter. Then
you have to first give the insertion point for the symbol and after that the connection point(s) that the symbol
will have. The maximum amount is 20 but remember that the software doesn’t support more than 2 intelligent
connection points (and 4 with contactor relays) where 1 connection point of a single part can have only 2
connections (and 1 with contactor relays) so you shouldn’t use more than that unless the part is only
intended for the wiring side or visible references/connection point Ids are not important. When you have
defined all the wanted connection points you can hit enter. Now you can see a preview of the created symbol
and the connection points are marked with gray dots. Select the desired symbol series and group, and set a
name suffix and description for the symbol. The option Reset all entities to BYBLOCK converts all objects
to BYBLOCK -mode. The Reset elevations to 0 -option moves all objects to zero elevation. However,
elevations are not used in any way in the drawings but it is good to check both of the options just in case.

3. Show the connection

points for the symbol

2. Show the insertion

point for the symbol

Command line:
1. Select the objects
for the new symbol

4. Press enter when

Select the
symbol series
and the symbol
group for the new
Give a name suffix
for the symbol.

Give a description
for the symbol.

Reset elevations
to 0, resets all
elevation of entities
to zero. Reset all entities to BYBLOCK, resets
all obejcts to BYBLOCK -mode.


One symbol can generally have two connection points when the connection points are used to create
automatic reference texts.

Connection points must be modeled so that they hit snap points of 2.5mm.

Relays can have four connection points but then each connection point can have only one intelligent

482 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Remember that contacts, relays and common parts used in contactors and combined common parts
have the distance of two snap units (5mm) between each other inside the “mother” part. Switches
inside a whole control switch have the distance of four snap units (10mm) when they are installed all
at once and eight snap units (20mm) when only some of the parts are installed together (selection
made by holding down the shift –key).

Part Properties
With Part Properties you can edit a component afterwards or just look at the component more closely.
Editing options are the same as in installation dialogs. The function is also available by double clicking an

6.6 Layouts and printing

The Layout –function creates a new layout from each created page. It automatically fits the frames to the
default paper size that is defined for the default printer.

The default printer settings can be changed in the AutoCAD’s Options –dialog (in this example PDF

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 483

Add-A-Plotter Wizard, with
this you can create a new
plotter configuration (.PC3)
that you can utilize.

You can use the AutoCAD’s publish –function to print out the desired pages (layouts) after you have created
them with the Layout –function. Write PUBLISH on the command line and press enter to start selecting the
printed layouts.
Before publishing it is recommended to define a new AutoCAD’s page setup that can be used for all the
layouts that are printed. This way you only have to define/select a plot style table once and apply it to all
layouts. A new page setup can be made by clicking the right mouse button on a layout tab and selecting
Page Setup Manager when one (any) of the layouts is active. From the Page Setup Manager click the New -
button. Give a name for the new page setup and click OK. Select a suitable plot style table, e.g.
monochrome, and click OK.

484 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

Right click menu

Select a suitable
plot style table for
the page setup

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 485

Use the new page setup for all layouts in the AutoCAD’s publish –funtion. AutoCAD’s PUBLISHCOLLATE
and PUBLISHALLSHEETS settings should be set to zero (0). Write the commands on the command line and
change the value to zero by typing it in.

Select a page
Select the layouts to be setup that is used
printed, remove a layout for the layouts.
from the right click menu.

Print the layouts in the sheet list.

6.7 Other functions

MAGICSSYMBOLMANAGER / MCSM – MagiCAD Circuit Designer’s Symbol Manager that lets you manage
the symbols. You can delete symbols and edit the descriptions but you should do this ONLY FOR USER

486 MagiCAD for AutoCAD User’s Guide

NOR or SWE)!!!

MagiCAD Circuit Designer 487

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