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PED 027  Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness


What is Physical Education?

Physical Education (PE) is the interdisciplinary study of all areas of

science relating to the transmission of physical knowledge and skills to an
individual or a group, the application of these skills, and their results.

Physical Education is an important segment of general education which aims

to contribute to the total development of the learner through participation in selected
activities. It provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills that are essential to
his physical, mental, social and emotional development.

It can also be viewed as a program of activities in a school curriculum that

involves sports, games, dance, gymnastics, and recreational activities.

Friedrich Ludwig Jahn  Father of Modern Physical Education

Objectives of Physical Education

- To equip students with the knowledge, skills, capacities and values;

- To maintain a healthy lifestyle into adulthood;
- To promote weight loss;
- To promote physical fitness;
- To develop motor skills;
- To instill knowledge and understanding of rules, concepts and strategies;
- To teach students to work as part of a team, or as individuals in a wide variety
of competitive activities.

Physical Development
- Develop and maintain good health and high level of physical fitness.

Social Development
- Practicing desirable social traits necessary for adjustment to happy living and
to the social life in general.

 Friendliness
 Cooperation
 Respect for the rights of others
 Good sportsmanship
 Good leadership and followership
 Honesty in group competition

Emotional Development
- Offers opportunities for the development of expression and emotional traits.

 Self confidence
 Self-control
 Self-reliance
 Courage
 Determination
 Personal discipline

Mental Development
- Develops his mental capacities as he learns the mechanical principles of
movement, acquires knowledge and understanding of rules and strategies.
- Discovers way of improving and the ability to analyze and give judgments.

Physical Activity

Involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that

result in the expenditure of energy. It is usually classified according to its purpose
such as occupational, transport-related, household, and recreational.

Many people believed that one should engage in sports and exercise to be
active, which is a misconception. Sports and exercise can be classified under
recreational physical activity.


A planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve

physical fitness with the purpose of increasing physical fitness level. Both physical
activity and exercise can improve ones well-being.

Physical Fitness
Is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands
of daily activities and still has the energy to enjoy other leisure activities. Physical
fitness is a broad term and has many components and a set of attributes that are
either health- or skill-related.


1. Improves bone, joint, and muscle strength;

2. Develops motor control and coordination;
3. Helps maintain a healthy body composition;
4. Improves the psychological functioning of an individual;
5. Increases the muscle strength and endurance
6. Protects from musculoskeletal problems such as low back pain;
7. Possible delays the aging process;
8. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease such as coronary artery disease
and stroke;
9. Promotes healthy cholesterol level;
10. Helps regulate blood pressure;
11. Decreases risk of Type 2 diabetes;
12. Reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer;
13. Improves control over anxiety and depression;
14. Builds self-esteem and social interaction.

Refers to the traditional or native sports of the Filipinos. They are part of heritage.
Also known as Larong Pinoy
The Filipinos, even before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, were very active
in sports and games.

The first Palaro ng Lahi was held in Laoag, Ilocos Norte on February 10, 1984
Implemented by DECS (Department of Education Culture and Sports) known as
DepEd today.

Todays, Laro ng Lahi is recommended as one of the best lead  up games and
activities for students from graders to college level.
It is a way of teaching the students to patronize indigenous games that were
popularized by our natives.
It also promotes fitness and competition.

Playing the games in Laro ng Lahi

Helps individuals/students develop health and fitness programs like Vigor,
Flexibility, Agility and Endurance
It also enhance students social relationship with others
It develops group qualities like cooperation, team work and coordination.


SINGLE/INDIVIDUAL GAMES  which are played by single participant or relay


DUAL GAMES  set of activities done by two or more players.

GROUP GAMES - are sets of activities which require more than 4 groups
Likewise, GAMES FOR ALL OCCASSIONS are games that are played on
occasion particularly on feasts or special events in localities.

Things to consider in conducting the game:

WARM  UP  be sure to have warm  up activities before doing in order to stretch

and win  up.

FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT  check the facilities and equipment if there

are in good condition for safety purposes.

THE RULES  set guidelines and rules for each game.

OCCASIONAL GAME  for group or occasion, games, gather your members and
give them pointers to remember.


The common type of choosing IT is lot or bunutan. The players can choose
number, paper or other materials in guessing who is the it.

TIHAYA o TAOB or Toss Coin

-can determine the it


This is a finger  flashing method of selecting IT

Kinds of Laro ng lahi or Larong Pinoy Games

Tumbang Preso
Luksong Baka
Luksong Tinik
Agawan Base

Bahay  bahayan
Hand Clapping Games (Bahay Kubo)
Chinese Garter
Holen (marbles)
Jack en Poy
Langit Lupa
Palosebo (Greased bamboo pole climbing )
Pitik Bulag

Iring  iring
Siyato (shatong)

Buwan  buwan
Lawin at Sisiw


INDIVIDUAL SPORTS  played by one participant on each competing side

DUAL SPORTS  played by two competing pairs

TEAM SPORTS  played by three or more players

BMI (Body Mass Index)  used to identify ones weight

BMI = weight (kg)

BMI = 18.5  25 NORMAL


30  40 OBESITY


Martial Arts  are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, which are
practiced for self  defense, competition, physical health and fitness as well as
mental, physical and spiritual development.

The term is derived from Latin, means Arts of Mars, The Roman God of War
(Martial Arts).

Combative Sport is a competitive contact sport with one-on-one combat.

Thus, Arnis is both a stick fighting martial art and a combative sport.

Remy A. Presas  conducted research about Arnis wherein the Arnis player learns
it without getting hurt. He named it the Modern Arnis.

Arnis, also known as Eskrima or Kali, is a Filipino native game and Filipino martial
arts that is used as a self-defense system.

Spawned in Philippine soil and was known as KALI an ancient Malayan word
which implies a large bladed weapon longer than a knife.

Arnis is a Philippines national martial art or sport, after President Gloria

Macapagal-Arroyo signed the R.A. 9850 in 2009.
The primary weapon is the rattan stick, called cane or baston (baton).


1. espada y daga (sword and dagger)
2. solo baston (single stick)
3. sinawali (to weave)

- refers to the activity of weaving and is applied to the art of Philippine

martial art with reference to a set of two-person exercises.
a. single
b. double

Life and Soul of Arnis.

1st strike  Left Temple

2nd strike  Right Temple

3rd strike  Left Arm/Torso

4th strike  Right Arm/Torso

5th strike  Thrust to the abdomen/stomach

6th strike  Thrust to the Left chest

7th strike  Thrust to the Right chest

8th strike  Right knee

9th strike  Left knee

10th strike  Left eye

11th strike  Right eye

12th strike  Head/Crown


1. Contributes to the Physical Fitness

2. Develops special abilities
3. Improves Mental Qualities
4. Cultivates desirable character traits
5. Creative ability has unlimited potential in Arnis
6. Awareness on the cultural identity

1. Grip  soul of all fighting techniques

- Tight grip
- Loose grip

2. Courtesy - respect for ones opponent and for the cardinal rules and principles
of sportsmanship.
3. Posture
4. Stance
- Attention/Ready Stance
- Open leg Stance
- Straddle leg Stance
- Forward Stance
- Back Stance
- Oblique Forward Stance

5. Body Shifting  stepping, sliding, turning or combination of steps


First Originated in Siam, China.

First popularized in India, and it was named as Poona. It was brought by
British Soldiers/Warriors and introduced it to the duke in England.
- Thomas Cup - First ever Mens Badminton Tournament
- Uber Cup - First ever womens Tournament
- International Badminton Federation was the name of first ever organization
for Badminton.

Facilities and Equipments in Badminton

1. Racket

*Parts of the Racket (from bottom to top)

 Grip
 Shaft
 Throat
 Head
 Stringed Area
2. Shuttle Cock
 Feather (Goose feather)
 Plastic/Nylon
 Shuttle
 Bird
 birdie
3. Court
4. Post
5. Net

Kinds of Grip/Serve
* Forehand
* Backhand

Kinds of Stroke
 Overhead/Overhand Stroke
 Underhand Stroke
 Sidearm Stroke

Points in Badminton - 11 pts or 21 pts

Let - Reservice
Love - 0 all
Score is even - Right Service
Score is odd - Left Service

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