Negotiorum Gestio Solutio Indebiti

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BSA2A/BSA2B 11. The prestation of an obligation is also known as

a. Subject Matter c. Passive subject
b. Active subject d. Vinculum Juris
1. It is a rule of conduct, just, obligatory,
promulgated by legitimate authority, and of common 12. The efficient cause of an obligation is also known as
observance and benefit. a. Active subject c. Passive subject
a. Law c. Contract b. Subject Matter d. Juridical Tie
b. Obligation d. Memorandum of Agreement
13. I. Obligation to do is also known as negative
2. The following are sources of Law except: Personal obligation
a. Constitution c. Judicial Decisions II. Obligation not to do is otherwise known as
b. Traditions d. Administrative regulations Positive personal obligation
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
3. It is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to b. Only II is true d. Both are false
a. Law c. Contract 14. The following are sources of obligation except:
b. Obligation d. Memorandum of Agreement a. Quasi-delicts c. Quasi-contracts
b. Quasi-tradition d. Acts and omissions
4. The juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do punishable by law
refers to:
a. Social Obligation c. Moral Obligation 15. The obligation of a husband and wife to love and
b. Civil Obligation d. Natural Obligation support each other is an obligation arising from
a. Contract c. Quasi-contract
5. Those that cannot be enforced by action but b. Law d. Agreement
which is binding on the party who makes it in
conscience and natural law 16. Teodoro leased an apartment owned by Orlando for
a. Social Obligation c. Moral Obligation two years. He pays a monthly rental amounting to
b. Civil Obligation d. Natural Obligation P10,000. The obligation of Teodoro to pay the rental
of the apartment is an obligation arising from:
6. A civil obligation differs from a natural obligation a. Law c. Quasi-contract
in that in a civil obligation: b. Contract d. Quasi-delict
a. The obligation is enforceable by court action
b. The obligation exists in equity and moral justice 17. A juridical relation arising from certain lawful,
c. If payment is voluntarily made although it was no voluntary and unilateral acts, and which has for its
longer required, the same can no longer be purpose the payment of indemnity to the end that no
recovered one shall be unjustly enriched at the expense of
d. There is no juridical necessity to perform it. Another
a. Quasi-delict c. Quasi-tradition
7. X is indebted to Y, but the debt is already b. Quasi-contract d. Quasi-relation
prescribed, which of the following is true?
a. The obligation is extinguished by prescription 18. Negotiorum gestio and Solutio Indebiti are examples
b. If X voluntarily pays Y, Y can legally retain the of:
payment a. Quasi-delict c. Quasi-tradition
c. The obligation is still considered a civil obligation b. Quasi-contract d. Quasi-relation
d. If X voluntarily pays Y, X can legally compel the
return of the payment. 19. D stole the carabao of C. D was arrested, tried and
convicted. He was ordered by the court to return the
8. The following are the essential elements of an carabao. D’s obligation to return the carabao is an
obligation except: obligation arising from
a. Debtor c. Presentation a. Quasi-contract c. Quasi-delict
b. Creditor d. Juridical Tie b. Crime d. Law

9. The active subject of an obligation is also known 20. D, 30-years old, asked B, a 10-year old boy, to climb
as a coconut tree with a promise to give him P10.00 for
a. Debtor c. Obligee every coconut picked. B climbed the tree but he fell
b. Obligor d. Subject Matter and died. D is obliged to pay damages to the heirs
of B on the basis of:
10. The passive subject of an obligation is also known
as a. Quasi-delict
a. Creditor c. Obligee b. Quasi-contract
b. Object d. Debtor c. Acts and Omissions punished by law
d. D is not liable because it was not through his
negligence that B fell to his death

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