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When you use a (n) __________ to search for a topic, the information you search through is organized into a
database-like structure
a. Search engine c. Spider
b. Index d. Applet
2. You can search the World Wide Web for a specific topic by using __________ and ________.
a. Gophers, Fidos c. Search Engines, Indexes
b. Scanners, Search Engine d. Browsers, Lurkers
3. Which of the following system electronic letter or message sent between individuals or computers?
a. E-mail c. Shared Resources
b. Online Services d. Voice mail Messaging
4. A(n) __________ is a set of rules for how information and messages are sent over the Internet
a. Protocol c. HTML, hypertext markup
b. ISP language/HTML
d. Applet
5. Moving around the Web from one site to another is referred to as _________
a. Linking c. Hopping
b. Navigating d. Paging
6. Information sent over the Internet is divided into small pieces called
a. Packets c. E-mail forms
b. PPPs d. Messages
7. When you type an address such as “”, in this .org indicates
a. Original web site c. Organizational web site
b. Commercial web site d. Educational web site
8. Websites that allow the user to search for data on keywords is:
a. Chat engines c. Web Server
b. Routers d. Search Engines
9. The extensions .gov, .edu, .mil, and .net are called
a. DNSs c. Domain codes
b. E-mail targets d. Mail to addresses
10. Discussion on the internet about specific topic is known as
a. News c. Veronica
b. News Group d. Telnet
11. Which of the following web search engine is used worldwide?
a. Domain c. Toggle
b. Google d. None of these
12. Sending messages on the internet to another person’s mailbox is
a. E-business c. E-mail
b. E-letters d. Cyber mail
13. Internet e-mail address is-------- for every user
a. Unique c. Common
b. Same d. None of these
14. The network connecting several computers all over the world is?
OS-CIT Mock Question Paper_1_SET A
a. Intranet c. Arpanet
b. Internet d. Network
15. The .com indicates website of _______ type of organization.
a. Commercial c. Company
b. Complex d. Cargo
16. To send e-mail to someone you need --------
a. Resident Address c. Fax Address
b. E-mail Address d. None of these
17. Which of the following is not a type of protocol?
b. TCI/IP d. None of these
18. Which of the following is a type of protocol?
b. RAM d. DBA
19. Protocols like PPP and SLIP are used for
a. Data Transfer c. Dial up type internet connection
b. Domain registration d. None of these
20. What does the abbreviation "www" stands for?
a. World Wide Web c. World Width Web
b. Wide Wide Web d. World With Web
21. _______ is used to see the web pages.
a. Inbox c. Internet Explorer
b. Recycle bin d. Network Neighborhood
22. Which of the following is a search engine
a. Google c. Yahoo
b. AltaVista d. All of these
23. Netscape Navigator is a type of _________
a. Utility Program c. Browser
b. Operating System d. Web authoring program
24. To add current web to the Favorites list
a. Click “Favorites- Add to Favorites” c. Click “File – Favorites”
b. Click “Add - Favorites” d. All of these
25. Web spiders and crawlers are examples of
a. Browsers c. HTML programs
b. Search engines d. Flames
26. Which of the following is a browser?
a. Web site c. Internet Explorer
b. Microsoft d. WWW
27. What is full form of "E-commerce"?
a. English Commerce c. Electric Commerce
b. Electronic Commerce d. Element Commerce
28. The term DNS stands for.
OS-CIT Mock Question Paper_1_SET A
a. Data Naming System c. Domain Name System
b. Do Name System d. Duplicate Naming System
29. What is meant by "E-commerce"?
a. Online selling, purchasing, account c. Electronic equipment to deal with
handling etc. commercial problems
b. Subject commerce stream d. All of these
30. What is an URL?
a. Universal Resource Locator c. Unique Resource Locator
b. Uniform Resource Locator d. None of these
31. What is URL?
a. A software package used to cruise the c. The term used to describe an Internet
World Wide wizard
b. The address of a resource on the d. A live chat program (Unlimited Real-
World Wide Web time Language)
32. Modems convert data from a CD to a hard disk.
a. True b. False
33. Slide Show View is an exclusive view of your slides in thumbnail form.
a. True b. False
34. Miniature Pictures of Slides is displayed in the Slide Sorter view
a. True b. False
35. In PowerPoint "build effects'' are animations to slide contents.
a. True b. False
36. The “Outline” tab shows your slide text in outline form.
a. True b. False
37. We can insert a video clip on a PowerPoint slide
a. True b. False
38. A “review” is a way of looking at a presentation.
a. True b. False
39. With the ------------- option, you can freeze either, or both, rows and columns i.e. regardless of where you are
in the worksheet, you can see the information in those rows and/or columns at all times.
a. Split c. Filter
b. Arrange d. Freeze Panes
40. To stop the automatic relative cell references, i.e. to make the cell reference absolute, type a -------------
character before the column and row number.
a. # (hash) c. % (percent)
b. $ (dollar) d. * (star)
41. In formulas, an adjacent range is specified by giving the starting and ending cell addresses separated by a ----
a. Semicolon c. Full stop
b. Comma d. Colon
42. A ------------- is a visual representation of data and conveys the information in an easy to understand and
attractive manner.
OS-CIT Mock Question Paper_1_SET A
a. Chart c. Picture
b. Table d. Graphics
43. You can use the ------------- to enter and edit data, instead of editing directly in your worksheet.
a. Formula bar c. Menu bar
b. Title bar d. Space bar
44. In formulas, a non-adjacent range is specified by giving the cell addresses separated by a ----
a. Semicolon c. Full stop
b. Comma d. Colon
45. “-------------” contains commands for opening, saving, printing, and closing a file.
a. View tab c. Insert tab
b. Office Button d. Review t

OS-CIT Mock Question Paper_1_SET A

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