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"Position paper"

Leader: Gwynth Anngylynn Po


Ma.Fatima D. Parreño II

Janelle Santos
We all know that, most of the Filipinos are against same sex marriage especially
those religious one. It is first, because our country is dominated by catholic religion and
traditions. Our country believes that marriage is sacred and a lifelong commitment
between one man and one woman. They believe that same sex marriage is disobeying
the word of God that says, “man is made for woman and woman is made for man, that
is also supported by some lines in Genesis 2:18-25.”It is not good for man to be alone. I
will make a companion for him who corresponds to him.” God said. Most of the citizens
of the Philippines are very traditional and religious. They always follow what the bible
says. Traditional marriages in the Philippines include a religious ceremony. Second is
the law that was implemented by the late President Corazon Aquino that states
marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered
that accordance with the law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. It is not
legal in the country for two members of the same sex to legally marry each other. These
are some of the reasons why some are not in favor of the said issue.

Equality of human rights, health benefits, and the increase amount of child
successfully adopted are just some of the arguments of those people who fought for the
legalization of same sex marriage in other countries such as England and France that
are the reason why it was implemented in their places. First, Equality of human rights,
as what Chief Joseph, one of the great leaders said, “The earth is the mother of all
people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.” Each individual has the right
and freedom to do and choose things that make them happy or satisfy their desires in
life. No one has any right to forbid someone on doing things he or she wanted because
as a human being he or she has the right to be happy, to be respected, to be accepted,
to be loved and to love. Second, Health benefits, there are public health research
documents that say that there are health benefits associated with legal same-sex
marriage. One of it is it improves health; married people live a happier, healthier and
longer life. If the LGBTQs are allowed to get married they will live their lives happier,
healthier and longer. In fact, there is a study that on those places where same sex
marriage is legal has improvements in health and in access to health. There are a lot of
health benefits that each individual can get, most especially those people who are the
concerns of same sex marriage. And last but not the least, it increases the amount of
children that are successfully adopted, same sex couples of course is possible to
reproduce a child that is why they adopt and raise a kid as if it is their own. And by this,
orphans in the world will have a home, a family, and a guardian to guide and support
them through their journey in life. There will be no one left alone, sad, and unwanted.
Those are just some of the many things that the LGBTQs have to argue with those
homosexuals who are so judgmental and selfish, to those people who only think of
themselves, to those people who mind

There is nothing wrong of marrying with the same sex as long as you are not
taking advantage with other people and you and your partner is not a problem of the
society. Life is too short even how long we live on earth. We should also never judge
people because who they ar. We are all God’s creation so everyone deserves to and to
be loved. And as what the bible says, “Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it
does not boast, it is not proud, it is not self-seeking, it does not dishonor others, it is not
easily angered, it keeps no records of wrong. Love does not rejoice in evil but rejoices
with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.
Love never fails. So let’s just Love accept and respect each and every one.

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