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Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)

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Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)

Faisal Akhtar1; Syed Rizwan A. Bokhari2.
Ochsner Health Systems
Tulane Un, Un Med Center New Orleans

Last Update: September 13, 2018.

Down syndrome was first described by an English physician John Langdon Down in 1866, but its association with
chromosome 21 was established almost 100 years later by Dr. Jerome Lejeune in Paris. It is the presence of all or part
of the third copy of chromosome 21 which causes Down syndrome, the most common chromosomal abnormality
occurring in humans.[1] It is also found that the most frequently occurring live born aneuploidy is trisomy 21 that
causes this syndrome.[2]

The majority of patients with Down syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21, which occurs due to the failure
of chromosome 21 to separate during gametogenesis resulting in an extra chromosome in all the body cells.
Robertsonian translocation and isochromosome or ring chromosome are the other 2 possible causes of trisomy 21.
Isochromosome is a condition when 2 long arms separate together instead of the long and short arm while in
Robertsonian translocation. This occurs in 2% to 4% of the patients. The long arm of chromosome 21 is attached to
another chromosome, mostly chromosome 14. In mosaicism, there are 2 different cell lines because of error of division
after fertilization.[3]

There is different hypothesis related to genetic basis of Down syndrome and association of different genotypes with the
phenotypes. Among them is gene dosage imbalance in which there is an increased dosage or number of genes of
Hsa21, which results in increased gene expansion.[4]. It further includes the possibility of association of different genes
with different phenotypes of Down syndrome. The other popular hypothesis is amplified development instability
hypothesis, according to which the genetic imbalance created by a number of trisomic genes and results in a greater
impact on the expression and regulation of many genes.[4]

Critical region hypothesis is also well known in this list. Down syndrome critical regions (DSCR) are few
chromosomal regions which are associated with partial trisomy for Has21. DSCR on 21q21.22 is responsible for many
clinical features of Down syndrome.[4][5][4] After a thorough study of different analyses, it became clear that a single
critical region gene cannot cause all the phenotypical features associated with trisomy 21, rather it is more evident that
multiple critical regions or critical genes have a role to play in this phenomenon.[6]

The incidence of Down syndrome increases with maternal age, and it occurrence varies in different population (1 in
319 to 1 in 1000 live births)[3][7], it is also known that the frequency of Down syndrome fetuses is quite high at the
time of conception, but about 50% to 75% of these fetuses are lost before term. The occurrence of other autosomal
trisomy is much more common than the 21, but the postnatal survival is very poor as compared to Down syndrome.
This high percentage of survival of patients with trisomy 21 is thought to be a function of a small number of genes on
chromosome 21 called Hsa21, which is the smallest and least dense of the autosomes.[8]

History and Physical

Clinical Features 1/8
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Different clinical conditions are associated with Down syndrome as different systems are affected by it. These patients
have a wide array of signs and symptoms like intellectual and developmental disabilities or neurological features,
congenital heart defects, gastrointestinal (GI) abnormalities, characteristic facial features, and abnormalities.[9]

Congenital Cardiac Defects (CHD)

Congenital cardiac defects are by far the most common and leading cause associated with morbidity and mortality in
the patients with Down syndrome especially in the first 2 years of life. Though different suggestions have been made
about the geographical as well as seasonal variation in the occurrence of different types of congenital cardiac defects in
trisomy 21, so far none of the results have been conclusive.[10]

The incidence of CHD in babies born with Down syndrome is up to 50%. The most common cardiac defect associated
with Down syndrome is an atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), and this defect makes up to 40% of the congenital
cardiac defects in Down syndrome.[3] It is said to be associated with the mutation of the non-Hsa21 CRELD1 gene[3]
[11] The second most common cardiac defect in Down syndrome is a ventricular septal defect (VSD), which is seen in
about 32% of the patients with Down syndrome. Together with AVSD, these account for more than 50% of congenital
cardiac defects in patients with Down syndrome.[3][11]

The other cardiac defects associated with trisomy 21 are secundum atrial defect (10%), tetralogy of Fallot (6%), and
isolated PDA (4%), while about 30% of the patients have more than one cardiac defect. There is geographical variation
in the prevalence of the cardiac defect in Down syndrome, with VSD being the most common in Asia and secundum
type ASD in Latin America. The reason behind this difference in the prevalence of different types of CHD in different
regions is still unclear, and many factors such as regional proximity have been found to contribute.[3]

Because of such a high prevalence of CHD in patients with Down syndrome, it has been recommended that all patients
get an echocardiogram within the first few weeks of life.

Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract Abnormalities

Patients with trisomy 21 have many structural and functional disorders related to the GI tract. Structural defects can
occur anywhere from the mouth to anus, and it has been found that certain defects like duodenal and small bowel
atresia or stenosis, annular pancreas, imperforate anus, and Hirschsprung disease occur more commonly in these
patients as compared to the general population.[1]

About 2% of patients with Down syndrome have Hirschsprung disease while 12% of patients with Hirschsprung
disease have Down syndrome.[1][3] Hirschsprung disease is a form of functional lower intestinal obstruction in which
the neural cells fail to migrate to the distal segment of the rectum resulting in an aganglionic segment which does not
have normal peristalsis resulting in failure of normal defecation reflex causing a functional obstruction.[12] The infant
usually presents with signs and symptoms related to intestinal obstruction. Duodenal atresia and imperforate anus
usually present in the neonatal period.

Apart from the structural defects patients with Down syndrome, patients are also prone to many other GI disorders like
gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), chronic constipation, intermittent diarrhea, and celiac disease. Since there is a strong
association of celiac disease with Down syndrome being present in about 5% of these patients, it is recommended to do
yearly screening of celiac disease. Once diagnosed, these patients will have to remain on a gluten-free diet for the rest
of life.[13]

Hematologic Disorders

There are several hematological disorders associated with Down syndrome. The hematological abnormalities in a
newborn with Down syndrome (HANDS) constitute neutrophilia, thrombocytopenia, and polycythemia, which are seen
in 80%, 66% and 34% of Down syndrome babies respectively.[14][15][16] HANDS is usually mild and resolves within
the first thr3e weeks of life.[14][15][16][15][14]

The other disorder that is quite specific to Down syndrome is a transient myeloproliferative disorder, which is defined
as detection of blast cells in younger than 3 month old babies with Down syndrome. It is characterized by the clonal 2/8
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proliferation of megakaryocytes and is detected during the first week of life and is resolved by 3 months of life. It is
also known as transient abnormal myelopoiesis or transient leukemia and is known to be present in about 10% of
patients with Down syndrome. If this occurs in the fetus, it can cause spontaneous abortion.[17][18]

Patients with Down syndrome are 10-times more at risk of developing leukemia,[19] which constitute about 2% of all
pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 10% of all pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Thirty percent of Down
syndrome patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia have an association with function mutation in Janus Kinase 2

About 10% of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (TML) develop leukemogenesis of acute megakaryoblastic
leukemia (AMKL) before the age of 4 years. AMKL is associated with GATA1 gene which is an X-linked transcriptor
factor leading to an uncontrolled proliferation of immature megakaryocytes.[21]

Neurologic Disorders

Trisomy of Hsa21 has associated with reduced brain volume especially hippocampus and cerebellum.[22] Hypotonia is
the hallmark of babies with Down syndrome and is present in almost all of them. It is defined as decreased resistance to
passive muscle stretch and is responsible for delayed motor development in these patients.[23]. Because of hypotonia
Down syndrome patients have joint laxity that causes decreased gait stability and increased energy requirement for
physical exertion.[24]. These patients are prone to decreased bone mass and increased risk of fractures due to the low
level of physical activity[25], while the ligamentous laxity predisposes these patients to atlantoaxial subluxation.[26]

Five percent to 13% of children with Down syndrome have seizures[27], out of that, 40% will have seizures before
their first birthday, and in these cases, the seizures are usually infantile spasms.[28] Down syndrome children with
infantile spasm do respond better to antiepileptics as compared to other kids with the same, and therefore, early
intervention and treatment improve the developmental outcome.[27]

Lennox-Gestaut syndrome is also seen to be more prevalent in children with Down syndrome when it does occur, has a
late onset, and is associated with reflex seizures along with an increased rate of EEG abnormalities.[29]

Forty percent of patients with Down syndrome develop tonic-clonic or myoclonic seizures in their first 3 decades.
[28] Dementia occurs more commonly in patients older than 45 years of age with Down syndrome[30], and about 84%
are more prone to develop seizures.[31] The seizures in these patients are related to the rapid decline in their cognitive

The risk of developing early-onset Alzheimer disease is significantly high in patients with Down syndrome with 50%
to 70% of patients developing dementia by the age of 60 years.[33] Amyloid precursor protein (APP), which is known
to be associated with increased risk for the Alzheimer disease is found to be encoded on Hsa21, and trisomy of this
protein is likely to be responsible for increased frequency of dementia in people with Down syndrome. Recent studies
have shown that triplication of APP is associated with increased risk of early-onset Alzheimer disease even in the
normal population.[34]

Nearly all the patients with Down syndrome have mild to moderate learning disability. Trisomy of multiple genes
including DYRK1A, synaptojanin 1, and single-minded homolog 2 (SIM2) have been found to cause learning and
memory defects in mice, which suggests the possibility that the overexpression of these genes may likely be causing
the learning disability in people with Down syndrome.[35]

Endocrinological Disorders

Thyroid gland dysfunction is most commonly associated with Down syndrome. Hypothyroidism can be congenital or
acquired at any time during life.[25] The newborn screening program in New York has reported an increased incidence
of congenital hypothyroidism in babies with Down syndrome as compared to the others.[36] The anti-thyroid
autoantibodies were found in 13% to 34% of patients with Down syndrome who had acquired hypothyroidism, and the
concentration of these antibodies increased after 8 years of life.[25]. About half of the patients with Down syndrome
have been shown to have subclinical hypothyroidism with elevated TSH and normal thyroxine levels. 3/8
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[37] Hyperthyroidism is much less frequent in patients with Down syndrome as compared to hypothyroidism, although
the rate of it still exceeds the incidence of hyperthyroidism in the general pediatric population.[38]

Abnormalities in sexual development are also noted to be significant with delayed puberty in both genders. In girls,
primary hypogonadism presents as delay in menarche or adrenarche, while in boys it can manifest as cryptorchidism,
ambiguous genitalia, micropenis, small testes, low sperm count, and scanty growth of axillary and pubic hair.[25]

One of the most important clinical signs of Down syndrome is growth retardation and short stature. Reduced growth
velocity has been shown to be associated with growth hormone deficiency secondary to hypothalamic dysfunction. The
insulin-like growth factor is also said to be responsible for the delay in skeletal maturation and short stature in patients
with Down syndrome.[25]

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Children with Down syndrome are at an increased risk of reduced muscle mass because of hypotonia increased
ligamentous laxity which causes retardation of gross motor skills and can result in joint dislocation.[39] These patients
also have vitamin D deficiency due to several factors like inadequate exposure to sunlight, inadequate intake of vitamin
D, malabsorption secondary to celiac disease, increased breakdown because of anticonvulsant therapy, among other
factors. These factors increase the risk of decreased bone mass in children with Down syndrome and predispose them
to recurrent fractures.[40]

Refractive Errors and Visual Abnormalities

Ocular and orbital anomalies are common in children with Down syndrome. These include blepharitis (2-7%),
keratoconus (5-8%), cataract (25% to 85%), retinal anomalies (0% to 38%), strabismus (23% to 44%), amblyopia (10%
to 26%), nystagmus (5% to 30%), refractive errors (18% to 58%), glaucoma (less than 1%), iris anomalies (38% to
90%) and optic nerve anomalies (very few cases).

The ocular anomalies, if left untreated, can significantly affect the lives of these patients. Therefore, all the patients
with Down syndrome should have an eye exam is done during the first 6 months of life and then annually.[41]

Otorhinolaryngological (ENT) Disorders

Ear, nose, and throat problems are also quite common in patients with Down syndrome. The anatomical structure of the
ear in Down syndrome patients predisposes them to hearing deficits. Hearing loss is usually conductive because of
impaction of cerumen and middle ear pathologies that include chronic middle ear effusion due to the small eustachian
tube, acute otitis media, and eardrum perforation. These patients usually require pressure equalization tubes for the

The sensorineural hearing loss has also been associated with Down syndrome because of the structural abnormalities in
the inner ears such as narrow internal auditory canals.[42]

There are different methods used for the prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. Ultrasound between 14 and 24 weeks
of gestation can be used as a tool for diagnosis based on the soft markers like increased nuchal fold thickness, small or
no nasal bone and large ventricles.[43] Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling had widely been used for the
diagnosis, but there is a small risk of miscarriages between 0.5% to 1%.[44]

Several other methods have also been developed and are used for the rapid detection of trisomy 21 both during the fetal
life and after birth. The most commonly used is FISH of interphase nuclei by either using Hsa21 specific probes or
whole of the Hsa21.[45] Another method which is currently being used is QF-PCR, which the presence of 3 different
alleles is determined by using DNA polymorphic markers.[46] The success of this method depends upon the
informative markers and the presence of DNA. It has been found that up to 86.67% of cases of Down syndrome can be
identified by using the STR marker method.[47] 4/8
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A relatively new method called as paralogue sequence quantification (PSQ) uses the paralogue sequence on Hsa21
copy number. It is a PCR based method that uses the paralogue genes to detect the targeted chromosome number
abnormalities which are known as paralogue sequence quantification. There is a great degree of sequence identity in
these paralogue sequences which have nucleotide substitution in a specific manner. The difference between these
sequences known as paralogue sequence mismatches (PSMs) can be quantified to find out their relative dosage
between different chromosomes.[48]

There are non-invasive prenatal diagnostic methods which are being studied to be used for the diagnosis of Down
syndrome prenatally. These are based on the presence of fetal cells in the maternal blood and the presence of cell-free
fetal DNA in the maternal serum. Fetal lymphocytes were found to be present in the maternal blood, based on this
discovery attempts are being made to develop a genetic-based non-invasive prenatal diagnostic (NIPD) but there is
certain limitation as the number of fetal lymphocytes in the maternal circulation is very scarce, and the fetal cells can
persist in the maternal circulation between pregnancies.[49]

Cell-free fetal DNA makes up 5% to 10% of the maternal plasma, and it increases during pregnancy and clears after
delivery. Though this method has been used to determine fetal Rh status in Rhive women[50], sex in the sex-linked
disorders[51], and for the detection of paternally inherited autosomal recessive and dominant trait,[52] but its use for
the detection of chromosomal aneuploidy especially the trisomy is still a challenge.

Few other recent methods like digital PCR and next-generation sequencing (NGS) are also being developed for the
diagnosis of Down syndrome.[53]

Treatment / Management
The management of patients with Down syndrome is multidisciplinary. Baby born with suspicion of Down syndrome
should have a karyotyping done to confirm the diagnosis. The family needs to be referred to the clinical geneticist for
the genetic testing and counseling of both the parents.

Parental education is one of the foremost aspects regarding the management of Down syndrome, as parents need to be
aware of the different possible conditions associated with it so that they can be diagnosed and treated appropriately.

Different specialties are involved in the management of these patients. Cardiac referral should be sent for all the
patients regardless of the clinical signs of congenital heart disease which if present should be corrected within the
first 6 months of life to ensure optimum growth and development of the child.

These patients should have their hearing and vision assessed and as they are more prone to have a cataract, therefore
timely surgery is required. Thyroid function tests should be done on a yearly basis and if deranged should be managed

A balanced diet and regular exercise are needed for the optimum growth and weight gain, although feeding problems
do improve after the cardiac surgery.

Other specialties involved include a developmental pediatrician, pediatric pulmonologist, gastroenterologist,

neurologist, neurosurgeon, orthopedic specialist, child psychiatrist, physical and occupational therapist, speech and
language therapist, and audiologist.

With the recent advances in the medical practice, development of surgical techniques for the correction of congenital
disabilities and improvement in general care there has been a tremendous increase in the survival of infants and life
expectancy of patients with Down syndrome. A Birmingham (United Kingdom) study done almost 60 years
ago showed that 45% of the infants survived the first year of life, and only 40% would be alive at 5 years.[54] A later
study conducted about 50 years after that showed 78% of patients with Down syndrome plus a congenital heart defect
survived for 1 year, while the number went up to 96% in patients without the anomalies.[55] This rise in the life
expectancy of these patients should continue to rise significantly because of the developments in medical science. 5/8
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Healthcare facilities aim to provide proper and timely management to these patients and to help them to have a fulfilled
and productive life.[56]

To access free multiple choice questions on this topic, click here.

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