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John Sean N.

Gacayan 6-Rizal B-10

Advantage and Disadvantage of Social Media

Communication is a part of a life. The ability to communicate

clearly and effectively is one of the main skills that people have. The use
of technology can be a great opportunity for people in communicating
and reducing time. But technology can have consequences of reducing
person-to-person interaction without the device.

Today communication technology has rapidly developed.

Moreover, users now have to chance to share through social media
channels what they like. But the same goes for social media, most people
admire it, as one of the best inventions and some seem to take it as a
negative impact on the society.

I want to talk about positive influences of the social media and

communication technology.

First advantage is connectivity which is the main positive side of

social media. People from anywhere can connect with anyone, despite
the location. Also the opportunity for education. Social media gives a lot
of possibilities to students and teachers. It is easy to educate from others in
social media. You can follow anyone to learn from him/her.

Regardless of your location and education background you can

get a knowledge, without paying for it. Third is Real-Time Information
Sharing. This can be a great time saver for everyone. You can share your
issues with the community to get help and advice.

Advantage also to improve Business Reputation. For example

positive feedback and sharing about a company can help them with
sales and goodwill. Since people are free to share whatever they want in
social media, it can impact positively when good words are shared.

The disadvantages are waste of time and being lazy at all times.
This can affect your health. You can easily have diseases like cough. But
the correct using of these is to become a student to learn how can you
use this properly. Social Media good for the environment.

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