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REASONING ABILITY Directions (1-6) : Study the fol- Jowinginformation carefully and answer the given questions. P.Q.R,S. 7, V, Wand X are captains of eight different Cricket teams namely Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Srt-Lanka, England, West Indiesand South Africa, but not necessarily in the same order. All of themare seated around a circular table ‘and are facing the centre. Pissilting third (othe let of the Sri Lankan captain. Only two people sit between T and W. Neither T nor W {san immediate neighbour of P. Net- ther T nor W is the captain of Sri Lanka. The captain of South Africa sits second to the right of S. $ lo not an Immediate neighbour of P. Sis not Sri Lankan captain and P is not the cap- tain of South Africa. The Australian captain sits third (0 let of V. Austra Nan and Sr} Lankan captains are not immediate neighbours of each other. Only one person sits between S and the Indian captain. Captains of Paki- stan and New Zealand are immediate neighbours of each other. $ is not the captain of England. The apt asw @iwx wow (ox (VR 4. Which of the following Is true with respect to the given seating, Directions (9-13) : Four of the following five are alike in acertain way ‘and hence form a group. Which is the ‘one that does not betong to the group? (Q.11-13 are based upon the English ‘arrangement? alphabetical series) (0) Ris the captain of South af | 9 (2) Succeed (2) Vietory’ rica (9 Triumph (4) Compete (2 Wisanimmediateneignvour| (9) Win ov. 10. (1) Fair (2)tmpariat (Captains of australia and En- (8 Indifferent (4) Unbiased land are immediate neigh- © dust bours of each other, 11.) KP (By ( Four people sit between W| (a) nu and Q ( (9 Xsits second tote ofS. | y eyTxu 5. Who amongst the following isthe CEB (4) PRT Indian captain? (5) GuKH me giv i9.(1) CWF —(2}0QRN x (at @ KL) UWxT (6) Cannot be dete; ag wees 8. Waal 6 te 7 Directions (14-18) Read each Ging West {ur respect | of the following statements carefully ‘and answer the questions. 14. Which of the following expres- the left ‘sions will be true ifthe given ex- the right pression ‘A> B2CZ’, “HY and E> F are true, which of the following conclusions will be definitely false? Q@P<¥ @yse @rsn @usy (©) Allare tue 16. Which of the following symbols ‘should replace the question mark in the given expression in order to make the expressions 'K < H’ aswell as’M>.J' definitely true? Hal-J 2? KsL 2 @s (4) Either S* ‘be definitely false ? (E>c (@a>D WPrgeR-6 @)SQ28 @s>a2RePr ()Sa2< () None of hese Directions (19 -26) : In each question below are two/ three state iments, followed by two conclusions numbered land IL. You have to take ihe two/ three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at vari ance from commonly know facts and ten decide whieh of the given con: clustons logically olows from the given Statements disregarding commonly Ienown facta Give answer (1) Fonly conclu ston I follows. Ovo answer (2) iFonly conclu: son Il follows Give answer (3) 1 either con. clusion {or conclusion I follows. ___ Give answer (4) if neither con. ciuston nor conclusion I follows. Give answer (5) both conch sion and onelusien I! fllow, (19-26) : Statements : All buildings are houses. No house isan a Al apartments 29, Conclustons 1 Noflat _Nobuilain 20, Conctustons : 1 All buildings being Mats ts a possibilty. 1 All apartments being builld- _ ingots poosibility. 1-22): Statemente: “Some oceans are seas. ‘All oceans are rivers. No river is a canal. 21. Conclusions : LAU rivers can never be 1 Allcanals being oceans is a possibilty. 22, Conclusions 1. Noocean sa canal. I Atleast some seas are rivers fan apartment (29-24) : Statements: No day is night. Allnghts are noon. Nonoon is an evening. ‘Conclusions 1. Noday s noon. 1, No day is an evening, ‘Conclusions : 1. Noevenings are nights. 1. All days being noon isa pos- sibility. (25-26) : Statement ‘Some papers are boards. No beard is 2 card. 28. Conclusions: 1, No card is a paper. MI, Some papers are cards, 26. Conclusions: 1 All cards being papers is a possibility, 11, All boards being papers is a pooaibiliy. Directions (27-32) following information to sven questions: Ten people are sittin allel rows containing) je each Jn such a way ‘an equal distance bets it persons. In ion eg ee aaNet se miu ghieNe macy See eels eet eceones eae her member of the other row. D sits third to the left of A. P faceaimmediate neighbour of D. Reits ‘second tothe right of P. Only one per- son sits between Q and S. B and E are immediate neighbours of each other. E does not face Pand Q. 27. How many persons are seated between @ and T? Q@JNone (2) One Gi Two (a) Three (9) Cannot be determined 28. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus {form a group. Which ts te one that doce not belong to that group? MR @s wc ar GA ). Who amongst the following rep: resent the people sitting exaclly Jn the middle of the rows ? Pe @s.0 S.A WAR Ors 30. Which of the following Is true regarding B? . () A and © are Immediate neighbours of 5 (2) Brsits at one of the extreme ‘ends of the line (9) 9 faces B (4)Tie an immediate neighbour ofthe person facing B (9) D sits to the immediate lett ofB 81. Four of the following five are allke in a certain way and thus- form a group. Which fs the one that does not belong to that + group? on aig-c t Roa € 8 worms ois ot ta as te ap oe Directions (99-88) : Study the following information to answer the given questions : 1m a certain code ‘her idea has meri’ Is vritien as fo la buna’, ‘merit Met has been displayed” ic written as ‘Jo ke la sina’ and ‘her name dis Played there’ io writien as‘ya si bu ‘mame in merit let" Is wrillen 23 “naya go ke. 38. What does *ke' stand for? (been @ has (@) ment (4) name (st ‘34, What Is the code for idea’ ? Oo (la (bu (a)na (6) Bither bu or na 35. Which of the following repre- sents ‘name has been dis- played’? ()yalake st (2)josiyata ()s\Jokena (a) buya kel (9) ya stjo zo 36. What does zo’ stand for? () there 2) displayed @rame (a) her {5)Cannot be determined 37. Which ofthe following may rep- "regent ‘her naine io there’? *) soya go wo” (2) buya z0 go (3)20ya bu ke (@) yaz0 wobu (©) wo go 2090" 88, What Io the code for (na ya ego (ake (6) Cannot be determined Directions (99-43) : Study the following information (9 answer the given questions — ‘Awordand number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The follow- {ngis an illustration of input and reac~ rangement. Input : sum 28 have 19 96 48 luck nice 78 rope StepI: havesum26 19 48 huck nice 78 rope 96 Step Ii : luck have sum 28 19 48 nice rope 96 78 Step II: nice luck have sum 28 19 rope 96 78 48 Step IV : rope nice luck have sum 19 98 78 48 23 Step V : sum rope nice luck have 96 73 48 28 19 And Step Visthe last step ofthe rearrangement. As per the rules followed tn the above steps, And out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the input given below : Input : 40 last zen 16 82 yet can vast 99 alm 87 54 99. How many steps would be needed tocomplete te arrangement? aw av vi @vni (©) None of these 40. Which Step number: following output? Be an @vn av (©) There willbe no such step 41, Which ofthe following would be the Step1? (0) alm 40 can zen 16 yet vast 33.94 87 82 (2) vast last can aim zen 16 yet 3587 82.5449 9 zen 49 last 1G82yetcan vast 38 aim $4.87 (@ aim 491ast zen 82yetcan vast 38-87 5416 (© None of nese ‘ 42. In Stop V which of the following ‘word/number would be on the th position (rom the right) ? (87 33 (9) aim 48, Which of the following would be thefinal arrangement? (1) zen yet vast last can aim 16 33 40 5482 87 (2) alm can last vast yet zen 16 33 49 54 82 87 (@) aim can last vast yet zen 87 82 54.40.33 16 (4) 2en yet vast last can aim 87 82 $4 4033 16 (5) None of these Directions ( 44-50) : Study the {following information carefully and an- ‘ewer the given questions. Bight friends, Meenal, Ruma, Shikha, All, Peter, Hacleen, Ketan and Bharat are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit fn the middle of each of the four sides. The ones whosit atthe four cor- rere face the centre while those @16 (a)zen sitin the middle of the sides face 04) side — WJ "ee 8 © @ Se 3 Figures ae ‘Answer Figures 6s. 18] oo @ 6s. 78. Problem Figures Tat] oe nete |? ert = Jlez or. ‘Anawer Figures z ST zz exec ele x coecle +c] eet: Pa me @ @ © 74, Problem Figures kesbyd a-al > 60. Ic vue cal [cot Anawer Figures we) 8 ZOYLUROTLRS CEO) AZVOUZHU TOUS bedre-fesf edse wojc | ola lz ta tis |olol} «lo = ca colaccat aoe lnaule Zolukoiad cloUz} bo calac secalo a cleo 2| 7 @ # & oe @ # © 79, Problom Figures ae | || 2 Answer Figures ay tu | sau ul | My | iv | viv a) QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE. Directions (76— 80) | What will ‘come in place of the question mark (2) Inthe following questions? 76. of 30% of 2420 = (92 2 @ ent a7 x @9 wer _ © 49 71. 1898 + 73x 72 = (2? «13. ()=296 256 @ 12 (14a 9 -16 78. V7? x24x2-a+3=2 (42 2) 1023 (@ 1708 (4) (uo2ay? © 22 79, (0.81)2 + (0.729) x (0.9 = (0.978) m6 a2 @4 mo (8) None of these 80. 65% of (S195 «5 =? + 154 m 56 2128 (@ 35 (a) 99 (9) None of these Directlons (81 ~ 83) : What ap- proximate value will come in place of the question mark (2) in the folowing, ‘questions ? (You are not expected, to. calculate the exact value.) 81. (S100 x (S67 + JO = 2+8 (y 620 @ 670 (9 770 750 ( 700 89.988% of 699.9 + 999.99 - 170.015, of (990 (@ 920 160 (8) 860 340_, 20097 170.900 39003 °“Si0*-Sa019 ~” ( 760 2) 800 (@ 690 (9) 870 (8 780 184. 6999 + 70,005 x 94.998 + 7 x. 19.999 (y 475 2) 420 (@ 820 @) 530 (3) 525 . 85. (49,09)2 - (OF - (15.072 =2 (a 2165 @) 2000 (@ 1965) 1920 (@ 1885 : . Directions (86 ~ 90) : What will Shreya > Ajay > Poonam>Ben s7.(ai | 38% F'99.0)| 40.00"|| T5765) [298 cy] 290.a)[240,0)|}- 870-706 5% 8 [ea ef oo cof a4 0) faex enfant [sft D1 || (Rama score the scond 36.0) | 48.) a7. a] 48-0) ae aie vweatnac ° efeeat scat ae| eee Re 4G hammers 80.10 | 64. 0) [9.0 90.6) || Fa. a1] 256.) 258. €2)1286-(57]| 9.) Compete te dierent from the 57. (3 | 58.(4)|_ 80. (1)| 60. (2) || F257. 14) | 258. 12) | 259. (41/260. (5) cere o $1.15 | 62.(3) | 63.) 64.11) || (26x, (9) (262. (1) | 205. 5) 264. (2) || -20- (9) Indiflerent conveys different 03.13 {06.19 | 7.1] 68.021 || Jae.) | 256. 0) [a67. cr faea. ca) ||, fyfamena om tne ther wore so.in) | 70.) | 7a. )[ 72. 2) || [a69. | 270. ca [271.0 ]272-0) ‘ofepposie liters. 73.91 | 74.) | 76. | 70.9 || [27a i 274, ir [278.(0)] 276.0 Hand S are opposite letters 77.3 | 78.6) [ 70.) 80.0) |{a77. (9) [276 [area isso || 126) 82. (4) | 93. 4] 68. 00 || Pasa, 28a, (2) | 269.1) |08. 0) wig et Sys By 6.) | 6. (2 ["e7. | 88. (1) || [oes | 286. @)|287_ay} 288. (a) etsy, : 30-61 | 90-18 | 02. Cu 02. 0) || [290.2 | 290. 2 api. tsfaee- (|| *°* agg RS 8 93.10) [94 0) 95. 1] 98. @)"]| Taea: | 208-295!) |08:() pi ae ee 97.3) | 98. (| 99. @)] 00. 1 | [297 @)] 298. 1a | 200.) 300.6) coma wise ate 14, QVE> Clotrue. 3S. (VE Z Nsy ESF PeBcdstoz PebeseHeY 16.5) H>t=deKQ2R

S: Not true 38.1) K2 L=M>N Now, Nek (29-26): (0 All building are houses —> Uni versal Affirmative (A-type) W Some oceans are seas—> Partic- ‘ularAMMirmative (-type) (W) Nohouse isan apartment 9 Uni- ‘versal Negative (E-type). ) Some housesarenot apartmenis > Particular Negative (O-type?. (29-20): All bulldings are houses: No houSe fs an apartment, Ay B= Baype of Conch "No buildings an 9 No house is an, All apattmambare flats, B+ A= O;typeof Conclusion “Some flats are not houses."(B) No building is an apartment, Aas, All apaftments ai E+ A= 0,-type of Conchision “Some fats are not batidings.”(C) 39. Q) Conclusion Ais Conclusion I. 20. (4} None follows. (21-29): ‘Some seas are oceans. All oceatis are rivers, 14 Acs Ltype of Conclusion, "Some seas are rivers." (A) Alloceans are rivers. ‘No river is a canal A+ E= E-type of Conclusion “No ocean isa canal.” (B) Some seas are rivers. {No river is a canal 1+ B= Oytypeof Conclusion “Some canalsare not seas.”(C) 21. 1) All oceans are rive Its converse * Some rivers are ‘oceans”. is true. Thus, Conclusion Lis true. 22. 5) Conclusion B is Conclusion I Conclusion A ts Conclusion I. (23-24) No day ts night. All nights are noon, E+ A= Ovtype of “Some noon are n ‘Alt nights are ey Nan venting. A iype of Conclusion isan evering." (8) ne follows. 1) Conclusion f fs Converse of Conclusion 8, 20) + Some papers are boards. No boatd 19 a card. 1+ B= O type of Conclusion “Some papers are not cards.” (A) 25. (2) Conclusions I and Il form Complementary Patr: Therefore, either | or I follows. 26. (2) Sometimes. Particular Aftir~ mative Premise Is considered ‘same as the Universal Affimia: tive. Therefore, Conclusion It ike wen all {Td ek 3 F 7 mek Pot ag i fe 27.9) Two persons - Pand S~ are seated between @ and 7. 28. (2) Except S. all others are seated at the ends. 29. (5) P and Bare sitting exactly in the middle of rows. 90.(5) D and E are immediate neighbours of B. B sits exactly in the middle of the row P faces B, Bither Q or S Is an immediate neighbour of P, who faces B, 81. (1) Rand A are aliting opposite ‘dlagonally. 92. (5) F faces S (6) "Ke stands for tist. 34, (1) The code for idea’ Iso: 35, (2) name = ya: has = la: been = Jo: displayed = si 36. (1)'20' stands for ‘there’ ‘87, (4) her = bu: name = ya: there = 20. ‘The code for is’ may be wo! 98, (3) The code for ‘in’ is "go (89-43) : After careful analysis of the siven inputand various steps of re rangement it evident that words have ‘been rearranged in the reverse alpha. Uetical order and the numbers have ‘been rearranged in descending order. In the first step the word which will ‘appear first in a dictionary is placed al the exireme left position and the highest number is placed at the ex- treme right position. In the second ‘step. the word whieh wil appear at the second place is placed at the ex- treme left position and the second Ihighest number Is placed at the ex: treme right position. Similarrearrange~ ‘ment ss earried on Ull we get the final ‘output Input: 49 Tast zen 16. 82 yeu ean vast 33 aim $7 54 Step! aim 49 last zen 16. 62 yet can vast 33 94. 87 Step: can aim 49 last zen 16 yet vast 33 54 87 82 Step Hl: last can aim 49 zen 16 yet wast 33.87 82 54 ‘Step IV: vast last ean aim zen i6 yet 33.87 82 54 49 ‘Step V: yet vast last can aim zen 1687 82 54 10 33 Step VI: zen_ yet vast last can aim 87.82 54 40.93 16 89. (3) Six steps. 40. (4) This 15 step IV. 41, (5) None of these 42. (2)'16 ts al theoixth postion from {the right, 49. (4) Option (4 is the final arrange- ment (44-50): Ketan Peter aut Rumi. ‘Shikha Harleen pharat Meenal ‘44, (9) Except Harleen, all others sit {n the middle of the sides, 45. (1) Bharat sits third to the le of a 40, (4) Peter is third to the right of Meena 47. (4) Marleen sits second to the right of Ketan. 48, (2) Bharat and Rumlaareimme- ‘ate neighbours of Harleen. ° 49, (5) Noone sits between Peterand all ‘50, (9)Shikha and Bharat are imme- date nelghbours of Meenal. 51. (4) rom both the stateme Ea] gt veetved aJoreek ‘ ‘52. (6) From both thestatements df x co oR iE 88, (1) From statement Pith Floor Fourth Floor “Third Floor ‘Second Floor First Floor | Ground Fioor ml alol>|e| ‘54. (3) From statement | Kavita Yoote Prashant Abhay Kavita is facing outward. ‘From statement Ir Prashant Kavita ‘Abhay Yasir Prashant is facing outward. 156. (5) From both the statem Cis grandmother of B Ris granddan Dy in 80. (3) Higher: i Southern In¢ be aseribed to the ger sup of the o7. 00 38, \tement © would cehyhe argument. ment B isan inference. tion (1) can be inferred. Statement D represents area ‘son behind curtailing industrial 62. (4) The following changes occur Inthe subsequent figures : (y tory @)t0@) tow 19) 1010) (Ht016) me SS we ton Zo 64, (1) From Problem Figure(1) to (2) all the designs except the central ‘and the lefimest designe, move one step in clockwise direction, the leftmost design moves to the central position and central de- Sign mpves upward and gets re- al h a new design. Simi- ‘d&.chafigis occur from Problem [to Answer Figure. ‘ineach eubsequent figure the © plane of designs rotates through 90° anticlokwise. From Problem Figure (1) to (2) the third design from the top moves to the top position and the fourth and steth {laet) designe interchange post- ‘Yon. Similar changes would oc- ccur from Problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure, 46, (5) From Problem Figure (1) to (2) the middle design mores to.the leftmost position after being in- verted and the two designs irom the right interchange positions. From Problem Figure (2) 0(3) the Getoceneatey poets of feconne: middle deaign moves to the emncen| ee 1 (he feng hig ance po a eg inthe subsecuen aus Teer nenae eee Ges BER | Recmescmucnnastl hole 67, (4) The following changes occur ss] yO enn ae IN LI {1) to(2) (2) to @) ANTS ae | Bee G17 Rone aba ome a epee tcrng ane fee nes 3) to(4), (4) to (5) see Siew a 7 ‘ a Lamy an 1 9 <2 (68, (2) The fellowing changes occur 74, (2) The following thanges occur 80. (2) {TTSE «B52 154 os w= box Bas ws 192+ 184 Sr tea" sa = 28 81. (2) (3100 x V567 + V250 = ?+8 wm BOn 243 09028 wox24 7 Bracers teat” faaees nee e fees pores oa ae ze Bea ZS aimee In the subsequent figures : 76. (A) The following changes occ (1) to (2) (2) to (3), from first figure to second fig- (3) to (4) (4) to (5) lure in the first unit of Probie aa oo 70.9 Fhe lowing anges oour {ndhesubecquent (toa) (2)t0(9) (tot) A)t0 6) (S06) 71.15) From First figare to the sec- ond figure in the frst unitot the Problem Figures the upper eft Cemerdcsign and thelower right cermer design interchange ps {lomo and one of the these designs gee inverted. the ot deaigre nave afer being rotate ante 73. (9) The fllowing changes occur from first igure to second fg. ue in the fst unit of Problem Figures: 70:19 94201 22 x2 = (F9BI=19B1+S ~ f10DF - 92 70. (8) (os? + (a9) x09? «oa? = (0.9) + (0.9) x (0.9)° = (0.075 = (0.9)¢-9+? = (0.9) = (0.9) = (0.97 ET 16 8 weand = 228 x84=672 Fegued ser = 670 say 9 70090 , 105050 708 ss 170 960 20. 30.180 170 QuP* "20 * 510 60 340, 510. 180 20. 30 “60 2 Sasa wary 2 7000x95 . 22 Sal 70x20 m7 g@bitins rea “3 ASS 72 = 19 i + Required answer’ 2165 = 958 - 839 = 125 — 2-228 TB) P= 47? 1 24x2-()9 43 (658 - 608 = 50 2 = ops 25 = [585] 187.0) The pattem of the number series i Me i-1 #10 1ox2-2- 18 1850-93-61 Si x44 = 200 355 68. (1) The pattern of the nuinber brriea is ‘ 25x22 502-46 49%2-2-93-2- 94 O1x2-2- tesa 186 198%2-2-972-2 «370 200% 5-5 ‘89. 2) The pattern of the number ‘series fs: 14 +10 = 24 24+ 19 (10 + 9) = 49 43 + 28 (=19+9)=71 71 + 87 (= 28 +9) 108 108 + 46 (=37 + 9) = [154] 90. (5) The pattern of the number ‘series Is: 144 420= 173-33 = 140 140 +29 = 169 169 - 33 = 138 173 196 + 29 = [185 91. (1) f. =125=0 = Vo5x? = 125 > 25x = 195 x 195, ox? = 1282125 _ 695, = J625 = 25 U, JEIy+95=0 at 18y =~ 95 Ss y=-5 = A+ VU _ 250 ee = Sfx fy =250%1 = 5y = 250% 16 ws y= 22X16 _ 209 a 99. (1) 1. 1625)4 x + J1225 = 155 1 64)4x 495 = 155 = bx = 155-95 = 9x= 120 131 a xe an. x= Baa 1M, \¥96y +13 = 279 = lay = 279 - 13 = 266 266 = u=Ba19 94.0) 1 52 18x49=0 3 Sx8- 15x-Sx+9=0 = Be(x-9) 8 (x-9 0 = (Gx-3) ix-3)=0 wendind nop ooy=anp ETE eo = Sy(y+2)-1ly+2=0 Teh ate 1 Synz ono sorter pee 918+9=Jexdeex sem SS ih ye wo? % ao Ss “1 ote Dounce eae +70 1nph 2+ Speed of bus = 60kmph “+ Speed of tain = 22 x60 is = 108 kxmph Distance covered by train in7 hours = 7 108 = 756 km. 97. (3) Let Raman's present age = xyears His daughter's present age x S years His mother's pig ° present age years x {1s 2 xe Zs wis 10 i$ x45-=50 years os.0 si c Perimeter ofsquare = 272-176 = 96 em 1 sistegeies 3 =24.cm ‘Area of square = 24 x 24 = 876 sqem. ‘Area of circle = nr? 22. Bos. P2828 = 2464 sqem. Required sum 1100.(3) The smallest angle of triangle fe halfof the largest angle. Ratio of three angles = 4:32 4x4 3x+ 2x= 180 9x= 180 x=20 Required difference = ax- 2x = 2x =2%20=40" 46000 x 88 301.(1) First sp, = SOOTSSE = Rs, 40480 40480%112 Second s, oe = Rs. 4587.6 1. Loss = Rs. (46000 ~ 45337.6) Rs. 662.4 =67- 1-68 + Smalleet even number = 62 ‘Smallest numberof Set -B = 262-15 = 100 Required eum = 100+ 1104 1114 112= 442 108. (4) Total spent amount G8 780) paise = (197 + 585) pase = 782 Palse = Rs. 782 104. (2) Speed of train = 108 kmph * _108%5, 18 I the length of platfrom be x ‘metre, then = = 30 m/second 12 x +280 = 90% 12 = 360 = x= 360 - 280 = 80 metre 105.(4) Let the three angles of ‘quadrilateral be 13x", 9x" and 5x respectively. 18e+ 0x4 Sx= 360 = 1740 - 1200 ~ 540 + Required answer 1 660 + 540 + 600 = 1800 107, (3) Number of giris in Sehool-B = 80009 100 = 940 - 400. 140 400 ‘Number of studeits in School-& |- 8000%29 Too c+ Required ratio = 900 :140: 1740 = 45:7: 87 1108. (5) Required difference 60006 100 = 1200-960 = 840 109.(2) Number of students in ‘Sched B - 8000%9 100 jummber of gris tn SchoolE 320, (5) Number of girs in School-A 8000.12 “00 = 720 - 500 = 220 Required percentage 220 Broo a1 =1740 = 1200- = 540 ‘500 “4 321.(5) Number of pari {athletes fom a Year 2008 = = 1020 Year 4.2) x 100 fs (7.9 + 6.3) x 100 QGrE1-~ 0085 00)4100 OMe 12.3) Required average number of ‘female athletes 21424624 48+84452472) 109 119. 2) Percentage decrease (69-48) 09 114, (2) Required pereentage 92 Wasa) * 88 92x10 198 118.(5) Difference “between the number of male and female participants: County A=+(6.6~ 4.2) x 100 = 240 Country B= (6.4 ~62) x 100 = 220 100 = 80 46 Country C = (6.9- 3.8) x 100 = 360 Country D = (6.4 ~ 0.9) x 100 = 210 Country B= (7.8 — 52) 100 = 260 116. (4) Number of tres planted by 'NCO-Aand NCO.B together: Bihar = 100 + 60 = 160 Punjab = 120 + 80 = 200 Haryana = 140 > 80 = 220 ‘Assam = 1604 160 = $10 ‘Tamil Nadu = 180+ 140 = 320 127. (5) Required difference = 160 - 80 = 80 118. (5) Required average __ 168140480 _ 388 seroma 0 1200+ 60) 169 «169100 « ~[asan) <100* G65 "100 * 95 120.(3)Required ratio. = 180: 120: 150=6:4:5 Calculations (121-128) : British passengers 91200518 129 =216 Males = 216-54 162 Passengers from Madagaecar 12006 = BOXS _ 70 = wales Passengers from South Arica 2 = 1200x2 = 480 sale 240, Pega 240 ine pares nod a =A a2 Fenales = 480x2 «988 Males = 432 - 288 = 144 121, (2) Required ratio = 72: 240 : 432 = 3: 10 1122, (1) Required Percentage = Bacon 128.(1) Average number of male passengers 18 162472+240+144 618 + 7 = 1545 326. (4) Required diference =1at-72=72 128.(9) Total number of male [passengers from Britain and female passengers from India = 162 + 288 = 450 328.9) All(A),(B) and (©) 127. (2) World Trade Organisatica 128, (9) Balance Sheet 129.(2) Repo Rate 190.(2) Senlor Citizens 291. (2) Medium 182. (6) Prevention of Money launder: ‘imgact 199, (2) Export Credit Guarantee Cor- poration 194.6) Aboolute zero 198. (1) Internal Rate of Return 198.1) CIBIL 387. (4) Only (A) and (B) 198,(3) Services 198. (5) All groups (4), (B) and (©) 3140.6) Ail (A (8) and () 141.5) None of these 142, (9) Cigroup 149. (3} Prpduct marketing 144.(9) RBI 348.2) 2012 148.(6) 5.1 per cent 147.(2) Poced Income Money Markets {& Derivatives Association 149, (9) inflation 149.4) Bangladesh 150, (9) Arthur Koestler 1155. (2) All (A). (B) &(C) 186. (2) Music 157. (5) Shr Deepak Mohanty Commit- tee was constituted to make the balance of payments manual for India. 158.(3) Telecom Minister of India 261.6) {tis the marketvalue of all 8- nalgocds and services made with In the borders of a counuy ina year 362. (8) Uric, 168.1) Kerala 164.(1) Orissa 168. (4) HIV pesitive 166. (2) NRiscan withdraw their funds ‘any time 167.(1) Only(A) 168. (5) RBI, Governor 169. (1) Keynesian 170. (2) To reduce fiscal defiet 171, (2) It uulises the floods of Sutle) iver and Is located in Kinnaur district of Himaghal Pradesh. 172. (2) To provide 25 kg offoodgrains to targeted beneficiaries 173.(3) AI(A), (8) 8 (C) 374.(5) ¥ 1400 178. (8) The bank rate signals the cen- ‘ral bank long term outlook on in- terest rates. If the bank rate ‘movesup. longterm interest rates also tend to move up and vice- versa. 176.(2) Para Banking 1s a kj ‘banking wherein money ed for the pur ‘an individual ‘aor- ‘mal banking The accep- tance of Para Bank- ings daily. monthly, yearly, yearly and period for more than ie only major diference between ‘anormal banking and Para Bank- ing is that, under Para Banking ‘one cannot option for current ac- count facility and carry its day to day transaction for accepting and ‘withdrawl for funds. Also, a de- positor cant Issue any cheques against the amount in its Para * Banking saving schemes. 377. (2) The Iron ore exports do not provide any value addition toex- ports 178. (2) Trading of Indian rupec in ex- change of other currencies/goods 179.1) Itis an advanced remote sens- {ing satellite built by ISRO 1180. (4) All(A).(B) and (C) 1181. (5) Inclusion, growth and stabi ty are three objectives of FSDC. (9) Its to review the implemen- tation of ts policies 183. (4) Financial Insurance Real Es- tate 184.(5) Only (A), (8) 165. 2} Society for worldwide Inter- bank Financial Telecommuniea ‘vons 186. (1) To faciliate delivery of credit tofarmers 167. (5) Centripetal force 188.(2) Up to & 10 lakhs 169.(1) ASHA ; Accredited Social Health Activists 190.1) Farmers 291. (1) Dirham 192. (4) Anita Desai 163.9) LBW 194.(5) 8 per cent 395, (1) reland 196. (2) Mid,Day Meal 197, 12) MiG Credit 198.( Reserve System x | Share Trading () CD-ROM is an expensive ‘way to store large amount of data ‘and information 202, (2) hit 203. (4) active window 204, (2) central processing unit 205, (1) mieréchip, 206.4) All of these 207, 4) Instant messaging and the Google toolbar 208, (2) fault tclerance 209.2) Buying and selling products and services over the Internet 210,(4) computer, ISP, modem, and communication software 211. 6) Word processing 212.5) Both CD-RW disks and Zip disks 219.(1) downloading 214. (3) operating system 215. (5) Refresh 216.(4) Allof the above 217.(3) tab ow 218. (5) Address, 229.1) alaser beam of red fight 220.1) patches 221.(3) volatile 292. (4) Allof the above 225. (5) operating system: oppitcation programs, 224, (3) CPU 225. (4) source dataautomation 228. (2) network 227,.(2) hard disk 298. (3) hortzontal-market software 220. 3) elearning 230.(2) hacker 292.(4) Allof these 232. (3) Drafts 293. (1) Digital versatile disks 234. (4) both (1) and (3) 295, (5) Phishing scams 236. (3) Special Function Cards 297, (5) Allof these can be purchased. 238.1) CTRL +C, CTRL +V 299, (2) CPU and memory 240. (4) lof these 241, (2) the instructions that tell the computer what to do 242. (5) Both (9) and (4) above 243. (5) protocol 244, (1) the last mile 245, (3) central processing unit 246. (4) Design, 247. (4) Web servers 248. (2) JPEG 249.(1) ALT + D £280. (9) harcware, programs, informa ‘ton, people, and procedures. 281.(1) A 252, (5) F 283. (9) © 254.5) E 285, (2) D 286. (5) possible 287, (8) answered 258. 2) finding 259. (8) cay 260. (5) perception 261.9) rote 262, 0) stimulate 263. (3) reasons 264, (2) leat 2685 (1) lead. 266. (1) Only (B) and (Al res} 267. (1) Only (A) and (C) re 274.(1) tying, Nocked. 2783 (1) wed, wooing 276. (4) Here, infinuve te. ts totackle ‘cancer ..... should be used. 277. 9) Here, forest range officers as yet another instance of legal should be used. 278, (2) Here, subject (The policemen) fs plural. Hence. plural verb ie. were deployed heavily wen should be used. 270.(9) Here, the youths are gung-ho ‘singular verb and plural subject ‘agrees with a plural verb, 280.5) No error 281.(9) No error 282.1) Here, The commerce ministry thas not only fixed ..... should bbe used. When we use Not only ‘but alse, then game part of ‘speechis used with ltsboth pars. Look at the sentences: He not only gave mea book but 4 verb also money. (4) 4 Noun He gave me not only a book but t Noun ‘also money. (/) Noun . 283, () Here resent sage! i new study has fou should be used. a Perfect when a, relation swith /effecyon time. 284. (3) Here, {festa thé traffic police hug. Sp should be used, 285. (3) net te village, white < fd be used. ne wants to become it the same time. ‘Only (B) and (C) Itshould he invested in spar- ingly. (2) Only (A) and (8) 290. (2) Its surging demand will not bemet withan adequate supply and wllbringabout a downtum inthe ‘Indian econemy. ‘291. (5) ANIA). (B) and (C) ‘292. (1) Most gold that is used Is also reoycled and there is no need for fresh supply. 299. (4) The Bubble Around the Yel- low Metal. 294. (2) The meaningof the word Hm- ited (Ajective} as used In the passage is: not very great in ‘amountor extent; restricted; - nite. Look at the sentences : ‘Ta ofr i fora inited period We are doing our best with the limited resources available. or 298. (4) ‘The meaning of the word Painful (Adjective) as used in the passage is: causing you pain: excruciating; causing you {o feel upset: dificult to do. Look at the sentences Their efforts were painful to watch, He groaned at the memory. suffering all over again the excruciating embarrassment of those moments. 296. (91 The meaning ofthe word Con- em (Nowa) as used in the pas- ae 18 # analy: worry: appre- Look at the sentence : ‘There is growing concern about violence on television 297. (2) The meaning ofthe word Con- (Werb) as used in the pas. 18 Louse something espe- By fuel, energy or time. at the sentence : ‘The electricity industry con fumes large amounts of oss fuels. . (4) The meaning of the word Ex- hausted (Adjective/Participle) ‘as used in the passage Is :com- pletely used! or finished. Lookat the sentence : You cannot grow erops on ex hhausted land. ‘The word Replenish means : to make something full again: top up. Hence, theantonym of the word exhausted should be replen- Ished. 9. (1) The meaning of Ure word Axe tificial (Adjective) as used in the passage is not real: not natural: fake: created by people. Its antonym should be genuine which means :real: exactly what appears tobe: not artificial. Look at the sentence : Only genuine refugees can ap- ply for asym. 800. (5) The meaning of the word Dis- tulbuted (Adjective/Partlelple) as used in the passage is: shar: {ng something between a num- ber of people: spreading. Its antonym should be concen- trated which means : if some- thing exists in a’ concentrated way. there is a fot of it in one piace or atone time. O77

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