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October, 2019

First Presbyterian Church

Street: 10612 Dayton Pike, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379
Mail: P. O. Box 9, Soddy Daisy, TN 37384 Phone 423-332-2327

Knitted Together
"...speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up into Him in every way who is the head, into Christ, from
whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is
working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love." Ephesians 4:15-16 RSV
"For Thou didst form my inward parts, Thou didst knit me together in my mother's womb."
Psalm 139:13 RSV

One of the great duties of the Christian mind is imagination…
The mind observes. The mind analyzes and organizes. The Mind memorizes.
But imagination is different. It does not observe or analyze what’s there;
it imagines what is not seen…
-from God is not boring by John Piper.

In October, our surrounding is decorated with scary images and various characters. For us, Chris-
tians, we use our imaginations to fulfill God’s calling for us especially during October.
When Jesus said,
“Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” (Matthew 7:12)
We must imagine ourselves in their place and imagine what we would like done to us. Compas-
sionate, sympathetic, helpful love hangs much on the imagination of the giver. Are you a giver?
Not meaning candy and treats but are you able to give yourself to others and most importantly
give yourself to God? We do not use fear or scary tactics to bring people to Christ but it’s that un-
conditional love of God through Jesus allows us to be compassionate and loving to those who are
close to us and also to the strangers and those who doesn’t deserve it. Jesus is our example.
Also, imagination is key to removing boredom in the church. Are we just going through the mo-
tions? Are we repeating what we have done before? We must imagine ways to say the truth of
the gospel, for God’s word is filled with the wonders. We observe, analyze and we organize in our
mind but see what’s unseen with imagination of your heart and see where God is at work.
Rev. Peter Choi

Members and Participants: Angela Choi, Billy Crowe, Nita Crowe, Danny Curvin, Dottie Curvin, Gene Curvin, Bud Ellis, Bill New-
berry, Barbara Newman, Jan Newman, Dora Sowell, Doug Stephenson, Lorie Tessmer, Delores White, Taylor Williams.

Family and Friends: Becky Burchard (Irene Ammons’ niece), The Clifton Family (friends of Linda Kurzenberger), Gary Cross (friend
of Bill Newberry), Kevin Daughtery (nephew of Jan Newman), Marilyn Kurzenberger-Wittke (family of John and Linda Kurzen-
berger), Bobby Legg, David McCarell, Jerry Newman (Gary’s brother/Barbara’s son), Karen Smith, Vickie Sullivan, Jill Tobin,
Sophia Turner.

Military: Thomas Pelham and Family. (Thomas is the son of John and Jody Pelham; grandson of Billy and Nita Crowe).
October, 2019


As Fall begins, although it doesn’t feel like it, there are a lot of activities and events planned for the com-
ing months. Reaching out into our community we have contacted Soddy Elementary about providing
coats for needy kids as we have done in the past. We will support the Soddy Daisy Middle school Veter-
ans Day program on November 12 by providing a shuttle service for teachers parking in our parking lot.
Planning is being done for a church-wide yard sale and we are looking into a community adult coat col-
lection and give-away. The annual Pumpkin Caper will be on Wednesday, October 30.
There will be a Congregational meeting in October to elect the Elder Nominating Committee for the Ses-
sion Class of 2022. Please let Rev. Choi or Jim Hargrove know if you are willing to be on the Nominating
Committee. The worship service on Sunday, October 6, will be the World Communion service with collec-
tion of the Peace and Global Witness offering. We are trying to have a choir for worship services once a
month. Contact Jan Newman if you want to participate. Planning is beginning for the Advent season spe-
cial events including the Adult Christmas dinner, a cantata, an outdoor live Nativity scene, caroling to the
local nursing home, and the Christmas eve communion service.
Continuing to make improvements to our facilities, we have several projects underway. Bobby McCree
has begun painting the classrooms and after that we will be installing new flooring in the Fellowship Hall,
kitchen, hallway, classrooms and the Sanctuary center isle and front.The new flooring is Luxury Vinyl
Planking (LVP) which is durable, waterproof, easy to clean, and very attractive. This is a major project
which will require clearing all the spaces of furniture, appliances, tables, chairs, etc. for about two weeks.
Once we work out a schedule with the flooring company, we will let everyone know how it impacts our
regular activities. We will need a lot of help and cooperation from the congregation to minimize the dis-
ruptions. We are also looking at refinishing or replacing the pews and will be working with Rev. Choi to
install a wooden deck on the back of the Manse. Contact Danny Curvin if you can help with these pro-
We continue to pray for those members suffering with physical and emotional problems. May the Peace
of Christ be with you.
Jim Hargrove, Clerk of Session

The annual Pumpkin Caper will be held at 6:00 PM on Wednesday

October 30th Wednesday with games and food for all ages.
Please come and join us!

October, 2019

Bud Ellis : B u i l d e r o f D r e am s

Bud Ellis’ article is on
You can read about his story unfold as he celebrates 83 years of ful-
filling his dream of building a carousel for the city of Chattanooga.
Also, this month, you can come to the men’s breakfast and listen to
his testimony on October 5th.
Our church is blessed with so many gifts and Bud is one of them.
Thanks be to God!


The men’s group meeting is on Oct 5th, Saturday at 9:00 AM.
We would like to thank Bud Ellis for sharing the testimony of his faith living in Soddy Daisy.
Also, we would like to thank our previous guest speaker, honorable judge Shattuck, who
recently retired from Hamilton County for sharing his thoughts with us. (Photos above)
Please mark your calendars and join us for breakfast and fellowship.
Gary Newman, Coordinator

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the National Council of Presbyterian Men have a Covenant of Agree-
ment. The Council was officially established in 1948 but can trace its beginnings to 1906-1907. The mission of
Presbyterian Men is to lead men into a vital relationship with Christ and to assist them in their spiritual, per-
sonal and community development..
October, 2019

Grandparents Appreciation Day

Our church celebrated our Grandparents on September 8th as we read and handed out the poems, Also, pinwheel for
peace was handed out to all church member on September 21st. Helped by the Junior church.
We would like to thank all the Grandparents of our church for leading us the way and helping us to walk with Jesus!

Church Classrooms are all ready for new flooring


We have began the process of collecting the coats for the donation
to the local schools and we are preparing The Annual Pumpkin Caper on Oct 30th filled with
fun and games, so mark your calendars and “Listen for more info.”

Looking Ahead: Presbyterian Women Bible study will meet on October 8th Tuesday 10AM.

Peace, Nancy Burks PW Moderator

October, 2019

Church Schedule:

Services: Mission opportunities:

Each Sunday: Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Adults in Fellowship Hall Gifts of Talents:
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Newsletter Editor: Monthly (talk to Rev. Choi)

Nursery: Caregiver Kathleen Djami Knitting— no meeting in October

available for children ages cradle to 4 years old;
Children’s Worship: Children ages 5 to 5th grade Fellowship of the Table:
See Linda Kurzenberger if you are available to volunteer Lunch following Sunday worship—various locations
Covered dish dinner Wednesday night —6:30 p.m.
Each Wednesday:
Adult Bible Study /Youth and Children’s Activities 6:30 p.m. Men of the Church Meeting
Caregiver Kathleen Djami available Saturday Oct 5, 9:00am
Sunday Oct 5— Ice Cream/Swimming at Jan & Gary’s (Special Speaker Bud Ellis)
Friday Oct 25—Movie Night at the Church
Wednesday Oct 30 - Pumpkin Caper at Church

Opportunities of serving:
Presbyterian Women—
PW Circle— Oct 8th 10AM at Church
Acolytes—6 years and older
Greeters—for Sunday morning worship

We love to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with our church

family. Please share your special dates and we will include it too!

October 2019
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Dinner 6:30 3 4 5
Men’s Breakfast
Bible Study 7:00 9AM
Ray Tessner
Youth Study 7:00

6 SS 10 7 8 9 Dinner 6:30 10 11 12
Worship 11
World Communion PW Bible Study Bible Study 7:00
Sunday Youth Study 7:00
6PM Jan & Gary’s 10AM

13 SS 10 14 15 16 Dinner 6:30 17 18 19
Worship 11 Billy/Nita Crowe
Boddy McRee Barbara Newman Bible Study 7:00
Holly Curvin
Youth Study 7:00

20 SS 10 21 22 23 Dinner 6:30 24 25 26
Worship 11
Brent Fuller Bible Study 7:00 Movie Night at
Congregational Youth Study 7:00 Church 6PM

27 SS 10 28 29 30 31
Worship 11 Pumpkin Caper

Soddy Daisy, TN 37384
P. O. Box 9
First Presbyterian Church
Knitted Together will be published monthly near the 1st of the month. Please send items to publish
to Pastor Peter, by the 20th of the previous month. Thank you.
Our newsletter staff is: (production manager); Jim Hargrove (distribution manager).
Review editors include Effie Heiss, Doug Stephenson, Danny Curvin, Peter Choi.
Please give Jim Hargrove (423-760-8787; the names, mailing addresses or
email addresses of family and friends, and possible new members, so that we can send them our
monthly newsletter. Please let Jim know if you prefer your newsletter via email.
Newsletter can also be found on Facebook.
Church telephone number is 423-332-2327. Church email is
October, 2019

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