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SKRIPSI, 2014-05-18

Oleh : Dwi Purwanti

Pengalaman Perawatan Ruptur Perineum Oleh Ibu Primipara di Wilayah Kerja

Puskesmas Simpang Rambutan Tahun 2014
(xviii+102 halaman+4 tabel+1 Gambar+1 Bagan+Lampiran)

The injury can be occur because of do something in the wrong way when leading a
parturient process. Injury which exist in the birth canal can be the cause of the entrance of
microorganisms into the genital organ, so that increasing the risk of infection if not treated
properly. This research aim to get more information about experienced of ruptur perineum
treatment by Primipara at Puskesmas Simpang Rambutan in 2014 year. This research is
included in maternity nursing.
This research uses qualitative methods with phenomenology approach. The data of
this research coolected by interviews and observation techniques. This research is include in
maternity nursing. This research was conducted in February until April 2014. The sources of
this data directly obtained from six informants they are Primiparas and Paramedics
Puskesmas Simpang Rambutan.
The results of this research showed five themes, which are Primiparous action in the
rupture perineum treatment, care management, Primiparous motivation for doing the
treatment, the barriers when doing the treatment, and the contributions of health workers.
Primiparous and their families are expected to keep paying attention to the treatment of
rupture perineum after childbirth, and increase the efforts of rupture perineum treatment. The
paramedics be expected can increasing their counseling to the Primipara since antenatal care
until postpartum visit.

Bibliography : 36 (2004-2013)
Keywords : Treatment, Ruptur Perineum, Primipara.

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