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Ampong, Agustine Rey D.

October 5, 2019
Victor, Jeffrey M.


The reason why a group of food technologist choose this particular product it is because they
want to study how to extend the shelf life of tomatoes and other tomato product like tomato
sauce in which the nutrients it contains are not affected after the process. Tomatoes are the
major dietary source of antioxidants lycopene, which has been to many health benefits,
including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. The major concern about tomatoes is that
it will only last for about 5 to 7 days under fridge temperature. Out of this problem, the food
technologist was motivated to modify product that will possibly extend its shelf life in a longer
time and improve the said product by putting twist to make it more attractive and beneficial
to the consumer. Moreover, the food technologist may also consider different factor that may
affect the product, one of this is the microbial growth. In order to control microbial growth
the food technologist uses different technologies such as, pressure canner, steamer, and
water retort. Through this equipment the growth of possible microorganisms will be reduced
or eliminated. It also prevented the possible entry of extrinsic factor that may affect the
microbial growth.

Out of the presented product the food technologist find ways how to innovate it without
affecting its taste, food technologist add mushroom, mushroom are pack with nutritional
value, they’re low in calories and are great source of fiber and protein they also provide many
important nutrients, including B vitamins, selenium, potassium, copper and vitamin D. They
also doubled the formulation of sugar that makes it sweeter and more attractive at the same
time to improve its palatability. Furthermore, on the process the food technologist was able
to study how it is done, how it may become contaminated once it is not process properly and
how can intrinsic and extrinsic factor possibly enter to the product before and after the
process. However the major concern of this study is how to extend the shelf life of the
modified product and how it could help the consumer in terms of health concern.
TABLE II. Purchasing:
Cogon Market
Tomatoes 20/kl
Garlic 160/kl

Ororama Super Market

Basil leaves

Oregano leaves

Iodized salt

Olive oil


Fill into bottles

Production Process: Add herbs and spices Expose to steam for 15

Wear Personal Protective minutes
Equipment upon entering
the laboratory
Add tomatoes, adjust
seasoning. Simmer gently. Seal and process it in 100
degree Celsius for 30 minutes
Wash your hand
Sauté garlic until
aroma develops
Air cool for 30minutes. Water
Wash tomatoes in cool until the temperature
1% detergent water, reaches 45 degree Celsius. Dry.
Peel and chop finely
rinse well and drain.
all the ingredients
Label, pack in cartoon boxes
and code.
Heat water to boil and
blanch for 2 to 3 minutes.
TABLE III. List of Raw Materials:

Raw Materials Specification Quantity

 Ripe 2 ½ kl
 Fresh Vegetable
Tomatoes  Organic
 Soft
 Small
Mushroom  Canned Mushroom
 Sliced 2 Cans
 Processed 400g/can
 Light Brown

Basil leaves  Dried basil leaves

 processed 4 ½ tsp
 fine size
 Brownish Green
 Brittle and curled
Oregano  Dried Oregano
 Processed 4 ½ tsp
 Mint like aroma
Garlic  Clove bulb
 White
 Sliced 10 tbsp.
 Pail

Oil  Olive
 Oleic acid 10 tbsp.
 Free acidity
Sugar  White sugar
 Refined 4 tbsp.
 Crystalized form

Salt  Iodized 3 tbsp.
 White
 Powdered

Pepper  Ground 1 ½
 Black tbsp.
 soft

 Powder
Citric acid  White
 Food preservative 60g

Sodium  Powder
benzoate  White
 Food preservative 60g

TABLE IV. List of Equipment:

Name of Specification
Electrical stove  Portable Electric
Stove Single Burner
Weighing Scale  Digital weighing
Blower  Hair Blower

TABLE V. List of Utensils:

Name of utensils Specification Quantity

Chopping board  Brown Plastic 1 pc
chopping board
Knife  Chef knife 1 pc
mixing bowl  Stainless steel 2 pcs
Measuring spoon  Plastic measuring 5 pcs
Ladle  Stainless steel ladle 1 pc
Sauce pan  Deep Sauté pan 1 pc
Strainer  Double Mesh 1 pc
Stainless Steel
Colander  Excel Steel 242 5- 1 pc
Quart Stainless
Steel Colander

Colony Counts
Replication 10-1 10-2 10-3 APC CFU/ml or g Average APC
1 11 cfu 9 cfu 7 cfu 110 CFU/g 110

The table above shows the result after the laboratory test, under Serial dilution, the
growth of colonies was observed. This food sample does not undergo process, based
on the data, in 1st dilution 10-1 shows only 11 colonies forming units, while in 2nd
dilution the 10-2 only shows 9 colonies forming units, and the 3rd dilution 10-3 only
shows 7 colonies forming units. This means that the food sample was not
contaminated because it clearly shows the few number of colonies


Colony Counts
Replication 10-1 10-2 10-3 APC CFU/ml or Average APC
1 9 cfu 7 cfu colony 90 CFU/g 90

Based on the data gathered in table VI, it shows the number of colony forming units
in every dilution. After the laboratory test under serial dilution, the food sample shows
the following data, in the 1st dilution 10-1 shows only 9 colonies, in second dilution 10-
2 shows only 7 colonies, while in 3rd dilution 10-3 has no colonies forming units. Based

on the observation of the colonies forming units in both processes, before and after
processing, it is observe that the growth of colonies from before processed has larger
number than the after processed.

Based on the data findings it shows different numbers of colonies in every

dilution from both before and after processed food samples. This means that, in before
processing food sample shows few counts of colonies but in after processing food
sample shows fewer counts of colonies. Both before and after processing shows that
the food sample was not contaminated after incubation of 7 days. The laboratory
results shows that the after processing food sample was in good condition than the
partially processed food sample. Both partially processed and completely processed
food samples has no significant contaminations, but the laboratory results shows that
the food sample is better for consumption if it is completely processed. The completely
processed food sample has a higher probability of chances that the shelf life could be


Final packaging

Packaging design

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