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Review organic and biochemistry


Identify the functional group:

1) Aldehyde.


*Predict the product:

1) combustion of acetylene?

Combustion means burning and in every burning reaction 2 products are always produced water and
carbon dioxide

2)ch3ch2ch2ch2ch=ch2 ( hydrogenation) ?

Hydrogenation means adding hydrogen (H2) it Will change from hexene to hexane C6h14

3)HBe+ch3ch2chchch3( 2-pentene)?

There is a double bond between CHCH it will break and one of the carbon will take Br the other will
take H it will become bromopentane


From pentine with triple bond it will be pentene with double bond

5)ch3oh+ ch3oh ?

Remove the water alcohol plus alcohol will give ether ch3-o-ch3 dimethyl ether

6) oxidation of n-pentol ?

n means normal= primary alcohol It will give carboxylic Acid which is pentanoic acid

**Alcohol+ alcohol=ester

**Primary alcohol oxidation give carboxylic acid ( but at first step of the reaction it’ll give aldehyde)

*** Secondary alcohol oxidation will give ketone

7)ch3ch2ch2cooh + ch3ch2oh ?

Remove water Will produce ester

*Org chem of compounds containing carbon might contain H,O,N,S,P And or halogen.

*It’s important because biomolecules and their reactions are organic

Methionine, cysteine=amino acids with sulfur

*There’s118 elements in the periodic table number one is hydrogen the last one is oganesson

*It was first thought of that organic are produced by living organisms by a vital source .

#until these two came along:

- Freidich wöhler : he synthesis the urea , organic products can be produced from not
organic like area CO(NH2)2

After wöhler experiment this scientist change the theory and said


- August kekule : founder of the theory of chemical structure , “compounds that contains
carbon not just living “

 Why carbon is important?

*Biomolecules are organic ( protein, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acid)

* This is why it’s important in pharmacy

* Chemists have discovered and or synthesized more than 10,000,000 compounds of carbon.

Organic Vs inorganic compounds:

Organic Inorganic
Covalent bond ( sharing e) Ionic bond
Low melting point Higher melting point
Most are insoluble in water Most are water soluble
Most dissolve in organic Almost are insoluble in organic
solvents like benzene solvents
Aquose solutions don’tconduct Forms ion conduct electricity
All burn decompose Very few burn
Slow reactions Fast reactions


Atomic weight? 12

Atomic number? 6

Period? 2

E number? 6

E configuration? 1s2 2s2 2p2 ( we call it outer shell electron = valance e = group number. It’s4.
Because it has the same period number which is the left number to the s and the p in here , and
remember always if the s and the p has the same period number you should count it’s electrons
together “ the upper number”)

Number of valance electrons ? 4

*The hybrids of carbon

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