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i. Waters of the Philippines means all
 Pollution is the introduction of contaminants
accumulations of water, surface and
into the natural environment that cause
underground water, natural or artificial, public or
adverse change. Pollution can take the form of
private or parts thereof, which are within the
POLLUTION chemical substances or energy, such as noise,
heat or light. Pollutants, the components of
Philippines or within its jurisdiction.
pollution, can be either foreign j. Atmospheric air of the Philippines means the air
substances/energies or naturally occurring
within the Philippines or within its jurisdiction.
k. Person or Persons means any individual public or
private corporation, political subdivision, government
agency, municipality, public or private institution,
industry, co-partnership, association, firms, trust, or
any other entity whatsoever.
INCLUDE: l. Stream standards or stream standards means such
measure of purity or quality for any waters in the
 AIR POLLUTION Philippines in relation to their reasonable and
 LIGHT POLLUTION necessary use.
 NOISE POLLUTION m. Commission means the National Water and Air
 PLASTIC POLLUTION Pollution Control Commission
Chelsie del Rosario  VISUAL POLLUTION
10 – Exodus
Mme. Severina Cajanding
b. Sewage means the water-carried human
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3931 or animal wastes from residences, buildings,
e. Sewage system or sewerage system means
pipe lines or conduits, pumping stations, force
AN ACT CREATING THE NATIONAL WATER AND industrial establishments, or other places,
mains, constructed drainage ditches, and all
together with such water infiltration and
AIR POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION other construction, devices, and appurtenances
surface water as may be present. The
used for collecting or conducting sewage, and
admixture of sewage as above defined and
industrial waste or other wastes to a point of
industrial wastes or other wastes as
ultimate disposal or discharge.
hereafter defined, shall be considered
The Act declares as national policy " to sewage. f. Treatment works means any methods,
construction, device or appliances appurtenant
maintain reasonable standards of purity for c. Industrial waste means any liquid,
thereto, installed for the purpose of treating
the waters and of this country with their gaseous or solid matter, or other waste
neutralizing, stabilizing, disinfecting, or disposing
utilisation for domestic, agricultural, substance or a combination thereof resulting
of sewage, industrial waste or other wastes, or
industrial and other legitimate purposes". from any process of industry, manufacturing
for the recovery of by-product from such sewage,
trade or business or from the development,
industrial waste or other wastes.
As used in this Act: processing or recovery of any natural
resources. g. Sewage works means individually or
a. Pollution means such alteration of the collectively those constructions or devices used
d. Other waste means garbage, refuse,
physical, chemical and/or biological for collecting pumping, treating, and disposing of
wood residues, sand, lime, cinders, ashes,
properties of any water and/or atmospheric sewage, industrial waste or other waste, or for
offal, night-oil, tar, dye stuffs, acids,
the recovery of by-products from such sewage,
air of the Philippines, or any discharge of chemicals, and other substances not
industrial waste or other wastes.
any liquid, gaseous or solid substance into sewage or industrial waste which may cause
any of the waters and/or atmospheric air of or tend to cause pollution or contribute to the h. Outlet means the terminus of a sewage works
the country as will or is likely to create or pollution of the waters and/or atmospheric or point of emergence into the waters and/or
air of the Philippines atmospheric air of the Philippines of any sewage,
render such waters and/or atmospheric air
industrial waste or other wastes.
harmful or detrimental or injurious to public
health, safety or welfare, or to domestic,
commercial, industrial, agricultural,
recreational or other legitimate uses, or to
livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or other j. Atmospheric air of the
aquatic life. Philippines means the air
within the Philippines or

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