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An evaporator is a device in a process used to turn the liquid form of a chemical substance
suchas water into its gaseous-form/vapor. The liquid is evaporated, or vaporized, into a gas form
ofthe targeted substance in that process.Evaporation is an operation in which a weak solution is
concentrated by vapourising a portion of the solvent mainly water. The solution containing the
desired product is fed into the evaporator and passes across a heat source. The applied heat
converts the water in the solution into vapor. The vapor is removed from the rest of the solution
and is condensed while the now-concentrated solution is either fed into a second evaporator or is
removed. The evaporator, as a machine, generally consists of four sections. The heating section
contains the heating medium, which can vary. Steam is fed into this section. The most common
medium consists of parallel tubes but others have plates or coils typically made
from copper or aluminium. The concentrating and separating section removes the vapor being
produced from the solution. The condenser condenses the separated vapor, then the vacuum or
pump provides pressure to increase circulation.
Evaporation, a widely used method for the concentration of aqueous solutions, involves the
removal of water from a solution by boiling the liquor in a suitable vessel, an evaporator, and
withdrawing the vapor. If the solution contains dissolved solids, the resulting strong liquor may
become saturated to that crystals are deposited. Liquors which are to be evaporated may be
classified as followsThose which can be heated to high temperatures without decomposition, and
those that can be heated only to a temperature of about 330 K.Those which yield solids on
concentration, in which case crystal size and shape may be important, and those which do
not.Those which, at a given pressure, boil at about the same temperature as water, and those
which have a much higher boiling point.
Evaporation is achieved by adding heat to the solution to vaporize the solvent. The heat is
supplied principally to provide the latent heat of vaporization, and, by adopting methods for
recovery of heat from the vapor, it has been possible to achieve great economy in heat utilization.
Whilst the normal heating medium is generally low pressure exhaust steam from turbines, special
heat transfer fluids or flue gases are also used.The design of an evaporation unit requires the
particle application of data on heat transfer to boiling liquid, together with a realization of what
happens to the liquid during concentration. In addition to the three main features outlined above,
liquors which have an inverse solubility curve and which are therefore likely to deposit scale on
the heating surface merit special attention.The evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion
of the solvent to produce a concentrated solution of thick liquor. Evaporation differs from drying
in that the residue is a liquidsometimes a highly viscous onerather than a solid.It differs from
distillation in that the vapor is a mixture, no attempt is made in the evaporation step to separate
the vapor into fractions; it differs from crystallization in that emphasis is placed on concentrating
a solution rather than forming and building crystals. Evaporation sometimes produces slurry of
crystals in saturated mother liquor.Normally, in evaporation the thick liquor is the valuable

product and the vapor is condensed and discarded. Example, mineral-bearing water often is
evaporated to give a solid-free product for boiler feed, for special process requirements, or for
human consumption. This technique is often known as water distillation, but technically it is
evaporation. Large scale evaporation processes have been developed and used for recovering
potable water from seawater. Here the condensed water is the desired product. Only a fraction of
the total water in the feed is recovered, and the remainder is returned to the sea. When the liquid
phase is agitated, mass-transfer in the liquid phase is sufficiently rapid that the rate of evaporation of
solvent can be determined by the rate of heat transfer from the heating medium, usually condensing
steam, to the solution. Evaporation differs from drying in that the residue is a liquid-sometimes a
highly viscous one-rather than a solid. It differs from distillation in that the vapor usually is a single
component, and even when the vapor is a mixture, no attempt is made in the evaporation step to
separate the vapor into fractions.Mineral-bearing water often is evaporated to give a solid-free
product for boiler feed, for special process requirements, or for human consumption. This technique
is often called water distillation, but technically it is evaporationTo calculate the vaporization
efficiency of an open pan evaporator and to calculate the heat transfer coefficient.

The objective of this micro-project is to be studied about construction, working and application of
open pan, horizontal tube reactor, calendria type evaporator and long tube evaporatorand also study
about properties of solution that influence evaporation. The significant of evaporationis to
concentrate a solution consisting of a non-volatile solute and a volatile solvent. In the
overwhelming majority of evaporations the solvent is water .


Evaporators are one of the main reasons why refrigeration, and therefore air conditioning,
became practical for use in both home and industrial cooling. Simply put, an evaporator allows a
contained pressurized liquid to turn into a gas. While the liquid evaporates into a gas, it absorbs
heat, and this heat absorption is the backbone to effective refrigeration.The process of
evaporation has been known for centuries. Egyptian kings would be cooled by hanging wet reeds
from the ceiling, while servants moved air through them with fans. The resultant cooler air
blowing through the reeds, due to water evaporation, would bring a welcome relief to the king,
queen consorts and guests in the middle of the desert.

A Scotsman, Dr. William Cullen, began to study the evaporation of liquids inside of a vacuum in
1720. In 1748, he was the first person to demonstrate artificial refrigeration by allowing ether to
boil inside of a container within a partial vacuum. As the ether boiled, the immediate area around
the container absorbed heat and became cooler, and this cooling effect is the same used in
evaporators to this day.An American inventor named Oliver Evans, designed a refrigeration
machine that actually used vapor instead of a liquid for cooling. It wasn’t until 1842 that a
physician named John Gorrie, used Evans principles to cool patients in a Florida hospital. For the
first time, the refrigeration machine that Gorrie invented used the same evaporative technique
that all modern refrigeration and air conditioning units use.Willis Haviland Carrier employed
these basic principles of evaporative cooling to create air conditioning for commercial use in
1902, and by 1928, Carrier shrunk down the giant sized commercial units so that they would fit
inside of a window frame. This was the first type of residential air conditioner for the home.

The evaporator made all of this possible, and in fact, it is considered the main part of any
refrigeration system, which is precisely what an air conditioner is. It works like this. The
partially liquid and partially gaseous refrigerant, at very low temperature, enters the evaporator
where the substance to be cooled is kept. It is here where the refrigeration effect is produced. The
refrigerant absorbs the heat from the substance to be cooled and gets converted into vapor state.
This principle of evaporation used for cooling hasn’t changed much since Dr. William Cullen
studied the phenomenon in 1720.There are three types of evaporators used in the refrigeration
process. The first two, bare tube evaporators and plate evaporators are generally used for chilling
liquids or as refrigerator and freezer evaporators. They have a limited surface area, and although
they do an effective job of removing heat, they are not very thermally efficient.Finned
evaporators are the third type, and these are commonly used for air conditioning, in both
commercial and residential applications, including window mounted air conditioners and central
air HVAC units. Their design makes them very effective and efficient at heat transfer through the
evaporation process.This arrangement uses a bare tube evaporator encased within cooling fins.
The fins aid in heat removal of the evaporated liquid, so that when air is moved over the fins, the
heat transfer becomes so effective that cold air is a byproduct. This is the hallmark evaporation
system for residential and many commercial central air conditioners.However, with all of this
knowledge about modern evaporators, how they work and what they are used for, there is one
piece of the puzzle that is missing. As was proven centuries before by the Egyptian kings, the
most effective cooling from evaporation can only be done by the use of a fan. Without a fan, the
evaporation cycle will not be viable for any cooling capacity.

Fan speed is absolutely essential for the evaporation process to occur. Heat exchange depends
upon a contrasting temperature difference between the ambient air temperature and the
refrigerant inside of the evaporator. If there is no fan to blow air over the evaporator coils, heat
exchange will only occur as the heat rises of its own accord, which is not very effective. But a
blowing fan removes heat quickly from the evaporator coils and thus speeds the heat transfer of
the system. Every air conditioning evaporator needs a fan to keep it working effectively and
efficiently during the course of its service life.Although there are many parts of an air
conditioning system, the advent of the pressurized and sealed evaporator make it all possible. In
that context, it can be unequivocally stated that of all the components of a cooling system, from
the compressor to the condenser, only the evaporator is capable of putting the real chill in air
conditioning units.


1) Jacketed Pan Evaporator:
 Principle: it is operation in which remove some other liquid from a solution by the
application of heat and thereby concentrating it.
 Construction:
1. pan is made of a single sheet of metal or several sheets joined by welding/brazing.
2. A jacket is welded to the pan. The jacket isprovided with a steam inlet at the top,
while a condensate drain is provided at its bottom.
3. The pan is provided with an outlet at the bottom for draining it’scontent.
4. The jacket is usually constructed out of mild steel, while the panis constructed out of
mild steel, stainless steel, copper oraluminum as per process requirements.
 Working:
1. The open pan Evaporator in which given solution or feed is introduced to pan
evaporator for to be concentrated.
2. Also, steam is admitted to the jacket of evaporator. There to be processeva is carried
3. Evaporation is carried out in evaporator for a predetermined time to achieve a desired
concentration level.
4. The thick liquor is then drained from the outlet at the bottom of evaporator.

Fig.2 Open Pan Evaporator

2) Horizontal tube evaporator:
 Principle: it is operation in which remove some other liquid from a solution by the
application of heat and thereby concentrating it.
 Construction:
1. It consist of a vertical cylindrical shell incorporating a horizontal square tube bundle
at the lower portion of the shell.
2. Channel are provided on either ends of the tube bundle for introduction of steam
and withdraw of condensate.
3. The shell is closed by dished head at both the end. A vapour outlet is provided on
the top cover and a thick liquor outlet is provided at the bottom.
4. A feed/weak solution inlet is located at convenient location.
 Working:
1. The evaporator in which feed is introduced for to convert into desired concentration
2. Whereas steam which is admitted through one of the steam chest/channel and flow
through the tube.
3. Steam get condensate by transferring its latent heat and the condensate is removed
from the outlet provided at the bottom of the opposite steam chest.
4. Heat given out by the condensing steam will be gained by the solution in evaporator
and solution boils.
5. Vapour formed are removed from the top while thick liquor is removed from the

Fig.3 Horizontal Tube Evaporator

3) CalendriaType Evaporator
 Principle: it is operation in which remove some other liquid from a solution by the
application of heat and thereby concentrating it.
 Construction:
1. It consist of a vertical cylindrical shell incorporating a short vertical tube bundle at the
lower portion with horizontal tube sheet bolted to shell flanges.
2. A vapour outlet is provided at top cover,whereas a thick liquor discharge is provided
at the bottom.
3. Usually the tube bundle is not more than 150cm high and tube diameter is not more
than 75mm.
4. A downtake is provided at the centre of the tube bundle having a flow area about 40
to 100 percent of the total cross sectional area of the tube
 Working:
1) Thin solution is introduced to the tube side and steam chest. The liquor cover the top
of the tube.
2) Heat transfer to the boiling liquid inside the tubes takes place from condensing
steam on the outside of the tube.
3) Vapour formed will rise through the tube ,come to liquid surface from which they
are disengaged into a vapour space and removed from the vapour outlet.
4) The concentrated thick liquor is removed from the bottom of evaporator.

Fig .4 Calendria type evaporator

4)Long Tube Vertical Evaporator:
 Principle: it is operation in which remove some other liquid from a solution by the
application of heat and thereby concentrating it.
 Construction:
1. A long tube evaporator consist of a long tubular heating element incorporating
tubes,25mm to 50mm in diameter and 4 to 8 metre in length.
2. The tubular heating element project into a vapour separator for removed an
entrained liquid from the vapour.
3. The upper tube sheet is of tubular exchanger is free and a vapour deflector is
incorporated in the vapour space just above it.
4. A return pipe connecting the vapour space to the bottom of exchanger is provided
for natural circulation of unvapourised liquid.
 Working:
1. In this evaporator, feed enter the bottom of the tube, gets heated by condensing
steam, start the boil part way up the tube and mixture of vapour and liquid issue
from the top of tubes and finally impinges at a high velocity on a deflector .
2. The deflector act as a primary separator and a foam breaker.some part of the
separated liquid is removed as a product.

Fig .5 long tube vertical evaporator

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Properties of solution that influence evaporation
Since there is a wide variation in properties of the solution to be concentrated , one requires
judgement and experience in the design ard operation of evaporators . Some of the propertie . of
evaporating liquids that have | effects on the process of evaporation are :
( i ) Concentration : The viscosity and density of the solution increase with an increase in
concentration of the solution . The boiling point of the solution increases considerably as the
concentration increases therefore , it may be much higher than the boiling point of water at the
same pressure .
( ii ) Foaming : Some materials have a tendency to foam . Foaming causes heavy entrainment (
the carry over of a portion of the liquid by the rising vapour is called an entrainment ) and thus
the loss of the solution .
( iii ) Scale : Some solutions deposit scale on the heat transfer surfaces . This causes additional
resistance to heat transfer and subsequent reduction of the rate of heat transfer . Therefore , it is
necessary to clean the tubes after definite intervals of service .
( iv ) Temperature sensitivity : Some materials such as pharmaceuticals and food products get
thermally degraded when heated to moderate temperatures even for short periods . For
concentrating such materials special techniques are to be used which reduce the temperature of
operation and also the time of heating ( e . g . vacuum evaporation ) .
( v ) Corrosiveness : Whenever there is a problem of contamination and corrosion we have to
use special materials of construction such as copper , nickel , stainless steels for evaporators ,
otherwise mild steel is normally used material . Other liquid properties which must be considered
in the design of evaporators are specific heat , freezing point , toxicity , etc .
The selection of an evaporator for a particular application is based on the analysis of the factors
such as the properties of the solution to be concentrated , operating cost , capacity , hold - up and
residence time . High product viscosity , heat sensitivity , scale formation and deposition are the
major problems that are occurred during of operation of evaporators and these parameters also
should be taken into account while designing evaporators for a new .

11 | P a g e

1. Evaporators are widely employed in most industries that depend on a constant supply of
fluids or chemicals. HVAC systems, for example, use evaporator coils to vaporize
compressed cooling chemicals, removing heat in the process.
2. These systems also use condenser coils to exhaust the heat outside, making the entire
process much more effective.
3. Heat recovery evaporators are used to convert seawater into clean water in desalination
plants. Utility companies tend to prefer these evaporators over alternative solutions because
of their simplicity and minimal energy requirements. The end result is lower operational
4. Evaporators are also used in oil fields to separate water and various other compounds from
crude oil.
5. Though more difficult to use than other types of evaporators, these are nevertheless popular
among energy companies because they can reduce operating costs while meeting
government-mandated standards. Because they are relatively compact, they can also be easily
transported to other locations.
6. The food industry employs evaporators to achieve product consistency. Coffee is a case in
point. Evaporation is also used to concentrate liquid foods such as noodles and make
condensed milk, the product of a process that removes water from milk.
7. Similarly, pharmaceutical companies use evaporators to remove excess moisture from drugs,
thus improving product stability.
8. evaporators are well-suited to an array of industrial applications. They are particularly
common in processing industries. Food and dairy products such as tomato purees, milk,
herbal extracts, gelatin, coconut water, and whey and milk proteins are all processed with the
help of evaporators.
9. The same is true for chemicals such as dyes, ammonium nitrate, glycerin, sodium nitrate,
paints, and pigments.Evaporators are also ideal for very low temperature applications in the
food and pharmaceutical industries.
10. These include the production of plasma, fermented products, coffee extracts, fruit juices, bulk
drugs, glycerin, sweet water, yeast extract, and protein hydrolysate.
11. Whey, gelatin, malt extracts, glucose, fructose, dextrose, sorbitol, and maltodextrin are all
produced with evaporators, as well.
12. Another field in which evaporators are widely used is waste management. Waste
management providers rely on them to treat effluents, or wastewater, from various plants,
including distilleries, grain mills, abattoirs, textile plants, chemical reactors, and storage

12 | P a g e
From this micro-project we are studied about the evaporator which are machines
used to concentrate the given feed/liquor into a desire concentration level. It work on basic
principle that is remove some other liquid from a solution by the application of heat and thereby
concentrating it. The design of an evaporation unit requires the particle application of data on
heat transfer to boiling liquid, together with a realization of what happens to the liquid during

13 | P a g e

1. How Does an Air Conditioner Work?". Retrieved 27 April 2012.

2. Smook, G.A. (1990), Handbook of pulp and paper technology. Angus Wilde
3. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient".
4. Tomczyk, John; Silberstein, Eugene; Whitman, Bill; Johnson, Bill (2016). Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Technology (8 ed.). Cengage Learning. pp. 518–519.
ISBN 9781305856622.
5. Forced Circulation Evaporator & Crystallizer Products". Thermal Kinetics Engineering,
PLLC. Retrieved 2018-04-30.
6. multiple-effect evaporators with heat pump"Wiped Film". Vobis, LLC. Retrieved 2018-
7. Nirali publication ,Nagpur.
8. Introduction to chemical engineering.newyork publication.

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