Mastery Test in Cha Ed 2

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Mastery Test in Cha Ed 2

Second Quarter
October 09, 2009


1. Fill in the blanks with the missing letters to reveal the correct word of the given

1. P____ ____ t____n g - breathing rapidly and heavily

2. Gr___ ____n T___u___b - a person who grows plants easily.
3. ___n s___ct___ci___ ___ - a chemical used to kill insects
4. gr__ ___t___ b___ o___ t ___ r - special fertilizer that helps plant to
5. o___ ____ge ____ - clean air that we inhale

II. Color the RED if the statement shows a good action and GREEN if it shows a
a bad action.

_______1. I stamp my feet when ask to buy something in the store.

_______2. I cry when my parents will not buy me more toys.
_______3. I fix my room before leaving.
_______4. I cut classes and play with my classmates outside.
_______5. I watch television before answering my assignment.
_______6. I feel bad when my friends have new toys.
_______7. I remove the growing weeds in our plants.
_______8. I sweep the dried leaves in the backyard with pouting lips.
_______9. I buy only the things which I really need.
_______10. I save a portion of my money for my school project.

III. Draw 5 ways which show obedience to you family, friends and relatives. Write one
sentence in each drawing. (10 pts.)

IV. In a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast an obedience child from disobedience.



Good Luck and God bless.

T. Mel
Mastery Test in Cha Ed I
Second Quarter
October 09, 2009


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct letters to reveal the word being referred to.

1. d____ _____ t - something owned

2. e ____ ____ io____s - feeling jealous
3. ha___ ____ hea____e ____ - stubborn
4. p____ ____t - make face
5. con____eq____en___ e - a result

II. Color the ORANGE if the statement shows a good act and BLUE
if it shows a bad act.

___________1. I bully my classmates.

___________2. I disturb my brother when studying his lessons.
____________3.I feel jealous to my friends everytime they have new toys.
___________4. I ask sorry when I hurt others.
___________5. I sweep the floor with pouting lips.
___________6. I ask permission before leaving the house.
___________7. I let my sick mother wash our dirty clothes.
___________8.I say “excuse me” when I interrupt others’ conversation.
___________9. I say po and opo in answering the elders.
___________10. I promise to watch over my little brother but I go out and play.

III. True/ False

Write True if the statement is true and False if it is false.
__________1. Filipinos are known all over the world for being courteous and respectful.
__________2.. Respect is the other term for concern and consideration.
__________3”.PALABRA DE HONOR” is the English word for word of honor.
__________4. Integrity and word of honor are like strings of pearls.
__________5. The family is the basic unit of a community.

IV. Read and understand each sentence. Put a to determine if it shows respect or not.

1.Interrupt when others are talking

2. Open somebody’s letter witout asking permission

3. Laugh at other’s mistakes.

4. Say “please” when a request/ command

5. Greet the teacher and classmates before entering the classroom

Good luck and God bless.

T. Mel

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