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Date: July 24, 2019

Content Standard/s: Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 100,000.

Performance Standard/s: Is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 100,000 in various forms
and contexts.

Learning Competencies:

1. Retell that the place value tells the position of a digit in a number;
2. Classify place value from value of a given digit in a number;
3. Work cooperatively in the given exercise as a group.

Learning Content: Identifying Place Value and Value of digits in 4- to 5-digit Whole Number.
Learning Resources: place value chart, powerpoint presentation, flash cards.
Core Values Integration: Collaboration

A. Preparation
Good morning class! (Good morning ma’am.) kindly arrange your chairs properly and sit-up straight.
Are you ready to listen class? (Yes ma’am.) But before we will start, let’s sing first an action song. (Head,
shoulders, hnees and toes)

B. Recall
Yesterday you have learned about place value, value and period of a given digit in the number. Now
let me see if you still remember what you have learned yesterday. (Group them into 3 then do the game).

C. Recall of the rule

Who can tell to the class what is place value?(student will answer) How about value? (student will
answer) and period? (student will answer.) Verry good.

D. I think for me to really know if you understood the lesson, we are going to have a group activity. This
time I am going to divide the class into 2 groups. Each group will be given a manila paper with an activity and
a pilot pen.(teacher shows the activity)

Directions: Write the place value and value of the underlined digit in the line.
1. 21 476 __________
2. 97 452 __________
3. 87 432 ___________
4. 987 543 __________
5. 216 765 __________
6. 34 897 __________
7. 90 312 __________
8. 19 675 __________
9. 238 529 __________
10. 897 654 _________

E. Verification
Now, let’s check if your answers are correct. (The teacher will check the work of each group and discuss

F. Evaluation
This time you are going to answer an exercise individually. Let’s read the directions.
Directions: Complete the table below. Identify the period, place value an value of the underlined digit in
each numeral.


1. . 685 245

2. 267 591

3. 196 405

4. 467 784

5. 406 715

6. 125 781

7. 016 897

8. 758 214

9. 361 017

10. 401 872


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