Analisis & Fomula

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SPM Additional Mathematics

Analysis Table 20I 3-201 8
Paper 1 I Kertasl

1 Functions
2,2,2 2,2 2,3 3,3,4 3,4 4

2 Quadratic Equations
4,3 2,4 2 3,3 4 3,3
Persamaan Kuadrutik

3 Quadratic Functions
4 3 3,2 3 3,4 3,3 6
Fungsi Kuadtatik

4 SimultaneousEquations
Persamaan Serentak
o 5 lndices and Logarithms
J,J I,.J 3,3 4,3 3,3 2,4
tndeks dan Logailtma
M 6 Coordinate Geometry
4,3 3,2 2,3 2,3 3 3,4 7 - 7 6 1010
Geometri Koordinat

4 7 Statistics
3 4,3 4,4 2 4,4 2,3 7
Stat strk

I Circular Measure
44 4434 I 8 7 1010 - 10
Sukatan Membulat

9 Differentiation
4 4,4 4,1 3,4 2 3,4 I 3

10 Solution of Triangles - 101010101010

Penyelesaian Segi t/ga

11 lndex Numbers
10 10 10 10 10 10
Nonbor lndeks

2.4.3 3,3,4 2.3 ,13.d 2.3 4,3 6 - 6 1 6

2 Linear Law
Hukum Linear
4 3 3 3 3 3 101010101010
3 lntegration
3,243,432,34 - 6 - 101010 7 1010

4 Vectors
4,3 3,3 4,3 3 3,3 3,4 I 8 - 7 10 - 1010
F Vektor
o 5
Trigonometric Functions
Fungsi Trigonometri
3 4 3 33,43 6

6 Permutations and
tr Combinations
Pilih Atur dan Gabungan

7 Probability
3 3,4 2,4

8 Probability Distributions
10 10 10 10 10 10
Taburan Kebanngkalian

9 Motion Along a Straight Line

10 10 10 10 10 r0
Gerakan pada Garls Lurus

10 Linear Programming
Pengaturcaftan Linear
- 101010101010
80 80 80 s 50 40 40 40 40

L- -r

List of Formulae

I x -o+ JF-4ac 7 log.m" = nlogom 11 T arn -

2 a^xan =gm+n
' losb
ec a(r^ - 1)
8 lop b= 12 s
log" a --r-l
4 (a')=6'" 9 T,=o*(n-l)d a(l - r'\
5 log, mn = 1og. m + log. n =---:-.r+1
l -r
6 log,,
#=loe,m-log,,n i10 s"=;lza + (n- Dal 13 J-a
* =-"lrl (l
l -r
Calculus I Kalkulas
| 'dx
,=ur. dJ dv
u: du 4 Area under a curve Volume generated
dx dx Luas di bawah lengkung
Isi pctdu kisaran
du dv b b

udy dx ax
or / ata4 _t
_J rry2 dx or / atau
2 /- v'th-
v' i i
dy dy
-Y du =[1 dy
3 =t" nx2 dy
dx du" dx

Statistics / Srari^srifr

1 -)x 1
o na- n!
5 m=L+ TN_F C
' V. - (n - r)lr!
) >fx
i -Sr f^ 10 P(AUB)=
6 1=.-x 100 P(A)+P(B)-P(AnB)
>k-;P >l Qn 11 P(X=r) ="C,fd',p+ q= |
3 o'= >WI. 12 Mean I Min, trr= np
N -x' 7 'I= ,,
2w, 13 o = Jnpq
4o= 8 ^r- nl
''- \n-r)l 14 z=x- x- lt

Geometry I Geometri
1 Distance I Jarak= + 0r-.),)' 4 Areaoftriangle / Luas segitiga
2 Midpoint / Tirik rengah.lx. y1 = ( r' + x: , )r * ): \ = 2l(x1r+xry.,+xy,) -
(xry,+ x/:+x,):l
\ 2 2-)
3 A point dividing a segment of a line, s lrl= ,l;;l
Titik yang membahagi suatu tembereng garis,
t tlx, * tTlx- nv. + mv^\ xt+yj
O r= -
\ m+n m+n I
Tligonometry I Trigonometri
1 Arc length / Panjang lengkok, s = r0 9 cos (A t B)=g6s4cosB + sinA sinB

2 Area of sector I Luas :ektor. A = ')- --r:e kos (A i sinA sin B

+ B) = kos A kos B
3 sin2A+cos2A =l / sin2A+kos2A=1 lo ran (-A -F rr = -13! a a-.13I
4 sec2 A=l +tan2 A / sel€ A=1 +tan2A I TtanAtanB
5 cosec2A = I + cot2 A / kosek2 A= I + kot2 A 11 tan2A= 2tan4
6 sin2A = 2 sin A cos A I sin2A = 2 sinA kos A | - tan'A
7 cos 2A sin2A I kos 2A = kos2 A- sin2 A t2
= cos2A - sinA
=2coszA-l sinB sin C
=1-2sin2A =l-2sin2A -=
a' = b2 + c2 *2bc kos A
8 sin (A + B) - sinA cosB + cosA sinB
sin (A + B) = sinA B+ 14 Area of triangl e I Luas segi riga = sin C
kos kos A sin B lab


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